Dream World - Puzzle Helper / Solver - 4 Colors Box Solver - Trivia Question and Answers - Answers for Dream World Trivia
Category: (Definitions: -isms)
Question: Sartre, de Beauvoir and Camus all belonged to this philosophical movement.
Answer: Existentialism
Author: MingTea
Category: -isms
Question: Indifference to pleasure or pain; Greek philosophical system following the teachings of Zeno.
Answer: stoicism
Author: MingTea
Category: -ologies
Question: A collection of literary pieces?
Answer: anthology
Author: MingTea
Category: -ologies
Question: The study of animal and plant tissues?
Answer: Histology
Author: MingTea
Category: Abbreviations
Question: What does SOS stand for
Answer: Save Our Souls
Author: Atarvostatins
Category: Abbreviations
Question: What does the abbreviation N/A mean?
Answer: not applicable
Author: Dragon-Lady
Category: Advertising
Question: What statuette is awarded annually for the best television commercial?
Answer: Clio
Author: MingTea
Category: Air Travel
Question: What is the national airline of Indonesia?
Answer: Garuda
Author: Danni-
Category: Alcohol
Question: What do the letters VOSP on a brandy bottle stand for?
Answer: Very Special Old Pale
Author: Magic2000
Category: Americans are Silly
Question: There are 4 towns in the United States with the name of what other bird in their names?
Answer: chicken
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Americans are Silly
Question: There are 61 towns in the United States with the name of what bird in their names?
Answer: Turkey
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Anatomy
Question: A mouth-like opening into the body; also the porous openings on the surface of leaves.
Answer: stomata
Author: MingAFK
Category: Anatomy
Question: After a bolus has been digested in the stomach, it is called ______ as it moves into the small intestine.
Answer: chyme
Author: MingTea
Category: Anatomy
Question: These essential body cells do not contain nuclei?
Answer: Red Blood Cells
Author: MingTea
Category: Anatomy
Question: These glands are located on top of the kidneys.
Answer: Adrenal
Author: MingTea
Category: Anatomy
Question: This organ of the excretory system is composed of small tubules called nephridia?
Answer: kidney
Author: MingTea
Category: Anatomy
Question: What is the term for a mass of mood moving from your mouth to your stomach called?
Answer: bolus
Author: MingTea
Category: Anatomy
Question: What period takes place shortly after chilbrith?
Answer: postpartum
Author: atariwiggler
Category: Anatomy
Question: Whats the technical name for the skull ?
Answer: Cranium
Author: `4play
Category: Anatomy and Physiology
Question: These essential body cells do not contain nuclei.
Answer: #red blood# cells
Author: MingTea
Category: Ancient Stuff
Question: The Colosseum received its name not for its size, but for a colossal statue of who that stood close by?
Answer: Nero
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: In the animal kingdom, if reptiles are in class reptilia, then birds are in class ____
Answer: aves
Author: MingTea
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: Often hunted for its fur, this South American rodent bathes in dust and is often sold in the pet trade.
Answer: chinchilla
Author: MingTea
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: On Borneo and Sumatra, the literal translation of this ape's name means "man of the forest."
Answer: Orang-utan
Regexp: orang[- ]?utan
Author: MingTea
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: Term for an emasculated male pig
Answer: barrow
Author: MingTea
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: The Komodo Dragon, the biggest known lizard to science, is endemic to the Komodo islands of what country?
Answer: Indonesia
Author: junkfiles
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: The closest living relative of this African mammal is the giraffe.
Answer: Okapi
Author: MingTea
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: The insect class "hymenoptera" includes ants and these colonial honey-makers.
Answer: bees
Author: MingTea
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: The silkworm only eats the leaves of what plant?
Answer: mulberry
Author: MingTea
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: What aminal is the logo of the World Wildlife Fund?
Answer: panda
Author: stanstime
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: Which is a small flightless bird, also New Zealand's national symbol?
Answer: kiwi
Author: Lyrax
Category: Animal Kingdom
Question: Which plant is known for attracting hummingbirds?
Answer: hibiscus
Author: a-l-f
Category: Animals
Question: The greyhound, along with this smaller relative, is used in the sport of coursing.
Answer: whippet
Author: MingTea
Category: Animals
Question: What is the fastest breed of dog after the greyhound?
Answer: whippet
Author: Supreme-Being-of-Leisure
Category: Architecture
Question: A receptacle for holy water in a church is a ....?
Answer: font
Author: Fortunella
Category: Architecture
Question: Towards which direction does the Tower of Pisa lean?
Answer: south
Author: Fortunella
Category: Art
Question: French impressionist Claude -----
Answer: Monet
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Art
Question: Spanish modernist and cubist Pablo -------
Answer: Picasso
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Art
Question: The surrealist painter Salvador Dali was a native of which country?
Answer: Spain
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Arts
Question: In what opera would you find Lt. Pinkerton?
Answer: Madame butterfly
Author: Magic2000
Category: Arts
Question: What are arranged in the Japanese art of Ikebana?
Answer: flowers
Author: MingTea
Category: Astrology
Question: Which date starts the astrological year?
Answer: March 21
Regexp: (Mar(ch)? 21|21(st)? (of )?Mar|21[./]3|3[./]21)
Author: a-l-f
Category: Astronomy
Question: At the equator, what is the brightest star in the night sky?
Answer: Sirius
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Astronomy
Question: Excluding the sun, what star is closest to the earth?
Answer: Proxima Centauri (aka Alpha Centauri)
Regexp: (Proxima|Alpha) Centauri
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Astronomy
Question: How many moons does Mercury have?
Answer: none
Regexp: (none|null|zero|0)
Author: Abdoul
Category: Astronomy
Question: In which constellation would you look to find the center of The Milky Way?
Answer: Sagittarius
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Astronomy
Question: Mercury's period of orbit takes how many earth days?
Answer: eighty eight
Regexp: (eighty[- ]eight|88)
Author: Danni-
Category: Astronomy
Question: On which planet are the craters Brahms and Liszt?
Answer: Mercury
Author: dontgooff
Category: Astronomy
Question: Phobos and Deimos are the moons of which planet?
Answer: Mars
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Astronomy
Question: The four Galilean moons of Jupiter are: Callisto, Io, Ganymede, and _________
Answer: Europa
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Astronomy
Question: This astronomer had a metal nose
Answer: Tycho #Brahe#
Author: MingTea
Category: Astronomy
Question: This moon is our solar system's most cratered satellite:
Answer: Callisto
Author: Abdoul
Category: Astronomy
Question: What do scientists predict will happen when the universe ends?
Answer: The Big Crunch
Regexp: (The )?Big Crunch
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Astronomy
Question: What is the sixth planet from our sun?
Answer: Saturn
Author: Fortunella
Category: Astronomy
Question: What is the sixth planet from our sun?
Answer: Saturn
Author: Lyrax
Category: Astronomy
Question: Where are the 4 major moons of Jupiter discovered by?
Answer: Galileo
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Astronomy
Question: Which astronomer first observed 4 moons of Jupiter in 1610?
Answer: #Galileo# Galilei
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Astronomy
Question: Which moon is the largest satellite in our solar system?
Answer: Ganymede
Author: Abdoul
Category: Astronomy
Question: Which moon is the second largest satellite in our solar system?
Answer: Titan
Author: Abdoul
Category: Astronomy
Question: Which of Neptune's moons is the biggest?
Answer: Triton
Author: Abdoul
Category: Astronomy
Question: Who discovered Uranus?
Answer: Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel
Regexp: (wilhelm|william) herschel
Author: Abdoul
Category: Astrophysics
Question: What is the heaviest element that can be formed by regular fusion reactions in the core of a star?
Answer: iron
Author: MingTea
Category: BANANAS
Question: A cluster or bunch of bananas is called a ?
Answer: hand
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: BANANAS
Question: Individual bananas are called ?
Answer: fingers
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Banking
Question: What was the first credit card called?
Answer: Diner´s Club
Author: Magic2000
Category: Beverages
Question: This drink is made from espresso coffee, steamed milk and chocolate.
Answer: Mocha
Author: MingTea
Category: Bibile
Question: What 'S' was a king of israel who was famous for his wisdom?
Answer: Solomon
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Bible
Question: How many animals of each kind did Moses take onto the ark?
Answer: #None# (It Was Noah Not Moses)
Regexp: (0|None|Nill|Zero)
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Bible
Question: What is the holy cup of Christ called?
Answer: Holy Grail
Regexp: (The )?Holy Grail
Author: Fortunella
Category: Big American Things
Question: The first skyscraper in the United States was built in which city?
Answer: Chicago
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Biology
Question: The latin word for lips is:
Answer: labia
Author: MingTea
Category: Biology
Question: This cell organelle is responsible for protein production?
Answer: ribosome
Author: MingTea
Category: Biology
Question: What chemical compound causes pain in muscles after exercise?
Answer: lactic acid
Author: CursumPerficio
Category: Birds and Countries
Question: The national bird of India is the?
Answer: Peacock
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Birthstones
Question: What is the birthstone for February?
Answer: Amethyst
Author: MingTea
Category: Body
Question: What is the name of the body part that separates the abdomen from the thorax?
Answer: Diaphragm
Author: Magic2000
Category: Botany
Question: Linen is obtained from the fibers of what plant?
Answer: flax
Author: MingTea
Category: Botany
Question: The leaves of the tomato plant are poisonous, they contain ________
Answer: strychnine
Author: MingTea
Category: Botany
Question: This plant has leaves with delicate trigger hairs, allowing it to sense and trap insects.
Answer: venus flytrap
Author: MingTea
Category: Botany
Question: This spikey succulent, native of Africa, is often an additive in creams and lotions.
Answer: aloe vera
Author: MingTea
Category: Botany
Question: What gives leaves their colour ?
Answer: Chlorophyll
Author: `4play
Category: Botany
Question: What is the term for a tree which sheds its foliage at the end of the growing season?
Answer: deciduous
Author: MingTea
Category: Botany
Question: What is the term for the group of plants that catch and digest insects?
Answer: carnivorous
Author: MingTea
Category: Buildings
Question: Why is the Empire State Building so called?
Answer: its in The Empire State
Author: Magic2000
Category: Business
Question: This brand boasts 57 varieties?
Answer: Heinz
Author: MingTea
Category: Cartoon Trivia
Question: Fat Albert and friends was created by ...... ?
Answer: Bill Cosby
Author: amantadine
Category: Cartoon Trivia
Question: Tarzan had a chimpanzee, what was his name?
Answer: Cheetah
Regexp: chee?tah?
Author: MingTea
Category: Cartoon Trivia
Question: What is Peter Parker's secret identity?
Answer: Spiderman
Regexp: spider ?man
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Cartoon Trivia
Question: What is the name of Yogi Bear's best freind
Answer: Boo Boo
Author: amantadine
Category: Cartoon Trivia
Question: What was the name of Barney and Betty Rubble's son?
Answer: Bam Bam
Comment: Author???
Category: Cartoons
Question: Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to what?
Answer: carrots
Regexp: carrot'?s
Author: Drunk_eHf
Category: Catroons
Question: Mickey Mouse is known as what in Italy?
Answer: Topolino
Author: Drunk_eHf
Category: Ceremonies
Question: After how many years marriage do you celebrate your emerald wedding anniversary
Answer: 55
Author: Magic2000
Category: Chat
Question: What does the chort for of ctc stand for?
Answer: Care to Chat
Author: Magic2000
Category: Chemistry
Question: Ascorbic acid is commonly reffered to as Vitamin - ?
Answer: C
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Chemistry
Question: Chemical Element Pa?
Answer: Protactinium
Author: MingTea
Category: Chemistry
Question: Coal is predominantly made up of this element.
Answer: carbon
Author: simpsoniadfer
Category: Chemistry
Question: Electrum is a natural alloy of gold and what other metal?
Answer: silver
Author: dontgooff
Category: Chemistry
Question: He founded our modern periodic table. Surname only?
Answer: Mendeleev
Author: MingTea
Category: Chemistry
Question: In organic chemistry nomenclature, the prefix "meth" means how many atoms of carbon?
Answer: one
Regexp: (one|1)
Author: Flat_Michael
Category: Chemistry
Question: Peanuts are one of the ingredients of?
Answer: Dynamite
Author: {Lav_Away}
Category: Chemistry
Question: The atomic weights in the periodic table are stated in proportion to the weight of what element, with atomic number 6?
Answer: carbon
Author: MingTea
Category: Chemistry
Question: The chemical compound sodium chloride is often sprinkled on food before ingestion. What is it's common name?
Answer: salt
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Chemistry
Question: This Latin word meaning "iron" is the reason for iron's modern day chemical symbol (Fe).
Answer: ferrum
Author: MingTea
Category: Chemistry
Question: What chemical element gets is name from the greek word meaning 'stranger'?
Answer: Xenon
Author: Magic2000
Category: Chemistry
Question: What element is represented by the symbol W?
Answer: tungsten
Author: MingTea
Category: Chemistry
Question: What foul smelling compound is commonly known as rotten egg gas?
Answer: hydrogen sulphide
Regexp: hydrogen sul(f|ph)ide
Author: `4play
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical element Pa?
Answer: Protactinium
Author: MingTea
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical symbol for californium?
Answer: Cf
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical symbol for curium?
Answer: Cm
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical symbol for einsteinium?
Answer: Es
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical symbol for lead?
Answer: Pb
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical symbol for mercury?
Answer: Hg
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical symbol for radium?
Answer: Ra
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical symbol for radon?
Answer: Rn
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the chemical symbol for tungsten?
Answer: W
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the heaviest of the naturally occuring Noble gases?
Answer: Radon
Author: a-l-f
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the modern name for Plumbum?
Answer: lead
Author: SilverGinger5
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the most reactive element?
Answer: fluorine
Author: acidvision
Category: Chemistry
Question: What is the symbol for Iron?
Answer: Fe
Author: Lyrax
Category: Chemistry
Question: Whats the chemical symbol for Helium ?
Answer: He
Author: `4play
Category: Chemistry
Question: When traces of a calcium compound are held in a bunsen flame, the colour of the flame changes to ...?
Answer: red
Author: a-l-f
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which Russian chemist (1834-1907) founded our modern periodic table?
Answer: Dmitry Ivanovich #Mendeleyev#
Author: MingTea
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Pa?
Answer: protactinium
Author: MingTea
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which chemical element was foremerly known as the latin "Kalium", hence bears the symbol "K"?
Answer: potassium
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which isotope of carbon is used for dating (give number) ?
Answer: 14
Regexp: (fourteen|14)
Author: Nameless
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which substance has the chemical formula H3PO4?
Answer: phosphoric acid
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which substance has the chemical formula H2SO4?
Answer: sulfuric acid
Regexp: Sul[ph|f]uric acid
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which substance has the chemical formula HCl?
Answer: hydrochloric acid
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which substance has the chemical formula HNO3?
Answer: Nitric Acid
Author: Isabella
Category: Chemistry
Question: Which substance has the chemical formula NaOH?
Answer: Sodium Hydroxide
Author: Isabella
Category: Church
Question: According to popular belief brides walk to the what in the church? (not the aisle)
Answer: The nave of the church
Author: Magic2000
Category: Clichés
Question: The pen is mightier then the ......
Answer: sword
Author: amantadine
Category: Cocktails
Question: To make Drambuie, you add some honey to what type of whiskey?
Answer: Scotch
Author: MingTea
Category: Cocktails
Question: Vodka or gin, ____ juice and sugar make a gimlet.
Answer: lime
Author: MingTea
Category: Cold things
Question: What percentage of Antarctica is ice?
Answer: ninty eight
Regexp: (98|Ninty eight)
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Common Terms
Question: A meaningless distraction is a ... herring.
Answer: red
Author: Lyrax
Category: Common Terms
Question: How many is a baker's dozen?
Answer: thirteen
Regexp: (thirteen|13)
Author: Atarvostatins
Category: Common Terms
Question: What is often referred to as "the oldest profession"?
Answer: prostitution
Author: Atarvostatins
Category: Computer
Question: What does DMA stand for?
Answer: Direct Memory Access
Author: `4play
Category: Computer
Question: What does the acronym COBOL stand for?
Answer: Common Business Oriented Language
Author: deadclown
Category: Computers
Question: Linux is a clone of what operating system?
Answer: UNIX
Regexp: U.?N.?I.?X.?
Author: silly^chatter
Category: Computers
Question: What does ASCII stand for?
Answer: american Standard code for information interchange
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Computers
Question: What does CR-ROM stand for?
Answer: Compact Disk Read Only Memory
Regexp: Compact Disk( |-)Read Only Memory
Author: Magic2000
Category: Computers
Question: What does bit stands for?
Answer: binary digit
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Conflict
Question: At the outbreak of WWI what country's airforce consisted of only 50 men?
Answer: United States
Regexp: (United States|U.?S.?A?.?|America)
Author: DeepGrey
Category: Corporations
Question: Who owns Weight Watchers?
Answer: #Heinz# Foods
Author: MingTea
Category: Cosmology
Question: What term is given to the center of a black hole?
Answer: singularity
Author: MiniMog^__^
Category: Cosmology
Question: Who wrote 'A Brief History of Time'?
Answer: Stephen Hawking
Regexp: ste(f|ph)en hawking
Author: CursumPerficio
Category: Crime
Question: What country has the highest kidnapping rate?
Answer: Colombia
Author: acidvision
Category: Crossword Clues
Question: Australian Ratite (3)
Answer: emu
Author: MingTea
Category: Crossword Clues
Question: Fold Mother (3)
Answer: ewe
Author: MingTea
Category: Crossword Clues
Question: Joie de _______ (5)
Answer: Vivre
Author: MingTea
Category: Crossword Clues
Question: Savoir ______ (5)
Answer: vivre
Author: Julika
Category: Crossword Clues
Question: Sheltered from the wind (4)?
Answer: alee
Author: MingTea
Category: Crossword Clues
Question: Wage per hour (4)
Answer: rate
Author: MingTea
Category: Culture
Question: A chinese imperial dragon has how many toes?
Answer: five
Regexp: (five|5)
Author: MingTea
Category: Currencies
Question: What is the monetary unit of Malaysia?
Answer: ringgit
Regexp: ringg?it
Author: Danni-
Category: Current Affairs
Question: From which country is UN Secretary General Kofi Annan?
Answer: Ghana
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Current Affairs
Question: Who is the current Secretary General of the United Nations?
Answer: Kofi Annan
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Customs
Question: In which country is the importation of bubble gum illegal?
Answer: Singapore
Author: amantadine
Category: Definitions
Question: A catalogue of words and synonyms.
Answer: thesaurus
Author: MingTea
Category: Definitions
Question: An iron hook with a handle used for landing large fish.
Answer: gaff
Author: MingTea
Category: Definitions
Question: The practice of women taking more than one husband is called?
Answer: polyandry
Author: MingTea
Category: Definitions: -isms
Question: -isms: A psychological disorder marked by self absorption, short attention span and an inability to treat others as people.
Answer: autism
Author: MingTea
Category: Definitions: -isms
Question: A form of government where the ruler is the absolute dictator, unhindered by laws or constitutional government.
Answer: Totalitarianism
Author: MingTea
Category: Dolls
Question: What is Barbie`s full name?
Answer: Barbara Millicent Roberts
Regexp: Barbara (Millicent )?Roberts
Author: {_eHf_}
Category: Drinks
Question: What spirit is added to brandy to make a sidecar?
Answer: Cointreau or Triple Sec
Regexp: (Cointreau|Triple Sec)
Author: Magic2000
Category: Drugs
Question: Heroin is derived from which plant?
Answer: Opium #poppy#
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Electronics
Question: What does LED stand for?
Answer: Light Emitting Diode
Author: CursumPerficio
Category: Entertainment
Question: What Magician walked through the great wall of china?
Answer: David Copperfield
Author: Magic2000
Category: Entertainment
Question: What is know as 'The Greatest Show On Earth'?
Answer: Barnum & Bailey Circus
Regexp: (Barnum(,| and| +| &) Bailey|Bailey(,| and| +| &) Barnum) Circus
Author: Magic2000
Category: Entertainment
Question: What is the longest running musical in Broadway history?
Answer: Cats
Author: acidvision
Category: Entomology
Question: What is the world's largest insect?
Answer: Goliath beetle
Author: MingTea
Category: Exports
Question: Which country is the world's biggest gold producer?
Answer: South Africa
Author: Danni-
Category: Famous People
Question: by what name is Allen Konigsberg better known?
Answer: Woody Allen
Author: Magic2000
Category: Famous people
Question: where is the comemoration statue of fictional character Sherlock holems?
Answer: Baker Street, london
Author: Magic2000
Category: Farming
Question: French farmers get help from this barnyard animal to dig out truffles.
Answer: pig
Author: junkfiles
Category: Fashion
Question: How many buttons does a double breasted suit have?
Answer: six
Regexp: (6|six)
Author: Supreme-Being-of-Leisure
Category: Fashion
Question: On which item of clothing are the letters YKK often found?
Answer: zipper
Author: Glemlin
Category: Fat Presidents
Question: Which President weighed 352 pounds?
Answer: Taft
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Category: Film
Question: What is the Pink panter in the Pink Pather film?
Answer: A Diamond
Author: Magic2000
Category: Film
Question: What was Citizen Kane's first name?
Answer: Charles
Author: Magic2000
Category: Film
Question: What was the first James Bond Film?
Answer: Dr. No
Author: Magic2000
Category: Film
Question: Who play Captian Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek the Next Generation?
Answer: Patrick Stewart
Author: Magic2000
Category: Film
Question: Who played the Agent james Bond in the 1966 film 'Casino Royale'?
Answer: David Niven
Author: Magic2000
Category: Film
Question: Who wrote and preformed the soundtrack for Live and let die?
Answer: Paul McCartney and Wings
Author: Magic2000
Category: Film
Question: what is the only X Rated film to have won the best film Oscar?
Answer: Midnight Cowboy
Author: Magic2000
Category: Films
Question: Who is James Bonds Recurring Foe?
Answer: Ernst Stavro Blofeld
Author: Magic2000
Category: Films
Question: the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' )
Answer: ching
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Films
Question: the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' )
Answer: ching
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Flags
Question: How many stars are there on Brazil's flag?
Answer: twenty three
Regexp: (twenty[- ]three|23)
Author: Danni-
Category: Flags
Question: The Lebanese flag bears which tree?
Answer: Cedar
Author: Danni-
Category: Flags
Question: What is the correct name for the Union Jack Flag?
Answer: The Union Flag
Author: Magic2000
Category: Food
Question: Ethanoic (or acetic) acid is the major constituent of which everyday condiment?
Answer: vinegar
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Food
Question: These beans are the most often used in the production of bean sprouts.
Answer: mung beans
Author: MingTea
Category: Food
Question: This spiny fruit with a pungent odor and rich yellow flesh is considered "The King of Fruits" by many southeast asians.
Answer: durian
Author: MingTea
Category: Food
Question: What is the animal product used in the making of the Italian dessert 'cassata'?
Answer: egg white
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Food
Question: Which fruit has the most calories per gram?
Answer: avocado
Author: MingTea
Category: Food and Drink
Question: From which country does the 'lassi' originate?
Answer: India
Author: SnorksAndtheDeadPony
Category: Food and Drink
Question: Tequila is made from an extract of which species of cactus?
Answer: Agave
Author: MingTea
Category: Food and Drink
Question: The agave cactus is the source of which liquor?
Answer: tequila
Author: MingTea
Category: Food and Drink
Question: What colour is caffine?
Answer: White
Author: Magic2000
Category: Foods
Question: What is the name given to the watery part of milk left after making cheese?
Answer: whey
Author: MingTea
Category: Games
Question: In snooker, how many points are accumulated in a perfect break?
Answer: one hundred and forty seven
Regexp: (one hundred (and |& )?forty[- ]seven|147)
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Games
Question: In the game of chess, which piece has the most freedom to move?
Answer: queen
Author: f33l^__^lin3
Category: Games
Question: This chess term means "in passing"
Answer: en passant
Author: MingTea
Category: Games
Question: What are a cheesboard's vertical rows called?
Answer: files
Author: MingTea
Category: Games
Question: What are a chessboard's horizontal rows called?
Answer: ranks
Author: MingTea
Category: General Knowledge
Question: This weapon lends its name to a type of woman's shoe with a slender, tapered high-heel.
Answer: Stiletto
Author: MingTea
Category: General Knowledge
Question: What is this sign called "*"?
Answer: asterisk
Author: MingTea
Category: Generral Knowledge
Question: How many lines make up a number on a digital clock?
Answer: Seven
Author: Lil-Erin
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: How many stars on the european union flag?
Answer: 12
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: If you were in a bar and someone gave you a 'mickey Finn' what would you be drinking?
Answer: A drugged Drink
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: This Toy is based on a Filipino Hunters Weapon what is it?
Answer: Yo Yo
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: What country had RCH on its cars?
Answer: Chile
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: What does the distress signal SOS stand for?
Answer: Save our Souls
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: What is a Digamy?
Answer: A Second Legal Marriage
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: What is a Googol?
Answer: The Largest Named Number
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: What is a Gopak?
Answer: A Russian dance
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: What is the purple ink used to stamp meat made from?
Answer: Dark Grape Skins
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: Who invented the ball point pen?
Answer: Laszlo and Georg Biro
Regexp: (Laszlo(,| and| +| &) Georg Biro|Georg(,| and| +| &) Laszlo Biro)
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: Who is Bibendum better known as?
Answer: The Michelin Man
Author: Magic2000
Category: Genral Knowledge
Question: what is Falaka
Answer: torture beating to the feet
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geograpgy
Question: In what country is The Blue Lagoon?
Answer: Iceland
Author: Cyberbob-
Category: Geograpgy
Question: In which country would you find the spectacular rock formation known as The Three Sisters?
Answer: Australia
Author: `funkee
Category: Geography
Question: "Yellow River" is the common name for which Chinese river?
Answer: Hwang Ho
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: Alba is the Celtic name for what country?
Answer: Scotland
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: How many time zones are there in China?
Answer: one
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: In total, how many provinces and territories are there in Canada?
Answer: thirteen
Regexp: (thirteen|13)
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Geography
Question: In what Province Is Dublin?
Answer: Leinster
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: In what US state is Panama City?
Answer: Florida
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: In what country is the currency named after the water being called the Pula?
Answer: Botswana
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: In which country is K2, the second-highest mountain in the world, located?
Answer: Pakistan
Author: HassanAli
Category: Geography
Question: In which country would you find Angkor Wat?
Answer: Cambodia
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: In which state is the source of the Mississippi River?
Answer: Minnesota
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: Jakarta is located on which Indonesian island?
Answer: Java
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: Located above and just below the Arctic Circle, this region became an official territory of Canada in April 1999.
Answer: Nunavut
Author: a-l-f
Category: Geography
Question: Monaco has the same flag as what other country?
Answer: Indonesia
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: Name the highest mountain in Africa.
Answer: Mt. #Kilimanjaro#
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: Name the three baltic countries?
Answer: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Geography
Question: Near what major city is Mount Fuji?
Answer: Tokyo
Author: acidvision
Category: Geography
Question: The "Old City" of this holy location is divided into four quarters — a Christian quarter, a Muslim Quarter, a Jewish Quarter, and an Armenian Quarter.
Answer: Jerusalem
Author: a-l-f
Category: Geography
Question: The Andaman Islands belong to which country?
Answer: india
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: The City of Fireze is better known is english as what?
Answer: Florence
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: The Indus River flows through which country?
Answer: Pakistan
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: The Palk Strait runs between which two countries?
Answer: India and Sri Lanka
Regexp: (India (and |& )Sri Lanka|Sri Lanka (and |& )India)
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: The island of Hispaniola consists of the Dominican Republic and this country.
Answer: Haiti
Author: a-l-f
Category: Geography
Question: This Moslem republic in asia was formerly part of India.
Answer: Pakistan
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: This country is divided into two parts: Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo, and a peninsula north of Singapore.
Answer: Malaysia
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: This coutry holds the distinction of being the least densely populated in the world.
Answer: Mongolia
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: This is the longest mountain chain in the world.
Answer: Andes
Author: a-l-f
Category: Geography
Question: This mountain, found in the California Cascades, is famous for it's twin peaks?
Answer: Mount Shasta
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: This mountain, found in the California Cascades, is famous for it's twin peaks?
Answer: Mount Shasta
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: Vilnius is the capital of which country?
Answer: Lithuania
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Geography
Question: What 'I' was once Mesopotamia?
Answer: Iraq
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Geography
Question: What 2 countries have square flags?
Answer: Switzerland and the Vatican
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: What American state has a Thames river?
Answer: Connecticut
Author: aubergine
Category: Geography
Question: What US Citys name means 'straits' or 'channel'?
Answer: Detroit
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: What US state has the most tornadoes on average?
Answer: Texas
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: What color are French Letter Boxes?
Answer: yellow
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: What country has a birth rate of 0?
Answer: The Vatican City
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: What country has the world's most southerly city?
Answer: Chile
Author: QuIzZ
Category: Geography
Question: What is South America's highest peak in the Andes, Argentina?
Answer: Aconcagua
Author: Abdoul
Category: Geography
Question: What is capital of Lithuania?
Answer: Vilnius
Author: PaulMcCartney
Category: Geography
Question: What is capital of Ukraine?
Answer: Kiev
Author: PaulMcCartney
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital city of New Zealand?
Answer: Wellington
Author: Fortunella
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Brazil?
Answer: Brasilia
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Croatia?
Answer: Zagreb
Author: dontgooff
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Estonia?
Answer: Tallin
Author: |GeorgeHarrison|
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Guam?
Answer: Agana
Author: nagets
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Hawaii?
Answer: Honolulu
Author: nagets
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Honduras?
Answer: Tegucigalpa
Author: dontgooff
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Madagascar?
Answer: Antananarivo
Author: midnightsun99
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Moldova?
Answer: Kishinev
Author: PaulMcCartney
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Nicaragua?
Answer: Managua
Author: dontgooff
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Wales?
Answer: Cardiff
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of Wales??
Answer: Cardiff
Author: LaVisH
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of the Italian province Lazio?
Answer: Rome
Author: HassanAli
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capital of the overseas department and administrative region of France, Réunion?
Answer: Saint-Denis
Regexp: (saint|st|st\.)[- ]denis
Author: Julika
Category: Geography
Question: What is the capitol of Iceland?
Answer: Reykjavik
Author: DViper_00
Category: Geography
Question: What is the highest mountain in Europe?
Answer: Mont Blanc
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Geography
Question: What is the highest mountain in the Appalachian range?
Answer: Mt. Mitchell
Regexp: (mt|mt\.|mount) mitchell
Author: Abdoul
Category: Geography
Question: What is the highest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mount Everest
Regexp: (Mount )?Everest
Author: _oj_
Category: Geography
Question: What is the highest point in South America?
Answer: Aconcagua
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Geography
Question: What is the highest waterfall in the USA?
Answer: Yosemite
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest island in the Caribbean?
Answer: Cuba
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest island in the East Indies?
Answer: Borneo
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest island in the Indian Ocean?
Answer: Madagascar
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest island in the Mediterranean?
Answer: Sicily
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest island in the Philippines?
Answer: Luzon
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest island in the world?
Answer: Greenland
Author: DeepGrey
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest lake in Europe?
Answer: Lake #Lagoda#
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest natural lake found in Africa?
Answer: Lake Victoria
Author: a-l-f
Category: Geography
Question: What is the largest of the pyramids in Egypt?
Answer: Cheops
Author: amantadine
Category: Geography
Question: What is the longest mountain range in the world?
Answer: Andes
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Geography
Question: What is the longest river in Australia?
Answer: Darling
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the name of the famous large coral reef located off the coast of northeastern Australia?
Answer: Great Barrier Reef
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: What is the name of the large natural landmark in northern Australia also known as Uluru?
Answer: Ayers Rock
Regexp: Ayer'?s Rock
Author: Fortunella
Category: Geography
Question: What is the name of the mountain chain separating most of Spain from France?
Answer: Pyrenees
Author: a-l-f
Category: Geography
Question: What is the only country in the world whose name starts with 'O'?
Answer: Oman
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Geography
Question: What is the second highest peak in Africa?
Answer: Mt. Kenya
Regexp: (mt|mt\.|mount) kenya
Author: Abdoul
Category: Geography
Question: What is the worlds longest concrete dam?
Answer: #Grand Coulee# Dam
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: What two US states are rectangular?
Answer: Colorado and Wyoming
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: What was the former name of Thailand?
Answer: Siam
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: What was the hightest mountain in the world before the discovery of everest?
Answer: Mount Everest
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Geography
Question: What's the capital of Poland?
Answer: Warsaw
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Geography
Question: Where is Dogger Bank?
Answer: The North Sea
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: Where is the original London Bridge located?
Answer: Lake Havasu,
Author: MingTea
Category: Geography
Question: Where is the tallest building in the world?
Answer: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Author: AjiMMbO
Category: Geography
Question: Which city is home to the 4th largest pyramid in the world?
Answer: Las Vegas
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Geography
Question: Which is the only South East Asian country that is a member of the British Commonwealth?
Answer: malaysia
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: Which is the only land-locked country in South East Asia?
Answer: Laos
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: Which river produces the most sediment?
Answer: #Yellow# River
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Geography
Question: Which sea is located between Australia and New Zealand?
Answer: Tasman
Author: Danni-
Category: Geography
Question: Who is regarded as the most influential monarch of Russian Romanov Dynasty?
Answer: Peter I
Regexp: Peter the Great
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Geography
Question: Wracked by heavy monsoon rains 3 to 4 months of the year, this is the wettest and most flood-prone nation in Asia.
Answer: Bangladesh
Author: junkfiles
Category: Geography
Question: if you climbed the Euromast what country would you be in?
Answer: Rotterdam
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: in what country do people speak the Language they call Nihongo?
Answer: Japan
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: what country has the highest per capita tea consumption?
Answer: ireland
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: what country has the oldest constitution that still exists?
Answer: America
Author: Magic2000
Category: Geography
Question: what river separates the city of Florence?
Answer: Arno
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Geograpy
Question: What is the second highest peak in Mexico?
Answer: Popocatepetl
Author: Abdoul
Category: Geometry
Question: A line that touches a circle at only one point is called a ....... ?
Answer: tangent
Author: simpsoniadfer
Category: Geometry
Question: A line that touches a circle at two points is called a .....
Answer: chord
Author: simpsoniadfer
Category: Geometry
Question: How many degrees in an interior angles of an equilateral triangle?
Answer: sixty
Regexp: (sixty|60)
Author: Flat_Michael
Category: Geometry
Question: How many faces does a dodecahedron have?
Answer: twelve
Regexp: (twelve|12)
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Geometry
Question: The longest side in a right-angled triangle is called the .......
Answer: hypotenuse
Author: simpsoniadfer
Category: Geometry
Question: The volume of which solid is given by the formula 4/3(pi)r^3?
Answer: sphere
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Geometry
Question: What is the name given to a quadrilateral with one, and only one, pair of sides parallel to each other?
Answer: trapezium
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Greek words
Question: "deinos" and "sauros" roughly translate to?
Answer: terrible lizard
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: History
Question: After the fall of the iron curtain, Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev introduced a period of restructuring known as ________.
Answer: Perestroika
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: After the fall of the manchu dynasty, there existed three political parties in china: The KMT, Nationalists and The ...... ?
Answer: #Communist#s
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: Also known as the 'Isle of Apples', Christ and Joseph of Aramathea travelled here in ancient times.
Answer: Avalon
Author: Lyrax
Category: History
Question: Elizabeth I was the daughter of which king?
Answer: Henry VIII
Regexp: Henry (the )?(8th|VIII|eighth)
Author: MissDameaner
Category: History
Question: Gangster Al Capone, boss of the Chicago underworld, was finally gaoled for 11 years for what crime?
Answer: tax evasion
Author: a-l-f
Category: History
Question: How many presidents of the United States fought in the Civil War?
Answer: six
Regexp: (six|6)
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: In 1959, Tibet was invaded by which country?
Answer: China
Author: afoldo
Category: History
Question: In what war did the jet fighters first battle each other?
Answer: The Korean War
Author: Magic2000
Category: History
Question: In which English town was William Shakespeare born?
Answer: #Stratford#-Upon-Avon
Author: |casiotone|
Category: History
Question: In which war did Florence Nightingale earn her reputation ?
Answer: #Crimean# War
Author: `4play
Category: History
Question: Near which Belarus City did the biggest ever tank battle take place during WWII?
Answer: Kursk
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: Queen Cleopatra proclaimed herself to be which Egyptian goddess?
Answer: Isis
Author: Isabella
Category: History
Question: Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper were killed in a plane crash in 1959. Which other famous singer was killed in that crash?
Answer: Buddy Holly
Author: DeepGrey
Category: History
Question: Rorke's Drift was a battle in which war?
Answer: The Zulu War
Author: Magic2000
Category: History
Question: Sir Stamford Raffles founded which minor Asian nation?
Answer: Singapore
Author: HassanAli
Category: History
Question: The American M4 tank is better known as what?
Answer: The Sherman tank
Author: Magic2000
Category: History
Question: The Greek army under Leonides was annihilated here by Persians in 480BC.
Answer: Thermopylae
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: The _____ universe was replaced by the Copernican universe.
Answer: Ptolemic
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: The birthplace of Napoleon, also the capital of Corsica, is?
Answer: Ajaccio
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: The massacre at Kent State occurred as students protested the bombing of Cambodia and the _____ war.
Answer: Vietnam
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: The three buildings of the Acropolis are the Propylaea, the Erectheum, and the _________.
Answer: Parthenon
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: These fighters always began a bout by saying, "Hail Emperor, those about to die salute you."?
Answer: gladiators
Regexp: gladiator'?s
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: This Chinese dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644.
Answer: Ming
Author: Glemlin
Category: History
Question: This European war was named after a peninsula between the Black sea and the sea of Azov?
Answer: Crimean War
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: This European war was named after a peninsula between the Black sea and the sea of Azov?
Answer: Crimean War
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: This U.S. President suffered from polio during WWII.
Answer: Franklin D #Roosevelt#
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: What American city was called New Amsterdam in the early 17th century?
Answer: New York
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: What Venetian traveler and explorer landed in China and reached Kublai Khan's court in 1275?
Answer: Marco Polo
Author: a-l-f
Category: History
Question: What city holds the distinction of opening the world's first public library in 1747?
Answer: Warsaw, Poland
Author: DeepGrey
Category: History
Question: What colour was added to the French flag during the French revolution?
Answer: white
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: History
Question: What did Anne Boleyn have three of?
Answer: breasts
Regexp: brest'?s
Author: {_eHf_}
Category: History
Question: What did Julius Caesar cross to signal a revolt against the senate?
Answer: rubikon
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: What did Napoleon have built to commemorate his victories?
Answer: Arc de Triomphe
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: History
Question: What do historians call the journey made by Mao to the Northwest of China after Chiang Kai-Shek had driven his forces out of the South and East?
Answer: The Long March
Regexp: Long March
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: What is the former name of Sri Lanka?
Answer: Ceylon
Author: Danni-
Category: History
Question: What is the name of the German Officer who lived and died in Madrid and rescued Mussolini?
Answer: Otto Skorzeny
Author: Magic2000
Category: History
Question: What treaty, signed in 1713, ended the War of the Spanish Succession?
Answer: Treaty of #Utrecht#
Author: aubergine
Category: History
Question: What was Europe's first super-high-speed passenger train powered by?
Answer: electricity
Author: creme`egg
Category: History
Question: What was Operation Sea Lion in WWII?
Answer: The Invasion of Britian
Author: Magic2000
Category: History
Question: What was name of the Titanic's sister ship?
Answer: Lucitania
Regexp: Lu[sc]itania
Category: History
Question: What was the initial capital of USSR?
Answer: Leningrad
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: What was the last Port of call for the Titanic?
Answer: Queenstown
Author: Magic2000
Category: History
Question: What was the most Eastern country in Alexander The Great's command at his peak?
Answer: India
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: What was the name given to the atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima?
Answer: Fat Man
Author: `4play
Category: History
Question: What were 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man'?
Answer: Atom Bombs
Author: Magic2000
Category: History
Question: Where did the battle of Waterloo take place?
Answer: Belgium
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: Where did the most famous encirclement of the Nazi troops during WWII take place?
Answer: Stalingrad
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: Where is the infamous Lubjanka prison?
Answer: Moscow
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: Which English King issued the Magna Carta in 1215?
Answer: King #John#
Author: a-l-f
Category: History
Question: Which country ruled Cambodia immediately before WWII?
Answer: France
Author: Danni-
Category: History
Question: Which island was Napoleon from?
Answer: corsica
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: Which poisonous concoction was Socrates given to drink to carry out his death sentence?
Answer: hemlock
Author: |casiotone|
Category: History
Question: Which police-dog was one of Stalin's favourites?
Answer: Berya
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: Who denounced Stalin?
Answer: Nikita
Author: PaulMcCartney
Category: History
Question: Who did Henry VIII marry when he was 18?
Answer: Catharine of Aragon
Author: Magic2000
Category: History
Question: Who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen?
Answer: Howard Carter
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: Who invented the record player ?
Answer: Thomas Alva Edison
Author: `4play
Category: History
Question: Who is Prince Vladimir Tepes better known as?
Answer: Dracula
Author: MingTea
Category: History
Question: Who outlawed gladiator sports in Rome?
Answer: Caesar
Regexp: (Julius )?Caesar
Author: amantadine
Category: History
Question: Who ruled England at the time of Shakespeare?
Answer: Elizabeth I
Regexp: Elizabeth (I|(the )?(1st|first))
Author: MissDameaner
Category: History
Question: Who shot President James Garfield?
Answer: Charles #Guiteau#
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: History
Question: Who was Henry VIII's second wife?
Answer: Anne Boleyn
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: History
Question: Who was the Taj Mahal built in memory of?
Answer: Mumtaj Mahal
Author: Guest21667
Category: History
Question: Who was the father of Elizabeth I?
Answer: Henry VIII
Regexp: Henry (VIII|(the )?(8th|eighth))
Author: MissDameaner
Category: History
Question: Who was the last American president to sport facial hair?
Answer: Taft
Author: DeepGrey
Category: History
Question: Who was the man convicted of masterminding the 1969 LaBianca-Tate murders, later to become known as the Helter Skelter killings?
Answer: Charles #Manson#
Author: |casiotone|
Category: History
Question: Who was the most famous leader of the Carthagenians?
Answer: Hannibal
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: History
Question: Who was the mother of Elizabeth I?
Answer: Anne Boleyn
Author: Julika
Category: History
Question: Whose army did Admiral Nelson defeat at the battle of Trafalgar?
Answer: Napoleon
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Hobbies
Question: Which light wood is commonly used for making aeromodels?
Answer: Balsa
Author: `4play
Category: Hollywood
Question: Who directed "Jurassic Park III?"
Answer: Joe Johnston
Author: Abdoul
Category: Homonyms
Question: Drill a hole into/a crude uncouth person (answer in the form of word1/word2)?
Answer: bore/boor
Author: MingTea
Category: Homonyms
Question: Scram!/foot apparel (answer in form of word1/word2)
Answer: Shoo/Shoe
Author: MingTea
Category: Homonyms
Question: To save up as for future use/a vast multitude (answer in the form of word1/word2)?
Answer: hoard/horde
Author: MingTea
Category: IRC
Question: Who wrote mIRC?
Answer: Khaled Mardam-Bey
Author: afoldo
Category: Internet
Question: What does FTP stand for?
Answer: File Transfer Protocol
Author: opium_ariane
Category: Internet
Question: What does the acronym HTML stand for?
Answer: Hyper Text Markup Language
Author: silly^chatter
Category: Internet
Question: What is IRC an acronym for?
Answer: internet relay chat
Author: atariwiggler
Category: Inventions
Question: What did john logie baird invent in 1925?
Answer: Television
Author: Magic2000
Category: Isms
Question: Indifference to pleasure of pain; Grrek philosophical system following the teachings of Zeno?
Answer: Stoicism
Author: MingTea
Category: Isms
Question: Speaking of G.B. Shaw, he originally adhered to a form of communism called?
Answer: fabianism
Author: MingTea
Category: Isms
Question: The social and philosophic creedo of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw is called:
Answer: shavianism
Author: MingTea
Category: Juicey
Question: What was originally called the Chinese gooseberry?
Answer: kiwi
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Language
Question: How do you say "I Love You" in German?
Answer: Ich liebe Dich
Author: Julika
Category: Language
Question: What does the Greek root word 'chrom' mean?
Answer: color
Regexp: colou?r
Author: deadclown
Category: Language
Question: What is the first letter in the Greek alphabet?
Answer: Alpha
Author: kuel
Category: Language
Question: What is the last letter in the Greek alphabet?
Answer: Omega
Author: kuel
Category: Language
Question: What is the official language of Senegal?
Answer: French
Author: Flat_Michael
Category: Language
Question: Which is the only english word that contains all the vowels in alphabetical order?
Answer: facetious
Author: GreenPlasticTrees
Category: Languages
Question: From which language does the term 'Mayday' come?
Answer: French
Author: opium_ariane
Category: Languages
Question: The Scots call it 'shinty' - what do Canadians and Americans call it?
Answer: hockey
Author: Superfly
Category: Languages
Question: Which word means "profound boredom" in both french and english?
Answer: ennui
Author: MingTea
Category: Legal Terms
Question: This defense is also know as compulsion by threat.
Answer: duress
Author: Glemlin
Category: Legends
Question: What was the name of the Lady Godiva's horse?
Answer: Aethenoth
Author: DeepGrey
Category: Literature
Question: "Now is the winter of our discontent" is a line from which Shakespearian play?
Answer: Richard III
Regexp: Richard (the )?(III|3rd|third)
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Literature
Question: According To "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy" what number is the answer to everything?
Answer: Forty Two
Regexp: (42|Forty Two)
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Literature
Question: Author of "The Lighthouse" and "Eminent Victorians"?
Answer: Virginia Woolf
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: Author of such works as Gravity's Rainbow, V, The Crying of Lot 49 and most recently, Mason & Dixon?
Answer: Thomas Pynchon
Regexp: (Thomas )?Pynchon
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: Bob Kane created who?
Answer: Batman
Author: Magic2000
Category: Literature
Question: Faulkner penned this book with 4 distinctive sections: the Benjy section, Quentin's section, Jason and then Dilsey's sections.
Answer: The Sound and the Fury
Author: MingAFK
Category: Literature
Question: From which of Shakespeare's plays is this line: "All the world's a stage..."
Answer: As You Like It
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: He penned the founding novel of the utopian genre, "Utopia."?
Answer: Sir Thomas More
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: He wrote Ulysses, Giacomo Joyce, Dubliners and Finnegans Wake, among others.
Answer: James Joyce
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: His many Romantic odes include 'Ode to Melancholy' and 'Ode to a Graecian Urn'
Answer: John Keats
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: His many Romantic odes include Ode to Melancholy and Ode to a Graecian Urn?
Answer: Keats
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: In HG Wells "The Time Machine," two races of the future are the child-like Eloi, and the underground monsters called the ____?
Answer: Morlocks
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: In What book would you find a Hefalump?
Answer: Winnie the Pooh
Author: Magic2000
Category: Literature
Question: Name the author of 'The Catcher in the Rye'
Answer: J.D. #Salinger#
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: Name the author of his famous and only novel 'Doctor Zhivago', which presents a panoramic view of Russian society at the time of the 1917 Revolution.
Answer: Boris Pasternak
Author: Julika
Category: Literature
Question: Sherlock Holmes lived at 221b ..... street?
Answer: Baker
Author: dontgooff
Category: Literature
Question: The ____ ____ school of poetry includes poets such as Frank O'Hara, John Ashbery and Kenneth Koch
Answer: New York
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: The ____ generation included such authors as Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsburg.
Answer: Beat
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: The fallacy of personifying inanimate objects, often in bad taste?
Answer: pathetic fallacy
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: The two races in HG Well's "The Time Machine" are the child-like Eloi and the subterannean ______?
Answer: Morlocks
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: This Romantic poet and husband to Mary Shelley drowned in a boating accident.
Answer: Percy Bysshe Shelley
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: This Romantic poet and wife of Mary Shelley drowned in a boating accident?
Answer: Percy Bysshe Shelley
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: This book, Oscar Wilde's only novel, was used as evidence in his sodomy trial?
Answer: The Picture of Dorian Gray
Regexp: (The )?Picture of Dorian Gray
Author: Neobule
Category: Literature
Question: This early American statesman and inventor wrote the book, "Fart proudly"?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: This is the choice and arrangement of words and phrases in a literary work. It is the vocabulary that the author, poet or playwright uses to create style and effect in a piece of writing?
Answer: diction
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: What Irish playwright and author, wrote "The Importance of Being Ernest" and "A Picture of Dorian Grey" among others?
Answer: Oscar Wilde
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: What Was Sherlock Holmes' 7% solution in 'The Sign of Four'?
Answer: Cocaine
Author: Magic2000
Category: Literature
Question: What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create?
Answer: Tarzan
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create?
Answer: Tarzan
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: What is an Icelandic epic called?
Answer: saga
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: What is the name of Hamlet's tragic admirer?
Answer: Ophelia
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: What is the name of the main character in Homer's Odyssey?
Answer: Odysseus
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: What is the opposite of an utopia?
Answer: dystopia
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: What play by Shakespeare features the following characters: Cornwall, Gloucester, Regan, and Goneril?
Answer: King Lear
Author: kuel
Category: Literature
Question: What was Dante's last name?
Answer: Alighieri
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Literature
Question: What was sherlock holmes most famous novel?
Answer: The Hound of The Baskervilles
Author: dontgooff
Category: Literature
Question: What was the sequel to Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women"?
Answer: Little Men
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Literature
Question: Which Shakesperian play features the line "Now is the winter of our discontent"?
Answer: Richard III
Regexp: Richard (III|the (third|3rd))
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Literature
Question: Which US author penned the novels "Of Mice and Men" and "East Of Eden"?
Answer: John Steinbeck
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Literature
Question: Which US dramatist was once married to Marylin Monroe and penned the plays "Death Of A Salesman" and "The Crucible"?
Answer: Arthur Miller
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Literature
Question: Which poet, in his "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" told us that "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen / And waste its sweetnes on the desert air."?
Answer: Thomas Gray
Regexp: (Thomas )?Gray
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: Who created Winnie the Pooh?
Answer: A. A. #Milne#
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Literature
Question: Who is karen Blixen better known as?
Answer: Isaak Dinesen
Author: Magic2000
Category: Literature
Question: Who is the author of "Brave New World" ?
Answer: Aldous #Huxley#
Author: Julika
Category: Literature
Question: Who is the author of "Harry Potter" ?
Answer: Joan #Rowling#
Author: Julika
Category: Literature
Question: Who is the protagonist of Milton's Paradise Lost?
Answer: Satan
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: Who writes the discworld novels?
Answer: Terry Pratchett
Author: Magic2000
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote "Animal Farm"?
Answer: George #Orwell#
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote "Ten Little Indians?"
Answer: Agatha Christie
Author: Abdoul
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?"
Answer: Samuel Taylor #Coleridge#
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote "The count of Monte-Christo"?
Answer: Dumas
Author: PaulMcCartney
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote 'Rendezvous with Rama'?
Answer: Sir Arthur C. Clarke
Regexp: (Sir )?Arthur C.? Clarke
Author: ||BraveHeart
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote 'The Canterbury Tales'?
Answer: Geoffrey #Chaucer#
Author: a-l-f
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote 'The Great Gatsby'?
Answer: F. Scott #Fitzgerald#
Author: Greyplain
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?
Answer: Harper Lee
Author: opium_ariane
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote Great Expectations?
Answer: Charles #Dickens#
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?
Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote the epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey?
Answer: Homer
Author: a-l-f
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote the famous series of Discworld books?
Answer: Terry Pratchett
Regexp: (Terry )?Pratchett
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote the long religious epic, "Paradise Lost"?
Answer: John Milton
Author: MingTea
Category: Literature
Question: Who wrote the threepenny opera?
Answer: Bertolt Brecht
Author: Magic2000
Category: Literature:
Question: What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create?
Answer: Tarzan
Author: MingTea
Category: Logic
Question: If its 4:45PM on Kathmandu what time is it in Madrid?
Answer: Noon
Author: Magic2000
Category: Magic
Question: The American Soceity of Magicians has status of being what?
Answer: The #Largest Magic Organistation#
Author: Magic2000
Category: Mathematics
Question: 2 + 5 x 6 = ?
Answer: 32
Author: Tornado-
Category: Mathematics
Question: 2.7182 is the approximation for which variable used in logarithms?
Answer: e
Author: MingTea
Category: Mathematics
Question: Benoit Mandelbrot discovered what mathematical structures?
Answer: #fractal#s
Author: aubergine
Category: Mathematics
Question: Solve this: 10*3+2?
Answer: 32
Author: HassanAli
Category: Mathematics
Question: The first antiderivative of acceleration is:
Answer: velocity
Author: MingTea
Category: Mathematics
Question: What is the name given to a curve that approaches a line, but never quite touches it?
Answer: asymptote
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Mathematics
Question: What is the name given to the number equal to 10 raised to the power of 100?
Answer: A "#googol#"
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Mathematics
Question: What is x to the power of zero equal to?
Answer: one
Regexp: (one|1)
Category: Maths
Question: If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7's will you come across?
Answer: 20
Regexp: (20|Twenty)
Author: Guest21667
Category: Maths
Question: What is next in the series 1 8 27 ?? 125 216?
Answer: 64
Regexp: (64|Sixty Four)
Author: Guest21667
Category: Medicine
Question: The sulphate of which metal is used to render the alimentary canal opaque to X-rays (symbol Ba)?
Answer: barium
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Medicine
Question: This alkaloid extracted from chincona bark, ______ is commonly used in malaria therapy.
Answer: quinine
Author: MingTea
Category: Medicine
Question: This condition characterized by the swelling of the thyroid gland is caused by an iodine deficiency.
Answer: goitre
Regexp: (goiter|goitre)
Author: MingTea
Category: Medicine
Question: What is hyperglycemia commonly known as ?
Answer: diabetes
Author: `4play
Category: Metals
Question: What is the main component of Brass and Bronze?
Answer: Copper
Author: Magic2000
Category: Metals
Question: What metal do you get from Hematite?
Answer: iron
Author: Magic2000
Category: Minerals
Question: The valuable blue form of corundum is called:
Answer: sapphire
Author: MingTea
Category: Minerals
Question: What is the yellow variety of quartz?
Answer: Citrine
Author: MingTea
Category: Minerals
Question: What metal is the major constituent of Rubies ?
Answer: Aluminium
Author: `4play
Category: Modified Vegetables
Question: In what modified vegetable did Cinderalla travel to the ball in?
Answer: pumpkin
Author: MingTea
Category: Money
Question: What is the largest denomination dollar bill issued?
Answer: $100
Author: Magic2000
Category: More American stuff
Question: In the United States at the turn of the century there were how many states (numerical)?
Answer: forty five
Regexp: (45|forty five)
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: How many Oscars did Ben Hur win?
Answer: eleven
Regexp: (eleven|11)
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: John Travolta, Samuel Jackson, Uma Thurman starred in which 1994 Quentin Tarantino film?
Answer: Pulp Fiction
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Richard Strauss' majestic overture "Also Sprach Zarathustra" was the theme music for which Stanley Kubrick film?
Answer: #2001# : A Space Odyessy
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: What was the Oscar-winning theme song from "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
Answer: Moon River
Author: MingTea
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who directed the movie "Blade Runner"?
Answer: Ridley Scott
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who played the first James Bond?
Answer: Sean Connery
Author: opium_ariane
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who played the lead in the movie "Braveheart"?
Answer: Mel Gibson
Author: trafffka
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who played the lead in the movie "Castaway"?
Answer: Tom Hanks
Author: trafffka
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who played the lead in the movie "Erin Brokovich"?
Answer: Julia Roberts
Author: trafffka
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who played the lead in the movie "Mission Impossible"?
Answer: Tom Cruise
Author: trafffka
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who played the lead in the movie "Snatch"?
Answer: Brad Pitt
Author: trafffka
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who played the lead in the movie "The Mask"?
Answer: Jim Carrey
Author: trafffka
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who played the lead in the movie "The Matrix"?
Answer: Keanu Reeves
Author: trafffka
Category: Movie Trivia
Question: Who was the first James Bond?
Answer: Sean Connery
Author: opium_ariane
Category: Movie trivia
Question: Who directed '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'A Clockwork Orange'.
Answer: Stanley Kubrick
Author: Glemlin
Category: Movies
Question: Before being married to Pamela Anderson what other famous actress was Tommy Lee married to?
Answer: Heather Locklear
Author: stanstime
Category: Movies
Question: He was the voice of draco the dragon in the movie Dragonheart.
Answer: Sean Connery
Author: MingTea
Category: Movies
Question: How many storm troopers were seen in Star Trek?
Answer: #None# (It Was Star Wars)
Regexp: (0|None|Nill|Zero)
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Movies
Question: Name the late actor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars?
Answer: Alec Guiness
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Movies
Question: Orson Wells was nominated for four oscars for which legendary movie?
Answer: Citizen Kane
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Movies
Question: Rolling Stones first hit was written by what group?
Answer: The Beatles
Regexp: (The )?Beatles
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Movies
Question: Vincent Vega appeared in which movie?
Answer: Pulp Fiction
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Movies
Question: What did Hannibal Lecter like to eat with liver?
Answer: Fava Beans
Regexp: Fava Bean'?s
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Movies
Question: What movie starred Nicholas Cage and John Travolta, one as a police officer, the other as a villain?
Answer: Face Off
Author: Dr_Jean_Grey
Category: Movies
Question: What was John Wayne's real name?
Answer: Marion Michael Morrison
Regexp: Marion (Michael )?Morrison
Author: {_eHf_}
Category: Movies
Question: What was the last movie of the late Brandon Lee?
Answer: The Crow
Author: Dr_Jean_Grey
Category: Movies
Question: What was the original name of "Little Rascals"?
Answer: Our Gang
Author: Athene
Category: Movies
Question: What's the name of the Mummy in the film "The Mummy"?
Answer: Imhotep
Author: NiGhTy^
Category: Movies
Question: Where does young Anakin Skywalker come from?
Answer: Tatooine
Author: AjiMMbO
Category: Movies
Question: Which actor won Oscars twice for 'best male performance' in the '90s?
Answer: Tom Hanks
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Movies
Question: Which movie is the highest grossing movie of all time?
Answer: Titanic
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Movies
Question: Who directed citizen kane?
Answer: Orson Welles
Author: |GeorgeHarrison|
Category: Movies
Question: Who had, next to Samuel Jackson, a leading roll in 'Unbreakable'?
Answer: Bruce Willis
Author: Dr_Jean_Grey
Category: Movies
Question: Who played 'The Scorpion King' in the recent movie 'The Mummy Returns'?
Answer: Dwight Johnson
Author: atariwiggler
Category: Movies
Question: Who plays the lead role in The Usual Suspects?
Answer: Kevin Spacey
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Movies
Question: Who was the sexy star of Barberella?
Answer: Jane Fonda
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Movies
Question: Who were the 2 lead characters in the movie Life?
Answer: Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence
Author: Dr_Jean_Grey
Category: Movies
Question: Who were the rivals of the T-Birds in the movie "Grease"?
Answer: scorpions
Regexp: scorpion'?s
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: 'The Who' had a guiness world record for what?
Answer: Loudest Band
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: A __________ helps to set and maintain your tempo while playing.
Answer: metronome
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: A set of graduated steel bars set in a frame and hit with a hammer, used in the orchestra.
Answer: Glockenspiel
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: An arrangement for five performers is called a:
Answer: quintet
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: Andre Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra are famous for what musical love piece
Answer: Romeo and Juliet
Regexp: Romeo( and|,| +| &) Juliet
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: Band: " ......... And the Bad Seeds"
Answer: Nick Cave
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Music
Question: Band: Elvis Costello and the ........... ?
Answer: Attractions
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Music
Question: Beethoven's Sixth Symphony shares it's popular name with a method of animal farming. What is it?
Answer: Pastoral
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: Composer of the Brandenburg Concerti: J.S. ----
Answer: Bach
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: French impressionist Claude -------
Answer: Debussy
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: He wrote the operas "The Magic Flute" and "The Marriage of Figaro"
Answer: Wolfgang Amadeus #Mozart#
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: How many flats are in the key of B flat major?
Answer: two
Regexp: (two|2)
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: How many semitones are there in an octave?
Answer: twelve
Regexp: (twelve|12)
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: How many strings are there on a bass guitar?
Answer: four
Regexp: (4|four)
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Music
Question: How many strings are there on a standard guitar?
Answer: six
Regexp: (six|6)
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: How many strings are there on a violin?
Answer: four
Regexp: (4|four)
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Music
Question: How many strings does a harp have?
Answer: 47
Regexp: (47|forty seven)
Author: midnightsun99
Category: Music
Question: How many symphonies did Beethoven complete?
Answer: eight
Regexp: (eight|8)
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: Ian Gillain is the singer for this legendary band
Answer: Deep Purple
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Music
Question: In 1962 Chubby Checker had a hit with a pop song and novelty dance that remains famous today. What was that dance?
Answer: The #Twist#
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: In the 60s Mokees Song Here comes Tommorow who does Davey Jones say he Loves?
Answer: Sandra and Mary
Regexp: (Sandra(,| and| +|&) Mary|Mary(,| and| +|&) Sandra)
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: In the Gene Pitney how many hours was it from Tulsa?
Answer: 24
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: In which London recording studios did The Beatles record the majority of their work?
Answer: Abbey Road
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: On what LP Cover can we read the words 'Welcome Rolling Stones'?
Answer: Sergeant Pepper´s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: Paul Mccartney played these instruments?
Answer: bass guitar and piano
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Music
Question: Russian modernist Igor ---------
Answer: Stravinsky
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: Singing without instrumental back up is called what?
Answer: Capella
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: The Hard Rock Cafe is named after a song by what band?
Answer: The Doors
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: The initials of the band NIN stand for?
Answer: Nine Inch Nails
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: The key of A major has ___ sharps.
Answer: three
Regexp: (three|3)
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: The rolling stones first recorded song was?
Answer: Come On
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: The standard major scale is also known as the _______ mode.
Answer: Ionian
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: This band's highly original video for "Whip it," characterized by red flower pot hats was criticized for being both sado-masochistic and racist.
Answer: Devo
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: This band's highly original video for "Whip it," characterized by red flower pot hats was criticized for being both sado-masochistic and racist?
Answer: Devo
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: This electronic instrument's creator was surnamed Moog, and his models are worth a fortune! Other brands include Roland, Korg, and Casio.
Answer: synthesizer
Author: MingTea (and her friend)
Category: Music
Question: This gypsy swing guitarist nearly had his left hand destroyed by fire as a child?
Answer: Django Reinhardt
Regexp: (Django )?Reinhardt
Author: Neobule
Category: Music
Question: This term means to play crisply, with the notes separated?
Answer: staccato
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: This term means to play moderately slow and gracefully?
Answer: adagio
Author: Neobule
Category: Music
Question: This term means to play smoothly.
Answer: legato
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: This term means to play smoothly?
Answer: Legato
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: This term means to play smoothly?
Answer: legato
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: This was the first video to play on MTV?
Answer: Video Killed the Radio Star
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: To gradually decrease in volume.
Answer: decrescendo
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: To gradually decrease in volume?
Answer: Decrescendo
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: To gradually decrease in volume?
Answer: decrescendo
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: To play music smoothly?
Answer: legato
Author: PaulMcCartney
Category: Music
Question: Turn, Side and Why does it always rain on me are all songs from what UK band?
Answer: Travis
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: What composer was working on his 10th symphony at the time of his death?
Answer: Ludwig van #Beethoven#
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Music
Question: What do the initials B.B. stand for in B.B. King's name?
Answer: Blues Boy
Author: GreenPlasticTrees
Category: Music
Question: What do the initials of the band NIN stand for?
Answer: Nine Inch Nails
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: What does the Italian term "poco a poco" mean?
Answer: little by little
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: What is a Hurdy-Gurdy?
Answer: A Fiddle
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: What is the name of the Indian musical instrument made popular in western rock by The Beatles and Ravi Shankar?
Answer: sitar
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: What is the term used for 'slowly' in music?
Answer: lento
Regexp: lento
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Music
Question: What job was Sting before he was a rock star?
Answer: Teacher
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: What kind of eyes did the girl in "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" have?
Answer: kaleidoscope
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: What was Eric Claptons Nick Name?
Answer: Slowhand
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: What was the first video to be played on MTV?
Answer: Video Killed the Radio Star
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: What was the last Beatles album to be released before they broke up in 1970?
Answer: Let It Be
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: What was the name given to the popular genre of rock that arose in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) in the early 1990s.
Answer: grunge
Author: MingTea
Category: Music
Question: Whats the smallest size grand piano?
Answer: A Baby Grand
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: Which Beatle wrote The Octopus's song?
Answer: Ringo Starr
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Music
Question: Which British group holds the record for the album to remain in the US Billboard charts for the longest time?
Answer: Pink Floyd
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: Which German duo have sold over 85 million records?
Answer: Modern Talking
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Music
Question: Which band does Eddie Vedder with?
Answer: Pearl Jam
Author: JessicaA^^^
Category: Music
Question: Which band included rock greats Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan?
Answer: The Travelling Wilburys
Regexp: (The )?Travelling Wilbury'?s
Author: Flat_Michael
Category: Music
Question: Which beatle was the first to release a solo record?
Answer: Ringo Starr
Author: |BradPitt|
Category: Music
Question: Which brand of guitar is played by Jimmy Page, Slash, and Brian May?
Answer: Gibson Les Paul
Regexp: les paul
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Music
Question: Which formber Beatle released the hit single "My Sweet Lord"?
Answer: George Harrison
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Music
Question: Which instruments is used to tune the orchestra?
Answer: oboe
Author: opium_ariane
Category: Music
Question: Which large tuned orchestral drum is also known as a kettledrum?
Answer: tympani
Regexp: t[iy]mpani
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: Which of Beethoven's symphonies was the legendary "Incomplete"?
Answer: The #9th# Symphony
Regexp: (ninth|9th|9\.)
Author: Julika
Category: Music
Question: Who are the lead singers of the band "Full Metal Racquets"?
Answer: John Mcenroe and Pat Cash
Regexp: (John )?Mcenroe( and | & | + |, )(Pat )?Cash
Author: Guest21667
Category: Music
Question: Who invented the synthesiser ?
Answer: Bob #Moog#
Author: `4play
Category: Music
Question: Who is Declan Patrick McManus better known as?
Answer: Elvis Costello
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: Who is Gordon Sumner better known as?
Answer: Sting
Author: Ehf
Category: Music
Question: Who is lead guitarist for Guns'n'Roses?
Answer: Slash
Author: PaulMcCartney
Category: Music
Question: Who is the autor of the song 'Blue Suede Shoes'?
Answer: Carl Perkins
Author: Magic2000
Category: Music
Question: Who is the lead singer of limp bizkit?
Answer: Fred Durst
Author: dontgooff
Category: Music
Question: Who is the lead singer of the Rolling Stones?
Answer: Mick Jagger
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: Who is the lead vocalist of U2?
Answer: Bono
Author: Lalas18
Category: Music
Question: Who recorded the 1969 hit "Space Oddity"?
Answer: David Bowie
Author: HassanAli
Category: Music
Question: Who sang 'Mull of Kintyre'?
Answer: Wings
Author: ||BraveHeart
Category: Music
Question: Who sang Puff The Magic Dragon?
Answer: Peter, Paul and Mary
Regexp: Peter,? Paul (and|&) Mary
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Music
Question: Who sang the song "Pretty Woman?"
Answer: Roy Orbison
Author: SMorelock
Category: Music
Question: Who sings "Imitation Of Life"?
Answer: R.E.M.
Regexp: R.?E.?M.?
Author: ^NiGhTy^
Category: Music
Question: Who was the frontman of Nirvana?
Answer: Kurt Cobain
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Music
Question: Who wrote Tubular Bells?
Answer: Mike Oldfield
Author: Dragon-Lady
Category: Music
Question: With which period in music do we associate composers such as Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn?
Answer: #Classical# period
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: With which period in music do we associate composers such as Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, and Chopin?
Answer: #Romantic# period
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: With which period in music do we associate with composers such as Bach, Handel and Vivaldi?
Answer: #Baroque# Period
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Music
Question: who is Steveland Morris better known as?
Answer: Stevie Wonder
Author: Magic2000
Category: Myth
Question: What dod Pandora Release when she opened the box?
Answer: Misery and evil
Regexp: (misery(,| and| +| &) evil|evil(,| and| +| &) misery)
Author: Magic2000
Category: Mythology
Question: Egyptian Ibis-headed god?
Answer: Thoth
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: He was condemned in Hades to forever push a boulder uphill, only for it to come rolling down before it reached the top.
Answer: Sisyphus
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: He was the father of Zeus
Answer: Cronus
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: His wife was Penelope and his son, Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods.
Answer: Odysseus
Author: Mingtea
Category: Mythology
Question: His wife was Penelope and his son, Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods?
Answer: Odysseus
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: His wife was Penelope and his son, Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods?
Answer: Odysseus
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: In Greek mythology, who drove the sun across the sky in his chariot?
Answer: Helios
Author: Lyrax
Category: Mythology
Question: In Greek mythology, who was the beautiful young man Echo fell in love with?
Answer: Narcissus
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: In Norse myth, there were two separate races of gods: the Aesir gods which included Odin and Thor, and the ____ gods from whom descended Freya.
Answer: Vanir
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: In Norse myth, there were two separate races of gods: the Aesir gods which included Odin and Thor, and the ____ gods from whom descended Freya?
Answer: vanir
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: In Norse mythology who was Odin's blood-brother?
Answer: Loki
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: In what animal form did Zeus seduce Europa?
Answer: bull
Author: Flat_Michael
Category: Mythology
Question: Roman god of doorways and passages. Two headed deity from which we get the name of one of our months?
Answer: Janus
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: The Greek goddess of fertility, also known as a protectress of witches.
Answer: Hecate
Author: Lyrax
Category: Mythology
Question: Though the touch of gold was removed, Midas was forever cursed by Athena to have the ears of which animal?
Answer: Donkey
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: What is Greek muse of dance and choral song?
Answer: Terpsichore
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: What is the birthstone for January?
Answer: Garnet
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: What is the name of the most famous of the rivers in the Underworld, the river of 'Hate' which dead souls must cross over?
Answer: Styx
Author: a-l-f
Category: Mythology
Question: What was the name of the mythical hero-king who slew Grendal?
Answer: Beowulf
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: What was the town that ancient Greeks believed to be the centre of the world, and was the home of a famous oracle?
Answer: Delphi
Author: Lyrax
Category: Mythology
Question: Which Roman God was the equivalent of the Greek God Dionysus?
Answer: Bacchus
Author: MingTea
Category: Mythology
Question: Which Saint killed the dragon?
Answer: George
Author: Atarvostatins
Category: Mythology
Question: Who is the Roman goddess of destiny?
Answer: Fortuna
Author: Fortunella
Category: Mythology
Question: Who killed a dragon in ancient mythology?
Answer: St. George
Regexp: (St.? |Saint )George
Author: Sea-Dragoness
Category: Mythology
Question: Who was the Greek God of prophecy & archery, music & healing, light & truth, agriculture and cattle?
Answer: Apollo
Author: Julika
Category: Myths
Question: What were the 'Golden Apples' in Greek myth?
Answer: Apricots
Author: Magic2000
Category: Natural World
Question: How is Venom put into the body?
Answer: Bites or stings
Author: Magic2000
Category: Nature
Question: Animals and plants which produce light are said to be:
Answer: bioluminescent
Author: MingTea
Category: Nature
Question: What is a small, flightless bird native to New Zealand?
Answer: Kiwi
Author: Fortunella
Category: Nature
Question: What is the only other animal besides humans to have unique prints?
Answer: Koala Bears
Regexp: Koala Bear'?s?
Author: DeepGrey
Category: Nature
Question: What's the technical name for a three legged frog?
Answer: Ai
Author: ||BraveHeart
Category: Numbers
Question: In roman numerals what does the letter M with a Bar over it stand for?
Answer: One Million
Author: Magic2000
Category: Nursery Rhymes
Question: Peter Piper picked a peck of what?
Answer: pickled peppers
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Nutrition
Question: The lack of what vitamin causes beriberi (numbness in the hands and feet)?
Answer: B1
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Optics
Question: What colour do you get when you mix blue and red together?
Answer: Purple
Author: Isabella
Category: Optics
Question: What colour do you get when you mix blue and yellow together?
Answer: Green
Author: Isabella
Category: Palindromes
Question: Complete the Palindrome: satan, oscillate my metallic ________
Answer: sonatas
Author: MingTea
Category: Paper
Question: What size is A-0 paper?
Answer: one Square Meter
Author: Magic2000
Category: People
Question: Who is David John Cornwell better known as?
Answer: John Le Carré
Author: Magic2000
Category: Periodic Table
Question: What is the first element in alphabetical order?
Answer: Actinium
Author: Magic2000
Category: Periodic table
Question: What is the last element in alphabetical order?
Answer: Zirconium
Author: Magic2000
Category: Philisophy
Question: In addition to writing novels, Jonathan Swift also wrote social and philosophical commentary. In one satirical piece, "A Modest Proposal," what did he suggest should be made out of the skin of children?
Answer: gloves
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: -isms: The belief in God as a "divine clockmaker," originating in the age of Enlightenment.
Answer: Deism
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: -isms: This branch of philosophy, characterised by the idea: "The greatest pleasure and happiness for the greatest number," was founded by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill.
Answer: Utilitarianism
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: After contracting this disease, Friedrich Nietzsche went crazy and eventually died.
Answer: syphilis
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: As opposed to Plato, this Greek philosopher believed knowledge was a process of observation and classication.
Answer: Aristotle
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: Author of "The World as Will" and "Representation", pessimistic forbearer of Nietzsche?
Answer: Arthur Schopenhauer
Regexp: (Arthur )?Schopenhauer
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: Book: Thus Spoke _______ (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Answer: Zarathustra
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: Early deconstructionist, Jacques _____
Answer: Derrida
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: Epicurus, who believed that pleasure is the highest good, gave us which term synonymous with hedonistic?
Answer: epicurean
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: In linguistics, this frenchman presented the concept of the signifier and the signified (surname only)?
Answer: Saussare
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: In what he called his "Copernican Revolution" this German philosopher proposed that the mind imposes space time, and causality on nature. He is Immanuel ---- ?
Answer: Immanuel #Kant#
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Philosophy
Question: Pessimistic author of The World as Will and Representation. Major influence on Nietzsche.
Answer: Arthur #Schopenhauer#
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: Sartre, Camus and de Beauvoir all belonged to a movement known as ----
Answer: Existentialism
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: This Greek philosopher believed man is born with all knowledge and life and education are processes of remembering what is forgotten at birth.
Answer: Plato
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: What is the working class called in marxist terminology?
Answer: proletariat
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: What short book by Niccolo Machiavelli is a collection of rules and principles one must abide by in order to seize and hold power?
Answer: The Prince
Author: kuel
Category: Philosophy
Question: What sort of man did Plato propose to rule his "Republic"?
Answer: A #Philosopher# King
Author: MingTea
Category: Philosophy
Question: Which French philosopher explored existentialist philosophy in his landmark book "Nausea" published in 1938?
Answer: Jean-Paul #Sartre#
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Philosophy
Question: Which Greek philosopher proposed the Theory of Forms in "The Republic"?
Answer: Plato
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Phobias
Question: Ailurophobia is the fear of?
Answer: cats
Regexp: cat'?s
Author: midnightsun99
Category: Phobias
Question: Mottephobia is the fear of what?
Answer: moths
Regexp: moth'?s
Author: chrisw
Category: Phobias
Question: Of what are xenophobics afraid?
Answer: strangers
Regexp: stranger'?s
Author: Fortunella
Category: Phobias
Question: Ranidaphobia is the fear of what?
Answer: frogs
Regexp: frog'?s
Author: chrisw
Category: Phobias
Question: Someone who is androphobic has a fear of what?
Answer: men
Author: DeepGrey
Category: Phobias
Question: The most common phobia, arachnephobia, is a phobia of?
Answer: spiders
Regexp: spider'?s
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Phobias
Question: The second most common phobia, anthropophobia, is a fear of?
Answer: people
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Phobias
Question: What is Panphopia a fear of?
Answer: Everything
Author: Magic2000
Category: Phobias
Question: What is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia the fear of?
Answer: long words
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Pholosophy
Question: Which French Philosopher used a method of systematic doubt to arrive at his famous conclusion "Cogito ergo sum" (I think therefore I am)?
Answer: Rene #Descartes#
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Physics
Question: A piece of glass that separates light into the visible spectrum is called a _____.
Answer: prism
Author: acidvision
Category: Physics
Question: Absolute zero (zero degrees kelvin) is only theoretical. The lowest laboratory temperature achieved is 280 picoKelvin. In which Scandinavian country was this produced?
Answer: Finland
Author: acidvision
Category: Physics
Question: As the speed of a body approaches the speed of light, its mass approaches ........
Answer: infinity
Author: dontgooff
Category: Physics
Question: For what did Pieter Zeeman receive the Nobel prize in Physics?
Answer: Zeeman effect
Author: Abdoul
Category: Physics
Question: Light rays consist of small packets of energy called .....
Answer: photons
Author: dontgooff
Category: Physics
Question: The force perpendicular to the surface of an object which counters the gravitational force?
Answer: Normal Force
Author: MingTea
Category: Physics
Question: The unit of electrical resistance is the .....
Answer: ohm
Author: simpsoniadfer
Category: Physics
Question: Units of frequency?
Answer: Hertz
Author: MingTea
Category: Physics
Question: Units of frequency?
Answer: Hertz
Author: MingTea
Category: Physics
Question: What is the clear homogeneous liquid portion of a nuclear protoplasm?
Answer: karyolymph
Author: atariwiggler
Category: Physics
Question: Which colour has highest wavelength in the visible spectrum?
Answer: red
Author: dontgooff
Category: Physics
Question: Which particles are emitted by cathode ray tubes?
Answer: electrons
Author: MingTea
Category: Places
Question: Where is the biggest mosque in the world?
Answer: Madina, Saudi Arabia
Author: Get-Rowdy
Category: Places
Question: Which establishments don't have windows or watches?
Answer: casino's
Regexp: casino'?s
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Plants
Question: "Scotch pine", "Douglas fir", "Noble fir", "Fraser fir" are all commonly used as what?
Answer: christmas trees
Regexp: christmas
Author: {LaVisH_Yum_Yum}
Category: Politics
Question: Margaret Thatcher was what?
Answer: First Woman Prime Minister
Author: Magic2000
Category: Politics
Question: What title to the Ambassadors of Britian Get given?
Answer: Ambassador to the Court of Saint James
Author: Magic2000
Level: hard
Category: Population
Question: What is the current world population, to the nearest billion?
Answer: six
Regexp: (six|6)
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Psychology
Question: A psychological disorder in which the patient refuses to eat.
Answer: #anorexia# nervosa
Author: Lyrax
Category: Psychology
Question: He developed the theory of the 'collective unconscious' and was also interested in dream interpretation.
Answer: Carl Gustav #Jung#
Category: Psychology
Question: Which behaviorist conducted the "Little Albert" experiment?
Answer: John #Watson#
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Quick! Quick!
Question: How many letters does abbreviation have?
Answer: 12
Regexp: (12|Twelve)
Author: Dragonesz
Category: Quick! Quick!
Question: What key is to the right of T on a keyboard?
Answer: Y
Author: PaulMcCartney
Category: Quick! Quick!
Question: What letters are missing from here - abcdeghijlmopqrstuvwxy?
Answer: f,k,n,z
Regexp: f,?k,?n,?z
Author: ImDrUnK
Category: Quizzes
Question: How many points are required to win this quiz?
Answer: 30
Regexp: (30|thirty)
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Category: Quotes
Question: What Follows the Phrase 'Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth'?
Answer: Hand for Hand, Foot for Foot
Author: Magic2000
Category: Quotes
Question: Who Said "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past"?
Answer: George Orwell
Regexp: Orwell
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Quotes
Question: Who said "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."?
Answer: Mark Twain
Regexp: twain
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Quotes
Question: Who said "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"?
Answer: albert Eienstein
Regexp: Einstein
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Quotes
Question: Who said "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names"?
Answer: John F. Kennedy
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Quotes
Question: Who said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"?
Answer: Neil Armstrong
Regexp: Armstrong
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Quotes
Question: Who said "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."?
Answer: Mother Teresa
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Quotes
Question: Who said 'We're not in the hamburger business, we're in showbusiness'?
Answer: Ray Kroc
Author: Magic2000
Category: Quotes
Question: who said "He who opens a school door, closes a prison"?
Answer: Victor Hugo
Regexp: Hugo
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Quotes
Question: who said "Religion... is the opium of the masses"?
Answer: Karl Marx
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Quotes
Question: who said "Today Europe tomorrow the world"?
Answer: Adolf Hitler
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Radio
Question: Of what is 'FM' an abbreviation?
Answer: frequency modulation
Author: Lyrax
Category: Recreational Chemistry
Question: Which organic compound is the psychoactive ingredient in Budweiser?
Answer: ethanol
Regexp: (ethanol|ethyl alcohol)
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Religion
Question: According to the Bible, how many years did Methuselah live?
Answer: 969
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Religion
Question: According to the Bible, who were the brothers of Jesus?
Answer: James and John
Regexp: (James( and| &|,)? John|John( and| &|,)? James)
Author: MissDameaner
Category: Religion
Question: In theology, the study of final things such as death, judgement and the end of the world is called:
Answer: eschatology
Author: MingTea
Category: Religion
Question: These wounds of christ mysteriously appear on believers who sometimes weep blood as well.
Answer: stigmata
Author: MingTea
Category: Religion
Question: This roman soldier pierced the crucified Christ on His side with his spear.
Answer: Longinus
Author: junkfiles
Category: Religion
Question: What animal's meat can a Hindu not eat?
Answer: cow
Author: MiniMog^__^
Category: Religion
Question: What animal's meat can a Muslim not eat?
Answer: pig
Author: MiniMog^__^
Category: Religion
Question: What is the 1st book of the Hindu scripture?
Answer: Rig Veda
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Religion
Question: What is the name given to the supreme reality in Hinduism?
Answer: Brahman
Author: |casiotone|
Category: Religion
Question: What is the name of the field where Christ was crucified?
Answer: Calvary
Author: MingTea
Category: Religion
Question: What is the shortest verse in the bible? (John 11:35)
Answer: #Jesus wept#.
Author: Shi|Shak
Category: Religion
Question: What was the first sign shown to Moses by God according to the Bible?
Answer: burning bush
Author: Atarvostatins
Category: Religion
Question: Who is referred to in the New Testament as 'the disciple Jesus loved'?
Answer: John
Author: a-l-f
Category: Religious Stuff
Question: The Lord's Prayer appears in the Bible how many times (written numerically)?
Answer: two
Regexp: (2|two)
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Royalty
Question: Who is the Prince of Wales?
Answer: Prince Charles
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sceince
Question: What is Borborygmus?
Answer: Stomach Noises
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: A scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians is known as a:
Answer: Herpetologist
Author: MingTea
Category: Science
Question: He is the Most Durable TV Astronomer
Answer: Patrick Moore
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: In the electomagnetic spectrum, what comes between X-rays and Light?
Answer: ultraviolet light
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Category: Science
Question: On the Moh Hardness scale what has a hardness of 10?
Answer: Diamond
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: Sound travels fastest through which state of matter?
Answer: solid
Author: MingTea
Category: Science
Question: The Carloline Institute of Stockholm won the nobel prize for what?
Answer: Physiology and Medicine
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: The study of the size, composition and distribution of the human population.
Answer: demography
Author: MingTea
Category: Science
Question: What 2 planets do not have moons?
Answer: Mercury and Venus
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: What did Einstein get the nobel prize for?
Answer: The Photelectric effect
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: What does LPG stands for?
Answer: Liquid Petroleum Gas
Author: AjiMMbO
Category: Science
Question: What engery does an Eolic power station?
Answer: Wind Power
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: What is Cytology the study of?
Answer: The Structure of Cells
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: What is the chief constituent of air?
Answer: Nitrogen
Author: ||BraveHeart
Category: Science
Question: What is the fourth state of matter?
Answer: liquid crystals
Regexp: liquid crystal'?s
Author: dontgooff
Category: Science
Question: What is the second hardest gem after diamond?
Answer: sapphire
Author: Fortunella
Category: Science
Question: What science does Professor Stephen Hawking study and teach?
Answer: astrophysics
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Science
Question: What two planets dont have moons?
Answer: Mercury and Venus
Regexp: (Mercury(,| and| +| &) Venus|Venus(,| and| +| &) Mercury)
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: What would a Conchologist be intrested in?
Answer: shells
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: Who devised the periodic table of elements?
Answer: Mendelev
Author: dontgooff
Category: Science
Question: Who discovered Vitamin C?
Answer: Linus Pauling
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: Who invented the centigrade scale?
Answer: Anders Celsius
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: Who is the only person two win two nobel prizes?
Answer: Marie Curie
Regexp: (Madamme )?(Marie )?Curie
Author: midnightsun99
Category: Science
Question: Who made the first phone call to the moon?
Answer: Richard Nixon
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: what Vitamin is Thiamine?
Answer: Vitamin B1
Author: Magic2000
Category: Science
Question: what period Came after the triassic?
Answer: Jurassic
Author: Magic2000
Category: Shakespeare
Question: Whose ghost appears at the dinner table in 'Macbeth'?
Answer: Banquo's
Regexp: Banquo'?s
Author: dontgooff
Category: Shapes
Question: A "gyre" is another term for what shape?
Answer: coil
Author: MingTea
Category: Show Biz
Question: What is Kenny G's real surname?
Answer: Gorelick
Author: Danni-
Category: Show Biz
Question: What was Marilyn Monroe's given name at birth?
Answer: Norma Jean Mortenson
Author: `4play
Category: Similes
Question: As light as a .......
Answer: feather
Author: Lyrax
Category: Similes
Question: As old as the .....?
Answer: hills
Regexp: hill'?s
Author: Fortunella
Category: Similes
Question: As old as the ...?
Answer: hills
Author: Lyrax
Category: Space
Question: How many Astronaughs crewed the Gemini series of Spacecraft?
Answer: Two
Author: Magic2000
Category: Space
Question: The Sun is how much more dense than water?
Answer: 1.41
Author: Magic2000
Category: Space
Question: What is a Blue Moon?
Answer: 2nd full moon in 1 month
Author: Magic2000
Category: Space
Question: What is the only man-made structure on earth that can been seen from space?
Answer: Great Wall Of China
Author: Tornado-
Category: Space
Question: What lies between mars and jupiter?
Answer: the asteroid belt
Author: Magic2000
Category: Space Travel
Question: Who was the first man in space?
Answer: Yuri #Gagarin#
Author: CursumPerficio
Category: Sport
Question: How many hurdles in a 400m hurdle race?
Answer: 10
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: How many pockets on a standard snooker table?
Answer: 6
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: In american football where is the Orange Bowl?
Answer: Miami
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: In baseball, how many outs are there in an inning?
Answer: six
Regexp: (six|6)
Author: a-l-f
Category: Sport
Question: In what sport would you find a 'Sukahara'?
Answer: Gymnastics
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: In which country is the famous Maracana stadium?
Answer: brazil
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Sport
Question: Polo consists of 8 periods called what?
Answer: Chukkers
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: The greyhound, along with this smaller relative, is used in the sport of coursing?
Answer: Whippet
Author: MingTea
Category: Sport
Question: The name of the only weapon in women's fencing?
Answer: foil
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: The two tire manufacturers in F1 are Bridgestone and ........?
Answer: Michelin
Author: Supreme-Being-of-Leisure
Category: Sport
Question: This football team was formerly known as the Frankford Yellow Jackets?
Answer: Philadelphia Eagles
Author: MingTea
Category: Sport
Question: What are a cheesboard's vertical rows called?
Answer: Files
Author: MingTea
Category: Sport
Question: What are a chessboard's horizontal rows called?
Answer: Ranks
Author: MingTea
Category: Sport
Question: What are the only two colours a table tennis ball is allowed to be in competitions?
Answer: White and Yellow
Regexp: (White(,| and| +| &) Yellow|Yellow(,| and| +| &) White)
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: What football team was formerly known as the Frankford Yellow Jackets?
Answer: Philadelphia Eagles
Author: MingTea
Category: Sport
Question: What is James Naismith best known for?
Answer: inventing Basketball
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: What sport do neither participents or spectators know the score until the end?
Answer: boxing
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: Whats the main feature of a speedway motorbike?
Answer: No Brakes
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: Which European club has won the most european cups in the 90s?
Answer: AC Milan
Author: ^Trotsky
Category: Sport
Question: Which country was judo developed in?
Answer: Japan
Author: MingTea
Category: Sport
Question: Which team won the UEFA cup this year?
Answer: Liverpool
Author: |GeorgeHarrison|
Category: Sport
Question: Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight?
Answer: bantamweight
Author: MingTea
Category: Sport
Question: Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight?
Answer: batamweight
Author: MingTea
Category: Sport
Question: Who fell behind Roger Maris in 1961 for the homerun record?
Answer: Mickey Mantle
Author: atariwiggler
Category: Sport
Question: Who was the first american to win the Formula 1 championship?
Answer: Phil Hill
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: Who was the first unseeded player to win Wimbeldon?
Answer: Boris Becker
Author: Magic2000
Category: Sport
Question: Who won the 2001 FA Cup?
Answer: Liverpool
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Category: Sports
Question: What is the international governing board of football (soccer)?
Answer: FIFA
Author: acidvision
Category: Sports
Question: Which Grand Slam tennis event is played on a clay surface?
Answer: French Open
Author: Danni-
Category: Sports Anagrams
Question: Frown, it is not well regarded.
Answer: World Wrestling Federation
Author: MingTea
Category: Stationery
Question: How many bends in a standard paperclip?
Answer: three
Regexp: (three|3)
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Category: Stupid Americans
Question: Every citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a what once a year?
Answer: bath
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Category: Stupid Americans
Question: The Luxor hotel in Las Vegas has the most powerful what?
Answer: light
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: TV
Question: Tinky winky, Dipsy LaLa and Po are know as what?
Answer: The #Teletubbies#
Author: Magic2000
Category: TV Series
Question: Who played Charlie in Charlies Angels?
Answer: John Forsythe
Author: stanstime
Category: TV Shows
Question: In the 70s Hit Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons what is the name of the company Scralet works for?
Answer: Spectrum
Author: Magic2000
Category: TV Trivia
Question: Josie and the ________
Answer: Pussycats
Author: MingTea
Category: TV Trivia
Question: What was the name of the restaurant the TV series "Happy Days"?
Answer: Arnolds
Regexp: Arnold'?s
Author: Atarvostatins
Category: TV Trivia
Question: Which TV horse could talk?
Answer: Mr. Ed
Regexp: Mr\.? Ed
Author: Atarvostatins
Category: Technology
Question: What colour is the 'Black box' on commercial planes?
Answer: Orange
Author: Magic2000
Category: Technology
Question: What does the CAT in CAT-SCAN stand for?
Answer: Computerised Axial Tomography
Author: Magic2000
Category: Technology
Question: What was the Jaguar Car called before 1945?
Answer: SS
Author: Magic2000
Category: Technology
Question: Which Writer established the three laws of robotics?
Answer: Isaac Asimov
Author: Magic2000
Category: Technology
Question: Who was the founder of Lotus Cars Ltd.?
Answer: Colin Chapman
Author: Magic2000
Category: Technology
Question: on aircraft what does VTOL stand for?
Answer: Vertical Take off and landing
Author: Magic2000
Category: Television
Question: The eldest sister in the TV Series Charmed, is played by who?
Answer: Shannon Doherty
Author: Hypz`
Category: Television
Question: Where does Gonzo from the Muppet Show come from?
Answer: outer space
Author: Dr_Jean_Grey
Category: Temperature
Question: What is -459.7 F also know as?
Answer: Absolute Zero
Author: Magic2000
Category: Textiles
Question: This is the Southeast Asian method of dying fabric using wax to create designs.
Answer: batik
Author: MingTea
Category: That's showbiz for ya!
Question: Michael Jackson caught fire while filming a commercial for which carbonated beverage?
Answer: Pepsi
Author: MingTea
Category: The Bible
Question: What is the last word in the New Testament?
Answer: Amen
Author: Magic2000
Category: The Body
Question: Whats the largest organ in the human body?
Answer: Skin
Author: Magic2000
Category: The Metric System
Question: To the nearest 0.1 km, how many kilometers in a mile?
Answer: 1.6
Author: SilverGinger5
Category: Theatre
Question: What Gilbert and Sullivan work tells the story of a Japanese emperor who bans flirting?
Answer: The #Mikado#
Author: aubergine
Category: Theology
Question: Where do the souls of unbaptised babies go after death, according to Catholocism?
Answer: Limbo
Author: MingTea
Category: Theology
Question: Where do the souls of unbaptised babies go after death, according to Catholocism?
Answer: limbo
Author: MingTea
Category: Time
Question: What is 'Zulu' time?
Answer: Greenwich Mean Time
Author: Magic2000
Category: US Presidents
Question: Who was the youngest American President
Answer: Theodore Roosevelt
Author: Magic2000
Category: Very silly countries
Question: The Presidential highway links the towns of Gore and Clinton in which country?
Answer: New Zealand
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Vocabulary
Question: An adjective meaning 'pertaining to the sun.'
Answer: solar
Author: Lyrax
Category: Weight
Question: How much does a cubic meter of water weigh?
Answer: One Ton
Author: Magic2000
Category: Yanks
Question: What house was the biggest in america until the Cival war?
Answer: The White House
Regexp: white
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: Yum
Question: What is the full name of the flavour enhancer MSG?
Answer: Monosodium glutamate
Author: |casiotone|
Category: americans again, Duh
Question: In what city in Georgia is it illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp?
Answer: Atlanta
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: ancient Stuff
Question: Roman statues were made with detachable whats, so that one what could be removed and replaced by another?
Answer: heads
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: dont say it
Question: At funerals in ancient China, when the lid of the coffin was closed, mourners took a few steps backward incase their WHAT got caught in the box?
Answer: shadow
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: english
Question: The longest one-syllable word in the English language is?
Answer: screeched
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: low Countries
Question: The lowest country in the world is?
Answer: The Netherlands
Regexp: (The Netherlands|Holland)
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: measurments
Question: Pony, Shot and Jigger are all units to measure what?
Answer: Spirits
Author: Magic2000
Category: quote
Question: Who said "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."?
Answer: Adolf Hitler
Regexp: Hitler
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: quote
Question: Who said "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."?
Answer: Adolf Hitler
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: silly Americans
Question: Teddy Roosevelt banned the a what from the White House for environmental reasons?
Answer: Christmas Tree
Author: {LaVisH_Yum_Yum}
Category: silly flags
Question: Which nation has an AK-47 assault rifle on its flag?
Answer: Mozambique
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: stupid Fish
Question: A goldfish has a memory of how many seconds?
Answer: three
Regexp: (3|one)
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: stupid Rivers
Question: The only river that flows both north and south of the equator is the?
Answer: congo
Author: {LaVisH}
Category: useless Stuff
Question: The only place in the world where one can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic is in which country?
Answer: Panama
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: "Carmine" is a shade of which color?
Answer: red
Author: MingTea
Question: "The Coffee Cantata" was written by who?
Answer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Regexp: Bach
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: -isms: Indifference to pleasure of pain; Greek philosophical system following the teachings of Zeno?
Answer: Stoicism
Author: MingTea
Question: -isms: The social and philosophic creedo of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw is called:
Answer: Shavianism
Author: MingTea
Question: -isms: This 20th century pihlosophical movement with thinkers and writers such as Sartre and Camus is responsible for the Theatre of the Absurd
Answer: existentialism
Author: MingAFK
Question: -isms: This 20th century pihlosophical movement with thinkers and writers such as Sartre and Camus is responsible for the Theatre of the Absurd
Answer: exitentialism
Author: MingAFK
Question: -ologies: Study of the history and development of words?
Answer: etymology
Author: MingAFK
Question: -ologies: Study of the sound system of languages; the analysis and classification of phenomes
Answer: phonology
Author: MingAFK
Question: A "gyre" is another term for what shape?
Answer: Coil
Author: MingTea
Question: A "gyre" is another term for what shape?
Answer: coil
Author: MingTea
Question: A catalogue of words and synonyms?
Answer: Thesaurus
Author: MingTea
Question: A catalogue of words and synonyms?
Answer: Thesaurus
Author: MingTea
Question: All of the clocks in what movie are stuck on 4:20?
Answer: Pulp Fiction
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Americans eat approximately 100 acres of what each day?
Answer: pizza
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Arnold Schwarzenegger played Doug Quaid in which 1990 film?
Answer: Total Recall
Regexp: Total Recall
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: As what are male bees also known?
Answer: drones
Regexp: drone'?s
Author: Fortunella
Question: At what seaside resort did Britain’s first legal casino open on the 2nd June 1962?
Answer: Brighton
Regexp: Brighton
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: Betta Splendens, known for its labrynth gills that allow it to live in small plastic cups, it's long bright fins and aggression to males of the same species is also called the:
Answer: Siamese Fighting Fish
Author: MingAFK
Question: Biology: In Linnaean classifcation, the group which comes directly under Kingdom.
Answer: Phylum
Author: MingAFK
Question: Bob Ayling is the Chief Executive of which British company?
Answer: British Airways
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: Bon Jovi and Ritchie Sambora both list this band as their influence?
Answer: The Beatles
Regexp: Beatles
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: Business and Advertising: This brand boasts 57 varieties?
Answer: Heinz
Author: MingTea
Question: By what name is Salicylic Acid better known as?
Answer: aspirin
Author: ||BraveHeart
Question: Characters such as those in chinese in which a word is represented by a picture, are called:
Answer: ideograms
Author: MingAFK
Question: Chinchillas bathe in what seemingly paradoxic substance?
Answer: dust
Author: MingTea
Question: Clearly the best player on this channel is?
Answer: mingtea
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: Crossword Clues: On the sheltered side (4)
Answer: alee
Author: MingAFK
Question: Crossword Clues: Shriveled-up and dry. (4)
Answer: sere
Author: MingAFK
Question: Dating back to the 1600s, thermometers were filled with what instead of mercury?
Answer: brandy
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: Dog Breeds: This small, sausage shaped dog was bred to hunt small underground mammals in their dens.
Answer: Dachsund
Author: MingAFK
Question: Eric Clapton shared a woman with this superb guitarist and songwriter. Later, it inspired his to write Layla.
Answer: George Harrison
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: Famous Lyrics: "There's a lady who knows all that glitters is gold and she's _____ _ _____ __ _____"
Answer: buying a stairway to heaven
Author: MingAFK
Question: Fill in the missing word - balloon____, gold ____, sword ____?
Answer: Fish
Author: dontgooff
Question: For what movie did Humphrey Bogart win his only Oscar?
Answer: The African Queen
Regexp: African Queen
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: From which movie comes the song "Under the Sea"?
Answer: Little Mermaid
Author: Aeris_
Question: Grover Cleveland is the only United States president to have been married where?
Answer: White House
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: He was the worlds most prolific inventor in the 1970's and 1980's with inventions such as Calculators, Digital Watch, Home Computer and Pocket Televisions?
Answer: Sir Clive Sinclair
Regexp: (Sir )?Clive Sinclair
Author: stanstime
Question: Homonyms: To burn or char/a prophet or diviner. (answer in the form of word1/word2)
Answer: Sear/Seer
Author: MingAFK
Question: How did Mork, in "Mork and Mindy" say hello?
Answer: nanoo nanoo
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: How many US states border an ocean?
Answer: Twenty three
Regexp: (23|Twenty Three)
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: How many country's have a life expectancy of over 80 years?
Answer: four #(Andorra, San Marino, Australia, Japan)#
Regexp: (4|four)
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: How many country's have a life expectancy of over 80 years?
Answer: four #(Andorra, San Marino, Australia, Japan)#
Regexp: (4|four)
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: How many days do dragon flies live for on average?
Answer: one
Regexp: (1|one)
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: How many eyeballs does a four-eyed fish have?
Answer: 2
Regexp: (2|two)
Author: ^BuHCHET^
Question: How many frets on a stratocaster?
Answer: twenty two
Regexp: (22|twenty two)
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: How many keys are there on a grand piano?
Answer: eighty eight
Regexp: (eighty[- ]eight|88)
Author: a-l-f
Question: How many prongs are there on a dinner fork?
Answer: 4
Regexp: (4|four)
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: How many red stripes are there on the American flag?
Answer: 7
Regexp: seven
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: How was the Sword of Damocles suspended?
Answer: from a single hair
Regexp: hair
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: If bats are nocturnal and horses diurnal, than coyotes and others animals that roam at the twilight hours and dawn are called:
Answer: crepuscular
Author: MingTea
Question: If bats are nocturnal and horses diurnal, then coyotes and others animals that roam at dawn and the twilight hours are called?
Answer: crepuscular
Author: MingTea
Question: In Australia what is it considered rude to do?
Answer: wink
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: In a Spanish bar, what are topaz?
Answer: snacks
Author: ^NiGhTy^_sad
Question: In a computer, what is a CPU?
Answer: Central Processing Unit
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: In addition to writing novels, Jonathan Swift also wrote social and philosophical commentary. In one satirical piece, "A Modest Proposal," what did he suggest should be made out of the skin of children?
Answer: gloves
Author: MingTea
Question: In ancient Rome, it was considered a sin to eat the flesh of what bird?
Answer: woodpecker
Regexp: wood
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: In the 1988 film Twins, what were the character names of Arnold Schwarzenneger and Danny De Vito?
Answer: Julius and Vincent
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: In the song American Pie, who did the word 'jester' refer to?
Answer: Bob Dylan
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: In what American State is the city of Nevada?
Answer: Missouri
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: In what movie did Charlie Chaplin first speak on film?
Answer: The Great Dictator
Regexp: Great Dictator
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: In which 1989 film did Kevin Costner play Ray Kinsella?
Answer: Field Of Dreams
Regexp: Field Of Dreams
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: In which city is the highest steeple?
Answer: Ulm
Author: JorgFli
Question: In which city was Hugh Grant arrested with Divine Brown?
Answer: Los Angeles
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: In which country were pizzas made first?
Answer: Italy
Author: dontgooff
Question: In which state is Michael Jackson's Never Land Ranch?
Answer: California
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: Indians eat using which hand?
Answer: right
Author: MingTea
Question: International Phonetic Alphabet: C
Answer: Charlie
Author: MingAFK
Question: International Phonetice Alphabet: F
Answer: Foxtrot
Author: MingAFK
Question: International Phonetice Alphabet: N
Answer: November
Author: MingAFK
Question: Isaac Newton dropped out of school when he was a teenager, at his mother's request. She hoped he would become a successful?
Answer: farmer
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes ....?
Answer: open
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Jim Backus was the voice of Mr. ______?
Answer: Magoo
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Joan Collins was how old when she posed semi-nude for "Playboy" in 1983?
Answer: 50
Regexp: (50|fifty)
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: Lack of Vitamin D results in .... ?
Answer: rickets
Author: MingAFK
Question: Linen is obtained from the fibers of what plant?
Answer: flax
Author: MingTea
Question: Linen is obtained from the fibers of what plant?
Answer: flax
Author: MingTea
Question: Literature Scramble: lxrnaadee lzynsshietno (Author of Gulag Archipelago)
Answer: Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Author: MingAFK
Question: Literature: In HG Wells "The Time Machine," two races of the future are the child-like Eloi, and the subterranean monsters called the .... ?
Answer: Morlocks
Author: MingTea
Question: Little used name for either corner of the eye?
Answer: Canthus
Author: MingTea
Question: Mark Twain referred to the what as the "stomach Steinway."?
Answer: accordion
Regexp: cordi
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: Math: The answer to a division problem is called the ....?
Answer: quotient
Author: MingAFK
Question: Music: This Vienese piano manufacturer includes 3 extra bass keys. It is the favorite piano of such performers as Tori Amos.
Answer: Bosendorfer
Author: MingAFK
Question: Name all of Bob the Builders friends?
Answer: Wendy, Muck, Roley, Loftey and Dizzy
Author: mexico_mouse
Question: Name the Oscar-winning actor who played Ron Jenkins in TVs Coronation Street?
Answer: Ben Kingsley
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: Name the Teletubbies?
Answer: Laa Laa, Tinky Winky, Dipsy and Po
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Name the dagger which lends its name to a type of women's shoes with slender pointed heels?
Answer: stiletto
Author: MingTea
Question: Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe make up what pop band?
Answer: Pet Shop Boys
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Never look a gift horse in the ....?
Answer: mouth
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: On the average, there are how many peas in a pod?
Answer: eight
Regexp: (8|eight)
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Phil Collins appeared in which Spielberg film with Robin Williams?
Answer: Hook
Author: SAD^ME
Question: Philosophy: Epicurus, who believed that pleasure is the highest good, gave us which term synonymous with hedonistic?
Answer: epicurean
Author: MingTea
Question: Physics: Energy and Momentum are never lost, they are .... ?
Answer: conserved
Author: MingAFK
Question: Physics: The color white is the absence or presence of all color?
Answer: presence
Author: MingAFK
Question: Self-praise is no ....?
Answer: recommendation
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived in which Italian city?
Answer: Verona
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: She was a reletive of Sir Philip Sydney and the Countess of Pembroke, authored the famous sonnet sequence Pamphilia to Amphilanthus?
Answer: Lady Mary Wroth
Regexp: (Lady )?Mary Wroth
Author: MingTea
Question: Slow and steady wins the ....?
Answer: race
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: Synonymous with obituary; a list of recently deceased.
Answer: necrology
Author: MingTea
Question: Synonymous with obituary; a list of recently deceased.?
Answer: necrology
Author: MingTea
Question: The French TGV train is called Traine Griende Viesta, what does that mean in english?
Answer: Train With Great Speed
Author: stanstime
Question: The Hubble telescope is named after this astronomer?
Answer: Edwin Hubble
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: The Kremlin is located in this city?
Answer: Moscow
Author: PaulMcCartney
Question: The Louvre in Paris, was originally a what, before it was changed to a museum durung the French Revolution?
Answer: palace
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: The Teddy bear was named after which US president?
Answer: Theodore Roosevelt
Regexp: (Theodore )?Roosevelt
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: The agave cactus is the source of which liquor?
Answer: tequila
Author: MingTea
Question: The analysis of blood splatter patterns, insect specimens taken from a crime victim, and ballistic information are all part of a larger crime-solving science known as:
Answer: Forensics
Author: MingAFK
Question: The closest living relative of this African mammal is the Giraffe?
Answer: Okapi
Author: MingTea
Question: The drink Absinthe is also known as?
Answer: Wormwood
Author: MingTea
Question: The first person other than royalty to be portrayed on a British stamp was?
Answer: William Shakespeare
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: The greyhound, along with this smaller relative, is used in the sport of coursing?
Answer: Whippet
Author: MingTea
Question: The highest man-made temperature was .... million degrees Celsius?
Answer: 70
Regexp: (70|seventy)
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: The large Hollywood sign in LA was originally?
Answer: Hollywoodland
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: The largest University is in which country??
Answer: Paris, France
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: The leaces of the tomato plant are poisonous, they contain ....?
Answer: Strychnine
Author: MingTea
Question: The leaves of the tomato plant are poisonous, they contain ________?
Answer: Strychnine
Author: MingTea
Question: The longest one-syllable word in the English language is?
Answer: screeched
Author: {Lav_Away}
Question: The major religion in Haiti is?
Answer: Voodoo
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: The most common colour on national flags is?
Answer: red
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: The okapi is most closely related to what african mammal?
Answer: Giraffe
Author: MingTea
Question: The only McDonald’s restaurant in the world built on a horse-racing course is in?
Answer: Hong Kong
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: The opal is the birthstone for which month of the year?
Answer: October
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: The pH scale is a logarithmic scales used to measure acidity in solutions. What does pH stand for?
Answer: potential of hydrogen
Author: MingAFK
Question: The song Proud Mary was writted by ....?
Answer: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: These are words in different languages that have the same original source, eg: "water" (english) and "wasser" (german)?
Answer: Cognates
Author: MingTea
Question: These are words in different languages that have the same original source, eg: "water" (english) and "wasser" (german)?
Answer: Cognates
Author: MingTea
Question: These beans are the most often used in the production of bean sprouts.
Answer: mung beans
Author: MingTea
Question: These establishments don't have windows or clocks?
Answer: casinos
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: These fighters always began a bout by saying, "Hail Emperor, those about to die salute you!"?
Answer: gladiators
Author: MingTea
Question: This Irish republic political movement founded in 1905 to promote Ireland's independence, is translated as "Ourselves Alone." What is it commonly called?
Answer: Sinn Fein
Author: MingAFK
Question: This Is Bon Jovi's latest album?
Answer: Crush
Author: ritchieblackmore
Question: This actor played Blondie in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly?
Answer: Clint Eastwood
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: This animal can't jump?
Answer: elephant
Author: ritchieblackmore
Question: This band was named band of the year in America in 1969?
Answer: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: This city can be abbreivated to 3% of its size "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula"?
Answer: LA
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: This city is the capital of Armenia?
Answer: yerevan
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: This city is the capital of Australian Capital Territorry?
Answer: Canberra
Regexp: Canberra
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: This first king of Israel reputedly had 700 wives?
Answer: Soloman
Author: MingTea
Question: This instrument has black and white keys?
Answer: piano
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: This is the Southeast Asian method of dying fabric using wax to create designs?
Answer: Batik
Author: MingTea
Question: This is the Southeast Asian method of dying fabric using wax to create designs?
Answer: Batik
Author: MingTea
Question: This is the capital of Ukraine?
Answer: Kiev
Regexp: Kiev
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: This is the medical name for shoulder blade?
Answer: scapula
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: This more efficient distillate of coal was one of the main fuels of the industrial revolution:
Answer: coke
Author: MingTea
Question: This spikey succulent, native of Africa is often an additive in creams and lotions?
Answer: Aloe Vera
Author: MingTea
Question: This spikey succulent, native of Africa is often an additive in creams and lotions?
Answer: aloe vera
Author: MingTea
Question: This sport gave us the term "Hang Ten."?
Answer: surfing
Author: MingTea
Question: This superb composer has composed scores to over 400 films?
Answer: Ennio Morricone
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: This term for those who oppose technological progress stems from 19th century working men who thought machinery would cause unemployment and societal degradation.
Answer: luddites
Author: MingAFK
Question: This term refers to any crown-shaped structure. It's also the name of a beer.
Answer: corona
Author: MingAFK
Question: This weapon lends its name to a type of woman's shoe with a slender, tapered high-heel?
Answer: Stiletto
Author: MingTea
Question: This world leader was born in 1870?
Answer: Lenin
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: Time magazine named what its "Man of the Year" in 1982?
Answer: computer
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: Van Gogh started to draw at the age of?
Answer: 27
Regexp: (27|twenty seven)
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: What 'B' comes before man, seller and and foot forward?
Answer: best
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'C' is a type of tank or the leader of a tribe?
Answer: chieftan
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'D' goes before centre, line and cert?
Answer: dead
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'D' goes before wit, weather and wine?
Answer: dry
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'H' shows that precious metals are authentic?
Answer: hallmark
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'K' is a fuel used by planes?
Answer: kerosene
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'K' is the home of bourbon whiskey?
Answer: Kentucky
Regexp: [Kk]entucky
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'L' is another name for a maze?
Answer: labyrinth
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'L' is obtained from Galena?
Answer: lead
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'N' was the city where Mrs Ghandi was assassinated?
Answer: New Delhi
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'Q' are the doubts or scruples of conscience?
Answer: qualm's
Regexp: qualm'?s
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'S' are the translations shown on the screen during a film of a different language?
Answer: subtitles
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'V' is a word meaning a farewell?
Answer: valediction
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'V' is an old soldier?
Answer: veteran
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'W' goes before ear, meal and germ?
Answer: wheat
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'W' is a pattern in blue, first seen on english chine in the 18th century?
Answer: willow
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What 'W' is software distributed by Microsoft that rarely works and uses system resources at an astronomical rate?
Answer: windows
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What Chinese zodiac sign is this year?
Answer: snake
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What Greek slave wrote fables?
Answer: aesop
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What Hebrew word means 'so be it'?
Answer: amen
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What Lake is the biggest in europe?
Answer: ladoga
Regexp: (lake )?ladoga
Author: midnightsun99
Question: What TV show had a character named Potsie?
Answer: Happy Days
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What US state was once an independent republic?
Answer: texas
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What animal appears on an australian 5 cent coin?
Answer: Echidna
Regexp: (An )?Echidna
Author: Hypz`
Question: What animal is incapable of making a sound that will echo?
Answer: duck
Author: MingTea
Question: What are Australian 'Lamingtons'?
Answer: Chocolate Cakes
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What are Blenheim, Lord Derby and Peasgood?
Answer: Apples
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What are a chessboard's horizontal rows called?
Answer: Ranks
Author: MingTea
Question: What are a chessboard's vertical rows called?
Answer: Files
Author: MingTea
Question: What are the colours of the five olympic rings?
Answer: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black
Author: stanstime
Question: What colour is a crabÆs blood?
Answer: blue
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: What country calles themselves Siomi?
Answer: Finland
Author: stanstime
Question: What country calls themselves Cymru?
Answer: Wales
Author: stanstime
Question: What country calls themselves Magyar?
Answer: Hungary
Author: stanstime
Question: What country calls themselves Nipon?
Answer: Japan
Author: stanstime
Question: What country do most stolen US cars end up in?
Answer: Mexico
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What country has the largest armed force?
Answer: China
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: What country has the largest school, with an enrollment of about 25,000?
Answer: Philippines
Author: MingTea
Question: What country is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world?
Answer: mexico
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: What country was formerly called Ceylon?
Answer: Sri Lanka
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What did Alfred Hitchcock Fear?
Answer: Eggs
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What did Dr John S. Pemberton concoct in a three-legged pot in his backyard in 1886?
Answer: Coca Cola
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair?
Answer: a bow
Regexp: bow
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: What did William the Conqueror regard as a sign of victory in the battle of Hastings and also appears on the Bayeux Tapestry?
Answer: Halley's Comet
Regexp: Halley'?s Comet
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: What did people use before the hearing aid was invented?
Answer: ear trumpet
Author: ^NiGhTy^_sad
Question: What did the americans buy of Russia for $7,200,000 in 1867?
Answer: alaska
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: What do you get when you mix blue and yellow?
Answer: green
Author: Dr_Jean_Grey
Question: What does "zucchero" mean in italian?
Answer: sugar
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: What does 'int' stand for in the C programming language?
Answer: integer
Regexp: integer
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: What does Thermos mean in greek?
Answer: hot
Regexp: hot
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: What does UFC stand for?
Answer: ultimate fighting championships
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: What does a philographist collect?
Answer: Autographs
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: What does a traveler suffer from if he has Nostomania?
Answer: intense homesickness
Author: midnightsun99
Question: What drink has a totally tropical taste?
Answer: lilt
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: What drug can be found in tonic water?
Answer: quinine
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What element do all organic compounds contain?
Answer: carbon
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What family do these fruits belong to - Kumquat, Pommelo, Ugli Fruit?
Answer: Citrus
Author: MingAFK
Question: What film did the Beatles make for television?
Answer: Magical Mystery Tour
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: What fruit family do almonds belong?
Answer: Peach
Author: stanstime
Question: What game of chance is physically the most demanding for the loser?
Answer: russian roulette
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What happend in the final episode of M.A.S.H. hence the theme tune?
Answer: #They All Commited Suicide# The Theme Is Called 'Suicide Is Painless'
Author: stanstime
Question: What has 1,792 steps in it?
Answer: eiffel tower
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What hats were worn by British troops during the Napoleonic wars of the early 1800s?
Answer: shakos
Regexp: shako'?s
Author: Supreme-Being-of-Leisure
Question: What holiday does Japan celebrate on December 23?
Answer: Birthday of the Emperor
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What in the wild west was known as The Peacemaker?
Answer: Colt 45
Author: stanstime
Question: What is Bugs Bunny’s catch phrase?
Answer: what's up doc?
Regexp: what'?s up doc\?
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: What is Israel's domestic intelligence agency called?
Answer: Shin Bet
Author: AjiMMbO
Question: What is South Korea's national dish called?
Answer: kimchee
Author: Supreme-Being-of-Leisure
Question: What is Tina Turner's real name?
Answer: Annie Mae Bullock
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What is Wales' national dish called?
Answer: cawl
Author: stanstime
Question: What is a lower than average tide normally occuring at the first and third quarters of the moon called?
Answer: neap tide
Author: MingAFK
Question: What is a volcano that is neither active nor extinct?
Answer: Dormant
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What is non-rhyming poetry called?
Answer: blank verse
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: What is rock star Sting's real name?
Answer: Gordon Summer
Author: SAD^ME
Question: What is tatooed on John Bon Jovi`s arm?
Answer: superman
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: What is th name of the famous hyrogen gas filled airship that crashed in 1936?
Answer: Hindenburg
Regexp: (The )?Hindenburg
Author: JoshuaLyman
Question: What is the Capital of Costa Rica?
Answer: San Jose
Author: dontgooff
Question: What is the Decalogue normally called?
Answer: Ten Commandments
Regexp: (10|Ten) Commandments
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What is the Taj Majal made of?
Answer: marble
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What is the URL for the #quiz website?
Answer: http://www.meta-x.de/quiz
Regexp: (http://)?(www.)?meta-x.de/quiz
Author: I-Rule
Question: What is the art of creating decorative shapes by trimming trees and shrubs?
Answer: topiary
Author: MingTea
Question: What is the capital of Austria?
Answer: Vienna
Author: dontgooff
Question: What is the capital of Belize?
Answer: Belmopan
Author: dontgooff
Question: What is the capital of Brazil?
Answer: Brasilia
Regexp: Bra[sz]ilia
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: What is the capital of Dominica?
Answer: Roseau
Author: dontgooff
Question: What is the capital of Nauru?
Answer: Yaren
Author: dontgooff
Question: What is the capital of Romania?
Answer: Bucharest
Author: dontgooff
Question: What is the capital of Venezuela?
Answer: Caracas
Author: dontgooff
Question: What is the capital of the Northern Territorry of Australia?
Answer: Darwin
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: What is the chalice used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper called?
Answer: Holy Grail
Author: ^NiGhTy^_sad
Question: What is the currency of Slovenia?
Answer: tolar
Author: midnightsun99
Question: What is the currency of Vietnam?
Answer: dong
Author: midnightsun99
Question: What is the front of a saddle called?
Answer: Pommel
Author: MingTea
Question: What is the literal English translation for China’s Tiananmen Square?
Answer: Heavenly Peace
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What is the major german airline (member of star alliance)?
Answer: Lufthansa
Author: Jaspa
Question: What is the most common surname in the world?
Answer: Chang
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What is the name given to jealousy shown towards a new baby by an older brother or sister?
Answer: Sibling Rivalry
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What is the name of the spaceship in the film Alien?
Answer: Nostromo
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: What is the only country that has never imposed censorship for adult films?
Answer: Belgium
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: What is the only fish that can blink at you with both eyes?
Answer: shark
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: What is the only place on earth that does not have a time zone?
Answer: Antarctica
Author: stanstime
Question: What is the opposite of an Utopia?
Answer: Dystopia
Author: MingTea
Question: What is the term for the group of plants that catch and digest insects?
Answer: carnivorous
Author: MingTea
Question: What is the working class called in marxist terminology?
Answer: Proletariat
Author: MingTea
Question: What kind of charcters were MTV's Sifl and Olly?
Answer: sock puppets
Author: MingTea
Question: What medical procedure is said to work by manipulating the body’s electrical energy flow?
Answer: Acupuncture
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What name is given to the large Russian utensil for making tea?
Answer: Samovar
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: What newspaper do the Flintstones read?
Answer: The Daily Slate
Regexp: Daily Slate
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What now famous painter was once so impoverished that he kept warm by burning his own paintings?
Answer: Pablo Picasso
Author: MingTea
Question: What part of Betty Grable was insured for over a million dollars?
Answer: Her Legs
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What part of the human body grows to 20 times its size at birth?
Answer: nose
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: What russian leader was killed with an icepick?
Answer: Trotsky
Author: |GeorgeHarrison|
Question: What sea separate Naples and Algiers?
Answer: Meditteranean
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What substance was used to build the Kinga Chapel in Poland?
Answer: salt
Author: midnightsun99
Question: What talent did Dumbo the elephant have?
Answer: he could fly
Regexp: fly
Author: ^NiGhTy^_sad
Question: What three European countries begin with the letter 'A' (alphabetically)?
Answer: Albania, Andorra and Austria
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What three letter word can be placed before these words to make a new word - "light" "break" "time"?
Answer: day
Author: Guest21667
Question: What tiny vessel connects an artery with a vein?
Answer: capillary
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What two countries were known as 'The Yellow Peril' in then 1890's?
Answer: China and Japan
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What university was founded in 1160??
Answer: Oxford University
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: What was first successfully tested in Alamogordo, New Mexico?
Answer: Atomic bomb
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: What was the American Pie in Don Macleans song?
Answer: Buddy Holly's Crashed Airplane
Author: stanstime
Question: What was the first model Rolls Royce called?
Answer: silver ghost
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: What was the first product to have a bar code on it?
Answer: wrigley's gum
Regexp: wrigley'?s Gum
Author: MingTea
Question: What weapons did the indians use to defeat custer?
Answer: Winchester Specials
Author: stanstimer
Question: What word can be a verb, noun, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection and a verbal auxiliary?
Answer: like
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: What's next in the series 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, ?
Answer: 24
Regexp: (24|Twenty Four)
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: What's the capital of Majorca?
Answer: palma
Author: {ZiN}
Question: What's the highest mountain in Africa?
Answer: Kilimanjaro
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: What's the name of Blur's frontman?
Answer: Damon Albarn
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: What's the world's largest Gulf?
Answer: gulf of mexico
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Whats the ball on the top of a flagpole called?
Answer: Truck
Regexp: (The )?Truck
Author: DeepGrey
Question: Whats the birthstone for July?
Answer: ruby
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Whats the chemical formula CH3COOH commonly known as?
Answer: vinegar
Author: ||BraveHeart
Question: Where in Europe it is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 P.M. if you live in an apartment?
Answer: Switzerland
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: Where is the Guggenheim Museum?
Answer: New York
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Where is the Lubianka prison located?
Answer: moscow
Regexp: moscow
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: Where is the coldest desert in the world?
Answer: antarctica
Author: Flat_Michael
Question: Where is the famous Blaze nightclub located?
Answer: Melbourne
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: Where is the original London Bridge located?
Answer: Lake Havasu, Arizona
Author: MingTea
Question: Which Batman TV villain leads the Molehill Mob?
Answer: riddler
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Which Group sang the song "November Rain"?
Answer: Guns n Roses
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which US comapny makes the most profit per second??
Answer: Ford
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Which arabic country has the biggest proportion of Christians?
Answer: Lebanon
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: Which british leader was born in a ladies' room during a dance?
Answer: Winston Churchill
Regexp: church
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Which car's name translates from latin as 'I Roll'?
Answer: Volvo
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which country did France beat to take the 1998 world cup?
Answer: Brazil
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which country had the hottest temparture ever recorded in Sept. 13, 1922, at 136 F / 58 C
Answer: Libya #(El Azizia)#
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Which country has the greatest number of islands?
Answer: Finland
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Which country has won the most nobel peace prizes?
Answer: USA
Regexp: (U.?S.?A?.?|United States|America)
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Which country was host to the 1999 cricket world cup?
Answer: England
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which famous author also writes under the name pen name of Richard Bachman?
Answer: Steven King
Author: ILoveJackDaniels
Question: Which female singer collaborated with Eminem with the song "Stan"?
Answer: Dido
Regexp: Dido
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Which group sang the Song "Hotel California"?
Answer: Eagles
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the Song "Last Resort"?
Answer: Papa Roach
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the Song "The Call"?
Answer: Backstreet Boys
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "All The Small Things"?
Answer: Blink 182
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Everything you want"?
Answer: Vertical Horizon
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Fuel"?
Answer: Metallica
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Go Let It Out"?
Answer: Oasis
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "I Have A Dream"?
Answer: Westlife
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Its Gonna Be Me"?
Answer: N'Sync
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Learn To Fly"?
Answer: Foo Fighters
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Ordinary World"?
Answer: Duran Duran
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Original Prankster"?
Answer: Offspring
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Picture Of You"?
Answer: Boyzone
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Rollin"?
Answer: Limp Bizkit
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit"?
Answer: Nirvana
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Thank You For Loving Me"?
Answer: Bon Jovi
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "Unforgiven"?
Answer: Metallica
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which group sang the song "sleeping child"?
Answer: Michael Learns To Rock
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which instrument did George Harrison of the Beatles play?
Answer: lead guitar
Author: ^Trotsky
Question: Which is the language that is most spoken in the world?
Answer: chinese
Question: Which is the only species of mammal that can't jump?
Answer: elephant
Author: |BradPitt|
Question: Which pop artist died in New York in 1987?
Answer: Andy Warhol
Regexp: Warhol
Author: ^NiGhTy^_sad
Question: Which song is used in the movie "Loser"?
Answer: Teenage Dirt Bag
Author: Aeris_
Question: Which state has the only royal palace in the United States?
Answer: Hawaii
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Which team won the recently concluded UEFA cup?
Answer: Liverpool
Author: dontgooff
Question: Which two British cities, along with ancient Rome, were built on seven hills?
Answer: Edinburgh and Sheffield
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: Which was the first rock group to use lasers in a live performance?
Answer: The Who
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight?
Answer: bantamweight
Author: MingTea
Question: While USSR sent Laika the dog into space, the USA sent Laska and Benjy, which were?
Answer: mice
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: While grass grows the horse ....?
Answer: starves
Author: _NiGhTy_
Question: Who did Nathuram Godsay Murder in 1948?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
Regexp: Gandhi
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who did Peeping Tom peep at?
Answer: Lady Godiva
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Who died on Saint Helena?
Answer: Napoleon
Author: JorgFli
Question: Who fought in the 1967 Six Days War?
Answer: Arabs and Israelis
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: Who fought the 100 years war?
Answer: France and England
Regexp: France and England
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: Who founded the McDonalds Chain?
Answer: Ray Kroc
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: Who invaded England in 55 BC?
Answer: Romans
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Who invented Lava Lamps?
Answer: Craven Walker
Regexp: Craven Walker
Author: {_eHf_}
Question: Who invented the compact disc or CD?
Answer: Philips
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who invented the radio?
Answer: Guglielmo Marconi
Regexp: (Guglielmo )?Marconi
Author: atariwiggler
Question: Who invented the television?
Answer: John Logie Baird
Author: {_eHf_}
Category: Films
Question: Who is Julia Wells Better known as?
Answer: Julie Andrews
Author: Magic2000
Question: Who is the famous giantkiller?
Answer: jack
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Who is the only musician in history to bring out two albums to reach number one in one year?
Answer: DMX
Author: Ritz_Corleone
Question: Who is the only person to win oscars for best actress and best song?
Answer: Barbara Streisand
Author: stanstimer
Question: Who is the patron saint of lovers?
Answer: Saint Valentine
Regexp: (St.?|Saint) Valentine
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Who owns Weight Watchers?
Answer: Heinz
Author: MingTea
Question: Who owns Weight Watchers?
Answer: Heinz
Author: MingTea
Question: Who plays centerfield for the Seattle Mariners?
Answer: Mike Cameron
Author: JessicaA^^
Question: Who pulled the thorn from the lion's paw?
Answer: Androcles
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Who returned to Britain in 2001 after 35 years on the run?
Answer: Ronnie Biggs
Author: stanstime
Question: Who said A computer will never need more than 640k of memory in 1982?
Answer: Bill Gates
Author: stanstime
Question: Who sang the Song "American Pie"?
Answer: Don Mclean
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the Song "Beautiful Day"?
Answer: U2
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the Song "Gangsta's Paradise"?
Answer: Coolio
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the Song 'Electric Youth'?
Answer: Debbie Gibson
Author: nagets
Question: Who sang the song "Another Brick In The Wall"?
Answer: Pink Floyd
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the song "Californication"?
Answer: Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the song "Desert Rose"?
Answer: Sting
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the song "I Want You"?
Answer: Savage Darden
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the song "I'll Be Missing You"?
Answer: Puff Daddy
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the song "Run To You"?
Answer: Bryan Adams
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the song "The Way I Am"?
Answer: Eminem
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the song "We Didn't Start The Fire"?
Answer: Billy Joel
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who sang the song 'Ironic'?
Answer: Alanis Morisette
Author: nagets
Question: Who sang the theme song to the James Bond movie, "A View to A Kill"?
Answer: Duran Duran
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Who sings the song Clint Eastwood?
Answer: Gorillaz
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Who stars in the movie "Tomb Raider"?
Answer: Angelina Jolie
Regexp: Jolie
Author: ^NiGhTy
Question: Who sung the Song "Fast Car"?
Answer: Tracy Chapman
Author: dontgooff
Question: Who was Oberon's wife?
Answer: Titania
Author: Athene
Question: Who was the first Christian missionary?
Answer: Paul
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Who was the first person to present an Oscar (Academy Award) to himself?
Answer: Walt Disney
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Who was the last Scottish Prime Minister of Britain?
Answer: Sir Alec Douglas Home
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Who was the only World Heavyweight boxing Champion to go undefeated throughout his career?
Answer: Rocky Marciano
Author: SAD^ME
Question: Who was the only person to ever play in the Super Bowl and World Series?
Answer: Deion Sanders
Author: atariwiggler
Question: Who was the star of the film Bachelor Party?
Answer: Tom Hanks
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Who was the title character in The Merchant of Venice?
Answer: antonio
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Who was voted "Time Magazine's" man of the year in 1938?
Answer: adolf Hitler
Author: {Valley_Boy}
Question: Who wrote the novel that the play "Les Miserables" is based on?
Answer: Victor Hugo
Author: NiGhTy^
Question: Who wrote the original story "The Lost World"?
Answer: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Regexp: Conan Doyle
Author: SAD^ME
Question: Who's first girlfriend was named Thelma Pickles?
Answer: John Lennon
Regexp: lennon
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Who's first girlfriend was named Thelma Pickles?
Answer: John Lennon
Regexp: lennon
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: Who's mugshot number was BK4454813?
Answer: Hugh Grant
Author: {ZiN}
Question: Yogi Bear's sidekick was?
Answer: boo boo
Author: MingTea
Question: ho was singer of the QUEEN?
Answer: freddie mercury
Question: how many strings on a seven string guitar?
Answer: seven
Regexp: (7|seven)
Author: ^BuHCEHT^
Question: the "ZIP" in ZIP Code is an abrieviation of?
Answer: Zoning Improvement Plan
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: the largest rough diamond is a?
Answer: Cullinan
Author: {LaVisH}
Question: what is the most frequently seen comet?
Answer: Encke
Author: JessicaA^^^
Question: what is the name of the cryptography machine used by the german's in WW2?
Answer: ENIGMA
Regexp: E.?N.?I.?G.?M.?A.?
Author: AjiMMbO
Question: what was the name of the principal in archie comics??
Answer: Weatherbee
Author: dontgooff
Question: which two great physicists developed calculus independently of each other?
Answer: Isaac Newton and Leibniz
Author: ^BuHCEHT^