Question: what line on a map connects all points of the same elevation?
Answer: contour line
Question: Legal Terms: A formal agreement enforceable by law.
Answer: contract
Question: what did the republicans call the platform they hyped in the 1994 congressional elections?
Answer: contract with america
Question: ... names both a political theory of the legitimacy of political authority and a moral theory about the origin and/or legitimate content of moral norms. The political theory of authority claims that legitimate authority of government must derive from the consent of the governed, where the form and content of this consent derives from the idea of contract or mutual agreement. The moral theory of (this theory) claims that moral norms derive their normative force from the idea of contract or mutual agreement and is thus skeptical of the possibility of grounding morality or political authority in either divine will or some perfectionist ideal of the nature of humanity.
Answer: Contractarianism
Question: A basic movement in the technique of Martha Graham, based on breath inhalation and exhalation.
Answer: contraction
Question: the condensed water vapour in the sky left behind by jets is called a?
Answer: contrail
Question: Popular social dance during the eighteenth century; done in rows or circles, it may have derived from English country dancing.
Answer: contredanse
Question: What did Australia receive its first shipment of in 1788?
Answer: convicts
Question: What were last delivered to Australia in 1849?
Answer: convicts
Question: Country and Western music star Harold Jenkins is better know as what?
Answer: conway twitty
Question: What was the chuckwagon used for on cattle drives?
Answer: cooking
Question: Illustrated on its logo, the product Marmite is named after a French word meaning what?
Answer: Cooking Pot
Question: what does actor keanu reeve's first name mean in the hawaiian language?
Answer: cool breeze over the mountains
Question: Category: The 60s: This film popularized "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
Answer: cool hand luke
Question: First Class Flicks: Jailed rebel has personality conflict with chain gang warden, plans escape.
Answer: Cool Hand Luke
Question: First Class Flicks: Jailed rebel has personality conflict with chain gang warden, plans escape.
Answer: Cool Hand Luke
Question: What movie included "what we have here is a failure to communicate"
Answer: cool hand luke
Question: In which film did Paul Newrnan eat 50 hard-boiled eggs?
Answer: cool hand luke
Question: Quotations: "I can take it... The tougher it gets, the ------------- I get... "- Richard Nixon?
Answer: cooler
Question: U.S. President: Calvin ·········.
Answer: Coolidge
Question: u.s. president: calvin _________?
Answer: coolidge
Question: In 1948 Alice---------- , musician, born?
Answer: cooper
Question: 1988 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Cop
Question: Category: TV: Fred Gwynne played this part in "Car 54, Where are you"
Answer: cop
Question: 1997 - Sylvester Stallone - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Cop Land
Question: 1997 - Robert De Niro - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Cop Land
Question: tv top cops: bochco's attempt at singing police officers (lasted about 1 ep :)?
Answer: cop rock
Question: TV Top Cops: Bochco's attempt at singing police officers (lasted about 1 ep :).
Answer: cop rock
Question: 80's tune: performed by: barry manilow?
Answer: copacabana
Question: 70s tunes: name 70s tune: "her name was lola. she was a showgirl."?
Answer: copacabana
Question: What is the Capital of: Denmark?
Answer: copenhagen
Question: In what city are the famous Tivoli Gardens?
Answer: Copenhagen
Question: What is the capital of Denmark?
Answer: Copenhagen
Question: The Little Mermaid is found in the harbour of which city?
Answer: Copenhagen
Question: in what city are the famous tivoli gardens?
Answer: copenhagen
Question: Where are the famed Tivoli Gardens?
Answer: copenhagen
Question: What city's harbour does The Little Mermaid hail grace?
Answer: copenhagen
Question: in what city are the famous tivoli gardens?
Answer: copenhagen
Question: in 1543, who published a theory that planets revolve around the sun?
Answer: copernicus
Question: what was the first metal used by man to make tools and weapons?
Answer: copper
Question: What is the main component of Brass and Bronze?
Answer: Copper
Question: What metal makes up 10 percent of yellow gold?
Answer: copper
Question: what metal makes up 10 percent of yellow gold?
Answer: copper
Question: What does yellow gold contains 10% of?
Answer: Copper
Question: Film Top Cops: Chevy Chase bungles Jack Palance's surveillance in...
Answer: Cops Robbersons
Question: crime stories: frank chambers is mad for her in the postman always rings twice?
Answer: cora papadalis
Question: this organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal?
Answer: coral
Question: This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal.
Answer: coral
Question: The roads on the island of Guam are made with what?
Answer: coral
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Nicaragua?
Answer: cordoba
Question: What fabric derives its name from the French for cord of the king?
Answer: corduroy
Question: In 1956 Forrester issued a patent for computer ---------- memory?
Answer: core
Question: what is the densest part of the earth?
Answer: core
Question: arts : three main types of greek columns are doric, ionic, and __________?
Answer: corinthian
Question: Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and ··········.
Answer: Corinthian
Question: Did you know that you're more likely to be killed by a champagne ---------- than a poisonous spider?
Answer: cork
Question: In which Irish county is the Blarney Stone?
Answer: cork
Question: crime stories: don vito's (the godfather) last name?
Answer: corleone
Question: what bird is a shag?
Answer: cormorant
Question: What bird is a shag?
Answer: cormorant
Question: simpsons: what vegetable makes up the pattern on the simpson's kitchen curtains?
Answer: corn
Question: At age 16, Confucius was a ---------- inspector?
Answer: corn
Question: scrambled cereals: norc sekfal?
Answer: corn flakes
Question: what is the transparent tissue covering the iris and pupil of the eye?
Answer: cornea
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Horn-Colored?
Answer: cornelius
Question: The upper part of an entablature, extending beyond the frieze; also, ornamental molding projecting along the top of a building or wall.
Answer: cornice
Question: What county can Jamaica Inn be found in?
Answer: cornwall
Question: What English county is nearest to the Isles of Scilly?
Answer: cornwall
Question: What English county borders with only one other?
Answer: cornwall
Question: who was the last british general who surrendered near jamestown, virginia?
Answer: cornwallis
Question: Who was the last British general who surrendered near Jamestown, Virginia?
Answer: Cornwallis
Question: what is the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere called?
Answer: corona
Question: what is the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere called?
Answer: corona
Question: What is the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere called?
Answer: corona
Question: After WW I what was Hitler promoted to in rank?
Answer: corporal
Question: after ww1 what was hitler promoted to in rank?
Answer: corporal
Question: The members of a ballet company who do not perform solo.
Answer: corps de ballet
Question: What unusual items used to be temporarily stored in pub cellars?
Answer: corpses
Question: Philosophers are interested in a constellation of issues involving the concept of truth. A preliminary issue, although somewhat subsidiary, is to decide what sorts of things can be true. Is truth a property of sentences (which are linguistic entities in some language or other), or is truth a property of propositions (nonlinguistic, abstract and timeless entities)? The principal issue is: What is truth? It is the problem of being clear about what you are saying when you say some claim or other is true. The most important theories of truth are the ...?
Answer: Correspondence Theory, the Semantic Theory, the Deflationary Theory, the Coherence Theory and the Pragmatic Theory
Question: Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the ...?
Answer: corrupt few
Question: Which island was Napoleon from?
Answer: corsica
Question: Napoleon had connections with three islands, he was imprisoned on Elba and died on St. Helena, where was he born?
Answer: Corsica
Question: this spaniard conquered mexico?
Answer: cortez
Question: Moronic Duo 1: The type of car B&B drove (and wrecked) once, shown during credits too
Answer: Corvair
Question: what do the words nick and tuck refer to?
Answer: cosmetic surgery
Question: Kosmikophobia is the fear of?
Answer: cosmic phenomenon
Question: what name is given elementary particles, originating in the sun and other stars, that continuously rain down on the earth?
Answer: cosmic rays
Question: what are elementary particles originating in the sun and other stars, that continuously rain down on the earth?
Answer: cosmic rays
Question: In which field of science is the history of the universe studied?
Answer: Cosmology
Question: What science deals with the structure of the universe and it's origin?
Answer: cosmology
Question: What are Russian astronauts called?
Answer: Cosmonauts
Question: Soccer: The New York ·········.
Answer: Cosmos
Question: Republic in southern central America, bounded on the north by Nicaragua, on the east by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, & on the southwest & west by the Pacific Ocean?
Answer: costa rica
Question: What country is located between Panama and Nicaragua?
Answer: Costa Rica
Question: which f1 engine manufacturer built its own four wheel drive car for 1969 but never raced it?
Answer: cosworth
Question: British slang: camp bed means?
Answer: cot
Question: what is the name of the worlds largest volcano, located in ecuador, reaching a hight of 5896 metres?
Answer: cotopaxi
Question: Velveteen is made from a mixture of Silk and which other fibre?
Answer: cotton
Question: Television show: the comfy _____
Answer: couch
Question: 80's songs: jack and diane - john _____?
Answer: cougar
Question: Simpsons: what is the secret ingredient in a flaming moe
Answer: cough syrup
Question: Category: Blazing Saddles: Who had a cameo giving the sheriff a high five
Answer: Count Basie
Question: Whose big band's signature tune was "One O'Clock Jump"?
Answer: count basie
Question: Category: Blazing Saddles: Who had a cameo giving the sheriff a high five
Answer: Count Basie
Question: the european silent "nosferatu" was the first really memorable monster movie. what was the name of the vampire in this movie?
Answer: count orlock
Question: Music : Name the Australian pop show from the seventies & early eighties hosted by Ian Meldrum?
Answer: countdown
Question: Toilets in Australia flush ---------- clockwise?
Answer: counter
Question: 1998, this movie was released on december 30 1998 hi-lo ----------?
Answer: country
Question: Traditional English dance in which dancers form two facing lines.
Answer: country dance
Question: Music : The main promoter of country music, the CMA, stands for this?
Answer: country music association
Question: Quotations: "---------- comes by being brave; fear comes by holding back."- Publilius Syrus?
Answer: courage
Question: Category: Wizard Of Oz: It makes the muskrat guard his musk.
Answer: courage
Question: 1996 - Denzel Washington - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Courage Under Fire
Question: Spectacles for entertainment, usually with allegorical or mythological themes, performed by the aristocracy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, combining music, recitatives and mime.
Answer: court ballet
Question: 1955 - gary cooper - starred in this movie?
Answer: court martial of billy mitchell
Question: who plays monica in "friends"
Answer: courtney cox
Question: music: who is the late kurt coabain's widow?
Answer: courtney love
Question: N. African dish of cracked wheat steamed over broth?
Answer: couscous
Question: What was the relationship between Superman and Supergirl?
Answer: cousin
Question: Winona Ryder: What relation is Winona to Pfeiffer in The Age of Innocence
Answer: Cousin
Question: Category: Movie That Features: Ted Danson, Isabella Rossellini, Sean Young, and William Peterson
Answer: Cousins
Question: what type of chemical bonding is generally found in organic compounds?
Answer: covalent
Question: Music : This group, not Joni Mitchell, recorded the song "One Tin Soldier"?
Answer: coven
Question: this group, not joni mitchell, recorded the song "one tin soldier"?
Answer: coven
Question: What town was the site of Lady Godiva's famous ride?
Answer: coventry
Question: What animal's meat can a Hindu not eat?
Answer: cow
Question: 80's tune: performed by: kenny rogers?
Answer: coward of the county
Question: the dallas _________?
Answer: cowboys
Question: Football: The Dallas ·········.
Answer: Cowboys
Question: What does bovine mean?
Answer: cowlike
Question: It is illegal to frown at ---------- in Bladworth, Saskatchewan?
Answer: cows
Question: Category: Dukes Of Hazzard: First names of Bo and Luke's cousins who replaced them briefly. (x and y)
Answer: Coy and Vance
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: topsy I?
Answer: cozy cole
Question: Category: Real World: Aaron hopes to do this as a career.
Answer: CPA
Question: in an average lifetime, the average american eats 84,775 _____?
Answer: crackers
Question: in an average lifetime, the average american eats 84,775 _____?
Answer: crackers
Question: 1999 - Susan Sarandon - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Cradle Will Rock
Question: What fruits are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them?
Answer: Cranberries
Question: Category: TV Last Names: Frasier/Frasier...
Answer: crane
Question: Category: TV Last Names: Frasier/Frasier...
Answer: crane
Question: by what other name is the skull known?
Answer: cranium
Question: Whats the technical name for the skull?
Answer: Cranium
Question: What American dice rolling game can be won with an initial throw of seven or eleven?
Answer: craps
Question: The 'stickman', 'boxer' and 'shooter' are three of the participants in which casino game?
Answer: craps or dice
Question: what is a group of this animal called: rhino?
Answer: crash herd
Question: Mans scarf worn inside an open necked shirt?
Answer: cravat
Question: what is a langouste?
Answer: crawfish
Question: what is a langouste?
Answer: crawfish
Question: What is an extra lane on an uphill stretch of motorway provided for slow-moving vehicles called?
Answer: crawler lane
Question: 1999, this movie was released on october 1 drive me ----------?
Answer: crazy
Question: 1999 - Melanie Griffith - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Crazy in Alabama
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: glad rag doll?
Answer: crazy otto
Question: Music : Movie Trivia: Ballad sung by a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman?
Answer: crazy world
Question: Music : Guitarist Eric Clapton was formerly a member of this group?
Answer: cream
Question: Say Cheese: U.S. origin; very mild; hill slightly; salad, snack, dessert?
Answer: cream
Question: Music : 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Sunshine of Your Love?
Answer: cream
Question: music: who recorded "disraeli gears" in 1967?
Answer: cream
Question: Name the band - songs include "Strange Brew, White Room"?
Answer: Cream
Question: Music : 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Crossroads?
Answer: cream
Question: 'white room' was a hit off which eric clapton album?
Answer: cream
Question: In 1979 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Odysseus Elitis (alias Alepoudhelis) for his poetry, which, against the background of Greek tradition, depicts with sensuous strength and intellectual clear-sightedness modern man's struggle for freedom and ...?
Answer: creativeness
Question: Features: Virginia Madsen, Peter O' Toole, Vincent Spano, and Muriel Hemingway
Answer: Creator
Question: Movie That Features: Virginia Madsen, Peter O' Toole, Vincent Spano, and Muriel Hemingway
Answer: Creator
Question: In the first part of 'Hard To Kill', what did Steven Seagal use to kill the mobster
Answer: credit card
Question: in an average lifetime, the average american charges $120,875 on _____?
Answer: credit cards
Question: a gritty psychedelic version of dale hawkin's 'suzy q' was on which group's first album in 1968?
Answer: creedence clearwater revival
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: proud mary?
Answer: creedence clearwater revival
Question: alternative tunes: "what they said was real...makes me wanna steal"?
Answer: creep
Question: metallica's song about the jews in egypt?
Answer: creeping death
Question: A thin pancake with savoury or sweet filling?
Answer: crepe
Question: What is the name of the classic dessert of pancakes served in an orange sauce with alcohol?
Answer: crepe suzette
Question: What is the nickname for New Orleans?
Answer: crescent city
Question: name the artist: the angels listened in - the?
Answer: crests
Question: Where were the ancient script of Linear A and Linear B found?
Answer: Crete
Question: What is Greece's largest island?
Answer: crete
Question: Who referred to their captain as "old lead bottom"
Answer: crew on mchale's navy
Question: If you "peg out" what game are you playing?
Answer: cribbage
Question: Ifyou"pegout"whatgameareyouplaying?
Answer: cribbage
Question: if you "peg out" what game are you playing?
Answer: cribbage
Question: What card game can you peg out in?
Answer: cribbage
Question: In which game or sport can a person be "skunked"?
Answer: cribbage
Question: in 1942 michael---------- , author (andromeda strain, Jurassic park, rising sun), born?
Answer: crichton
Question: What sport could see six chinamen in a maiden and a nightwatchman with a duck?
Answer: cricket
Question: what sport could see six chinamen in a maiden and a nightwatchman with a duck?
Answer: cricket
Question: What sport do the following terms belong to - "Pull & Lolly"?
Answer: Cricket
Question: Australian Rules football was originally designed to give ---------- something to play during the off season?
Answer: cricketers
Question: music groups: buddy holly and the _____?
Answer: crickets
Question: music groups: buddy holly & the _____?
Answer: crickets
Question: buddy holly & the ________?
Answer: crickets
Question: 1938 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Crime School
Question: This European war was named after a peninsula between the Black sea and the sea of Azov?
Answer: Crimean War
Question: in which war did florence nightingale lead a team of nurses?
Answer: crimean war
Question: In which war did Florence Nightingale earn her reputation?
Answer: #Crimean# War
Question: This European war was named after a peninsula between the Black sea and the sea of Azov?
Answer: Crimean War
Question: "He doesn't want to exchange ideas, he wants to exchange fluids."
Answer: Crimes and Misdemeanors
Question: TV/Movies: Movie In Which: Jessica Lange, Sissy Spaceck, and Diane Keaton play the McGrath sisters?
Answer: crimes of the heart
Question: Movie In Which: Jessica Lange, Sissy Spaceck, and Diane Keaton play the McGrath sisters
Answer: crimes of the heart
Question: 1988 - Kevin Bacon - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Criminal Law
Question: 1995 - Denzel Washington - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Crimson Tide
Question: 1995 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Crimson Tide
Question: 1992 - Goldie Hawn - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Crisscross
Question: Isms:asevereorunfavorablejudgment?
Answer: Criticism
Question: -isms: A severe or unfavorable judgment.
Answer: criticism
Question: -isms: a severe or unfavorable judgment?
Answer: criticism
Question: Definitions : -isms: A severe or unfavorable judgment?
Answer: criticism
Question: What nationality is footballer Davor Suker?
Answer: croatian
Question: Category: Movie Trivia: Dean Martin's real last name
Answer: crocetti
Question: Category: TV Top Cops: Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas played... (last names)
Answer: Crockett Tubbs
Question: TV Top Cops: Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas played... (last names)
Answer: Crockett Tubbs
Question: what african animal kills the most people?
Answer: crocodile
Question: which reptile rock was a hit in 1972?
Answer: crocodile
Question: What African animal kills the most people?
Answer: crocodile
Question: This African animal kills the most people.
Answer: crocodile
Question: Category: Movie Quotes: "Well, you can live off of it, but it tastes like sh--"
Answer: crocodile dundee
Question: Movie Quotes: "Well, you can live off of it, but it tastes like sh*t
Answer: crocodile dundee
Question: french food aka: flaky, buttery pastry shaped in a quarter-moon?
Answer: croissant
Question: In ballet, a position with the body at an oblique angle and the working leg crossing the line of the body.
Answer: croisée
Question: In 1658 Lord Oliver ---------- British king (1653-58), dies at 59?
Answer: cromwell
Question: He was the father of Zeus
Answer: Cronus
Question: greek gods of mythology: what god sought to preserve his position by eating his children?
Answer: cronus
Question: this pavement disk contains the songs "cut your hair" and "range life"?
Answer: crooked rain crooked rain
Question: What game does the Queen of Hearts order Alice to play?
Answer: croquet
Question: What is the game if your balls are black and blue and your opponents are red and yellow?
Answer: croquet
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Southern Cross?
Answer: crosby stills & nash
Question: The 'elasticity of demand' is a measure of the extent to which the quantity demanded of a good responds to changes in one of the influencing factors. The main measures are the price, income and ... elasticity of demand.
Answer: cross
Question: What weapon did the crossed slits in English castles accommodate?
Answer: crossbow
Question: Strabismus is the medical term for which complaint?
Answer: crossed eyes
Question: In a church, the area where the transept and the nave intersect, usually emphasized by a dome or a tower.
Answer: crossing
Question: The first example of which type of brain-teaser appeared in the New York World newspaper in 1913?
Answer: crossword
Question: In musical notation which note is half a minim?
Answer: crotchet
Question: 80's songs: don't dream it's over - _____house?
Answer: crowded
Question: ochlophobia is the fear of?
Answer: crowds
Question: In 1947 Aleister---------- , occultist dies at 74?
Answer: crowley
Question: the male name steven is greek and means?
Answer: crown
Question: Music : Category: Tune: Why do I crucify myself?
Answer: crucify
Question: 80's songs: don't be _____- bobby brown?
Answer: cruel
Question: 1999 - Sarah Michelle Gellar - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Cruel Intentions
Question: 80's tune: performed by: bananarama?
Answer: cruel summer
Question: 80's tune: performed by: nick lowe?
Answer: cruel to be kind
Question: films: what was the nasty woman character in 101 dalmations?
Answer: cruella de ville
Question: Device which automatically maintains a motor vehicle at a chosen speed is called?
Answer: cruise control
Question: 80's tune: performed by: basia?
Answer: cruising for bruising
Question: What was the series of campaigns to wrest the Holy Land from Muslim Turks?
Answer: crusades
Question: Category: Star Trek Next Gen Chars This person spent a season at StarFleet Medical on earth
Answer: Crusher
Question: Kids in the Hall: A Mark McKinney character says "I'm _ your head!"?
Answer: crushing
Question: 1987 - Denzel Washington - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Cry Freedom
Question: What term describes the study of the behaviour of materials and substances at very low temperatures?
Answer: cryogenics
Question: Gilligans Island: Ginger appears to read what & predict the future
Answer: crystal ball
Question: In 1985 the Nobel prize in chemistry was awarded jointly to Herbert A. Hauptman and Jerome Karle for their outstanding achievements in the development of direct methods for the determination of ...?
Answer: crystal structures
Question: Category: Name Their Network: Lloyd Robertson
Answer: CTV
Question: What is the chemical symbol for copper?
Answer: Cu
Question: what is a young lion called?
Answer: cub
Question: what is a young lion called?
Answer: cub
Question: 1979 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Cuba
Question: Where did the rumba originate?
Answer: cuba
Question: The "Bay of Pigs" fiasco took place in this country.
Answer: Cuba
Question: Havana is the capital of which country?
Answer: Cuba
Question: On what island is the U.S. naval base, Guantanamo?
Answer: Cuba
Question: Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory.
Answer: Cuba
Question: What Island did Ernest Hemingway spend much of his writing life on?
Answer: cuba
Question: With what country is Fidel Castro associated?
Answer: Cuba
Question: What is the largest island in the West Indies?
Answer: cuba
Question: In 1957 Gloria Estefan, ---------- , singer, born?
Answer: cuba
Question: with what country is fidel castro associated?
Answer: cuba
Question: the "bay of pigs" fiasco took place in this country?
Answer: cuba
Question: What is the nearest communist country to Key West?
Answer: cuba
Question: What is the largest island in the Caribbean?
Answer: Cuba
Question: rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) ____________?
Answer: cuba libre
Question: Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) ············.
Answer: cuba libre
Question: Fun : Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) ____________?
Answer: cuba libre
Question: What nationality were the 1500 troops that attacked the Bay of Pigs?
Answer: cuban
Question: What does 'cc' stand for in motor mechanics?
Answer: cubic centimetre
Question: What painting movement was conceived by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque?
Answer: cubism
Question: which art movement was founded by pablo picasso and george braque?
Answer: cubism
Question: A russian abstract movement begun in the early twentieth century. It employs an analytic vision based on fragmentation and multiple viewpoints.
Answer: cubism
Question: which art movement was founded by pablo picasso and george braque?
Answer: cubism
Question: What ancient measure is the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger?
Answer: cubit
Question: what ancient unit of measurement is suppposedly the distance from the elbow to the tip of the index finger?
Answer: cubit
Question: What ancient measure was the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger?
Answer: cubit
Question: baseball the chicago ______?
Answer: cubs
Question: This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.
Answer: cuckoo
Question: this bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds?
Answer: cuckoo
Question: what is the meaning of the zoological term ruminant?
Answer: cud chewer
Question: Quotations: "Discipline without freedom is tyranny; freedom without discipline is chaos."?
Answer: Cullen Hightower
Question: What was the first computer software company to go public on the New York Stock Exchange?
Answer: Cullinet
Question: 80's songs: church of the poison mind - _____club?
Answer: culture
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Karma Chameleon?
Answer: culture club
Question: Music : 80s Artists: Sang: " you really want to hurt me"?
Answer: culture club
Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: miss me blind?
Answer: culture club
Question: 80's songs: _____on feel the noize - quiet riot?
Answer: cum
Question: in which county are all ten of england's highest peaks?
Answer: cumbria
Question: what type of cloud is a thundercloud?
Answer: cumulonimbus
Question: What is Richie's surname in Happy Days
Answer: cunningham
Question: Couples: Last name of Happy Day's Howard & Marion.
Answer: cunningham
Question: Coffee isn't my ...?
Answer: cup of tea
Question: 80's songs: love song - the _____?
Answer: cure
Question: What English word comes from the old French covrefeu meaning 'cover fire'?
Answer: curfew
Question: A rare or unusual object?
Answer: curio
Question: What children's book did Forrest Gump keep in his suitcase?
Answer: Curious George
Question: Which sport uses stones and brooms?
Answer: curling
Question: what winter game resembles lawn bowling?
Answer: curling
Question: What sport requires stones to be thrown at houses?
Answer: curling
Question: the air canada silver broom is won in which sport?
Answer: curling
Question: "He's famous for saying, "Why, soitenly".
Answer: curly
Question: Analogy: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to ········.
Answer: current
Question: In 1979 the Nobel prize in physics was divided equally between Sheldon L. Glashow, Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg for their contributions to the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles, including inter alia the prediction of the weak neutral ...?
Answer: current
Question: 1994 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Curse of the Starving Class
Question: what is the term for the spot on a computer screen that marks the operator's place in a text?
Answer: cursor
Question: Category: Movie Directors: The Egyptian, Doctor X, Casablanca
Answer: Curtiz
Question: What are the transitional periods of the zodiac called?
Answer: cusps
Question: What is the correct pronunciation for Qt, according to Trolltech?
Answer: Cute
Question: Acronym Soup:
Answer: cute grin
Question: What is the term for the curved naval sword?
Answer: cutlass
Question: which artist/group had a hit with "(i just) died in your arms"?
Answer: cutting crew
Question: what is the unique ingredient in caltex?
Answer: cx3
Question: A word origin question: William Gibson, in his famous novel Necromancer, coined a word that has become very popular. What word?
Answer: Cyberspace
Question: what's the circulation of winds around a low pressure system called?
Answer: cyclone
Question: Category: Wizard Of Oz: In the book, the unusual meteorological event is called this.
Answer: cyclone
Question: Who is the one eyed giant of Greek mythology?
Answer: cyclops
Question: What is a young swan called?
Answer: cygnet
Question: What do a pen and a cob produce?
Answer: cygnets
Question: Category: Sci Fi Movies: The evil robot men in Battlestar Galactica were called _______.
Answer: cylons
Question: whose album "she's so unusual" was her first release in 1984 and won her a grammy for best new artist?
Answer: cyndi lauper
Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: money changes everything?
Answer: cyndi lauper
Question: Music : Pop Groups: She led the group Blue Angel before moving onto greater fame?
Answer: cyndi lauper
Question: Herheadlinehitin1984was"GirlsJustWantToHaveFun"?
Answer: cyndi lauper
Question: whose album "she's so unusual" was her first release in 1984 and won her a grammy for best new artist?
Answer: cyndi lauper
Question: a cypriot is someone who lives on which island in the mediterranean?
Answer: cyprus
Question: nicosia is the capital of ______?
Answer: cyprus
Question: What Mediterranean country is the only one in the world to display its map on its flag?
Answer: cyprus
Question: what toxin is found in apple seeds?
Answer: cysnogenic glycoside
Question: what toxin is found in apple seeds?
Answer: cysnogenic glycoside
Question: from what material is snooker balls made from?
Answer: cystallite
Question: Intl Beers: Pilsner Urquell?
Answer: czechoslavakia
Question: In 1841 Antonin Dvorak, Nelahozeves, ---------- , composer (New World Symphony), born?
Answer: czechoslovakia
Question: Directors: Intolerance, Birth of a Nation
Answer: d w griffith
Question: 1989 - Susan Sarandon - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Da Grande
Question: what is the capital of bangladesh?
Answer: dacca
Question: What is the capital of Bangladesh?
Answer: Dacca
Question: what is the capital of bangladesh?
Answer: dacca
Question: Which dog was originally bred to hunt badgers?
Answer: dachshund
Question: Short legged long bodied dog?
Answer: dachshund
Question: ae: what painting movement, started in 1916 to protest all civilized standards, has a name taken from the french word for "hobby-horse"?
Answer: dadaism
Question: A movement, c. 1915-23, that rejected accepted aesthetic standards. It aimed to create antiart and nonart, often employing a sense of the absurd.
Answer: dadaism
Question: Fox TV: This failed Fox comedy starred Richard Lewis and Don Rickles.
Answer: Daddy Dearest
Question: What is a Lent lily otherwise known as?
Answer: daffodil
Question: What is the flower emblem of Wales?
Answer: Daffodil
Question: What weapon is tattooed on Glen Campell's arm?
Answer: dagger
Question: What weapon is tattooed on Glen Campbell's arm?
Answer: dagger
Question: How often does something recur, that recurs "quotidian"?
Answer: Daily
Question: What newspaper employs Clark Kent and Lois Lane
Answer: daily planet
Question: What paper does Clark Kent work for
Answer: daily planet
Question: Name Donald Duck's girlfriend?
Answer: Daisy
Question: Fresh as a(n) ··············.
Answer: daisy
Question: Famous Animals: Blondie's dog?
Answer: daisy
Question: What is the capital of Senegal?
Answer: Dakar
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Native American Tribal Name?
Answer: dakota
Question: who is the spiritual head of tibetan buddhism?
Answer: dalai lama
Question: what is the capital of marshall islands?
Answer: dalap-uliga-darrit
Question: What is the capital of Marshall Islands?
Answer: Dalap-Uliga-Davrit
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Gambia?
Answer: dalasi
Question: Category: Sidekicks: Disney cartoon characters: Chip
Answer: Dale
Question: What was the name of flash gordon's girlfriend
Answer: dale arden
Question: AUTHORS: Who wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People?
Answer: dale carnegie
Question: Who wrote 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'?
Answer: dale carnegie
Question: Author: How To Win Friends and Influence People?
Answer: dale carnegie
Question: Category: Twin Peaks: What is Kyle Mclachlan's characters full name
Answer: Dale Cooper
Question: In which city is the Cotton Bowl played?
Answer: Dallas
Question: In which city was President Kennedy killed?
Answer: Dallas
Question: In 1982 TV show "---------- " premiers?
Answer: dallas
Question: in which city is the cotton bowl played?
Answer: dallas
Question: tv: barbara bel geddes won a emmy in 1980 as outstanding lead actress in what drama series?
Answer: dallas
Question: Barbara Bel Geddes won a Emmy in 1980 as outstanding lead actress in what drama series
Answer: dallas
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: The Town Near the Valley?
Answer: dalton
Question: Movie Tag Lines: With love comes risk. With obsession comes...
Answer: Damage
Question: What is the capital of Syria?
Answer: damascus
Question: what is the capital of syria?
Answer: damascus
Question: what's the capital of syria?
Answer: damascus
Question: What is the capital of Syria?
Answer: Damascus
Question: Which English actress was most famous for her role in Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest?
Answer: dame edith evans
Question: Entertainment Grabbag 2: In this musical, the hero sells his soul so the Senators can win the pennant
Answer: damn yankees
Question: in 1998 the jordan team scored it's debut grand prix victory, who was the driver?
Answer: damon hill
Question: Who played John Candy's obnoxious brother-in-law in "The Great Outdoors"?
Answer: Dan Akyroyd
Question: Film: who played "dr raymond stantz" in ghost busters
Answer: dan aykroyd
Question: Who does the voice for homer on the simpsons
Answer: dan castellaneta
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: We Are The Young?
Answer: dan hartman
Question: Who played henry v in "the black shield of falworth"
Answer: dan o'herlihy
Question: asimov anthony: which of humfrey's wives was a demoness?
Answer: dana
Question: who played garth in wayne's world
Answer: dana carvey
Question: who played garth in wayne's world?
Answer: dana carvey
Question: Who played Garth in "Wayne's World"?
Answer: Dana Carvey
Question: Category: X Files: What is the main female characters name
Answer: Dana Scully
Question: SNL: "Now is the time on Sprockets when we -----"
Answer: Dance
Question: as what did actor-director morgan freeman start his show business career as?
Answer: dancer
Question: Which film won the best picture Oscar in 1990
Answer: dances with wolves
Question: 1990 - Kevin Costner - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dances With Wolves
Question: Category: Bleeding Heart Movies: Kevin Costner impersonates a buffalo.
Answer: Dances With Wolves
Question: 80's songs: _____on the ceiling - lionel richie?
Answer: dancing
Question: Music : Category: Biggest Hits: Bruce Springsteen?
Answer: dancing in the dark
Question: Category: UK TV: Which Jill replaced Sue Cook on "Crimewatch UK"
Answer: Dando
Question: UK TV: Which Jill replaced Sue Cook on "Crimewatch UK"
Answer: Dando
Question: What comic was Korky the Cat in?
Answer: dandy
Question: 1997 - Elizabeth Hurley - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dangerous Ground
Question: jesse james song that pays tribute to sexy rita strutting her stuff?
Answer: dangerous on the dance floor
Question: In 1820 Frontiersman ---------- Boone died in Missouri at the age of 85?
Answer: daniel
Question: who founded the boy scouts of america?
Answer: daniel beard
Question: who founded the boy scouts of america?
Answer: daniel beard
Question: Who founded the boy scouts of America?
Answer: Daniel Beard
Question: which u.s. frontiersman was adopted as a son by the shawnee chief blackfish?
Answer: daniel boone
Question: Tv / Movies: What actor played the captain in hill street blues
Answer: daniel j travanti
Question: Category: TV Top Cops: He played Fuerillo on Hill Street Blues.
Answer: Daniel J. Travanti
Question: eclectic excursions: name the artist: "acadie", "for the beauty of winona"?
Answer: daniel lanois
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Morning Star?
Answer: danika
Question: What was the nationality of Hans Christian Andersen?
Answer: danish
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: twistin' u.s.a?
Answer: danny & the juniors
Question: he performed as jack skellington in _a nightmare before christmas_?
Answer: danny elfman
Question: Music : Movies & Music : He performed as Jack Skellington in _A Nightmare Before Christmas?
Answer: danny elfman
Question: He performed as Jack Skellington in _A Nightmare Before Christmas_.
Answer: Danny Elfman
Question: Who starred with mel gibson in the 'lethal weapon' films
Answer: danny glover
Question: Played the part of Hans Christian Andersen in the movie of the same name.
Answer: Danny Kaye
Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: mary's prayer?
Answer: danny wilson
Question: Category: Rush Limbaugh: Rush event held in 1992 in Ft. Collins, Colorado.
Answer: dans bake sale
Question: A male dancer who performs the 'princely' roles of the classical ballet, such as the Prince in Swan Lake.
Answer: danseur noble
Question: 19th cent art: he was symbolized by rodin in "the thinker"?
Answer: dante
Question: 1997 - Pierce Brosnan - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dante's Peak
Question: Star wars: what is the name of the fake rebel base which princess leia gives
Answer: dantooine
Question: which river passes through germany, austria, slovakia, hungary, croatia, yugoslavia, romania, blugaria and ukraine before arriving at the black sea?
Answer: danube
Question: linz, austria is a leading port on which river?
Answer: danube
Question: this river passes through germany, austria, slovakia, hungary, croatia, yugoslavia, romania, blugaria and ukraine before arriving at the black sea. name the river?
Answer: danube
Question: Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river?
Answer: Danube
Question: Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river?
Answer: Danube
Question: What river flows through Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade?
Answer: danube
Question: What river does the Budapest Hilton afford a spectacular view of?
Answer: danube
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Laurel Tree?
Answer: daphne
Question: AUTHORS: Who wrote Rebecca?
Answer: daphne du maurier
Question: 1959 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Darby O'Gill and the Little People
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Precious Present?
Answer: darin
Question: who won the nobel prize for literature in 1997?
Answer: dario fo
Question: Which meat on a roast turkey has more calories, white or dark?
Answer: dark
Question: Blue eyes are the most sensitive to light, ---------- the least sensitive?
Answer: dark brown
Question: What is the purple ink used to stamp meat made from?
Answer: Dark Grape Skins
Question: Occult expert called in by San Francisco police in connection with series of weird murders. Intricate plot and and exceptional time period blending makes this a one-of-a-kind movie.
Answer: Dark Intruder
Question: 1947 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dark Passage
Question: Tv / Movies: What 1966 1971 soap opera centered on vampires, werewolves & witchcraft
Answer: dark shadows
Question: 1939 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dark Victory
Question: phobias: myctophobia- fear of ______?
Answer: darkness
Question: achluophobia fear of?
Answer: darkness
Question: achluophilia is the love of what?
Answer: darkness
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: (today I met) the boy i'm gonna marry?
Answer: darlene love
Question: Category: Actress In The Role: The singer who plays Mrs. Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon series
Answer: darlene love
Question: What is the longest river in Australia?
Answer: Darling
Question: What film won Julie Christie an Oscar for her portrayal of an amoral model?
Answer: darling
Question: what was the name of the husband of the pretty witch in bewitched
Answer: darrin
Question: Who played the mermaid Madison in the film "Splash"?
Answer: darryl hannah
Question: who played the mermaid in "splash"
Answer: darryl hannah
Question: What sporting target has a point total of 1,335?
Answer: dartboard
Question: who was the villain in 'star wars'?
Answer: darth vader
Question: He was the villain in "Star Wars".
Answer: Darth Vader
Question: What English prison was built to hold captured French soldiers in 1805?
Answer: dartmoor
Question: What prison is found at Princetown?
Answer: dartmoor
Question: Category: Full House: Danny's minor in college
Answer: darts
Question: full house: danny's minor in college?
Answer: darts
Question: 80's songs: dreamtime - _____hall?
Answer: daryl
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: You Make My Dreams?
Answer: daryl hall & john oates
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling?
Answer: daryl hall & john oates
Question: AUTHORS: Who wrote Maltese Falcon?
Answer: dashiell hammett
Question: In 1968 the Nobel prize in physics was given to Luis W. Alvarez for his decisive contributions to elementary particle physics, in particular the discovery of a large number of resonance states, made possible through his development of the technique of using hydrogen bubble chamber and ...?
Answer: data analysis
Question: what dried fruit are 'the bread of the desert?
Answer: dates
Question: Music : Category: Keep On Rocking: Pearl Jam song: "Mother reads aloud child tries to understand it"?
Answer: daughter
Question: Who sang with Sam in the mowtown hit "Soul Man"?
Answer: dave
Question: Category: Muppet Mania: He was the muppeteer controlling Gonzo and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew
Answer: Dave Goelz
Question: which south african cricketer was called 'swinger' by his team mates?
Answer: dave richardson
Question: this frontiersman and politician was killed at the alamo?
Answer: davey crockett
Question: this frontiersman and politician was killed at the alamo?
Answer: davey crockett
Question: History : This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo?
Answer: davey crockett
Question: which frontiersman and politician was killed at the alamo?
Answer: davey crockett
Question: which of the four monkees was marcia in love with (brady bunch)
Answer: davey jones
Question: What's the resting place of those buried at sea?
Answer: Davey Jones's Locker
Question: 80's songs: california girls - _____lee roth?
Answer: david
Question: in 1955 ---------- lee roth, rocker, born?
Answer: david
Question: Which saint died about 601 AD?
Answer: david
Question: He was the second King of Israel.
Answer: David
Question: who was the first person to wear a baseball glove?
Answer: david
Question: Which photographer, in 1976, told us that we'd take great snaps if we used an Olympus?
Answer: david bailey
Question: his comparatively short series of random killings in new york city were mainly unremarkable -- except for his claim that he had been ordered to kill by a dog?
Answer: david berkowitz
Question: which hip-hop artist goes by the alias dj quik?
Answer: david blake
Question: Category: More Hollywood: Formerly David Jones, his films include the Man Who Fell to Earth & The Hunger.
Answer: david bowie
Question: Music : Who sang Absolute Beginners?
Answer: david bowie
Question: Category: Hollywood: Formerly David Jones, his films include the Man Who Fell to Earth & The Hunger.
Answer: david bowie
Question: Music: Who is David Robert Jones better known as?
Answer: David Bowie
Question: Who recorded the 1969 hit "Space Oddity"?
Answer: David Bowie
Question: What other well known singer shares the same birthday as Elvis Presley (Jan 8)?
Answer: David Bowie
Question: Music : What glitter rocker debuted on Broadway in 1980 in The Elephant Man?
Answer: david bowie
Question: who is david robert jones better known as?
Answer: david bowie
Question: name the artist: this is not america?
Answer: david bowie
Question: Who is the author of the legendary computers games Elite and Zarch?
Answer: David Braben
Question: What Magician walked through the great wall of china?
Answer: David Copperfield
Question: Name the title of the song by Dido that was used by Eminem for his hit single Stan.
Answer: David Coulthard
Question: Who played john bosley on charlies angels (first & last names)
Answer: david doyle
Question: who played john bosley on charlies angels (first & last names)?
Answer: david doyle
Question: who plays fox mulder in "the x files"
Answer: david duchovny
Question: who is agent fox mulder on the x-files?
Answer: david duchovny
Question: Category: X Files: Who plays Fox Mulder
Answer: David Duchovny
Question: sci fi authors: david e__in_s?
Answer: david eddings
Question: name the artist: st. elmo's fire (love theme)?
Answer: david foster
Question: Music: Who replaced Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd?
Answer: David Gilmour
Question: celebrity albums: knight lover?
Answer: david hasselhoff
Question: Generally regarded as the most important philosopher ever to write in English, the last of the great triumvirate of "British empiricists", ... was also noted as an historian and essayist. A master stylist in any genre, his major philosophical works remain widely and deeply influential, despite their being denounced by many of his contemporaries as works of scepticism and atheism. While Hume's influence is evident in the moral philosophy and economic writings of his close friend Adam Smith, he also awakened Immanuel Kant from his "dogmatic slumbers" and "caused the scales to fall" from Jeremy Bentham's eyes. Charles Darwin counted him as a central influence, as did "Darwin's bulldog," Thomas Henry Huxley
Answer: David Hume
Question: on the roseanne show, d.j. stood for?
Answer: david jacob
Question: in the acclaimed television series, who played the fugitive?
Answer: david jansen
Question: who directed the film "bridge over the river kwai"?
Answer: david lean
Question: Who won for directing Lawrence of Arabia (Best Picture, 1962)
Answer: david lean
Question: who directed the film "bridge over the river kwai"?
Answer: david lean
Question: Category: Academy Awards: Who hosted the 1995 Academy Awards
Answer: David Letterman
Question: who succeeded tommy douglas as leader of the new democratic party?
Answer: david lewis
Question: who succeeded tommy douglas as leader of the new democratic party?
Answer: david lewis
Question: Music : Category: Lead Singers: Cracker?
Answer: david lowery
Question: Who directed the film Dune?
Answer: David Lynch
Question: who received the nobel prize in 1996 for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3?
Answer: david m.lee, douglas d.osheroff and robert c.richardson
Question: Who played the Agent james Bond in the 1966 film 'Casino Royale'?
Answer: David Niven
Question: who portrayed phileas fogg in around the world in 80 days?
Answer: david niven
Question: Who portrayed the demolitions expert in the guns of navarone
Answer: david niven
Question: who portrayed phileas fogg in around the world in 80 days?
Answer: david niven
Question: which were the only two actors who played james bond only once?
Answer: david niven and george lazenby
Question: which were the only two actors who played james bond only once?
Answer: david niven and george lazenby
Question: Who was the producer of "Gone With the Wind"
Answer: david o selznick
Question: Who was the body of Darth Vader
Answer: david prowse
Question: Who was the original voice of Darth Vader (hint: NOT James Earl Jones)?
Answer: David Prowse
Question: Category: Beverly Hills 90210: Which character skipped his senior year of high school
Answer: david silver
Question: who is robert urich's famous brother
Answer: david soul
Question: who founded the 'sas'?
Answer: david stirling
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: cara mia?
Answer: david whitfield with mantovani & his orchestra
Question: What is the second most common Welsh surname?
Answer: davies
Question: 80's songs: bette _____eyes - kim carnes?
Answer: davis
Question: In 1926 Miles ---------- trumpeter; pioneered cool jazz (Porgy & Bess), born?
Answer: davis
Question: This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo.
Answer: Davy #Crockett#
Question: Category: Brady Mania: Marcia had a crush on this singer who came to visit her at the Brady house.
Answer: Davy Jones
Question: gen x tv: in alphabetical order (1, 2, 3, 4), what were the first names of the monkees?
Answer: davy mickey mike peter
Question: Category: Gen X TV: In alphabetical order (1, 2, 3, 4), what were the first names of the Monkees
Answer: Davy Mickey Mike Peter
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Stars?
Answer: daw
Question: Music : Category: 1971 Num1 Hits: "Knock 3 times" was a hit for this group in January of 1971?
Answer: dawn
Question: tony orlando & ____?
Answer: dawn
Question: Category: UK TV: Who is Mrs. Lenny Henry (Full name)
Answer: Dawn French
Question: What's the name of the voice over actor who played Fred Flintstone
Answer: daws butler
Question: Category: Star Trek Deep Space 9: Name of the trill inside Jadzia
Answer: Dax
Question: name the german stock exchange index?
Answer: dax
Question: In 1924 Doris ---------- (in Cincinnatti, Ohio), actor, girl next door, born?
Answer: day
Question: david bowie songs: "stay in, fade out"?
Answer: day-in day-out
Question: 1996 - Sylvester Stallone - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Daylight
Question: 1978 - Richard Gere - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Days of Heaven
Question: what was the first movie tom cruise & nicole kidman star together in
Answer: days of thunder
Question: 1990 - Nicole Kidman - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Days of Thunder
Question: hs: what ohio city was the 1995 bosnian peace accord signed in?
Answer: dayton
Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: let it whip?
Answer: dazz band
Question: What was the first man made insecticide?
Answer: ddt
Question: who controls more than 80% of the world's rough diamond supply?
Answer: de beers
Question: In 1768 Francois Ren, ---------- , French poet, novelist, statesman?
Answer: de chateaubriand
Question: What was lestat's last name
Answer: de lioncourt
Question: what was lestat's last name
Answer: de lioncourt
Question: What car was used in 'Back To The Future'
Answer: de lorean
Question: What brand of car was the time machine in "Back To The Future'
Answer: de loreon
Question: Movie Directors: Boccaccio '70, The Gold of Naples, The Bicycle Thief
Answer: De Sica
Question: Directors: Boccaccio '70, The Gold of Naples, The Bicycle Thief
Answer: De Sica
Question: 1989 - Nicole Kidman - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dead Calm
Question: 1937 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dead End
Question: 1995 - Susan Sarandon - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dead Man Walking
Question: misc games: a.k.a a pair of aces & a pair of eights?
Answer: dead mans hand
Question: name the artist: you spin me around?
Answer: dead or alive
Question: 007: what was one of the competitive movies to "licence to kill"
Answer: dead poets society
Question: In what movie did we hear, 'carpe, carpe diem! Seize the day, boys! Make your lives extraordinary'
Answer: dead poets society
Question: Category: Movie Lines: I sound my barbaric YAWP...
Answer: Dead Poets Society
Question: 1947 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dead Reckoning
Question: what is the saltiest sea in the world?
Answer: dead sea
Question: Music : The bagpipe was originally made from the whole skin of a ______?
Answer: dead sheep
Question: most dust particles in your house are made from?
Answer: dead skin
Question: 1993 - Nicolas Cage - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Deadfall
Question: 1968 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Deadfall
Question: Alexander Graham Bell, never telephoned his wife or mother. They both were----------?
Answer: deaf
Question: In 1955 James---------- , actor, died in a car crash (born Feb 08, 1931)?
Answer: dean
Question: TV/Movies: Who won best supporting actor for his role in Twelve O'clock High?
Answer: dean jagger
Question: Who won best supporting actor for his role in Twelve O'clock High
Answer: dean jagger
Question: Authors: Hideaway?
Answer: dean koontz
Question: who played matt helm in the movies?
Answer: dean martin
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: memories are made of this?
Answer: dean martin
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: innamorata?
Answer: dean martin
Question: Who played Matt Helm in the movies?
Answer: Dean Martin
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: little ole wine drinker, me?
Answer: dean martin
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: volare (nel blu dipinto di blu)?
Answer: dean martin
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: angel baby?
Answer: dean martin
Question: what comedy duo appeared on the first broadcast of the toast of the town"?
Answer: dean martin & jerry lewis
Question: What comedy duo appeared on the first broadcast of the toast of the town"
Answer: dean martin & jerry lewis
Question: Category: Anime: What is the name of the N.G.Evangelion movie recently released in Japan
Answer: Death and Rebirth
Question: 1992 - meryl streep - starred in this movie?
Answer: death becomes her
Question: 1992 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Death Becomes Her
Question: 1992 - bruce willis - starred in this movie?
Answer: death becomes her
Question: 1992 - Goldie Hawn - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Death Becomes Her
Question: 1975 - Sylvester Stallone - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Death Race 2000
Question: 1982 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Deathtrap
Question: 1982 - Christopher Reeve - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Deathtrap
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: I Like It?
Answer: debarge
Question: 80's songs: who's johnny - el _____?
Answer: debarge
Question: 80's songs: out of the blue - _____gibson?
Answer: debbie
Question: Music : 90's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Anything Is Possible?
Answer: debbie gibson
Question: Music : In 1957 which actress recorded 'Tammy' from one of her films?
Answer: debbie reynolds
Question: in 1957 this actress recorded the simple title "tammy" from one of her movies?
Answer: debbie reynolds
Question: In 1957 which actress recorded 'Tammy' from one of her films
Answer: debbie reynolds
Question: name the artist: you light up my life?
Answer: debby boone
Question: Who recorded the 1957 hit "Tammy"?
Answer: Debby Reynolds
Question: who recorded the 1957 hit tammy?
Answer: debby reynolds
Question: Who was the female star of the film 'Seperate Tables'?
Answer: deborah kerr
Question: Category: 50s Flicks: Which actress starred in _From Here to Eternity_ & _The King and I_
Answer: Deborah Kerr
Question: Who was the voice of E.T.
Answer: debra winger
Question: French impressionist Claude -------
Answer: Debussy
Question: name the album : the anchor song, violently happy?
Answer: debut
Question: What Olympic event's winner is considered the world's greatest athlete?
Answer: decathlon
Question: 1991 - Goldie Hawn - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Deceived
Question: 1997 - Renee Zellweger - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Deceiver
Question: In what month is Christmas observed?
Answer: December
Question: What, translated literally is the 10th month?
Answer: december
Question: when is the shortest day in the northern hemisphere?
Answer: december
Question: when is the longest day in the southern hemisphere?
Answer: december
Question: parenthetical titles: (oh what a night)?
Answer: december 1963
Question: what does the electrical abbreviation db stand for?
Answer: decibel
Question: what does the electrical abbreviation db stand for?
Answer: decibel
Question: What is the term for a tree which sheds its foliage at the end of the growing season?
Answer: deciduous
Question: What adjective is used to describe trees which shed their leaves periodically?
Answer: deciduous
Question: who was the rand cent man?
Answer: decimal dan
Question: the incas and certain other pre-columbian tribes in peru developed the ------- ------ hundreds of years before it was used in europe?
Answer: decimal system
Question: Blade Runner: The main character's name.
Answer: deckard
Question: The 'law of diminishing returns' states that as additional units of a variable factor are added to a given quantity of fixed factors, with a given state of technology, the average and marginal products of the variable factor will eventually ...?
Answer: decline
Question: 1997 - Billy Crystal - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Deconstructing Harry
Question: in the comic strips peanuts, what does spike do to celebrate christmas?
Answer: decorates his cactus
Question: The hypothesis of diminishing marginal utility states that as the quantity of a good consumed by an individual increases, the marginal utility of the good will eventually ...?
Answer: decrease
Question: To gradually decrease in volume?
Answer: Decrescendo
Question: To gradually decrease in volume.
Answer: decrescendo
Question: To gradually decrease in volume?
Answer: decrescendo
Question: In logic, what is the form of reasoning by which a specific conclusion is inferred from one or more premises?
Answer: Deduction
Question: in logic, what is the form of reasoning by which a specific conclusion is inferred from one or more premises?
Answer: deduction
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: nobody but you?
Answer: dee clark
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: mashed potato time?
Answer: dee dee sharp
Question: 1998, this movie was released on march 27 meet the ----------?
Answer: deedles
Question: Name the computer which beat World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov in 1997?
Answer: deep blue
Question: Ian Gillain is the singer for this legendary band
Answer: Deep Purple
Question: Name the band - songs include "Black Night, Smoke On The Water"?
Answer: Deep Purple
Question: Lake Baikal is the ---------- lake in the world?
Answer: deepest
Question: Food and Drink : From what animal do we get venison?
Answer: deer
Question: from what animal do we get venison?
Answer: deer
Question: The young of which animals are called 'brockets'?
Answer: deer
Question: From what animal do we get venison?
Answer: deer
Question: In 1804 John---------- , pioneer manufacturer of agricultural implements, born?
Answer: deere
Question: 80's songs: pour some sugar on me - _____leppard?
Answer: def
Question: musical ds: this poppy metal group had a one-armed drummer after an accident?
Answer: def leppard
Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: hysteria?
Answer: def leppard
Question: what's the major responsibility of a sweeper in soccer?
Answer: defence
Question: What do the letters F.D. on British coins mean?
Answer: Defender of the Faith
Question: what is a hockey team's "blue line corps"?
Answer: defensemen
Question: -isms: The belief in God as a "divine clockmaker," originating in the age of Enlightenment.
Answer: Deism
Question: The feeling of having experienced something before is known as ·······.
Answer: deja vu
Question: Music : 90's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Kiss This Thing Goodbye?
Answer: del amitri
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: hats off to larry?
Answer: del shannon
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: little town flirt?
Answer: del shannon
Question: name the artist: runaway?
Answer: del shannon
Question: name the artist: come go with me - the?
Answer: del-vikings
Question: what river forms the pennsylvania-new jersy border?
Answer: delaware
Question: what u.s. state has the lowest highest elevation, at 60 feet?
Answer: delaware
Question: Classical Music: Who wrote the score for the ballet Coppelia of 1870?
Answer: Delibes
Question: Acronym Soup: DEG?
Answer: deliciously evil grin
Question: Who betrayed Samson to the Philistines?
Answer: delilah
Question: What film saw Burt Reynolds ride in a canoe with a broken leg?
Answer: deliverance
Question: what james dickey novel tells the story of an ill-fated canoe trip?
Answer: deliverance
Question: What james dickey novel tells the story of an ill fated canoe trip
Answer: deliverance
Question: What James Dickey novel tells the story of an ill fated canoe trip?
Answer: deliverance
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: don't you know?
Answer: della reese
Question: What was the town that ancient Greeks believed to be the centre of the world, and was the home of a famous oracle?
Answer: Delphi
Question: What geographical term is the fourth letter of the greek alphabet?
Answer: delta
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Peace?
Answer: dembe
Question: Light brown cane sugar?
Answer: demerara
Question: What is the stage name of actress demetria guynes
Answer: demi moore
Question: What is the stage name of actress Demetria Guynes?
Answer: Demi Moore
Question: This actress appeared in "St. Elmo's Fire", "The Scarlett Letter", and "Striptease".
Answer: Demi Moore
Question: Category: Celebrity Lovers: Bruce Willis is married to this actress who appeared nude on "Vanity Fair"
Answer: demi moore
Question: 1993: Name one of the major stars of "Indecent Proposal"
Answer: demi moore
Question: born nov 11, 1962, she Starred In This Movie:g.I. jane - 1997?
Answer: demi moore
Question: born nov 11, 1962, she Starred In This Movie:indecent proposal - 1993?
Answer: demi moore
Question: her first name means "half", which pretty well describes how many scenes she dresses for in her movie roles?
Answer: demi moore
Question: Who appeared in 'st. Elmo's fire', 'the scarlett letter' & 'striptease'
Answer: demi moore
Question: what is the stage name of actress demetria guynes?
Answer: demi moore
Question: What is the name for a narrow necked wine or spirit container of more than two gallon capacity?
Answer: demijohn
Question: As a teenager, Markey used to be a member of which scene? German socialist scene, hip hop music scene, demo scene, used underwear enthusiast scene?
Answer: Demo Scene
Question: The study of the size, composition and distribution of the human population.
Answer: demography
Question: 1993 - Wesley Snipes - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Demolition Man
Question: 1993 - Sylvester Stallone - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Demolition Man
Question: phobias: demonophobia or daemonophobia- fear of ______?
Answer: demons
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for macedonia?
Answer: denar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Macedonia?
Answer: denar
Question: what is the name of the aviation company situated in jhb international airport?
Answer: denel aviation
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: It's Gonna Take A Miracle?
Answer: deniece Williams
Question: To what country do the Faeroe Islands belong?
Answer: Denmark
Question: In which country was Hamlet a prince?
Answer: Denmark
Question: From what country did the U.S. buy the Virgin Islands?
Answer: Denmark
Question: In what country is the Jutland peninsula?
Answer: Denmark
Question: What country's flag has lasted the longest without change?
Answer: denmark
Question: which country has the oldest national flag?
Answer: denmark
Question: What country produces Wiibroe beer?
Answer: denmark
Question: What country's flag flies over the Faroe Islands?
Answer: denmark
Question: The Falketing is the parliament of which country?
Answer: denmark
Question: What country is home to Shakespeare's Hamlet?
Answer: denmark
Question: What country's national folk hero is called Holger Danske?
Answer: denmark
Question: to what country do the faeroe islands belong?
Answer: denmark
Question: What country administers Greenland?
Answer: denmark
Question: from what country did the us buy the virgin islands?
Answer: denmark
Question: what is the only scandinavian country the arctic circle doesnt cut through?
Answer: denmark
Question: Which country has the oldest national flag?
Answer: denmark
Question: What country consists mainly of the Jutland Peninsula?
Answer: denmark
Question: What Scandinavian country boasts the world's highest per capita rate of borrowing from libraries?
Answer: denmark
Question: What is the only Scandinavian country the Arctic Circle doesnt cut through?
Answer: denmark
Question: Which country has the oldest national flag?
Answer: Denmark
Question: Which character was portrayed by Robert Redford in the film Out of Africa?
Answer: dennis finch hatton
Question: Directors: Easy Rider, The Hot Spot, River's Edge
Answer: dennis hopper
Question: Directors: Easy Rider, The Hot Spot, River's Edge
Answer: dennis hopper
Question: What actor's backside was displayed in "the big easy" & "inner space"
Answer: dennis quaid
Question: What menacing character was best friends with Tommy anderson
Answer: dennis the menace
Question: Category: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Hank Ketcham
Answer: dennis the menace
Question: What is the term for mass per unit volume?
Answer: density
Question: Which hard substance, closely resembling bone, makes up the bulk of a tooth?
Answer: dentine
Question: Name the pain-inflicting person you go to to get your teeth fixed.
Answer: dentist
Question: Category: Rocky Horror: Where do Brad and Janet live
Answer: denton
Question: What is the capital of Colorado?
Answer: Denver
Question: what city is signified by the 'd' stamped on some american coins?
Answer: denver
Question: Which football team was nicknamed the "Orange Crush"?
Answer: Denver #Broncos#
Question: what football team once featured the 'orange crush' defense?
Answer: denver broncos
Question: Music : 70's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Also Sprach Zarathustra (2001)?
Answer: deodato
Question: name the popular 80's band who had a worldwide hit with "enjoy the silence"?
Answer: depeche mode
Question: Category: Famous Celebrities: Which Johnny's name was once linked to the model Kate Moss
Answer: Depp
Question: 1990 - Elizabeth Hurley - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Der Skipper
Question: Which city has a ram as its emblem?
Answer: derby
Question: name the artist: layla?
Answer: derek & the dominoes
Question: What is a skin specialist called?
Answer: dermatologist
Question: What is a skin specialist called?
Answer: dermatologist
Question: Early deconstructionist, Jacques _____
Answer: Derrida
Question: What Muslims practise shirling as a religious act?
Answer: dervishes
Question: Chemistry : The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ________?
Answer: desalination
Question: The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ···········.
Answer: desalination
Question: Frenchphilosopher,scientist,andmathematician,sometimescalledthefatherofmodernphilosophy?
Answer: descartes
Question: It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has ...?
Answer: descended from man
Question: What is a group of this animal called: Woodpecker?
Answer: descent
Question: Who is Othello's wife?
Answer: desdemona
Question: what dies sahara mean in arabic?
Answer: desert
Question: what did they call field marshall romell of the german panzers?
Answer: desert fox
Question: animal trivia: a camel can shut its nostrils during a ----------?
Answer: desert sandstorm
Question: who co starred with lucille ball in "here's lucy"
Answer: desi arnez
Question: What work begins 'Go placidly amid the noise & haste & remember what peace there may be in silence'?
Answer: desiderata
Question: after five years as "suzanne sugarbaker", delta burke leaves the hit show?
Answer: designing women
Question: Category: Mostly Older Movies: Katherine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy movie featuring a computer named Emerac:
Answer: desk set
Question: What does the acronym DCOP stand for?
Answer: Desktop Communications Oriented Protocol
Question: Acronym Soup: DTP?
Answer: desktop publishing
Question: In 1986 ---------- Tutu installed to lead south African Anglican Church?
Answer: desmond
Question: Music : Category: Beatles First Words: First word of "O-bla-di O-bla-da"?
Answer: desmond --- has a barrow in the market place
Question: beatles first words: first word of "o-bla-di o-bla-da"?
Answer: desmond --- has a barrow in the market place
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: israelites?
Answer: desmond dekker & the aces
Question: What is the name of the actor who plays "q" in the james bond films
Answer: desmond llewelyn
Question: 1995 - Salma Hayek - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Desperado
Question: 1995 - Antonio Banderas - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Desperado
Question: 1998 - Michael Keaton - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Desperate Measures
Question: Which group consisted of Beyonce (Pronounced: Be-on-say), Kelly and Michelle?
Answer: Destiny's Child
Question: Simpsons: when marge & homer first met in high school, where were they
Answer: detention room
Question: Category: ActPersons: Birthplace of Sonny Bono.
Answer: detroit
Question: What US Citys name means 'straits' or 'channel'?
Answer: Detroit
Question: Who owns "the Double R" diner in "Twin Peaks"
Answer: detroit
Question: What American city did Cadillac found?
Answer: detroit
Question: which city is known as motown?
Answer: detroit
Question: Which city is known as Motown?
Answer: Detroit
Question: actpersons: birthplace of sonny bono?
Answer: detroit
Question: In 672 ---------- begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
Answer: deusdedit iii
Question: what is the fifth book of the pentateuch?
Answer: deuteronomy
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for germany?
Answer: deutsche mark
Question: Who was the third president of Singpore?
Answer: devan nair
Question: 1995 - Denzel Washington - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Devil in a Blue Dress
Question: what prison island was off the coast of french guiana?
Answer: devil's island
Question: What prison island was off the coast of French Guiana?
Answer: #Devil#'s Island
Question: what 1,300- foot column of basalt do wyoming indians want to keep people from climbing?
Answer: devil's tower
Question: What is the name given to the dish of prunes wrapped in bacon?
Answer: devils on horseback
Question: who re-recorded 'secret agent man' in 1979?
Answer: devo
Question: who re-recorded 'secret agent man' in 1979?
Answer: devo
Question: Music: Who re-recorded 'Secret Agent Man' in 1979?
Answer: Devo
Question: This band's highly original video for "Whip it," characterized by red flower pot hats was criticized for being both sado-masochistic and racist?
Answer: Devo
Question: This band's highly original video for "Whip it," characterized by red flower pot hats was criticized for being both sado-masochistic and racist.
Answer: Devo
Question: Issac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every ---------- -decimal category?
Answer: dewey
Question: jazz: he starred in the movie "round midnight"?
Answer: dexter gordon
Question: Music : One Hit Wonders: Come On Eileen?
Answer: dexys midnight runners
Question: what is the capital of bangladesh?
Answer: dhaka
Question: what is the capital of bangladesh?
Answer: dhaka
Question: What is hyperglycemia commonly known as?
Answer: diabetes
Question: in which street would you find the johannesburg stock exchange?
Answer: diagonal street
Question: When using a telephone, you must wait for a ···· tone before starting your call.
Answer: dial
Question: I never hated a man so much, that I returned his ...?
Answer: diamants
Question: What line divides a circle into two semi circles?
Answer: diameter
Question: this is the hardest naturally occurring substance?
Answer: diamond
Question: On the Moh Hardness scale what has a hardness of 10?
Answer: Diamond
Question: What is April's birthstone?
Answer: diamond
Question: This is the hardest naturally occurring substance.
Answer: diamond
Question: what goes with ruby, emerald and sapphire to make up the world's most valuable gems?
Answer: diamond
Question: What is the simplest gem in chemical composition?
Answer: diamond
Question: What goes with ruby, emerald & sapphire to make up the world's most valuable gems?
Answer: Diamond
Question: graphite dust is formed when what is cut with a laser?
Answer: diamond
Question: What was The Pink Panther in the film The Pink Panther?
Answer: diamond
Question: the most durable saw blades are tipped with what?
Answer: diamond carbide
Question: In 1955 Production announced-first pilot plant to produce man-made?
Answer: diamonds
Question: What are the Star of Africa and Cullinan II?
Answer: diamonds
Question: Southpark: what will you clean to support your drug habits if you fail the 3rd grade
Answer: diamonds
Question: 1999 - Dan Akroyd - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Diamonds
Question: What gift is associated with the 60th Wedding Anniversary?
Answer: Diamonds
Question: What is Kimberley, South Africa renowned for?
Answer: diamonds
Question: 1971 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Diamonds Are Forever
Question: 007: what was the name of the seventh james bond film
Answer: diamonds are forever
Question: 1971 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Diamonds Are Forever
Question: Who is the Roman Goddess of Hunting?
Answer: diana
Question: PBS TV: Who is the current (1996) host of Mystery!
Answer: Diana Rigg
Question: tv actresses: emma peel on the avengers?
Answer: diana rigg
Question: TV Actresses: Emma Peel on The Avengers
Answer: Diana Rigg
Question: TV/Movies: TV Actresses: Emma Peel on The Avengers?
Answer: diana rigg
Question: Category: TV Actresses: Emma Peel on The Avengers
Answer: Diana Rigg
Question: Jill St. John, Jack Klugman, ---------- , Carol Burnett and Cher have all worn braces as adults?
Answer: diana ross
Question: Music : 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: In and Out of Love?
Answer: diana ross & the supremes
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: i'm livin' in shame?
Answer: diana ross & the supremes
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: some things you never get used to?
Answer: diana ross & the supremes
Question: who was nominated for actress in a supporting role in 1980?
Answer: diana scarwid
Question: Who was nominated for actress in a supporting role in 1980
Answer: diana scarwid
Question: what was she known as, before being known as just "diana"?
Answer: diana spencer
Question: Actors In Film : Reds; Annie Hall; Baby Boom
Answer: Diane Keaton
Question: Who won a Best Actress Academy award for her performance in Annie Hall?
Answer: diane keaton
Question: British slang: nappies means?
Answer: diapers
Question: What is the name of the body part that separates the abdomen from the thorax?
Answer: Diaphragm
Question: wide muscular partition separating the thoracic, or chest cavity, from the abdominal cavity?
Answer: diaphragm
Question: Widemuscularpartitionseparatingthethoracic,orchestcavity,fromtheabdominalcavity?
Answer: diaphragm
Question: 'The Diary of Anne Frank' was first published in English under what title?
Answer: Diary of a Young Girl
Question: What were 'ivories' to an Old West gambler?
Answer: dice
Question: Category: Gen X TV: What first name of both actors who played Darren on "Bewitched"
Answer: Dick
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: young and in love?
Answer: dick & deedee
Question: Who is known as "the world's oldest teenager"?
Answer: Dick #Clark#
Question: Who is known as "the world's oldest teenager"?
Answer: dick clark
Question: Game Shows: Host of the $100,000 Pyramid and the $25,000 Pyramid.
Answer: Dick Clark
Question: TV/Movies: Game Shows: Host of the $100,000 Pyramid and the $25,000 Pyramid?
Answer: dick clark
Question: What host won emmy's for being the quizmaster on the $100,000 Pyramid
Answer: dick clark
Question: Whose recent books include 'Shattered' and 'Second Wind'?
Answer: dick francis
Question: Who was married to Tess Truehart
Answer: dick tracy
Question: Category: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Chester Gould
Answer: dick tracy
Question: In which film based on a cartoon character did Madonna co star with Warren Beatty
Answer: dick tracy
Question: Tess Trueheart married which plainclothes detective?
Answer: Dick Tracy
Question: what democratic prankster waved the train out of the station while richard nixon spoke from the caboose?
Answer: dick tuck
Question: Category: Movie Musicals: He starred as a chimney sweep in "Mary Poppins":
Answer: Dick Van Dyke
Question: Who replaced harvey korman on the carol burnett show
Answer: dick van dyke
Question: Who co-starred with Julie Andrews in "Mary Poppins"?
Answer: Dick Van Dyke
Question: who co-starred with julie andrews in "mary poppins"?
Answer: dick van dyke
Question: She played "Police Woman"
Answer: dickinson
Question: In 1830 Emily ---------- (in Amherst, Mass), poet, born?
Answer: dickinson
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: click clack?
Answer: dicky doo & the don'ts
Question: This is the choice and arrangement of words and phrases in a literary work. It is the vocabulary that the author, poet or playwright uses to create style and effect in a piece of writing?
Answer: diction
Question: What is the singular of dice?
Answer: die
Question: Policeman visits wife in Los Angeles and battles terrorists on highrise
Answer: Die Hard
Question: flicks: policeman visits wife in los angeles and battles terrorists on highrise?
Answer: die hard
Question: Lone NYC cop against a highrise full of baddies.
Answer: Die Hard
Question: Category: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1988: 40 stories of sheer adventure!
Answer: Die Hard
Question: Rhinewhens BleedingHeart Movies: Lone NYC cop against a highrise full of baddies.
Answer: Die Hard
Question: Sequel to Die Hard was called this
Answer: die harder
Question: what was the name of south africa's first movie epic, made in 1916?
Answer: die voortrekkers
Question: Substance that is a poor conductor of electricity and that will sustain the force of an electric field passing through it?
Answer: Dielectric
Question: what is improved if you sleep on your right side?
Answer: digestion
Question: 1998 - Kevin Bacon - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Digging to China
Question: 1992 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Diggstown
Question: Category: Movie Lines: Did you tell him he was black
Answer: diggstown
Question: Category: Batman 101: Computer graphic batman novel in which a virus battles a Coded Batman
Answer: Digital Justice
Question: Gay Issues: What group's motto is, "We're Here, We're Queer, We Have E-Mail"?
Answer: digital queers
Question: what does dvd stand for?
Answer: digital video disk digital video disc
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: i'll never say "never again" again?
Answer: dinah shore
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: changing partners?
Answer: dinah shore
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: unforgettable?
Answer: dinah washington
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Tunisia?
Answer: dinar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for bahrain?
Answer: dinar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Algeria?
Answer: dinar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for yugoslavia?
Answer: dinar
Question: What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia?
Answer: Dinar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for yugoslavia?
Answer: dinar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Sudan?
Answer: dinar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Yugoslavia?
Answer: dinar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Kuwait?
Answer: dinar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Jordan?
Answer: dinar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Iraq?
Answer: dinar
Question: What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia and Yugoslavia?
Answer: dinar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Bahrain?
Answer: dinar
Question: what unit of currency will buy you dinner in iraq, jordan, tunisia and yugoslavia?
Answer: dinar
Question: What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan and Tunisia?
Answer: dinar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Libya?
Answer: dinar
Question: 1982 - Kevin Bacon - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Diner
Question: What was the first credit card called?
Answer: DinerŽs Club
Question: In the cartoons who was Hokie Wolf's sidekick?
Answer: Ding
Question: in the cartoons who was hokie wolf's sidekick?
Answer: ding
Question: Who was Shaka's successor?
Answer: dingaan
Question: In the cartoons who was hokie wolf's sidekick
Answer: dingaling
Question: name the wild dogs of australia?
Answer: dingo
Question: Name the wild dogs of Australia.
Answer: dingo
Question: Music : 90's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Gentle?
Answer: dino
Question: Animal Trivia: Most ---------- lived to be more than a hundred years old?
Answer: dinosaurs
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: drip drop?
Answer: dion
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: be careful of stones that you throw?
Answer: dion
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: the majestic?
Answer: dion
Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: love power?
Answer: dionne warwick
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: do you know the way to san jose?
Answer: dionne warwick
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: don't make me over?
Answer: dionne warwick
Question: Music : 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Who Is Gonna Love Me?
Answer: dionne warwick
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: you've lost that lovin' feelin'?
Answer: dionne warwick
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Love Power?
Answer: dionne warwick
Question: name the artist: that's what friends are for?
Answer: dionne warwick & friends
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: That's What Friends Are For?
Answer: dionne warwick & friends
Question: Animal Trivia: The calories burned daily by the sled dogs running in Alaska's annual Iditarod race average 10,000. The 1,149-mile race commemorates the 1925 "Race for Life" when 20 volunteer mushers relayed medicine from Anchorage to Nome to battle a children's ----------?
Answer: diphtheria epidemic
Question: Which was the longest dinosaur?
Answer: Diplodocus
Question: which bird can walk underwater?
Answer: dipper
Question: Who was the duck in "The Duck Factory"
Answer: dippy duck
Question: Music : what group performed "sultans of swing" & "romeo & juliet"?
Answer: dire straits
Question: name the artist: walk of life?
Answer: dire straits
Question: What does DMA stand for?
Answer: Direct Memory Access
Question: Animal Trivia: The crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. If pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a zigzag motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of ----------?
Answer: direction
Question: In 1986 Andrei Tarkovski, Russian ---------- (Stalker), dies at 54?
Answer: director
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for United Arab Emirates?
Answer: dirham
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Morocco?
Answer: dirham
Question: 50s Flicks: Which British actor was Simon Sparrow in the Doctor films
Answer: Dirk Bogarde
Question: Category: The Tick: "Supermodels usually don't date guys who live in the ____."
Answer: dirt
Question: phobias: rupophobia- fear of ______?
Answer: dirt
Question: Music : Albums: Would, Sickman, Rooster?
Answer: dirt
Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: make a little magic?
Answer: dirt band
Question: phobias: automysophobia- fear of being ______?
Answer: dirty
Question: Music : Category: Name That Tune: "You wanna graduate, but not 'n his bed"?
Answer: dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Question: name that tune: "you wanna graduate, but not 'n his bed"?
Answer: dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Question: which film preceded 'magnum force' and 'the enforcer'?
Answer: dirty harry
Question: Which film preceded magnum force & the enforcer
Answer: dirty harry
Question: ae: what clint eastwood screen role was originally offered to hohn wayne, frank sinatra and paul newman?
Answer: dirty harry
Question: 1988 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Question: Dick Van Dyke Show: What job did Rob have before he became a comedy writer
Answer: disc jockey
Question: besides being a singer, the big boppa was also working as a?
Answer: disc jockey
Question: 1994 - Michael Douglas - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Disclosure
Question: in thunderball, what was the name of largo's yacht?
Answer: disco volante
Question: What shuttle launch merited the Time cover headline "whew"?
Answer: discovery
Question: Category: 2001: Name of the ship going to Jupiter.
Answer: Discovery I
Question: What does a ship flying the yellow jack flag have on board?
Answer: disease
Question: what does a ship flying the yellow jack flag have on board?
Answer: disease
Question: in 1923 ---------- co. founded?
Answer: disney
Question: 1975 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Distance
Question: Work done, equals force multiplied by ········.
Answer: distance
Question: What is the meaning of dc in "Washington DC"?
Answer: district of columbia
Question: What term is applied to animals or plants that are not nocturnal?
Answer: diurnal
Question: 1980 - Bette Midler - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Divine Madness
Question: Gilligans Island: The Skipper uses what in search for fresh water
Answer: divining rod
Question: what is the nickname for new orleans?
Answer: dixie
Question: to which elemetary school did tv's 'the brady bunch' go?
Answer: dixie canyon elementary
Question: the brady bunch went to elementary school at?
Answer: dixie canyon elementary
Question: to which elemetary school did tv's 'the brady bunch' go?
Answer: dixie canyon elementary
Question: according to the song, where is the land where old times there are not forgotten?
Answer: dixieland
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Son of Richard?
Answer: dixon
Question: who was the first drummer to perform in elvis presley's band?
Answer: dj fontana
Question: music: who was the first drummer to perform in elvis presley's band?
Answer: dj fontana
Question: Full House: Name the three daughters, in order of oldest to youngest (no commas)
Answer: DJ Stephanie Michelle
Question: TV/Movies: Full House: Name the three daughters, in order of oldest to youngest (no commas)?
Answer: dj stephanie michelle
Question: This gypsy swing guitarist nearly had his left hand destroyed by fire as a child?
Answer: Django Reinhardt
Question: What is the capital of Djibouti?
Answer: Djibouti
Question: In 1906 ---------- Shostakovich, Russian composer, born?
Answer: dmitri
Question: Which Russian chemist (1834-1907) founded our modern periodic table?
Answer: Dmitry Ivanovich #Mendeleyev#
Question: Deoxyribonucleic acid is better known as ··········.
Answer: DNA
Question: What molecule did James Watson and Francis Crick unravel in 1944?
Answer: dna
Question: 80's songs: do I _____- stevie wonder?
Answer: do
Question: What book is the film Blade Runner based on?
Answer: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Question: UK TV: What is the profession of Miriam Stoppard
Answer: Doctor
Question: On tv's the love boat, what was adam bricker's job on the ship
Answer: doctor
Question: 1983 - Dan Akroyd - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Doctor Detroit
Question: Wimpy college professor becomes embroiled with pimps, prostitutes and underworld intrigue.
Answer: Doctor Detroit
Question: Tv / Movies: What fictional doctor talks to the animals
Answer: doctor dolittle
Question: 1998 - Eddie Murphy - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Doctor Dolittle
Question: medical abbreviations and acronyms: what is md?
Answer: doctor of medicine
Question: what popular american writer coined the word nerd?
Answer: doctor seuss
Question: in common: detroit, phibes, demento, faustus?
Answer: doctors
Question: 1971 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Doctors' Wives
Question: 1984 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dodd
Question: Where was Matt Dillon the sheriff
Answer: dodge
Question: what car maker makes the daytona?
Answer: dodge
Question: Category: Dukes Of Hazzard: General Lee's make and model.
Answer: Dodge Charger
Question: Which bird became extinct in 1861?
Answer: Dodo
Question: In 1990 Samuel Kanyon ---------- president of Liberia, assassinated?
Answer: doe
Question: as sick as a ______?
Answer: dog
Question: Family Flicks: In the film _Benji_, what type of creature was the main character
Answer: Dog
Question: Category: World Of Disney: What animal does Cinderella's Fairy Godmother use to create the footman
Answer: Dog
Question: similes: as sick as a(n) ___________?
Answer: dog
Question: As sick as a(n) ···········.
Answer: dog
Question: What is a Mexican hairless?
Answer: dog
Question: Tramp was the name of what animal on the show My Three Sons
Answer: dog
Question: as sick as a ______?
Answer: dog
Question: Useless Facts: Americans spend more money on ------------ every year than they spend on baby food?
Answer: dog food
Question: 1999 - Salma Hayek - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dogma
Question: What kind of creatures are the Canary Islands named after?
Answer: dogs
Question: What is the capital of Qatar?
Answer: Doha
Question: VCRs: DSS stands for this (Hint:Audio related)?
Answer: dolby surround sound
Question: What is the belt of low pressure around the equator called?
Answer: doldrums
Question: What word meaning a low pressure belt of surface winds at the equator, can mean a bout of emotional depression?
Answer: Doldrums
Question: A calm ocean region near the equator.
Answer: #doldrum#s
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Canada?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Liberia?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Kiribati?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for australia?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for palau?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for United States?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Barbados?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Dominica?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for zimbabwe?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Belize?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for bahamas?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Jamaica?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Palau?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Brunei?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Solomon Islands?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Antigua and Barbuda?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Singapore?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Guyana?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Zimbabwe?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Grenada?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Namibia?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for fiji?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for saint lucia?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Fiji?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Saint Kitts and Nevis?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Micronesia?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Tuvalu?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Trinidad and Tobago?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Taiwan?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for hong kong?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for new zealand?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for jamaica?
Answer: dollar
Question: what is the basic unit of currency for kiribati?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Marshall Islands?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Australia?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Hong Kong?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for New Zealand?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Nauru?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Bahamas?
Answer: dollar
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Saint Lucia?
Answer: dollar
Question: 1971 - Goldie Hawn - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: #Dollars# ($)
Question: Category: Power Rangers: Trini is a collector of these
Answer: Dolls
Question: what was bob dyer's wife's first name?
Answer: dolly
Question: What was bob dyer's wife's first name
Answer: dolly
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Islands In The Stream?
Answer: dolly parton & Kenny Rogers
Question: which animal sleep with one eye open?
Answer: dolphin
Question: What is the most intelligent creature on Earth after man?
Answer: dolphin
Question: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Delphinus?
Answer: Dolphin
Question: Animal Trivia: ---------- swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time, they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open?
Answer: dolphins
Question: Sport : Football: The Miami __________?
Answer: dolphins
Question: the miami __________?
Answer: dolphins
Question: Football: The Miami ··········.
Answer: Dolphins
Question: Category: Real World: This rommate's truck was towed away as a practical joke.
Answer: Dom
Question: real world: this rommate's truck was towed away as a practical joke?
Answer: dom
Question: A vaulted roof of circular or polygonal shape.
Answer: dome
Question: the desire to exert control over a consenting partner for the purpose of mutual gratification?
Answer: domination
Question: the latin feminine of the term dominator?
Answer: dominatrix
Question: What country is Santo Domingo the capital of?
Answer: Dominican Republic
Question: name the 1963 number-1 hit by the singing nun?
Answer: dominique
Question: Get Smart: This actor plays Smart and also provides the voice of Inspector Gadget.
Answer: Don Adams
Question: Get Smart: This actor plays Smart & also provides the voice of Inspector Gadget.
Answer: Don Adams
Question: Movie Actors: Radio star who won a 1986 Oscar for Cocoon
Answer: Don Ameche
Question: Category: Actors: Radio star who won a 1986 Oscar for Cocoon
Answer: Don Ameche
Question: Category: Quantum Leap: This man, The "God of Quantum Leap", was the executive producer.
Answer: Don Bellisario
Question: who was the first to win the grand slam of tennis?
Answer: don budge
Question: Who was the first to win the grand slam of tennis?
Answer: Don #Budge#
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: wild cherry?
Answer: don cherry
Question: Music : Category: Musical Ds: Neneh Cherry's jazz musician father (full name!)?
Answer: don cherry
Question: zorro was the secret identity of what wealthy landowner?
Answer: don diego de la vega
Question: zorro was the secret identity of what wealthy landowner?
Answer: don diego de la vega
Question: Zorro was the secret identity of what wealthy landowner
Answer: don diego de la vega
Question: in which opera does leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover?
Answer: don giovannie
Question: in which opera does leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover?
Answer: don giovannie
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Till I Loved You?
Answer: don johnson
Question: What was the first motion picture to have a synchronized musical score?
Answer: Don Juan
Question: bryan adams recorded a song for this movie with johnny depp as a latin lover?
Answer: don juan de marco
Question: bryan adams recorded a song for this movie with johnny depp as a latin lover?
Answer: don juan demarco
Question: 1995 - Marlon Brando - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Don Juan DeMarco
Question: Music : Category: Early Pop Rock: He created "The Archies"?
Answer: don kirshner
Question: Who plays ralph furley on threes company
Answer: don knotts
Question: Category: Actor: ...who played The Incredible Mr. Limpett
Answer: don knotts
Question: actor: ...who played the incredible mr. limpett?
Answer: don knotts
Question: Music : Musical Ds: He sang "Vincent (starry starry night) & a tune everybody knows?
Answer: don mclean
Question: Category: Game Shows: Original "Jeopardy!" announcer; later became voice of "Saturday Night Live".
Answer: Don Pardo
Question: who is mr. Warmth
Answer: don rickles
Question: Dick Van Dyke Show: Who played pickpocket & convict Lye Delp
Answer: Don Rickles
Question: Frank Sinatra: This comedian once said, "Make yourself like Frank. Hit somebody."
Answer: Don Rickles
Question: Who is also known as Mr. Warmth?
Answer: Don #Rickles#
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: white silver sands?
Answer: don rondo
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: water boy?
Answer: don shirley trio
Question: Quotations: I'll make him an offer, he don't refuse?
Answer: don vito corleone
Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers?
Answer: don't do me like That
Question: British slang: don't get your knickers in a twist means?
Answer: don't get upset
Question: elton john and kiki dee sang this song together?
Answer: don't go breaking my heart
Question: 80's tune: performed by: police?
Answer: don't stand so close to me
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: that's what I like?
Answer: don, dick & jimmy
Question: who are huey, louie and dewey?
Answer: donald duck's nephews
Question: What was Pfaster's full name in "Irresistible"
Answer: donald eddie pfaster
Question: Who invented the yo yo?
Answer: donald f duncan
Question: who dubbed australia 'the lucky country'?
Answer: donald horne
Question: Category: Defining Roles: M.A.S.H. [the movie]--> Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Answer: donald sutherland
Question: which famous actor is keifer sutherland's father
Answer: donald sutherland
Question: Full House: Rebecca's maiden name
Answer: Donaldson
Question: Famous Animals: Names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order?
Answer: donatello leonardo michelangelo raphael
Question: What are the names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order?
Answer: Donatello Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael
Question: 80's songs: ain't even _____with the night - john cougar?
Answer: done
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Vietnam?
Answer: dong
Question: Nature : This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party?
Answer: donkey
Question: This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party.
Answer: donkey
Question: what do you pin the tail on at a birthday party?
Answer: donkey
Question: Though the touch of gold was removed, Midas was forever cursed by Athena to have the ears of which animal?
Answer: Donkey
Question: Which Nintendo arcade game first introduced the character of Mario?
Answer: Donkey Kong
Question: quantum leap: sam's true love that he sees again when he leaps into one of her professors?
Answer: donna
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Lady, Woman?
Answer: donna
Question: Category: 90210: Which character is played by the daughter of producer Aaron Spelling
Answer: Donna Martin
Question: who played the respectable hooker in "from here to eternity"?
Answer: donna reed
Question: name the artist: the wanderer?
Answer: donna summer
Question: Who wrote 'No man is an island...never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee'?
Answer: donne
Question: Music : Category: One Hit Wonders: Pittsburgh rocker who hit in 1981 with "Ah! Leah!"?
Answer: donnie iris
Question: Music : 70's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing?
Answer: donny & marie osmond
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: to susan on the west coast waiting?
Answer: donovan
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: jennifer juniper?
Answer: donovan
Question: Who sang Mellow Yellow?
Answer: donovan
Question: alice becomes a cake & gets eaten?
Answer: dont come around here no more
Question: Where did Howdy Doody live?
Answer: Doodyville
Question: tv:where did howdy doody live?
Answer: doodyville
Question: What 1971 series depicted Robert Powell as a scientific watchdog?
Answer: doomwatch
Question: name that drink: bonny ____?
Answer: doon
Question: who advised us to 'break on through to the other side'?
Answer: doors
Question: Which is the only one of the seven Dwarfs not to have a beard?
Answer: dopey
Question: which dwarf is the only one of the seven dwarfs not to have a beard?
Answer: dopey
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be)?
Answer: doris day
Question: Who played the title role in "calamity jane" (1953)
Answer: doris day
Question: TV/Movies: Who played the title role in "calamity jane" (1953)?
Answer: doris day
Question: 70s authors: the summer before the dark?
Answer: doris lessing
Question: Who was asleep between the March Hare and the Hatter?
Answer: dormouse
Question: Which literary traveller was accompanied by the dog Toto?
Answer: dorothy
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: seven days?
Answer: dorothy collins
Question: What county is Corfe Castle in?
Answer: dorset
Question: Music : Musical Ds: I am a musician, a prolific catwriter, & a humble genius, who am I?
Answer: dosi
Question: what printer did seiko develop for the 1964 tokyo olympics?
Answer: dot matrix
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: What Are We Doin' In Love?
Answer: dottie west/kenny rogers
Question: Which data type is more precise, float or double?
Answer: double
Question: David Letterman: Type of jacket Dave always wears
Answer: Double breasted
Question: 1999 - Tommy Lee Jones - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Double Jeopardy
Question: 1999 - Ashley Judd - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Double Jeopardy
Question: Music : Category: Musical Wheel: Minutemen: D__bl_ N_ck_ls _n th_ D_m_?
Answer: double nickels on the dime
Question: What was the name of the ranch on the Roy Rogers show
Answer: double r bar ranch
Question: Music : Drum Stuff: Rudiments: R R L L R R L L (three words)?
Answer: double stroke roll
Question: AUTHORS: Who wrote Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy?
Answer: douglas adams
Question: Category: Doctor Who: Cult sci-fi author who used to be script editor of the show
Answer: douglas adams
Question: Music : Pink Floyd: Which sci-fi author gave the title to PFs last album - The Division Bell?
Answer: douglas adams
Question: Blazing Saddles: On top of whose Grauman cement prints did Hedley Lamarr die
Answer: Douglas Fairbanks
Question: Who played sinbad in "sinbad the sailor" (1947)
Answer: douglas fairbanks jr
Question: What American general declared "I shall return"?
Answer: douglas macarthur
Question: what general first commanded united nations forces in the korean war?
Answer: douglas macarthur
Question: What bird is a symbol of peace?
Answer: dove
Question: You may be an irc addict if-You feel lonely at night because your ISP is?
Answer: down
Question: What ONE word fits? ····stream; ····hill; ·····pour.
Answer: down
Question: Category: 80s Movies: 1986 semi-adaptation of "Boudo Saved From Drowning"
Answer: Down and Out in Beverly Hills
Question: 1986 - Bette Midler - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Down and Out in Beverly Hills
Question: 1998 - Wesley Snipes - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Down in the Delta
Question: 1969 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Downhill Racer
Question: what is the nickname of julie brown, former mtv veejay?
Answer: downtown
Question: In 1997 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Dario Fo, who emulates the jesters of the Middle Ages in scourging authority and upholding the dignity of the ...?
Answer: downtrodden
Question: What item does Dogbert use to find empty chairs?
Answer: Dowsing rod
Question: Which of The Proffessionals was played by Martin Shaw?
Answer: doyle
Question: which literary doctor owns a parrot called `polynesia'?
Answer: dr doolittle
Question: which literary doctor owns a parrot called `polynesia'?
Answer: dr doolittle
Question: Music : Category: Artists: Snoop Doggy Dogg's mentor?
Answer: dr dre
Question: Category: Marx Movies: The name of the character played by Groucho in 'A Day at the races'
Answer: Dr Hackenbush
Question: Who invented Coca Cola?
Answer: dr john pemberton
Question: Category: Movie That Features: Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, and Slim Pickens (short answer form)
Answer: Dr Strangelove
Question: Entertainment Grabbag 4: What TV doctor battles the Daleks
Answer: dr who
Question: Get Smart: Spoof of the James Bond movie _Dr. No_.
Answer: Dr Yes
Question: What movie did critic andrew sarris refer to as lawrence of russia
Answer: dr zhivago
Question: Reed is a grotesquely ugly podiatrist who drinks a poison to commit suicide, instead turns into a handsome murderer.
Answer: Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype
Question: 1941 - ingrid bergman - starred in this movie?
Answer: dr. jekyll and mr. hyde
Question: What was the first James Bond Film?
Answer: Dr. No
Question: Bond: What was the first James Bond film?
Answer: Dr. No
Question: Music : What character did rock star rick springfield play on tv's general hospital?
Answer: dr. noah drake
Question: Category: 90s TV: Jane Seymour plays a doctor on this popular drama.
Answer: Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman
Question: Category: Quantum Leap: In ep. 87, Sam Leaped into this celebrity who counseled Al about his sex life.
Answer: Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Question: Quantum Leap: In ep. 87, Sam Leaped into this celebrity who counseled Al about his sex life.
Answer: Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Question: quantum leap: in ep. 87, sam leaped into this celebrity who counseled al about his sex life?
Answer: dr. ruth westheimer
Question: Category: Quantum Leap: In ep. 87, Sam Leaped into this celebrity who counseled Al about his sex life.
Answer: Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Question: Who leads the muppets' jazz band
Answer: dr. Teeth
Question: in 1979 he was offered 250000 dollars by the american national enquirer to perform a human head transplant?
Answer: dr.christian barnard
Question: which meteor shower occurs on the 10th october?
Answer: draconids
Question: Which meteor shower occurs on the 10th October?
Answer: Draconids
Question: Who was Bram Stoker's most infamous character?
Answer: dracula
Question: Who is Prince Vladimir Tepes better known as?
Answer: Dracula
Question: Tv / Movies: What famous film did actor bela lugosi not finish filming due to his death
Answer: dracula
Question: who was bram stoker's most infamous character?
Answer: dracula
Question: in what sport is the term 'terminal speed'?
Answer: drag racing
Question: r.e.m. contributed thier version of this 1971 tommy james hit to the ausin powers: the spy who shagged me soundtrack?
Answer: draggin the line
Question: What tv show ended "the story you have just seen is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent"
Answer: dragnet
Question: What TV series changed the names to protect the innocent?
Answer: dragnet
Question: Category: Flicks: Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd track down the crimes of P.A.G.A.N.
Answer: Dragnet
Question: 1987 - Tom Hanks - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dragnet
Question: 1987 - Dan Akroyd - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dragnet
Question: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Draco?
Answer: Dragon
Question: On the chinese calendar, the year 2000 will be the year of the what?
Answer: dragon
Question: what is the fastest insect in the world?
Answer: dragonfly
Question: 1976 - Susan Sarandon - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dragonfly
Question: A ---------- has a lifespan of 24 hours?
Answer: dragonfly
Question: 1996 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dragonheart
Question: Power Rangers: Name the robot the Green Ranger controlled
Answer: Dragonzord
Question: What word is used for a male duck?
Answer: drake
Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Armenia?
Answer: dram
Question: In 1986 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Wole Soyinka, who in a wide cultural perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the ...?
Answer: drama of existence
Question: In 1952 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Francois Mauriac for the deep spiritual insight and the artistic intensity with which he has in his novels penetrated the ...?
Answer: drama of human life
Question: What board game is called checkers in North America?
Answer: draughts
Question: hitchhikers guide: unbeknownst to many, the president's job is not to wield power, but to?
Answer: draw attention away from it
Question: James Bond: The last name of the villian in "Moonraker" was ____.
Answer: Drax
Question: What is a group of squirrels called?
Answer: dray
Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: life in a northern town?
Answer: dream academy
Question: Music : Category: Advice: Crowded House said "Don't _____ ___ ____"?
Answer: dream its over
Question: Music : Aerosmith: What song did Aerosmith perform live at MTV-10?
Answer: dream on
Question: This Tony Award-winning musical is actually a thinly veiled biography of Diana Ross and the Supremes?
Answer: Dreamgirls
Question: In 1971 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Pablo Neruda for a poetry that with the action of an elemental force brings alive a continent's destiny and ...?
Answer: dreams
Question: Oneirophobia is the fear of?
Answer: dreams
Question: 80's songs: these _____- heart?
Answer: dreams
Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Van Halen?
Answer: dreams
Question: smurfs: this smurf spends his day dreaming "what could be"?
Answer: dreamy smurf
Question: 2nd fiddles: archie bell and the?
Answer: drells
Question: 1986 - Alec Baldwin - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dress Gray
Question: 1980 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Dressed to Kill
Question: born feb 22, 1975, she Starred In This Movie:never been kissed - 1999?
Answer: drew barrymore
Question: 1994: this et star recently married on three hours notice at the age of 19
Answer: drew barrymore
Question: born feb 22, 1975, she Starred In This Movie:batman forever - 1995?
Answer: drew barrymore
Question: born feb 22, 1975, she Starred In This Movie:see you in the morning - 1989?
Answer: drew barrymore
Question: Category: TV Pets: Name the dog on "Empty Nest."
Answer: Dreyfuss
Question: in 1953, clyde mcphatter left the dominoes to form this group?
Answer: drifters
Question: UK TV: What do Jilly Goolden and Oz Clarke of "Food and Drink" sample
Answer: Drink
Question: Geography: Approximately 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water. Only 1 percent of the water is ---------------?
Answer: drinkable
Question: British slang: bender means?
Answer: drinking spree
Question: I get around: cars song from 1984: "who's gonna pay attention to your dreams"?
Answer: drive
Question: Music : John Lennon: Song: "I've got no car and it's breakin' my heart......"?
Answer: drive my car
Question: john lennon: song: "i've got no car and it's breakin' my heart......"?
Answer: drive my car
Question: If you drive on a parkway, you park on a ·······?
Answer: driveway
Question: Genteel, entertaining adaption of Alfred Uhry's stage play about a simple black man who's hired as chauffeur for a cantankerous old Southern woman, and winds up being her most fatihful companion.
Answer: Driving Miss Daisy
Question: 1989 - Dan Akroyd - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Driving Miss Daisy
Question: a charge of dwai is for what?
Answer: driving while ability impaired
Question: What are robots called in star wars
Answer: droids
Question: A one-humped camel is called a ·········.
Answer: dromedary
Question: What name is given to a male bee?
Answer: Drone
Question: Who are the queen's best mates in bee hives?
Answer: drones
Question: 1995 - Wesley Snipes - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Drop Zone
Question: epic songs: smashing pumpkins, from the singles soundtrack?
Answer: drown
Question: 007: how did dr no die in "dr no"
Answer: drowned
Question: How did My Darling Clementine die?
Answer: drowning
Question: 2000 - Bette Midler - Starred In This Movie:
Answer: Drowning Mona
Question: In 1988 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion and George H. Hitchings for their discoveries of important principles for ...?
Answer: drug treatment
Question: What does a narcomaniac crave?
Answer: drugs
Question: phobias: neopharmaphobia- fear of new ______?
Answer: drugs
Question: phobias: pharmacophobia- fear of ______?
Answer: drugs
Question: What cult of people do Stonehenge and Eisteddfods have in common?
Answer: druids
Question: word pairs: fife and _______?
Answer: drum
Question: What was the name of Sapper's Bulldog?
Answer: drummond
Question: what was the name of sapper's bulldog?
Answer: drummond
Question: What instrument are you playing if you perform a rim shot?
Answer: drums
Question: what instrument was played by gene krupa?
Answer: drums
Question: A technique of engraving, using a sharp-pointed needle, that produces a furrowed edge resulting in a print with soft, velvety lines.
Answer: drypoint
Question: The term ... was originally coined by Thomas Hyde around the beginning of the eighteenth century. As a metaphysical theory, it states that the world is made up of two elemental categories which are incommensurable. This includes distinctions between mind and body, good and evil, universal and particular, and phenomena and noumena.
Answer: dualism
Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: stick shift?
Answer: duals
Question: Category: X Files: In what episode was Scully kidnapped
Answer: Duane Barry
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: ramrod?
Answer: duane eddy
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: cannonball?
Answer: duane eddy
Question: In which european city will the next KDE 'aKademy' conference be held?
Answer: Dublin
Question: What capital city does the Liffey river flow through?
Answer: dublin
Question: what irish city celebrated its millennium in 1988?
Answer: dublin
Question: What is the Capital of: Ireland?
Answer: dublin
Question: What is the capital of Ireland?
Answer: Dublin
Question: What city's main thoroughfare is O'Connell Street?
Answer: dublin
Question: What is the familiar name of the fair city also known as Baile Atha Cliath?
Answer: dublin
Question: what city's name is derived from 'dubh linn'?
Answer: dublin
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Moral, Good?
Answer: duc
Question: Category: Disney Afternoon: DT What is the name of the town in which DuckTales is set
Answer: duckburg
Question: What city is home to Donald Duck
Answer: duckburg
Question: Category: Disney Afternoon: DT What is the name of the town in which DuckTales is set
Answer: duckburg
Question: In 1829 Charles ---------- Warner, US newspaperman, author, born?
Answer: dudley
Question: Category: Film Roles: Arthur
Answer: Dudley Moore
Question: Themes: High winds in northern sky will carry you away, you know you have to leave here
Answer: Due South
Question: Category: 90s TV: This show, featuring a Canadian Mounty, is popular all over the world.
Answer: Due South
Question: 80s Movies: 1987 film that has a nude Julie andrews trying to seduce a junkman
Answer: Duet for One
Question: Category: The Simpsons: What theme park do Marges' sisters take Bart and Lisa too
Answer: Duff Gardens
Question: what was the name of tim holt's horse?
Answer: duke
Question: While on the topic of Java, what is the name of the cute Java Technology Mascot?
Answer: Duke
Question: what was the name of tim holt's horse?
Answer: duke
Question: what was the name of tim holt's horse?
Answer: duke
Question: Which jazz pianist composed the jungle music "Black and Tan Fantasy" with Bubber Miley, and recorded it with his band in 1927?
Answer: duke ellington
Question: Quotes: Take the A Train?
Answer: duke ellington
Question: What show's characters wrecked over 300 cars during its TV run
Answer: dukes of hazzard
Question: Baby Names Beginning With "D": Meaning: Sweet?
Answer: dulcinea
Question: Who was Don Quixote's imaginary love?
Answer: dulcinea
Question: What is a group of this animal called: Dove?
Answer: dule
Question: Name the city at the west end of Lake Superior.
Answer: Duluth
Question: Who wrote "The count of Monte-Christo"?
Answer: Dumas
Question: Who was Mrs Jumbo's son?
Answer: dumbo
Question: Family Flicks: Name the baby elephant with big ears who starred in a Disney cartoon feature.
Answer: Dumbo
Question: What 1941 film featured the tune Pink Elephants on Parade
Answer: dumbo
Question: star wars : what do imperial ships do before jumping into hyperspace?
Answer: dump their rubbish
Question: Who played "the cisco kid"
Answer: duncan renaldo
Question: Hills and ridges composed of drifting sand are known as ·····.
Answer: dunes
Question: what overalls are named after dungri, a suburb of bombay?
Answer: dungarees
Question: What clothing got its name from Dungri, a suburb of Bombay?
Answer: dungarees
Question: Toys Games: D&D stands for this?
Answer: dungeons and dragons
Question: This is said to be history's greatest military evacuation.
Answer: Dunkirk
Question: this is said to be history's greatest military evacuation?
Answer: dunkirk
Question: The small intestine is made up of the jejenum, the ileum & the ______?
Answer: duodenum
Question: in 1938 ---------- announces its new synthetic fiber will be called "nylon"?
Answer: dupont
Question: James Bond: This group sang the title theme for "View to a Kill".
Answer: Duran Duran
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: The Wild Boys?
Answer: duran duran
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Is There Something I Should Know?
Answer: duran duran
Question: what band's video, "girls on film", was banned by mtv & the bbc?
Answer: duran duran
Question: James Bond: This group sang the title song for A View to a Kill
Answer: Duran Duran
Question: minutiae: they told us, "don't say a prayer for me now, save it till the morning after"?
Answer: duran duran
Question: in 1982 this group declared they were "hungry like the wolf"?
Answer: duran duran
Question: This defense is also know as compulsion by threat.
Answer: duress
Question: This spiny fruit with a pungent odor and rich yellow flesh is considered "The King of Fruits" by many southeast asians.
Answer: durian
Question: when does the uterus expand 500 times its normal size?
Answer: during pregnancy
Question: What is the capital of Tajikistan?
Answer: Dushanbe
Question: phobias: amathophobia- fear of ______?
Answer: dust
Question: A small atmospheric vortex that comes from surface heating is known as what?
Answer: dust devil
Question: what actor appeared in all three of these films, straw dogs, midnight cowboy, and the graduate?
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate?
Answer: Dustin #Hoffman#
Question: born aug 8, 1937, he Starred In This Movie:sphere - 1998?
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: Who played dutch schultz in "billy bathgate" (1991)
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: born aug 8, 1937, he Starred In This Movie:billy bathgate - 1991?
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: born aug 8, 1937, he Starred In This Movie:straight time - 1978?
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: Who thanked his parents for not practicing birth control upon picking up a 1979 Best Actor Oscar
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: Category: Family Flicks: Who played Captain Hook in the film _Hook_
Answer: Dustin Hoffman
Question: born aug 8, 1937, he Starred In This Movie:hero - 1992?
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: Who played Jack Crabbe, survivor of Custer's Last Stand, in Little Big Man
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: born aug 8, 1937, he Starred In This Movie:wag the dog - 1997?
Answer: dustin hoffman
Question: What does the word khaki mean?
Answer: Dusty
Question: she recorded such greats as "i only want to be with you" and "wishin and hopin" during the british invasion?
Answer: dusty springfield
Question: Music : 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: The Windmills of Your Mind?
Answer: dusty springfield
Question: What settlers were the forebears of the Boers of South Africa?
Answer: dutch
Question: celebrity albums: dobie?
Answer: dwayne hickman
Question: musical ds: frank zappas guitar-playing son?
Answer: dweezil zappa
Question: Who played 'The Scorpion King' in the recent movie 'The Mummy Returns'?
Answer: Dwight Johnson
Question: piercing passing at right angles through the rim (corona) of the glans penis?
Answer: dydo
Question: Music : Led Zeppelin: "Oh oh oh oh oh dont have to go"?
Answer: dyer maker
Question: covers: gnr and clapton performed knockin' on heaven's door, but he wrote it?
Answer: dylan
Question: Peanuts are one of the ingredients of?
Answer: Dynamite
Question: This series was originally going to be called Oil
Answer: dynasty
Question: What is the name for 0.1 Newtons?
Answer: Dyne
Question: What is Susan Hampshire's surprising disability?
Answer: dyslexia
Question: What is the opposite of an utopia?
Answer: dystopia
Question: In ballet, shifting weight from one foot to the other.
Answer: dégagé
Question: An unfolding of the leg in the air.
Answer: développé
Question: What letter accounts for one of every eight used in written English?
Answer: e
Question: 2.7182 is the approximation for which variable used in logarithms?
Answer: e
Question: guitar: what is the fifth of a?
Answer: e
Question: What is E.T. famous for saying
Answer: e t phone home
Question: 70s authors: ragtime?
Answer: e. l. doctorow
Question: who is the assyrian god of magic?
Answer: ea
Question: what was the name of the club where demi moore's character performed in "striptease"?
Answer: eager beaver
Question: Two under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) ········.
Answer: eagle
Question: what was the name of armstrong and aldrin's lunar module?
Answer: eagle
Question: What was the name of Armstrong and Aldrin's lunar module?
Answer: eagle
Question: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Aquila?
Answer: Eagle
Question: What is an infant eagle called?
Answer: eaglet
Question: what are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'?
Answer: ealing and enfield
Question: Medicine : Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of ________?
Answer: ear
Question: Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ______?
Answer: Ear
Question: Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ········.
Answer: ear
Question: hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ______?
Answer: ear
Question: What organ contains the smallest bones?
Answer: ear
Question: With what body part is otology involved?
Answer: ear
Question: Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle?
Answer: ear
Question: What sort of ache is otalgia?
Answer: earache
Question: What is the common term for the tympanic membrane?
Answer: eardrum
Question: What sort of drum is the tympanum?
Answer: eardrum
Question: tea: this black tea is flavoured with oil of bergamot, an aromatic chinese orange?
Answer: earl grey
Question: What do the letters ERA mean in baseball?
Answer: Earned Run Average
Question: Animal Trivia: A snake has no ----------. However, its tongue is extremely sensitive to sound vibrations. By constantly flicking its tongue, the snake picks up these sound waves. In this sense, a snake "hears" with its tongue?
Answer: ears
Question: What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant?
Answer: ears
Question: What word is given to the distance within which a sound can be heard?
Answer: earshot
Question: which planet was the "planet of the apes"?
Answer: earth
Question: What weighs 5,500 billion billion tons?
Answer: earth
Question: In 1973 Soyuz 13 launched into ---------- orbit for 8 days?
Answer: earth
Question: What does the Greek geo denote?
Answer: earth
Question: What travels through space at 66,700 miles per hour?
Answer: earth
Question: which planet was the "planet of the apes"?
Answer: earth
Question: what is the only planet not named after a god?
Answer: earth
Question: What planet is taken over by aliens called overlords in Arthur C Clarke's novel Childhood's End?
Answer: earth
Question: Which planet was the "Planet of the Apes"?
Answer: Earth
Question: Category: Back To The Future: The song played when Marty's parents first kiss at the dance
Answer: earth angel
Question: manfred mann's?
Answer: earth band
Question: Which horse won the 1998 Aintree Grand National?
Answer: earth summit
Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Let's Groove?
Answer: earth wind & fire
Question: Music : 70's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: After The Love Has Gone?
Answer: earth wind & fire
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: santa baby?
Answer: eartha kitt
Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: somebody bad stole de wedding bell?
Answer: eartha kitt
Question: What game features the largest ball?
Answer: Earthball
Question: What game features the largest ball?
Answer: earthball
Question: What film was the first to feature Sensurround?
Answer: earthquake
Question: What is "Magic" Johnson's first name?
Answer: earvin
Question: An artist supports his canvas on a(n) ·····.
Answer: easel
Question: Definitions : An artist supports his canvas on a(n) _________?
Answer: easel
Question: What coast of Australia is Sydney on?
Answer: east
Question: on which coast of australia is sydney?
Answer: east