Dream World - Puzzle Helper / Solver - 4 Colors Box Solver - Trivia Question and Answers - Answers for Dream World Trivia
Question: Startrek:who played captain james tkirk Answer: william shatner Question: Category: Defining Roles: Star Trek--> Captain James Tiberius Kirk Answer: William Shatner Question: Category: 2001: This actor played Dr. Haywood Floyd Answer: William Sylvester Question: Category: Actor: ...who played TS Garp Answer: williams Question: julio iglesias scored a major hit iwth "to all the girls i've loved before," a duet with ______ ______? Answer: willie nelson Question: what singer said "in the future, i'd like to be able to push a switch and have pot delivered into every household in the world."? Answer: willie nelson Question: What country singer/songwriter (and sometimes actor) is known as "the country outlaw"? Answer: Willie #Nelson# Question: Category: Superstars: Which Bruce is co-owner of "Planet Hollywood" Answer: Willis Question: What wood is a cricket bat made from? Answer: willow Question: Alison Hannigan plays which character in the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Answer: Willow Question: the alaska state bird? Answer: willow ptarmigan Question: 1985 - Nicole Kidman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Wills and Burke Question: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Candy Man" Answer: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Question: What was Wilma Flintstone's maiden name? Answer: Wilma Slaghoopal Question: U.S. President, Woodrow ··········. Answer: Wilson Question: Quotes: To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady? Answer: Wilson Mizner Question: which artist/group had a hit in 1991 with "you're in love"? Answer: wilson phillips Question: Where is an Axminster carpet now made? Answer: wilton Question: What county is Stonehenge in? Answer: wiltshire Question: What is considered tennis's most illustrious championship? Answer: wimbledon Question: Who was fond of saying 'I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today'? Answer: wimpey Question: What is the administrative centre of Hampshire? Answer: winchester Question: A "sirocco" refers to a type of ··········. Answer: wind Question: What engery does an Eolic power station? Answer: Wind Power Question: An anemometer measures ···· ········. Answer: wind velocity Question: What is the capital of Namibia? Answer: Windhoek Question: What type of building has sails? Answer: windmill Question: 1986 - Nicole Kidman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Windrider Question: What are the roaring forties? Answer: winds Question: What castle was built for Henry III? Answer: windsor Question: What was the family name of the British royal family at the time of the coronation? Answer: windsor Question: what is this monarchs family name: queen elizabeth ii? Answer: windsor Question: what is made of fermented grape juice? Answer: wine Question: alcoholic beverage produced by fermenting the juice of grapes? Answer: wine Question: what does a oenologist make? Answer: wine Question: what did welch's grape juice become a favorite substitute for when the 18th amendment passed? Answer: wine Question: What would you get from a vintner? Answer: wine Question: What do the French Appellation d'Origin Controlee laws regulate? Answer: wine Question: dionysus was the greek god of ______? Answer: wine Question: what does a oenologist make? Answer: wine Question: Category: Actors In TV: Steven Weber, Crystal Bernard Answer: Wings Question: Who sang 'Mull of Kintyre'? Answer: Wings Question: What is the name of the piece flipped into the cup in tiddlywinks? Answer: wink Question: In What book would you find a Hefalump? Answer: Winnie the Pooh Question: Winona Ryder: Where was Winona born (City State) Answer: Winona Minnesota Question: Category: TV Last Names: Family Matters/Carl and Harriet... Answer: winslow Question: Category: TV Last Names: Family Matters/Carl and Harriet... Answer: winslow Question: Category: Last Names: Family Matters/Carl and Harriet... Answer: winslow Question: Music: What was John Lennon's real middle name? Answer: Winston Question: What was John Lennon's middle name before he changed it to Ono? Answer: Winston Question: which former british prime minister died in 1965? Answer: winston churchill Question: he said 'i have nothing to offer but blood, tears, toil and sweat'? Answer: winston churchill Question: who said: "i have nothing to offer but blood, tears, toil and sweat."? Answer: winston churchill Question: Which British prime minister died in 1965? Answer: Winston #Churchill# Question: 1979 - Jeff Bridges - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Winter Kills Question: 1989 - Kurt Russell - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Winter People Question: Who created Maudie Frickett Answer: winters Question: what term is usually used to describe a fall in surfboard riding? Answer: wipe-out Question: Name the implement that removes water from your windshield on your car? Answer: wiper Question: technology: what does "wap" stand for? Answer: wireless application protocol Question: what state is the 'badger state'? Answer: wisconsin Question: Logical consequences are the scarecrows of fools and the beacons of ...? Answer: wise men Question: What was the name of the cook on Rawhide? Answer: wishbone Question: According to the Tolkien Sarcasm Page, what is Tom Bombadil's true title? Answer: Witch-king of Angmar Question: What was the Nazgul leader's day job? Answer: Witch-king of Angmar Question: pennslyvania was the first colony to legalize? Answer: witchcraft Question: 1988 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Without a Clue Question: 1995 - Angelina Jolie - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Without Evidence Question: The ______ Of Oz Answer: wizard Question: The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white. Answer: Wizard of Oz Question: which company owns the rights to the "magic" card game? Answer: wizards of the coast Question: nobel prizes : who won the 1986 literature award with a wide cultural perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the drama of existence? Answer: wole soyinka Question: What is a Canis Lupus? Answer: wolf Question: a german proverb, fear makes the? Answer: wolf bigger than he is Question: what 1995 computer game featured a character whose goal was to kill nazi's? Answer: wolfenstein Question: He wrote the operas "The Magic Flute" and "The Marriage of Figaro" Answer: Wolfgang Amadeus #Mozart# Question: Was Richmal Crompton a man or woman? Answer: woman Question: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "I Just Called To Say I Love You" Answer: Woman in Red Question: 1964 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Woman of Straw Question: 1967 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Woman Times Seven Question: What does a gynephobic man fear? Answer: women Question: What did Lloyd's first admit on January 1st 1970? Answer: women Question: 1931 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Women of All Nations Question: 1986 - Susan Sarandon - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Women of Valor Question: what does the following acronym stand for : wac? Answer: women's army corps Question: What is the basic unit of currency for South Korea? Answer: won Question: What is the basic unit of currency for North Korea? Answer: won Question: 2000 - Michael Douglas - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Wonder Boys Question: Themes: What would you do if I sang out tune Answer: Wonder Years Question: The title of which Oasis single is mentioned twice in the lyrics of the Travis single Writing To Reach You? Answer: Wonderwall Question: As Queen Hippolyte, who's mother did Cloris Leachman play Answer: wonderwoman Question: What were the sides of the US fighting ship nicknamed Old Ironside made of? Answer: wood Question: What were George Washington's false teeth made of? Answer: wood Question: Paper is made from the pulp of ·····. Answer: wood Question: what were the sides of the us fighting ship nicknamed old ironside made of? Answer: wood Question: A print made by carving on a wood block, which is then inked and printed. Answer: woodcut Question: what kind of teeth did george washington have? Answer: wooden Question: Who appears on the 100,000 dollar (US) note? Answer: Woodrow #Wilson# Question: who appears on the 100,000 dollar (us) note? Answer: woodrow wilson Question: What began August 15th 1969 on Max Yasgur's dairy farm? Answer: woodstock Question: What is the name of Snoopy's secretary? Answer: woodstock Question: Category: Cheers Trivia: While this character befriended actor Robert Urich, no one else believed him.. Answer: Woody Question: By what name is Allan Stewart Konisburg better known as? Answer: Woody Allan Question: Category: ActPersons: He was born Allen Konigsberg Answer: woody allen Question: Category: Name That Celebrity: Director and dixieland clarinetist Answer: Woody Allen Question: Category: Movies: Played Miles Monroe (owner of Happy Carrot Health Food Store) in Sleeper. Answer: woody allen Question: Who was nominated for directing in 1984 Answer: woody allen Question: by what name is Allen Konigsberg better known? Answer: Woody Allen Question: Quotes: I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying? Answer: Woody Allen Question: who played woody in "cheers" Answer: woody harrelson Question: An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird. Name him. Answer: Woody Woodpecker Question: What kind of creature was Chewbacca in "Star Wars"? Answer: Wookiee Question: Entertainment : Name of the computer in Wargames Answer: wopr Question: 1988 - Alec Baldwin - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Working Girl Question: 1988 - Melanie Griffith - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Working Girl Question: Which sitcom starred jim belushi & michael keaton Answer: working stiffs Question: In 1963 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Giorgos Seferis (alias Seferiadis) for his eminent lyrical writing, inspired by a deep feeling for the Hellenic ...? Answer: world of culture Question: Category: Gilligans Island: What book does the Professor consult most Answer: World of Facts Question: In 1983 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Sir William Golding for his novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition in the ...? Answer: world of today Question: 50s Flicks: The action of _South Pacific_ takes place during which war Answer: World War II Question: 50s Flicks: The action of _South Pacific_ takes place during which war Answer: world war ii Question: Frown, it is not well regarded. Answer: World Wrestling Federation Question: Star Wars: What was Luke Skywalker's nickname on Tatooine Answer: wormie Question: 'Pareto efficiency' (after Vilfredo Pareto) is a situation in which it is not possible to make someone better off without making someone else ...? Answer: worse off Question: what summer olympic sport, apart from swimming, has freestyle events? Answer: wrestling Question: What sport featured Mick McManus and Jackie Pallo? Answer: wrestling Question: what famous brothers lived at hawthorn hill in dayton, ohio? Answer: wright brothers Question: who were the first two members elected to the u.s. aviation hall of fame? Answer: wright brothers Question: what was the first product to have a barcode? Answer: wrigley's gum Question: Category: Cheers Trivia: Diane left for good in order to do this... Answer: write a book Question: Category: TV: Occupation of Oscar Madison in "The Odd Couple" Answer: Writer Question: Category: Rush Limbaugh: The call letters of the EIB affiliate on shortwave (15.420 MHz). Answer: wrno Question: 1994 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Wyatt Earp Question: 1994 - Kevin Costner - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Wyatt Earp Question: Bill Ted Bogosity: Dude, what is the name of the boys' most triumphant band (spelling counts) Answer: Wyld Stallyns Question: Name Ronald Reagan's first wife. Answer: Wyman Question: cheyenne is the capital of ______? Answer: wyoming Question: What letter begins the fewest words in the English language? Answer: x Question: On a standard computer keyboard, this is the letter just to the right of Z. Answer: x Question: What was Mr. Spock's blood type Answer: x positive Question: Category: 90s TV: In which program do Mulder and Scully appear Answer: X-Files Question: What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895? Answer: X-rays Question: how do you write 99 in roman numerals? Answer: xcix Question: How do you write ninety nine in Roman numerals? Answer: xcix Question: What chemical element gets is name from the greek word meaning 'stranger'? Answer: Xenon Question: who were the first native people of s.a. to meet the white settlers, in1800's? Answer: xhosa Question: how do you write the number 42 in latin? Answer: xlii Question: How do you write 49 in Roman numerals? Answer: xlix Question: What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895? Answer: xrays Question: What does C minus LXXIX equal? Answer: xxi Question: What key is to the right of T on a keyboard? Answer: Y Question: What sport is it recommended that you duck the boom in? Answer: yachting Question: what sport is it recommended that you duck the boom in? Answer: yachting Question: What Tibetan mammal lives at a higher altitude than any other in the world? Answer: yak Question: what mammal lives at the highest altitude? Answer: yak Question: Name the mammal living at the highest altitude. Answer: yak Question: Music: What 1958 song was The Coaster's only #1 hit? Answer: Yakkety Yak Question: what 1958 song was the coaster's only #1 hit? Answer: yakkety yak Question: Category: Cartoons: First name of any of the Warner brothers or sister on "Animaniacs". Answer: Yakko Question: Cartoons: First name of any of the Warner brothers or sister on "Animaniacs". Answer: Yakko Question: Churchill, F.D. Roosvelt and Stalin met here in 1945. Answer: Yalta Question: what is the capital of ivory coast? Answer: yamoussoukro Question: What's the longest river in Asia? Answer: yangtze Question: What is the longest river in Asia? Answer: yangtze Question: Name the longest river in Asia. Answer: Yangtze Question: What Chinese river is known as The Child of the Ocean? Answer: yangtze Question: name the longest river in asia? Answer: yangtze Question: name the river that runs through nanjing, china? Answer: yangtze Question: What is the international radio code word for the letter Y? Answer: yankee Question: 1979 - Richard Gere - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Yanks Question: Category: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: This character was killed by a black oil slick... Answer: Yar Question: Category: Minutiae: Name the Band: "Don't Go," "Midnight," "Situation," and "Only You" Answer: yaz Question: Simpsons Cartoon : She is the voice of Lisa. Answer: Yeardley Smith Question: What causes bakers itch? Answer: yeast Question: What fungus is used in making bread? Answer: yeast Question: what causes "baker's itch"? Answer: yeast Question: What colour is the stripe on a Canadian Mountie's dress pants? Answer: yellow Question: What colour on black produces the most visible combination? Answer: yellow Question: What colour is the circle line as depicted on the London underground maps? Answer: yellow Question: What colour is the danger flag in auto racing? Answer: yellow Question: What river is known as China's Sorrow because of its flooding? Answer: yellow Question: what colour is the ferrari emblem? Answer: yellow Question: what is the most common colour of topaz? Answer: yellow Question: What color are French Letter Boxes? Answer: yellow Question: What is the most common colour of topaz? Answer: yellow Question: What river is known as China's Sorrow? Answer: Yellow Question: what is the color of the #1 ball in pool? Answer: yellow Question: Which river produces the most sediment? Answer: #Yellow# River Question: Name the sea between Korea and China. Answer: #Yellow# Sea Question: what arabian peninsula nations recently merged under communist leadership? Answer: yemen Question: japan's equivalant to the dollar is ______? Answer: yen Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Japan? Answer: yen Question: 1983 - Barbra Streisand - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Yentl Question: What is the capital of Armenia? Answer: Yerevan Question: Do sea gulls drink sea water? Answer: yes Question: Does Uranus have an aurora? Answer: Yes Question: Does Uranus have an aurora? Answer: yes Question: What famous band was Jon, of Jon and Vangelis, the lead singer for? Answer: yes Question: Is the thumb considered to be a finger? Answer: yes Question: does uranus have an aurora? Answer: yes Question: Is a jellyfish a polyp? Answer: yes Question: Does Uranus have an aurora? Answer: yes Question: Do mosquitoes have teeth? Answer: yes Question: Which Beatles song is the most recorded? Answer: yesterday Question: Music: What Beatles song did Dr. John remake? Answer: Yesterday Question: what beatles song did dr. john remake? Answer: yesterday Question: How do you name 3 consecutive days without saying Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday? Answer: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Question: What name is given to the abominable snowman? Answer: Yeti Question: What language is klutz an insult in? Answer: yiddish Question: This Toy is based on a Filipino Hunters Weapon what is it? Answer: Yo Yo Question: What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in "The Empire Strikes Back" Answer: yoda Question: What is the name of Luke Skywalker's troll like adviser in The Empire Strikes Back? Answer: yoda Question: What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in "The Empire Strikes Back"? Answer: Yoda Question: What do you get by adding Lactobacillus Bulgaricus to milk? Answer: yogurt Question: this is the port city serving tokyo? Answer: yokohama Question: This is the port city serving Tokyo. Answer: Yokohama Question: Entertainment: L'il Abner's last name. Answer: yokum Question: What is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar? Answer: Yom Kippur Question: what is the holiest day in the jewish calendar? Answer: yom kippur Question: Name the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Answer: Yom Kippur Question: name the poetic and southern united states word for over there? Answer: yonder Question: What county boasts Englands largest fish and chip shop? Answer: yorkshire Question: What is the highest waterfall in the USA? Answer: Yosemite Question: Bugs always finds himself at the wrong end of a gun, usually toted by either Elmer Fudd or who? Answer: Yosemite Sam Question: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Name of the O'Briens' son Answer: Yoshi Question: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Whom does Worf babysit while the O'Briens are busy Answer: Yoshi Question: What quiz program was hosted by Groucho Marx Answer: you bet your life Question: 1939 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: You Can't Get Away With Murder Question: what song won the grammy for "song of the year" in 1977? Answer: you light up my life Question: 1967 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie: Answer: You Only Live Twice Question: Music: What was Sam Cooke's only #1 song? Answer: You Send Me Question: What was daffy ducks usual closing line Answer: you're dispicable Question: What was Daffy Duck's favorite insult? Answer: #You're dispicable#! Question: Flat naval comedy set in WW2 with Cooper commanding a dumb crew on the U.S.S. Teakettle. Film debuts for Marvin and Charles Bronson. Answer: You're in the Navy now Question: music: what song of shania twain's was on the notting hill soundtrack? Answer: you've got a way Question: 1998 - Tom Hanks - Starred In This Movie: Answer: You've Got Mail Question: what was the most-played song of the 20th century? Answer: you've lost that loving feeling Question: a bantling is a(n)? Answer: young child Question: a bantling is a(n)...? Answer: young child Question: 1974 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Young Frankenstein Question: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Blaze of Glory" Answer: Young Guns II Question: "...... they're all doing the monster mash and most of the taxis and the whores are only calls for cash" what's the dire straits song title? Answer: your latest trick Question: "......they'realldoingthemonstermashandmostofthetaxisandthewhoresareonlytakingcallsforcash"What'stheDireStraitssongtitle? Answer: yourlatesttrick Question: Within, I do not find wrinkles and used heart, but unspent ...? Answer: youth Question: What is the basic unit of currency for China? Answer: yuan Question: many ancient mayan ruins, including the famous chichen itza, are located in what mexican peninsula, which juts out into the caribbean sea? Answer: yucatan Question: Who is the creator of the Ruby programming language? Answer: Yukihiro Matsumoto Question: who stared in the play "the king and i" more than 4000 times? Answer: yul brynner Question: Category: Defining Roles: The King and I--> The King of Siam Answer: Yul Brynner Question: Defining Roles: The King & I--> The King of Siam Answer: Yul Brynner Question: Who was the first man in space? Answer: Yuri #Gagarin# Question: What name do Private Eye readers associate with Princess Margaret? Answer: yvonne Question: These are the two highest valued letters in "Scrabble". "Q" and ·····. Answer: Z Question: What letter in the English alphabet once went by the name izzard? Answer: z