Dream World - Puzzle Helper / Solver - 4 Colors Box Solver - Trivia Question and Answers - Answers for Dream World Trivia
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: Victorious? Answer: vic Question: Category: Threes Company: Jack eventually left the apartment to move in with this girl Answer: vicky Question: 1991 - Pierce Brosnan - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Victim of Love Question: Who directed "the wizard of oz" (1939) Answer: victor fleming Question: who said "He who opens a school door, closes a prison"? Answer: Victor Hugo Question: Who wrote the shortest ever letter? Answer: Victor #Hugo# Question: Quotes: A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea? Answer: Victor Hugo Question: Quotations: "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."? Answer: Victor Hugo Question: quotations: "the greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."? Answer: victor hugo Question: In what Australian state would you find Wodonga? Answer: victoria Question: What is the largest lake in Africa? Answer: victoria Question: in which state was the australian gold rush? Answer: victoria Question: What London station would you take the train from to get to Gatwick? Answer: victoria Question: what is the capital of seychelles? Answer: victoria Question: What is the capital of Seychelles? Answer: Victoria Question: Who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Nike? Answer: victoria Question: what is the capital of hong kong? Answer: victoria Question: During annual spring floods, this waterfall can become so loud as to break windows six miles away? Answer: Victoria Falls Question: TV Actresses: Pamela Barnes Ewing on Dallas Answer: Victoria Principal Question: In 1951---------- , actress, born? Answer: victoria principal Question: Category: TV Actresses: Pamela Barnes Ewing on Dallas Answer: Victoria Principal Question: TV/Movies: TV Actresses: Pamela Barnes Ewing on Dallas? Answer: victoria principal Question: What was the name of Nelson's flagship? Answer: victory Question: What was Horatio Nelson's most famous ship? Answer: victory Question: vcrs: vcr stands for this? Answer: video cassette recorder Question: what are the initials 'vcr'? Answer: video cassette recorder Question: what does "vcr" stand for? Answer: video cassette recorder Question: What was the first video to be played on MTV? Answer: Video Killed the Radio Star Question: This was the first video to play on MTV? Answer: Video Killed the Radio Star Question: 1983 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Videodrome Question: MTV: MTV plays these most of the day Answer: videos Question: Directors: The Crowd, War and Peace, The Citadel Answer: Vidor Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: Happy? Answer: vidor Question: What city is Wiener Schnitzel named after? Answer: vienna Question: What is the Capital of: Austria? Answer: vienna Question: What is the capital of Austria? Answer: Vienna Question: What is the capital of Laos? Answer: Vientiane Question: Category: Quantum Leap: "The Leap Home, Pt 2", takes place during this war, where Sam's brother dies. Answer: Vietnam Question: In what country is the Mekong River Delta? Answer: Vietnam Question: What coutnry did 300,000 Chinese troops invade in February, 17979? Answer: Vietnam Question: The massacre at Kent State occurred as students protested the bombing of Cambodia and the _____ war. Answer: Vietnam Question: in what country is the mekong river delta? Answer: vietnam Question: Category: Quantum Leap: "The Leap Home, Pt 2", takes place during this war, where Sam's brother dies. Answer: Vietnam Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Duran Duran? Answer: view to a kill Question: Category: Letterman: Dave did this comedy bit every Friday on the NBC show. Answer: Viewer Mail Question: Quantum Leap 2: QL received 5 awards in 4 years from this org. rewarding quality TV drama. Answer: Viewers for Quality Television Question: Which Fijian golfer won the 1998 US Masters? Answer: vijay singh Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: moonflight? Answer: vik venus Question: At the turn of the last millennium, Dublin Ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the----------? Answer: vikings Question: Football: The Minnesota ·······. Answer: Vikings Question: 1995 - Christopher Reeve - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Village of the Damned Question: Music : Songs include "Ready for the '80s," and "Macho Man"? Answer: village people Question: What is capital of Lithuania? Answer: Vilnius Question: What is the capital of Lithuania? Answer: Vilnius Question: What is the capital of Lithuania? Answer: vilnius Question: erasure: who is the instrumentalist in erasure? Answer: vince clarke Question: this former male vocalist of the year was once the lead singer for pure prairie league. who is he? Answer: vince gill Question: what is the super bowl trophy called? Answer: vince lombardi trophy Question: What is the super bowl trophy called? Answer: Vince Lombardy trophy Question: what is the super bowl trophy called? Answer: vince lombardy trophy Question: What name did Vincent Van Gogh sign to his paintings? Answer: vincent Question: Music : 70's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Airport Love Theme? Answer: vincent bell Question: what is rock singer alice cooper's real name? Answer: vincent furnier Question: Film Roles: Dr. Phibes Answer: Vincent Price Question: Film Roles: Dr. Phibes Answer: Vincent Price Question: Category: Brady Mania: He guest starred as an eccentric cave dweller in Hawaii. Answer: Vincent Price Question: TV/Movies: What spooky star hosted the quiz show Esp? Answer: vincent price Question: What spooky star hosted the quiz show Esp Answer: vincent price Question: who painted "irises", which fetched a record million at a 1987 auction? Answer: vincent van gogh Question: Who painted Starry Night? Answer: vincent van gogh Question: Who, in 1889, painted the picture called The Starry Sky? Answer: vincent van gogh Question: what artist cut off his right ear? Answer: vincent van gogh Question: Which artist painted "The Potato Eaters"? Answer: vincent van gogh Question: who wrote the opera 'norma'? Answer: vincenzo bellini Question: who wrote the opera 'norma'? Answer: vincenzo bellini Question: Ethanoic (or acetic) acid is the major constituent of which everyday condiment? Answer: vinegar Question: NamegiventothatpartofNorthAmericafirstseeninorabout986byBjarniHerjlfsson,whowasdriventherebyastormduringavoyagefromIcelandtoGreenland? Answer: vinland Question: Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of ·····. Answer: vinyl Question: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of _____? Answer: vinyl Question: The violet belongs to which genus of flowers? Answer: viola Question: what product was advertised by the first commercial to portray nudity on us televison (1987)? Answer: viola brassieres Question: The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to ········. Answer: violet Question: The longest time someone has typed on a typewriter continuously is 264 hours, set by whom? Answer: Violet Burns Question: Name the band - songs include "Add It Up, Blister In The Sun, Kiss Off"? Answer: Violet Femmes Question: what musical instrument did sherlock holmes play? Answer: violin Question: Leslie Howard played this instrument in "Intermezzo." Answer: violin Question: What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes play? Answer: violin Question: TV/Movies: Leslie Howard played this instrument in "Intermezzo."? Answer: violin Question: what is a cello's real name? Answer: violincello Question: Classical Music: Who wrote the most violin concertos? Answer: Viotti Question: What is the zodiacal symbol for Virgo? Answer: virgin Question: what is the zodiacal symbol for Virgo? Answer: virgin Question: I knew Doris Day before she became a ...? Answer: virgin Question: record labels:what is shonen knife's current label (1994)? Answer: virgin Question: In which state is Mount Vernon? Answer: Virginia Question: In which state is Appomattax? Answer: Virginia Question: in which state is appomattax? Answer: virginia Question: 1940 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Virginia City Question: Category: Actors In Film: Hot Spot; Candy Man; Shadow Dancing Answer: Virginia Madsen Question: Author of "The Lighthouse" and "Eminent Victorians"? Answer: Virginia Woolf Question: mythology: what were comfrey baths were believed to restore? Answer: virginity Question: If you were born on 26 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: virgo Question: If you were born on 03 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: virgo Question: If you were born on 24 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: virgo Question: If you were born on 31 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: virgo Question: If you were born on 28 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: virgo Question: What does VAX stand for? Answer: Virtual Access eXtension Question: Which phrase means computer simulation that seems life like? Answer: virtual reality Question: 1995 - Denzel Washington - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Virtuosity Question: 1995 - Russell Crowe - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Virtuosity Question: In 1965 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to Francois Jacob, André Lwoff and Jacoues Monod for their discoveries concerning genetic control of enzyme and ...? Answer: virus synthesis Question: In 1969 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to Max DelbrÃŒck, Alfred D. Hershey and Salvador E. Luria for their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the gentic structure of ...? Answer: viruses Question: In 1981 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was divided between Roger W. Sperry for his discoveries concerning the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. and the other half awarded jointly to David H. Hubel and Torstein N. Wiesel for their discoveries concerning information processing in the ...? Answer: visual system Question: what Vitamin is Thiamine? Answer: Vitamin B1 Question: rickets is a disease which occurs in young people as a result of a lack of this vitamin? Answer: vitamin d Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: Life? Answer: vito Question: What's Penthouse's sister publication for women? Answer: Viva Question: what is penthouse's sister publication for women? Answer: viva Question: tv: who did vivian vance play on 'the lucy show'? Answer: vivian bagley Question: Who won the Oscar for her role in A Streetcar Named Desire Answer: vivien leigh Question: Who played Scarlette O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind"? Answer: Vivien Leigh Question: who played scarlette ohara in "gone with the wind"? Answer: vivien leigh Question: who won the oscar for her role in a streetcar named desire? Answer: vivien leigh Question: who played scarlette o'hara in "gone with the wind"? Answer: vivien leigh Question: Who played scarlette ohara in "gone with the wind" Answer: vivien leigh Question: Savoir ______ (5) Answer: vivre Question: Joie de _______ (5) Answer: Vivre Question: Analogy: bull - cow as fox - __________? Answer: vixen Question: Bull - cow as fox - ··········. Answer: vixen Question: what word is used for a female fox? Answer: vixen Question: What word is used for a female fox? Answer: vixen Question: What is mixed with Kahlua or Tia Maria to make a Black Russian? Answer: vodka Question: Which drink was advertised as 'The Wodka from Varrington'? Answer: vodka Question: Hitchhiker's Guide: What race writes the third worst poetry in the Universe? Answer: Vogons Question: name the artist: my special angel - the? Answer: vogues Question: what is the larynx? Answer: voice box Question: What is the common name for the larynx? Answer: voice box Question: Music : Band with albums _Honey Lingers_ and _Let it Bee_? Answer: voice of the beehive Question: A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a ·······. Answer: void Question: Kenophobia is the fear of? Answer: voids Question: 1997 - Tommy Lee Jones - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Volcano Question: What is Europe's longest river? Answer: volga Question: what was hitler's favourite car? Answer: volkswagen beetle Question: what car, designed by ferdinand porsche had world wide sales of more than 40 million? Answer: volkswagen beetle Question: which car company asks "drivers wanted"? Answer: volkswagon Question: The automobile company that makes beetles? Answer: volkswagon Question: Inthisteamsporteachplayergetsachancetoplayeveryposition? Answer: volleyball Question: In this team sport each player gets a chance to play every position. Answer: volleyball Question: The space occupied by a body is called its ······. Answer: volume Question: the space occupied by a body is called its ______? Answer: volume Question: ... is the theory that God or the ultimate nature of reality is to be conceived as some form of will (or conation). This theory is contrasted to intellectualism, which gives primacy to God's reason. Answer: Voluntarism Question: name a 1985 movie starring tom hanks and john candy? Answer: volunteers Question: 1985 - Tom Hanks - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Volunteers Question: A spiral scroll used on Ionic and Corinthian capitals. Answer: volute Question: Which Swedish car manufacturer once admitted price fixing in Britain? Answer: Volvo Question: What make of car did Simon Templar first drive? Answer: volvo Question: a dominatrix who specializes in making her clients vomit? Answer: vominatrix Question: What are rats unable to do, making them extra vulnerable to poison? Answer: vomit Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: True Image? Answer: vonda Question: Baby Names Beginning With "V": Meaning: Lost a Child? Answer: vondila Question: UK TV: Which Carol was the woman on Channel Four Answer: Vorderman Question: Category: Power Rangers: The creator of MMPR also this similar Ranger-like show Answer: VR Troopers Question: power rangers: the creator of mmpr also this similar ranger-like show? Answer: vr troopers Question: which serpent demon was defeated by indra for control of the waters of creation? Answer: vritra Question: cars: name of honda's variable valve timing system? Answer: vtec Question: Who is the Roman God of Fire? Answer: vulcan Question: What type of plane flew long range to bomb the Falklands? Answer: vulcan Question: In 1989 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Camilio José Cela for a rich and intensive prose, which with restrained compassion forms a challenging vision of man's ...? Answer: vulnerability Question: What type of bird is South Africa's aasvogel? Answer: vulture Question: In Miami, Florida, roosting ---------- have taken to snatching poodles from rooftop patios? Answer: vultures Question: What is the chemical symbol for tungsten? Answer: W Question: Category: Movie Trivia: Actor originally intended to be Wizard in "Wizard of Oz" Answer: w c fields Question: movie trivia: actor originally intended to be wizard in "wizard of oz"? Answer: w c fields Question: Actor originally intended to be Wizard in "Wizard of Oz" Answer: w c fields Question: famous quotes: anyone who hates children and dogs cant be all bad? Answer: w.c. fields Question: 1997 - Robert De Niro - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Wag the Dog Question: What artist composed the classical work Tannhauser? Answer: Wagner Question: Who was Carl in Five Easy Pieces before going to Walton's Mountain? Answer: Waite Question: who was carl in five easy pieces before going to walton's mountain? Answer: waite Question: "It's a Zen thing, like how many babies fit in a tire." Answer: Waiting for Guffman Question: it's a zen thing, like how many babies fit in a tire."? Answer: waiting for guffman Question: 1995 - Wesley Snipes - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Waiting to Exhale Question: Experienced ---------- say that married men tip better than unmarried men? Answer: waitress Question: what did wham! say to do before you go go? Answer: wake me up Question: Where was Oliver Goldsmith's vicar from? Answer: wakefield Question: Where is the Cambrian mountain range? Answer: wales Question: What country celebrated its National Day on 1st March? Answer: Wales Question: What country was St Patrick born in? Answer: wales Question: What country was the setting for Ivor the Engine? Answer: wales Question: In 1943 Lech---------- , Popowo Poland, leads Polish Solidarity (Nobel 1983), born? Answer: walesa Question: 1970 - ingrid bergman - starred in this movie? Answer: walk in the spring rain Question: "here comes johnny singing oldies, goldies be-bop-a-lula, baby what i say here comes johnny singing i gotta woman....." what's the dire straits song title? Answer: walk of life Question: dire straits video which contains sport bloopers footage? Answer: walk of life Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Dire Straits? Answer: walk of life Question: Which single didn't get banned by the BBC despite the line, "Candy never lost her head even when she was giving head"? Answer: Walk on the wild side Question: What the W. of George W. Bush stand for? Answer: Walker Question: phobias: ambulophobia- fear of ______? Answer: walking Question: what does a pedometer measure? Answer: walking distance Question: Music : Song title: another brick in the ____ (pink floyd)? Answer: wall Question: 1987 - Michael Douglas - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Wall Street Question: Who won the oscar for best actor in 1931 32 Answer: wallace beery Question: Category: Actor In The Role: Pancho Villa in 'Viva Villa' Answer: Wallace Beery Question: In 1904 Fats ---------- jazz pianist, composer (Ain't Misbehavin'), born? Answer: waller Question: Music : Jakob Dylan, singer songwriter of what group, claims that he wrote the songs for the double platinum album 'Bringing Down The Horse On' scraps of paper? Answer: wallflowers Question: Where in an old house would you find wattle? Answer: walls Question: who was the oldest athlete to complete the comrades marathon? Answer: wally hayward Question: Animal Trivia: The stegosaurus had a brain that weighed only 2 ounces and was no bigger than a ----------? Answer: walnut Question: Marine creature with tusks? Answer: walrus Question: Category: TV Last Names: Beverly Hills 90210/Brandon and Brenda... Answer: walsh Question: Who collaborated with U B Lwerks in the creation of Mickey Mouse Answer: walt disney Question: Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse? Answer: Walt Disney Question: Who was Chief Marshall of the Mickey Mouse Club? Answer: Walt Disney Question: who was the first voice of mickey mouse? Answer: walt disney Question: tv who was chief marshall of the mickey mouse club? Answer: walt disney Question: who was the first voice of mickey mouse? Answer: walt disney Question: 50s Flicks: Which film company released _Sleeping Beauty_ Answer: Walt Disney Question: Who once kept live mice in a desk drawer so they'd be available when he wanted to sketch one? Answer: walt disney Question: What late filmmaker was notorious for timing employees' trips to the soft drink machine Answer: walt disney Question: Who is the world's busiest man made tourist attraction named after Answer: walt disney Question: Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse Answer: walt disney Question: Who was chief marshall of the Mickey Mouse Club Answer: walt disney Question: Which company produced the syndicated mouse factory series Answer: walt disney studios Question: When the students in 'dead poets' society' stood on their desks & said 'o captain! My captain', who were they quoting Answer: walt whitman Question: when the students in 'dead poets' society' stood on their desks & said 'o captain! My captain', who were they quoting Answer: walt whitman Question: Baby Names Beginning With "W": Meaning: Woods or Army General? Answer: walter Question: Category: Academy Awards: Who is the only person to win 3 Best Supporting Actor awards Answer: Walter Brennan Question: Who won best supporting actor for his role in the Westerner Answer: walter brennan Question: who created woody woodpecker? Answer: walter lantz Question: who created woody woodpecker? Answer: walter lantz Question: Barbara Streisand was the female lead in "Hello, Dolly". Who was the male lead? Answer: Walter #Matthau# Question: Who played the mass-murderer (4 kills) in "Charade" Answer: Walter Matthau Question: Who played the mass-murderer (4 kills) in "Charade" Answer: Walter Matthau Question: Movie Actors: The leading man in Mrs. Miniver and Madame Curie Answer: Walter Pidgeon Question: A social dance in Ÿ time that became widely popular in the nineteenth century. It developed from the Landler, a German-Austrian turning dance. Answer: waltz Question: what is the name of the currency used by the american indians? Answer: wampum