Dream World - Puzzle Helper / Solver - 4 Colors Box Solver - Trivia Question and Answers - Answers for Dream World Trivia
Question: what does the following acronym stand for : uhf? Answer: ultra high frequency Question: In the electomagnetic spectrum, what comes between X-rays and Light? Answer: ultraviolet light Question: the final section of this novel consists of a famous stream of consciousness monologue. name the james joyce novel? Answer: ulysses Question: in 1851 william lassell discovers ariel and---------- , satellites of unranus? Answer: umbriel Question: Which major international organization was created in 1945? Answer: #UN# (United Nations) Question: Baby Names Beginning With "U": Meaning: Unity? Answer: una Question: what is an antonym of 'credible'? Answer: unbelievable Question: righteous brothers song revived by _ghost_ starring moore and swayze? Answer: unchained melody Question: Righteous Brothers song revived by _Ghost_ starring Moore and Swayze. Answer: Unchained Melody Question: What organisation did Mr Waverly assign agents for? Answer: uncle Question: What organisation did Illya Kuryakin work for? Answer: uncle Question: 1983 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Uncommon Valor Question: time: this means "every 11 years"? Answer: undecennial Question: 1983 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Under Fire Question: 1992 - Tommy Lee Jones - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Under Siege Question: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Kiss" Answer: Under the Cherry Moon Question: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Kiss" Answer: Under the Cherry Moon Question: 1995 - Russell Crowe - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Under the Gun Question: Where are all of the versions of the Mona Lisa? Answer: under the original Question: Music : Disney Tune: "What do they got A lot of sand! We got a hot crustacean band!"? Answer: under the sea Question: ---------- is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with the letters und? Answer: underground Question: Which is the only English word to both begin and end with the letters U-N-D ? Answer: Underground Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: birthday? Answer: underground sunshine Question: What was Scotsman John Laurie's profession in his Dad's Army Role? Answer: undertaker Question: apodysophilia is a feverish desire to what? Answer: undress Question: What were there 368,000 of in 1961 and 2,295,000 of in 1981? Answer: unemployed Question: movie quotes: "you just shot an unarmed man!" "well, he should have armed himself"? Answer: unforgiven Question: Movie Quotes: "You just shot an unarmed man!" "Well, he should have armed himself" Answer: unforgiven Question: Category: Movie Quotes: "You just shot an unarmed man!" "Well, he should have armed himself" Answer: unforgiven Question: Blade Runner: This mythical animal appears in a dream sequence in "The Director's Cut". Answer: unicorn Question: What do the initials U.F.O stand for? Answer: Unidentified Flying Object Question: Which major new technology does the XBOX 360 GPU "Xenos" introduce? Answer: Unified Shaders Question: what does the computer acronym "url" stand for? Answer: uniform resource locator Question: What did Royal Navy officers have to start wearing after 1748? Answer: uniforms Question: Ad Jingles: Look for this label when you're buying a coat, dress, or blouse? Answer: union Question: gary puckett sang "lady willpower", among others. name his backup band? Answer: union gap Question: What does UNESCO stand for? Answer: United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Question: what do the letters in unicef stand for? Answer: united nations international children's emergency fund Question: what country is the world's largest importer of cognac? Answer: united states Question: At the outbreak of WWI what country's airforce consisted of only 50 men? Answer: United States Question: where were fortune cookies invented? Answer: united states Question: q is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the? Answer: united states Question: if you read or listen to all the words in all four stanzas of "the star spangled banner," you'll find that there are three words missing. what are they? Answer: united states and america Question: Who in 1893 defined vegtables as plants eaten in a meal and fruits as plants eaten as dessert? Answer: united states supreme court Question: Who in 1893 defined vegtables as plants eaten in a meal and fruits as plants eaten as dessert? Answer: United States #Supreme Court# Question: widely used designation in the united states, canada, and several other countries for the association of more than 2000 community-based organizations that work to meet local health and human-care needs? Answer: united way Question: WidelyuseddesignationintheUnitedStates,Canada,andseveralothercountriesfortheassociationofmorethan2000community-basedorganizationsthatworktomeetlocalhealthandhuman-careneeds? Answer: UnitedWay Question: In 1978 the Nobel prize in literature was given to for his impassioned narrative art which, with roots in a Polish-Jewish cultural tradition, brings ...? Answer: universal human conditions to life Question: animaniacs tunes: song titles: wakko's america, yakko's world, and yakko's? Answer: universe Question: In 1983 the Nobel prize in physics was divided equally between Subramanyan Chandrasekhar for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars and William A. Fowler for his theoretical and experimental studies of the nuclear reactions of importance in the formation of the chemical elements in the ...? Answer: universe Question: Linux is a clone of what operating system? Answer: UNIX Question: What is a group of this animal called: Raven? Answer: unkindness Question: What is the collective term for a group of ravens? Answer: unkindness Question: 1992 - Kurt Russell - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Unlawful Entry Question: British slang: x-directory means? Answer: unlisted phone number Question: Music : Love Songs: Song that says "if I seem a little strange, well that's because I am" what? Answer: unloveable Question: generation x toys: this popular card game's name is spanish for "one."? Answer: uno Question: Category: 90s TV: Robert Stack hosted this show about UFO's, criminals, murders, etc. Answer: Unsolved Mysteries Question: What does the U stand for in the abbreviation I.O.U? Answer: unto Question: 1995 - Richard Gere - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Unzipped Question: 2000, this movie was released on february 18 hanging ----------? Answer: up Question: 1930 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Up the River Question: 1972 - Barbra Streisand - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Up the Sandbox Question: Acronym Soup: UL? Answer: upload Question: When read upside down, what does the term "umop apisdn" signify? Answer: upside down Question: Where was the first football world cup? Answer: uraguay Question: Which mountains are regarded as the east border of Europe? Answer: Ural Question: What mountain range separates Europe from Asia? Answer: Ural Question: What mountains seperate Eurpope from Asia? Answer: urals Question: what mountain range separates europe from asia? Answer: urals Question: This is the heaviest naturally occurring element. Answer: uranium Question: what is the heaviest element? Answer: uranium Question: What distant planet circles the sun every 84 years? Answer: Uranus Question: which planet is visible to the naked eye ? Answer: uranus Question: 1980 - John Travolta - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Urban Cowboy Question: what employment did patricia hearst claim when booked? Answer: urban terrorist Question: Category: Moronic Duo 1: B&B once forgot how to ------- and had to go to a doctor for help. Answer: urinate Question: cat's _____ glows under a black-light? Answer: urine Question: Authors: Exodus? Answer: uris Question: The Big Dipper is part of what constellation? Answer: Ursa Major Question: astronomy:the big dipper is part of what constellation? Answer: ursa major Question: potpourri: astronomical name for the big dipper? Answer: ursa major Question: astronomy : the big dipper is part of what constellation? Answer: ursa major Question: What country's capital is Montevideo? Answer: uruguay Question: What South American country uses the same vowel three times in first five letters of its name? Answer: uruguay Question: What country celebrates its National Day on 25th August? Answer: Uruguay Question: In 1951---------- , Australia and New Zealand sign ANZUS treaty? Answer: us Question: Whats the abbreviation for United States of America? Answer: USA Question: If you shoot at mimes, should you ...? Answer: use a silencer? Question: 1980 - Kurt Russell - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Used Cars Question: What did Al Capone's business card say he was? Answer: used furniture dealer Question: Quotations: "'He means well' is ----------- unless he does well."- Plautus? Answer: useless Question: where in the us is great salt lake? Answer: utah Question: Where in the US is Great Salt Lake? Answer: utah Question: What organ gave us the word 'hysterical'? Answer: uterus Question: -isms: This branch of philosophy, characterised by the idea: "The greatest pleasure and happiness for the greatest number," was founded by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill. Answer: Utilitarianism Question: When a good is consumed, the consumer presumably derives some benefit or satisfaction from the activity. Economists have called this benefit or satisfaction ...? Answer: utility Question: What imaginary island did Sir Thomas More create in a 1516 work? Answer: utopia Question: Category: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: The NCC-1701D was made at which shipyard Answer: Utopia Planitia Question: What dangles over the tongue from the palate? Answer: uvulva Question: videos: four women sing while waterskiing? Answer: vacation Question: 80's songs: _____- go-go's? Answer: vacation Question: hs: who got out of jail in time to become head of czechoslovakia? Answer: vaclav havel Question: What is the term for space devoid of matter? Answer: vacuum Question: What is the capital of Liechtenstein? Answer: Vaduz Question: for what was composer ludwig van beethoven once arrested? Answer: vagrancy Question: Music: Eddie Van Halen is married to what actress? Answer: Valerie Bertinelli Question: who played the title role in the us sitcom 'rhoda'? Answer: valerie harper Question: What's heaven to fallen Norse warriors? Answer: Valhalla Question: What is the most widely used tranquiliser in North America? Answer: valium Question: who did the norse god odin have as handmaidens? Answer: valkyries Question: what is the capital of malta? Answer: valletta Question: What is the capital of Malta? Answer: Valletta Question: 1983 - Nicolas Cage - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Valley Girl Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: Health or Love? Answer: valtina Question: Economists have managed to separate the problems of an efiicient allocation of resources from the controversial question of the distribution of income and wealth. The latter is concerned with ...? Answer: value judgements Question: In painting, the degree of lightness or darkness in a color. Answer: values Question: Category: Quantum Leap: In "Blood Moon", Sam leaps into this type of creature. Answer: Vampire Question: what has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic? Answer: vampire Question: What has no reflection, no shadow and cant stand the smell of garlic? Answer: vampire Question: What has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic? Answer: vampire Question: Animal Trivia: ---------- need about 2 tablespoonfuls of blood each day. The creature is able to extract its dinner in approximately 20 minutes? Answer: vampire bats Question: 1995 - Eddie Murphy - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Vampire in Brooklyn Question: 1989 - Nicolas Cage - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Vampire's Kiss Question: what has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic? Answer: vampires Question: 1998 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Vampires Question: 80's songs: jump - _____halen? Answer: van Question: Category: TV Last Names: Coach/Luther... Answer: van dam Question: What is the name of the weak attractive bonds which exist between molecules? Answer: van der waals forces Question: Anime: What is the name of the male lead in _Vision of Escaflowne_? Answer: van fanel Question: people: dutch post-impressionist painter, lived 1853-1890? Answer: van gogh Question: Music : He released the parody 'Oh You Ate One Too' in 1988 what included the song 'Cabo Wabo'? Answer: van halen Question: the red rocker replaced diamond dave in this band in 1984? Answer: van halen Question: they released the parody 'oh you ate one too' in 1988 which included the song 'cabo wabo'? Answer: van halen Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: When It's Love? Answer: van halen Question: he released the parody "oh you ate one too" in 1988 which included the song "cabo wabo"? Answer: van halen Question: pop star deaths: infamous "hustle" composer who died at the age of 35? Answer: van mccoy Question: he began his career as a lead vocalist with the group "them" during the early british invasion? Answer: van morrison Question: he visited australia and new zealand, then surveyed the pacific coast of north america? Answer: vancouver Question: Geographic : The largest island on the west coast of North America is? Answer: vancouver Question: What island is the Canadian city of Victoria found on? Answer: vancouver Question: He visited Australia and New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific Coast of North America. Answer: Vancouver Question: he visited australia and new zealand, then surveyed the pacific coast of north america? Answer: vancouver Question: What Germanic race gave its name to acts of wanton destruction? Answer: vandals Question: in the film 'julia' (1977), julia is played by? Answer: vanessa redgrave Question: Hereleasedtheparody"ohyouateonetoo"in1988whichincludedthesong"CaboWabo"? Answer: VanHalen Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: take me for a little while? Answer: vanilla fudge Question: In Norse myth, there were two separate races of gods: the Aesir gods which included Odin and Thor, and the ____ gods from whom descended Freya? Answer: vanir Question: In Norse myth, there were two separate races of gods: the Aesir gods which included Odin and Thor, and the ____ gods from whom descended Freya. Answer: Vanir Question: What would be the defining characteristic of a narcissistic person? Answer: vanity Question: who sang "hitching a ride'? Answer: vanity fair Question: who sang "hitching a ride'? Answer: vanity fair Question: In 1904 Russian cruisers ---------- and Korietz sunk off Korean coast by Japanese? Answer: variag Question: Any solo performance in a ballet. Answer: variation Question: What is the national airline of Brazil called? Answer: varig Question: smallpox is also known as? Answer: variola Question: gor: a blind, batlike swarm of flying rodents, each the size of a small dog? Answer: vart Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: Little Ash Tree? Answer: vaschel Question: Who was the first european explorer to reach India by sea? Answer: vasco da gama Question: heavy tune: "...what is real and what is for sale..."? Answer: vasoline Question: What is the largest one person residence in the world? Answer: vatican Question: What is the capital of Vatican City? Answer: Vatican City Question: Which country is the smallest population? Answer: Vatican City Question: In which city is the Sistine Chapel? Answer: #Vatican# City Question: What was the only nation to register zero births in 1983? Answer: Vatican City Question: What is the smallest independent state in the world? Answer: #Vatican# City Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Vanuatu? Answer: vatu Question: classical british composer known for a london symphony & the opera hugh the drover? Answer: vaughan williams Question: An arched brick or stone ceiling or roof. Answer: vault Question: food: this meat is used to make scaloppine? Answer: veal Question: what do you call an agent such as an insect capable of mechanically or biologically transferring a pathogen from one organism to the other? Answer: vector Question: Pulp Fiction: Vincent's last name is what Answer: vega Question: what was in the sandwich in the 1983 hit 'down under'? Answer: vegemite Question: What was in the sandwich in the 1983 hit 'Down Under'? Answer: vegemite Question: Animal Trivia: A rodent's teeth never stop growing. They are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other ----------? Answer: vegetable matter Question: Lachanophobia is the fear of? Answer: vegetables Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: Great? Answer: velika Question: The first antiderivative of acceleration is: Answer: velocity Question: lou reed fronted this group who, in the 60's recorded such notables as "heroin" and "sweet jane"? Answer: velvet underground Question: in 1975 soviet spacecraft ---------- lands on venus? Answer: venera 9 Question: Useless Facts: Each year, more than 300,000 American teenagers become afflicted with some form of ---------------? Answer: venereal disease Question: What country is Angel Falls in? Answer: venezuela Question: what country's capital is caracas? Answer: venezuela Question: Guyana has borders with Brazil, Surinam and which other country? Answer: Venezuela Question: What South American country was named after Venice? Answer: venezuela Question: in which country is angel falls? Answer: venezuela Question: where is lake maracaibo? Answer: venezuela Question: What country's currency is the bolivar? Answer: venezuela Question: In which country is Angel Falls? Answer: Venezuela Question: Maracaibo is the second largest city in which South American country? Answer: venezuela Question: what european city is known as the bride of the sea? Answer: venice Question: What city would you be in if you were feeding the pigeons in the Piazza San Marco? Answer: venice Question: In which city is the Bridge of Sighs? Answer: Venice Question: What European city is known as The Bride of the Sea? Answer: venice Question: What was Marco Polo's home town? Answer: venice Question: in what city is the bridge of sighs? Answer: venice Question: Where does the Rialto Bridge span the Grand Canal? Answer: venice Question: What is Venezuela named after? Answer: Venice Question: Classical Music: In what city did the barcarolle originate? Answer: Venice Question: In which city is the Canale Grande? Answer: Venice Question: What city's main thoroughfare is the Grand Canal? Answer: venice Question: at which film festival is the best film awarded with the "golden lion"? Answer: venice film festival Question: What planet did the Mariner space craft explore? Answer: venus Question: This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's. Answer: Venus Question: what planet has the longest day? Answer: venus Question: which is the only planet that rotates clockwise? Answer: venus Question: who was the roman goddess of love? Answer: venus Question: Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid? Answer: venus Question: Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid? Answer: Venus Question: Jimmy Carter once thought he saw a UFO; what was it? Answer: Venus Question: What planet has the longest day? Answer: venus Question: What planet is best known as both the morning and the evening star? Answer: venus Question: What is the only clockwise rotating planet? Answer: venus Question: 80's tune: performed by: bananarama? Answer: venus Question: astronomy:what planet did the mariner space craft explore? Answer: venus Question: What planet is considered the Earth's twin in size and mass? Answer: venus Question: What is the brightest planet seen from earth? Answer: venus Question: astronomy:what planet is best known as both the morning and the evening star? Answer: venus Question: Music: What song by Frankie Avalon went to #1 in 1959? Answer: Venus Question: This statue was found on the Greek island of Melos in 1820. Answer: Venus de Milo Question: arts : this statue was found on the greek island of melos in 1820? Answer: venus de milo Question: cartoon what type of plant does broom hilda sell? Answer: venus flytrap Question: This plant has leaves with delicate trigger hairs, allowing it to sense and trap insects. Answer: venus flytrap Question: What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell? Answer: venus flytrap Question: which 3 planets are the only ones above freezing? Answer: venus, mercury, earth Question: Fox TV: On In Living Color: Name the body-building beauty played by Jim Carrey. Answer: Vera De Milo Question: Category: Fox TV: On In Living Color: Name the body-building beauty played by Jim Carrey. Answer: Vera De Milo Question: Music : Pink Floyd: Which popular WWII British singer is mentioned in ^The Wall^? Answer: vera lynn Question: what new england state dosen't border the atlantic? Answer: vermont Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: Youthful? Answer: vern Question: Geography: The Italian city of -----------, where Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day? Answer: verona Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Elvis Costello? Answer: veronica Question: This is the bridge with the longest span in the U.S.A. Answer: Verrazano Narrows Question: In which European Palace are the State Apartments called the Hall of Mirrors? Answer: versailles Question: In 1984 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Jaroslav Seifert, for his poetry which endowed with freshness, sensuality and rich inventiveness provides a liberating image of the indomitable spirit and versatility of man ...? Answer: versatility of man Question: what is the proper 5-letter word for the left-hand page of a book? Answer: verso Question: Music : Name of Pearl Jam's second album? Answer: versus Question: When two or more firms in the same industry, but at different stages in the production process, join together, this is an example of ...? Answer: vertical integration Question: What do the Italian, French and Irish flag have in common? Answer: vertical stripes Question: on aircraft what does VTOL stand for? Answer: Vertical Take off and landing Question: Tag Lines: Alfred Hitchcock engulfs you in a whirlpool of terror and tension! Answer: Vertigo Question: nina post and louise gordon of this group released "seether" off their "american thighs" album in 1994? Answer: veruca salt Question: what does v.s.o.p. stand for on a bottle of brandy? Answer: very special old pale Question: What do the initials V.S.O.P stand for on a bottle of brandy? Answer: very special old pale Question: What do the letters VOSP on a brandy bottle stand for? Answer: Very Special Old Pale Question: beatles lyrics: and the banker never wears a mac, in the pouring rain? Answer: very strange Question: What volcanic peak can you see from Naples? Answer: vesuvius Question: What is the only active volcano on the European mainland? Answer: vesuvius Question: What volcano destroyed Pompeii? Answer: Vesuvius Question: What is James Herriots other occupation? Answer: vet Question: what is the flower that stands for: shyness? Answer: vetch Question: Generation X Toys: Name of Barbie's hot pink sports-car? Answer: vette Question: 1953 - ingrid bergman - starred in this movie? Answer: viaggio in italia Question: jazz axes: milt jackson played this special instrument? Answer: vibraphone Question: any device that uses batteries or ac current to create a vibration. most often used by women to stimulate the clitoris? Answer: vibrator