Dream World - Puzzle Helper / Solver - 4 Colors Box Solver - Trivia Question and Answers - Answers for Dream World Trivia
Question: How many years were between the creation of the Magna Carta and the American Declaration of Independence? Answer: 561 Question: Category: 80s Movies: How long was Ripley in hibernation (in "Alien"/"Aliens", measured in years) Answer: 57 Question: In a period of 400 years how many times does the 1st of January fall on a Sunday? Answer: 58 Question: Category: Three's Company: What year and make was Mr. Roper's car Answer: 58 chevy Question: How many children do the Brady's have Answer: 6 Question: How long did "i love lucy" run (seasons) Answer: 6 Question: Sylvia miles had the shortest performance ever nominated for an oscar with "midnight cowboy." How long did her role last (in minutes) Answer: 6 Question: How many pockets on a standard snooker table? Answer: 6 Question: How many feet are in a nautical mile? Answer: 6080 Question: How many muscles are in a human? Answer: 639 Question: What is missing in the series 8 16 32 __ 128 256? Answer: 64 Question: How many james bond movies did sean connery star in Answer: 7 Question: Elvis how many songs were recorded for the movie "Follow That Dream" Answer: 7 Question: How many countries have a population over 130 million? Answer: #7# (Pakistan, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, United States, India and China) Question: How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series Answer: 75 Question: How many episodes were there in the original star trek series Answer: 75 Question: The term Septiquinquennial represents how many years? Answer: 75 Question: Zsa Zsa Gabor has been married how many times Answer: 8 Question: 1999 - Nicolas Cage - Starred In This Movie: Answer: 8 MM Question: 1994 - Renee Zellweger - Starred In This Movie: Answer: 8 Seconds Question: Movie (and book) titles: around the world in ___ days Answer: 80 Question: Robotech: Total number of episodes in the entire Robotech saga. Answer: 85 Question: Get Smart: Smart's call number. Answer: 86 Question: How many seconds are in a day? Answer: 86400 Question: How many '58 Plymouth Furys were used to make the movie "christine" Answer: 9 Question: Film Title: Fahrenheit .... Answer: 9-11 Question: Muppet Mania: Kermit wrote a guide to this decade Answer: 90's Question: Category: Pulp Fiction: time at which bonnie is to arrive home (numerals without colon) Answer: 930 Question: According to the Bible, how many years did Methuselah live? Answer: 969 Question: What is normal body temperature for an adult human (in degrees fahrenheit)? Answer: 98.6 Question: Get Smart: Smart's beautiful partner, later his wife. Answer: 99 Question: 80's songs: _____view to a kill - duran duran? Answer: a Question: What is the first letter of the Russian alphabet? Answer: a Question: What letter is most commonly found at the end of US state names? Answer: a Question: Category: Star Trek Next Gen Tech: Captain James T. Kirk's Enterprise has designation NCC-1701-_ Answer: A Question: What letter is on the left end of the middle row of the letters on a keyboard? Answer: a Question: What is the name given to the number equal to 10 raised to the power of 100? Answer: A #googol# Question: General knowledge: what is a burgonet? Answer: A 16th-century #helmet# Question: Whats the smallest size grand piano? Answer: A #Baby Grand# Question: Aussie slang: what is a "tuckerbag"? Answer: a #bag for storing food# in the bush Question: what do runners pass to each other in a relay race? Answer: a #baton# Question: What lucky charm does Luciano Pavarotti carry in his pocket whilst performing? Answer: a #bent nail# Question: What type of animal is a corvid? Answer: A #bird# Question: what did mother hubbard look for in her cupboard? Answer: a #bone# Question: What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair? Answer: a #bow# Question: what do simon and garfunkel lay themselves down like? Answer: a #bridge over troubled water# Question: 1977 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Bridge Too Far Question: Music : What do the who cling to on the cover of magic bus? Answer: a #bus# Question: 1994 - Dan Akroyd - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Century of Cinema Question: Which was the first animated peanuts tv special Answer: a charlie brown christmas Question: what kind of restaurant is most likely to bring diners face to face with mung beans? Answer: a #chinese# restaurant Question: 1985 - Michael Douglas - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Chorus Line: The Movie Question: 1988 - anthony hopkins - starred in this movie? Answer: a chorus of disapproval Question: Muppet Mania: The Muppets recently released a movie based on this Dickens's novel. Answer: A Christmas Carol Question: 1998 - John Travolta - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Civil Action Question: Movies: Malcom McDowell kills a woman with a giant penis sculpture. Answer: A #Clockwork Orange# Question: computers: what translates high-level languages (which are readable by humans) into machine language (which is what the computer understands)? Answer: a #compiler# Question: it's illegal to have sex without this in nevada? Answer: a #condom# Question: what line on a map connects all points of the same elevation? Answer: a #contour line# Question: What is a dialogue in a more normal term? (Hint: KDE IRC client) Answer: a #conversation# Question: 1967 - Marlon Brando - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Countess From Hong Kong Question: 1967 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Covenant With Death Question: What do you call a group of rhinocerus? Answer: A #Crash# Question: which animal always grows new teeth to replace the old teeth? Answer: a crocodile Question: what is the "lambeth walk"? Answer: a #dance# Question: what sporting missile boasts a flight, barrel and point? Answer: a #dart# Question: 1948 - elizabeth taylor - starred in this movie? Answer: a date with judy Question: Marx Movies: Either you are dead or my watch has stopped Answer: A day at the races Question: In 1967 BBC bans Beatle's "---------- " (drug references)? Answer: a day in the life Question: animaniacs tunes: what do you get when you "pay your money" on the "panama canal"? Answer: a #decal# Question: what was the occupation of paul revere? Answer: a #dentist# Question: 1930 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Devil With Women Question: What is the Pink panter in the Pink Pather film? Answer: A #Diamond# Question: If you were in a bar and someone gave you a 'mickey Finn' what would you be drinking? Answer: A #drugged Drink# Question: 1989 - Susan Sarandon - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Dry White Season Question: What did Dagwood give up to marry Blondie? Answer: A family #inheritance# Question: what is a wahoo? Answer: a #fish# Question: 1992 - Kevin Bacon - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Few Good Men Question: What movie about military cover ups did Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson & Kevin Bacon star in Answer: a few good men Question: Features: "You can't handle the truth!" Answer: a few good men Question: What is a Hurdy-Gurdy? Answer: A #Fiddle# Question: 1966 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Fine Madness Question: 1992 - julie andrews - starred in this movie? Answer: a fine romance Question: Music : Category: Musical Letter F: One-hit MTV band ("I ran") known as much for their hair as their music? Answer: a flock of seagulls Question: aussie slang: cobber? Answer: a #friend# Question: 1994 - Sean Connery - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Good Man in Africa Question: 1972 - James Wood - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Great American Tragedy Question: What does the word chicane mean in the context of a game of bridge? Answer: a hand without any trumps Question: This was the Beatle's first film. Answer: A Hard Day's Night Question: beatles tune: "but when I get home to you, I find the things that you do..."? Answer: a hard days night Question: 1956 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Hill in Korea Question: 1931 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Holy Terror Question: what is a cyclonic tropical storm with winds at the center in excess of 74 miles per hour called? Answer: a hurricane Question: Who wrote The Stars Look Down and Hatter's Castle? Answer: a j cronin Question: what, according to scottish folklore, appears as a warning to those destined to be drowned? Answer: a #kelpie# Question: Category: Blazing Saddles: What did the sheriff disguise himself as to infiltrate the bad guys Answer: A #ku klux klan#sman Question: What 1992 hit movie sees Tom Hanks explain: "There is no crying in baseball" Answer: a league of their own Question: in the film "bringing up baby", the baby is what? Answer: a #leopard# Question: 1997 - cameron diaz - starred in this movie? Answer: a life less ordinary Question: "simba" is the common swahili word for what Answer: a #lion# Question: Music : Beatles Lyrics: "She's well acquainted with the touch of a velvet hand, like..."? Answer: a lizard on a window pane Question: Music : How far is it to the top 'if you wanna rock n roll' according to ac/dc? Answer: a #long way# Question: Academy Award Directors: Fred Zinnemann was awarded in 1966 for this movie. Answer: A Man for All Seasons Question: 1930 - gary cooper - starred in this movie? Answer: a man from wyoming Question: cocktails: sweet vermouth and whiskey? Answer: a manhattan Question: What is a sternocleidomastoid? Answer: a muscle Question: Classical Music: What was Sir George Grove's contribution to music? Answer: A #musical dictionary# Question: what is a citizen of naples called? Answer: a neopolitan Question: What is the subtitle for the fourth chapter of "Star Wars" Answer: a new hope Question: the swedish "post- och inrikes tidningar" is the oldest of its kind in the world. what is it? Answer: a #newspaper# Question: Category: Marx Movies: I am sure the familiar strains of Verdi's music will come back to you.... Answer: A night at the opera Question: what is a low layer of cloud called? Answer: a #nimbostratus# Question: What kind of creature is a Lorikeet? Answer: a #parrot# Question: Dame Peggy Ashcroft won for this film set in the Subcontinent, 1920s Answer: a passage to india Question: 1998 - Michael Douglas - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Perfect Murder Question: 1993 - Kevin Costner - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Perfect World Question: What sort of man did Plato propose to rule his "Republic"? Answer: A #Philosopher# King Question: what is a hajji? Answer: a #pilgrim# who journeys to mecca Question: Category: Simpsons Cartoon 2: Homer was committed to an insane asylum after coming to work wearing this. Answer: A #Pink Shirt# Question: 1998 - Renee Zellweger - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Price Above Rubies Question: ... is a term used to identify a type of knowledge which is obtained independently of experience. Answer: A priori Question: ... is a philosophical position maintaining that our minds gain knowledge independently of experience through innate ideas or mental faculties. Answer: A priorism Question: cypripareunia is sexual intercourse with what? Answer: a #prostitute# Question: a male cat is referred to as a "tom". what is a female cat? Answer: a #queen# Question: what was discovered in east sussex, england, a 100 years after quarantine measures had wiped out rabies? Answer: a #rabid bat# Question: What creature is depicted on the Welsh Flag? Answer: A #Red Dragon# Question: What does the statue of Oscar stand on? Answer: A #Reel of Film# Question: name the only flexible murder weapon in the game "clue"? Answer: a #rope# Question: What is a Gopak? Answer: A #Russian dance# Question: What is a Digamy? Answer: A #Second Legal Marriage# Question: what is the chief of an arabian tribe called? Answer: a #sheik# Question: 1990 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Shock to the System Question: What is a noggin? Answer: a #small cup# Question: 1984 - Denzel Washington - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Soldier's Story Question: 1984 murder in the military movie produced and directed by Norman Jewison Answer: a soldier's story Question: what kind of hat is depicted on lee trevino's golf cap? Answer: a #sombrero# Question: what does breaking the sound barrier cause? Answer: a #sonic boom# Question: what did sleeping beauty prick her finger with before she fell asleep? Answer: a #spindle# Question: doctors often have this instrument around their neck? Answer: a #stethoscope# Question: 1992 - Marlon Brando - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Stranger Among Us Question: what play marked marlon brando's last broadway appearance? Answer: A Streetcar Named Desire Question: Category: Movie Lines: I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. Answer: A Streetcar Named Desire Question: what is an ecdysiast? Answer: a #stripper# Question: 1965 - raquel welch - starred in this movie? Answer: a swingin' summer Question: what is a scimitar? Answer: a #sword# Question: Books for the Bored: Which Dickens novel takes place during the French Revolution? Answer: a tale of two cities Question: What is Grimace of the McDonald's characters? Answer: A #tastebud# Question: Out of protest for the state of the music industry, Mike Oldfield moved out of his house while composing his master piece Amarok. Where was he living during these days? Answer: A #Tent# Question: 1996 - Ashley Judd - Starred In This Movie: Answer: A Time To Kill Question: what is a device to stem the flow of blood called? Answer: a #tourniquet# Question: What was George of the Jungle always running in to? Answer: trees Question: Industrial Music: Name of Die Krupps' album of Metallica remixes? Answer: a tribute to metallica Question: ... can be defined as an abstract object or term which ranges over particular things. The classic problem involves whether abstract objects such as "largeness" exist in a realm independent of human thought. Realists argue that they do. Answer: A universal Question: What has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic? Answer: A #vampire# Question: Which English book was written without using the letter 'E' once? Answer: A Void Question: What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother's pail? Answer: a #whale# Question: What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata "Sleepers Awake"? Answer: A #Whiter Shade of Pale# Question: What did President J. Buchanan not have? Answer: A #wife# Question: what sort of phenomenon is the "cape doctor"? Answer: a #wind# Question: a turkey's furcula is commonly now as? Answer: the #wishbone# Question: 1936 - katharine hepburn - starred in this movie? Answer: a woman rebels Question: what did fiddler pig build? Answer: a #wooden house# Question: What kind of creature was Chewbacca in "Star Wars" Answer: a #wookiee# Question: what pop group recorded the title track for "a view to a kill" in 1985? Answer: a-ha Question: in 1928 george peppard, actor (breakfast at tiffany's, blue max,---------- ) born? Answer: a-team Question: Who created Winnie the Pooh? Answer: A. A. #Milne# Question: Which is the first animal listed in the Oxford English Dictionary? Answer: Aardvark Question: which animal's name literally means "earth pig"? Answer: aardvark Question: What is Elvis Presley's middle name? Answer: aaron Question: Music : 90's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Everybody Plays The Fool? Answer: aaron neville Question: The next KDE Brazilian idol? Answer: Aaron Seigo Question: This producer of dynasty was inducted into the 1983 guinness book of world records as the most prolific tv producer Answer: aaron spelling Question: How is the mathematically related structure of beads strung on parallel wires in a rectangular frame better known? Answer: Abacus Question: A stone slab at the top of a classical column aiding the support of the architecture. Answer: abacus Question: This animal's shell is used to make attractive jewelry. Answer: abalone Question: music: who recorded "sos" (1975)? Answer: abba Question: Who had the most UK number one singles: Abba or Slade? Answer: Abba Question: What is the name for a woman who is superior of a convent in certain religious orders? Answer: abbess Question: In which London recording studios did The Beatles record the majority of their work? Answer: Abbey Road Question: what future yippie leader was the first male cheerleader at brandeis? Answer: abbie #hoffman# Question: Which comedy duo did the famous, "Who's on first?" routine? Answer: Abbott and Costello Question: How do you spell abbreviation? Answer: Abbreviation Question: Name Their Network: Sam Donaldson Answer: abc Question: Name Their Network: Ted Koppel Answer: abc Question: this was michael's debut song with the jackson five? Answer: abc Question: peritonitis affects what? Answer: abdomen Question: singer paula ______? Answer: abdul Question: 80's songs: forever your girl - paula _____? Answer: abdul Question: Famous Gills: Actor who played Fish on "Barney Miller" and "Fish." (gill, fish ... get it) Answer: Abe Vigoda Question: In mediaval history, who was the lover of Heloise? Answer: abelard Question: Music Term: (Ger.) - Evening song? Answer: abendlied Question: What is the prettiest town that George Hamilton IV has ever seen? Answer: abilene Question: What does the Latin circa before a date mean? Answer: about Question: music: "something to talk _____" by bonnie raitt? Answer: about Question: Music : Pink Floyd: David Gilmour's solo albums were self titled and this name? Answer: about face Question: 1998, this movie was released on july 15: there's something ----------? Answer: about mary Question: Music: what was Steve Miller's magical incantation in 1982? Answer: abracadabra Question: in 1940 f. murray---------- , actor (amadeus, name of the rose), born? Answer: abraham Question: Category: The Simpsons: The first name of Homer's dad. Answer: Abraham Question: Inthebible,whowasaskedtosacrificehisonlyson? Answer: abraham Question: He was the U.S. president during the Civil War. Answer: Abraham #Lincoln# Question: Which American president said, 'It is not best to swap horses when crossing streams'? Answer: Abraham #Lincoln# Question: who was the 16th president of the united states? Answer: Abraham #Lincoln# Question: Which U.S. president is on the five-dollar bill? Answer: Abraham #Lincoln# Question: Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation? Answer: Abraham #Lincoln# Question: In 1909, which U.S. President became the first to be depicted on a coin? Answer: Abraham #Lincoln# Question: to whom was mary ann todd married? Answer: Abraham #Lincoln# Question: 1997 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Absolute Power Question: What is the more common term used to denote a temperature of nought degrees Kelvin? Answer: Absolute Zero Question: political system in which total power is vested in a single individual or a group of rulers? Answer: absolutism Question: What style of art did Al Capp call 'a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered'? Answer: abstract Question: A plotless work composed of pure dance movements, although the composition may suggest a mood or subject. Answer: abstract dance Question: Movement in painting, originating in New York City in the 1940s. It emphasized spontaneous personal expression, freedom from accepted artistic values, surface quallities of paint, and the act of painting itself. Answer: abstract expressionism Question: Music Term: - Same as absolute music? Answer: abstract music Question: What is the name of Aladdin's pet monkey Answer: Abu Question: What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates? Answer: Abu Dhabi Question: what terrorist has led the arab revolutionary command and the fatah revolutionary council? Answer: abu nidal Question: What is the capital of Nigeria? Answer: Abuja Question: What is the name for the deepest part of the ocean? Answer: Abyss Question: What country was annexed by Mussolini in 1936? Answer: abyssinia Question: what chemical symbol is used for the element actinium? Answer: ac Question: "high voltage" & "ballbreaker" are just 2 of the albums by this group? Answer: ac/dc Question: Which European club has won the most european cups in the 90s? Answer: AC #Milan# Question: name the artist: you shook me all night long? Answer: ac/dc Question: angus young is the brains of this australian band who're still rockin' after 20 years? Answer: ac/dc Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Thorny? Answer: acacia Question: What genus of tree does the wattle belong? Answer: Acacia Question: What was the name of Plato's school? Answer: Academy Question: In what mexican city do divers leap off a 100-foot cliff into the ocean? Answer: acapulco Question: What was the name of the government newspaper in ancient Rome? Answer: #Acat Diurna# (Daily Happenings) Question: computer acronyms: what is "agp"? Answer: accelerated graphics port Question: The derivate of velocity is known as _________? Answer: acceleration Question: What is the second derivative of distance? Answer: Acceleration Question: Quantum Leap 2: Sam first Leapt by stepping prematurely into the QL project ----------- Answer: Accelerator Question: Lingustical terms: the stress given to one tone over another? Answer: accent Question: I hate the giving of the hand unless the whole man ...? Answer: accompanies it Question: In the movie Snow White, what instrument did Sneezy play Answer: accordion Question: What is the capital of Ghana? Answer: Accra Question: what's a disk of gas orbiting a star of black hole called? Answer: accretion disk Question: One Hit Wonders: Lead by Squeeze member Paul Carrack this group asked "How Long"? Answer: ace Question: Name the artist/band: Always Have Always Will? Answer: ace of base Question: This Swedish group "saw the sign"? Answer: ace of base Question: what is an example of a totally untraceable poison? Answer: acetylcholine Question: Who was dipped in the River Styx? Answer: achilles Question: What is aqua fortis? Answer: acid Question: What type of liquid turns blue litmus paper red? Answer: acidic Question: What type of liquid turns red litmus paper blue? Answer: basic Question: In 1959 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to Severo Ochoa and Arthur Kornberg for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxiribonucleic ...? Answer: acid Question: What is the imaginary line on the surface of the earth approximately parallel to the geographical equator? Answer: Aclinic Line Question: Wile E. Coyote, Supra Genius, gets all his traps to try to catch the Road Runner from what company? Answer: Acme Question: What was the company name that Wile E. Coyote ordered products from Answer: acme Question: What is South America's highest peak in the Andes, Argentina? Answer: Aconcagua Question: Which is the highest peak in the Andes? Answer: aconcagua Question: What is the highest point in South America? Answer: Aconcagua Question: What is the highest mountain in South America? Answer: aconcagua Question: Neture : What do oak trees grow from? Answer: acorns Question: What do oak trees grow from? Answer: acorns Question: The study of sound is called _________. Answer: acoustics Question: What is a rood one quarter of? Answer: acre Question: Useless Facts: There are 6,272,640 square inches in a(n) ____? Answer: acre Question: A word like 'NASA' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) _________? Answer: Acronym Question: The elevated stronghold in ancient Greek cities. Answer: acropolis Question: 1942 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Across the Pacific Question: 1991 - brad pitt - starred in this movie? Answer: across the tracks Question: Water-soluble paint made from pigments and a plastic binder? Answer: acrylic Question: In which field was Dame Ellen Terry famous? Answer: acting Question: what group of elements do americanium, plutonium, uranium and einsteinium belong to? Answer: actinides Question: What is the first (chemical) element in alphabetical order? Answer: Actinium Question: Never confuse motion with [what]? Answer: action Question: 1998, this movie was released on december 25 a civil ----------? Answer: action Question: 1943 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Action in the North Atlantic Question: 1988 - sharon stone - starred in this movie? Answer: action jackson Question: In 1982 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to Sune K. Bergström, Bengt I. Samuelsson and Sir John R. Vane for their discoveries concerning prostaglandins and related biologically ...? Answer: active substances Question: What English author used the pen name "Acton Bell"? Answer: Acton #Bell# Question: name their job 2: june allyson? Answer: actress Question: ... can be thought of as the metaphysical theory that attempts to account for the truth of claims like 'It is possible that there are Aliens' without appealing to any nonactual objects whatsoever. What makes this theory so philosophically interesting, is that there is no obviously correct way to account for the truth of claims like 'It is possible that there are Aliens' without appealing to possible but nonactual objects. Answer: Actualism Question: ---------- was first used as a medical treatment in 2700 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen-Nung? Answer: acupuncture Question: Category: Pulp Fiction: What brand of car does Mr. Wolf drive Answer: acura Question: Music Term: (It.) - Slow speed. Often used as the title of a slow movement in Sonatas and similar pieces of music? Answer: adagio Question: What biblical figure is known as the Father of the Human race? Answer: adam Question: 1970 - Michael Douglas - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Adam at 6 A.M. Question: Who is known as the "Father of Modern Economics"? Answer: Adam #Smith# Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: take good care of her? Answer: adam #wade# Question: Category: Defining Roles: Batman [the TV show]--> Batman Answer: Adam #West# Question: Smart, sophisticated comedy about husband and wife lawyers on opposing sides of the same murder case. Answer: Adam's rib Question: Who was George Washington's vice-president? Answer: John Quincy #Adams# Question: U.S. President, John Quincy ____. Answer: Adams Question: in 1938 christopher lloyd, actor (taxi, star trek iii, back to the future,---------- ), born? Answer: addams family Question: DesertantelopethatoriginallyrangedfromthewesternSaharaandMauritaniatoEgyptandtheSudan? Answer: Addax Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Robert Palmer? Answer: addicted to love Question: What is the capital of Ethiopia? Answer: Addis Ababa Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Just, Wise? Answer: adli Question: Inlaw,specialcourtexercisingjurisdictionoverallmaritimeissues? Answer: Admiralty Question: Sun-dried brick used in places with warm, dry climates, such as Egypt and Mexico; also, the structures built out of these bricks. Answer: adobe Question: Who said "Today Europe, tomorrow the world"? Answer: Adolf #Hitler# Question: Who wrote Mein Kampf? Answer: Adolf #Hitler# Question: Who said "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."? Answer: AAdolf #Hitler# Question: of whom was eva braun the mistress? Answer: Adolf #Hitler# Question: who refused to shake jessie owens' hand at the 1936 summer olympics? Answer: Adolf #Hitler# Question: Genus of annual and perennial herbs (Buttercup) containing about 20 species, grown for their showy flowers? Answer: Adonis Question: These glands are located on top of the kidneys. Answer: Adrenal Question: What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands? Answer: adrenaline Question: The last married Catholic pope? Answer: Adrian II Question: Highlander: Who plays Duncan MacLeod Answer: Adrian #Paul# Question: What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia? Answer: Adriatic Question: What's the point scored immediately after deuce in tennis? Answer: Advantage Question: what is the christian penitential season from end of november to christmas? Answer: advent Question: In a general sense, one who pleads for another in a court of law or other tribunal? (It's not lawyer.) Answer: advocate Question: whose patron is st ives? Answer: advocates Question: Name the sea between Asia Minor and Greece. Answer: Aegean Question: Hobbies & Leisure: Which exercises are designed to increase O2 consumption and speed circulation? Answer: aerobics Question: What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air? Answer: aerodynamics Question: what were "sopwith pup" and "sopwith camel"? Answer: aeroplanes Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: love in the elevator? Answer: aerosmith Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: janie's got a gun? Answer: aerosmith Question: This was the only band that showed at Waynestock in "Wayne's World 2"? Answer: aerosmith Question: Music: What group taped the first 3-D rock video in 1983? Answer: Aerosmith Question: Smoke, fog, & mist are all? Answer: aerosols Question: The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as _________. Answer: aerospace Question: Whose moral of the story was 'Dont count your chickens before they're hatched'? Answer: aesop Question: What Greek slave wrote fables? Answer: aesop Question: What was the name of the Lady Godiva's horse? Answer: Aethenoth Question: DistrictofancientGreeceonthenortherncoastoftheGulfofCorinth? Answer: Aetolia Question: What is the name for a legal document, used in court, in which a person swears that certain facts are true? Answer: affadavit Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Afghanistan? Answer: afghani Question: what is the basic unit of currency for afghanistan? Answer: afghani Question: 30th may 1998, an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the richter scale triggered landslides that swallowed entire villages killing as many as 5,000 people. in which country did this take place? Answer: afghanistan Question: Which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries? Answer: Afghanistan Question: what south-central asian republic was invaded by soviet troops in 1979? Answer: afghanistan Question: What continent's westernmost point is called Cape Verde? Answer: africa Question: What continent's southern tip is Cape Agulhas? Answer: africa Question: Whats the warmest continent? Answer: africa Question: What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries? Answer: Africa Question: On which continent would you find the Niger river? Answer: Africa Question: Which is the Earth's second largest continent? Answer: Africa Question: On which continent would you find the Congo river? Answer: Africa Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Toto? Answer: africa Question: Geography: The United States would fit into the continent of ------------ three and a half times? Answer: africa Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pleasant? Answer: africa Question: What continent pushes up the Atlas Mountains? Answer: africa Question: What continent is Sierra Leone in? Answer: africa Question: On which continent would you find the Nile river? Answer: Africa Question: Which species of Elephant has the largest ears, African or Indian? Answer: African Question: Which elephant can't be domesticated, the African or Indian? Answer: african Question: Humphrey Bogart won his only Oscar for which film Answer: african queen Question: Language derived from Dutch and used in South Africa? Answer: afrikaans Question: Category: Movie That Features: Griffin Dunn, Rosanna Arquette, and Terri Garr Answer: After Hours Question: What is the chemical symbol for silver? Answer: Ag Question: 1984 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Against All Odds Question: Phil Collins song from movie of same name starring Jeff Bridges & James Woods. Answer: against all odds Question: What is the capital of Guam? Answer: Agana Question: In 1990 19 year old Pete Sampras beats Andre ---------- to win the US Open? Answer: agassi Question: What is June's birthstone? Answer: agate Question: Who wrote "Ten Little Indians?" Answer: Agatha #Christie# Question: which famous mystery writer created a mystery by disappearing for eleven days in 1926? Answer: agatha #christie# Question: Tequila is made from an extract of which species of cactus? Answer: Agave Question: As what is the Devonian period also known? Answer: age of fish Question: what is the covering on the tip of a shoelace called? Answer: aglet Question: in the simpsons: what is the first name of principal skinner's mother? Answer: agnes Question: Who finds a tiny flying saucer on her roof in "The Invaders" Answer: agnes moorehead Question: --isms: The theory that man cannot prove the existence of a god. Answer: agnosticism Question: Music Term: - Used of deviations from the strict tempo and rhythm necessary for the subtle performance of a musical phrase? Answer: agogic Question: Fear of open spaces? _____phobia Answer: agoraphobia Question: Hitchhiker's Guide: Every time he was reincarnated, he ended up being killed by Arthur Dent? Answer: Agrajag Question: Germanscientist,whoisgenerallyregardedasthefounderofthescienceofmineralogy? Answer: Agricola Question: in 1783 ---------- de iturbide, emperor of mexico (1822-23), born? Answer: agustin I Question: Game Shows: Host of Caesar's Challenge Answer: Ahmad #Rashad# Question: What's the technical name for a three legged frog? Answer: Ai Question: what was the opera written to celebrate the opening of egypt's suez canal? Answer: aida Question: What are the first names of the four members of team Audiocrush (in alphabetical order, separated by spaces)? Answer: Aidan Gabe Maclaine Will Question: what missile has a range of 28 miles? Answer: aim-7 sparrow Question: Where would you see a horse jump over the chair? Answer: aintree Question: Nitrogen, a poisonous gas, makes up 78% of the ___ that we breathe. Answer: air Question: in the ___ tonight by: phil collins? Answer: air Question: What do trees get 90 percent of their nutrients from? Answer: the #air# Question: 1990 - Mel Gibson - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Air America Question: what's another word for stewardess? Answer: air hostess Question: Music : Category: Punny Cat: This 70's/80's band isn't the Air National Guard. They're just all out of love? Answer: air supply Question: Militaryoperationsabovethesurfaceoftheearth? Answer: air warfare Question: What do the words 'par avion' on the outside of an envelope mean? Answer: airmail Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Thomas Dolby? Answer: airwaves Question: A passageway of a Christian Church or a Roman basilica running paralell to the nave, separated from it by an arcade or colonnade. Answer: aisle Question: What New Zealand native invented bungee jumping? Answer: AJ #Hackett# Question: The birthplace of Napoleon, also the capital of Corsica, is? Answer: Ajaccio Question: who, in egyptian mythology, is the god of the dead? Answer: aker Question: Directors: Dodeskada, The Seven Samurai, Rashomon Answer: akira kurosawa Question: What US City is known as The River capital of the world? Answer: Akron Question: Which gangster died on the 25th January 1947? Answer: Al #Capone# Question: which infamous person listed himself as a 'second hand furniture dealer' on his business card? Answer: al #capone# Question: who was tommy lee jones' freshman roommate at harvard? Answer: al gore Question: what is the name of italy's state airline? Answer: al italia Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: here in my heart? Answer: al martino Question: Who was nominated for best actor in 1975 Answer: al #pacino# Question: Name one of the major stars in "scarecrow" Answer: al #pacino# Question: TV/Movies: Name one of the major stars in "scarecrow"? Answer: al #pacino# Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Midnight Rocks? Answer: al stewart Question: who wrote & performed "year of the cat" Answer: al stewart Question: In 1861 At Montgomery, ----------, the Confederate States are organized? Answer: alabama Question: sweet home ___ by: lynyrd skynyrd? Answer: alabama Question: Which US state is farthest east, Alabama, Louisiana or Mississippi? Answer: alabama Question: Quentin Tarantino: This female character is mentioned in Reservoir Dogs and is a main character in True Romance. Answer: Alabama Question: the first two and last two states, alphabetically and separated by commas? Answer: alabama,arizona west,virgina,wisconson Question: Varietal name applied to two different minerals? Answer: alabaster Question: What character's story contains the line 'New lamps for old'? Answer: aladdin Question: Directors: Hiroshima Mon Amour, My American Uncle, Last Year At Marienbad Answer: alain #resnais# Question: What was A.A. Milne's first name? Answer: Alan Question: Defining Roles: M.A.S.H. [the TV show]--> Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce Answer: Alan #Alda# Question: MASH: Who directed the final episode Answer: Alan #Alda# Question: 1993: name one of the major stars in the movie indian summer? Answer: alan #arkin# Question: Whom did Michael Portillo succeed as M.P. for Kensington and Chelsea in November 1999? Answer: alan #clark# Question: What dj coined the term "rock & roll"? Answer: alan #freed# Question: Category: Sitcoms: He played Jonas (Skipper) Grumby Answer: alan #hale# Question: Who directed the film 'fame' Answer: alan #parker# Question: Who directed the Commitments? Answer: Alan #Parker# Question: Who was the first American in sub-orbital space flight? Answer: alan shepard Question: an _____ clock usually wakes you in the morning? Answer: alarm Question: What U.S. state has the longest border with Canada? Answer: alaska Question: What did the US buy from Russia at two cents an acre? Answer: alaska Question: what was known as "russian america" before 1867? Answer: alaska Question: Which U.S. state is bordered by Yukon territory? Answer: Alaska Question: Which U.S. state capital has no roads connected to it, and is therefore reachable only by sea or air? (2006) Answer: #Juneau#, Alaska Question: Where does the Iditarod dog sled race take place? Answer: alaska Question: What US state has the smallest population? Answer: alaska Question: What state is proud to say it is the largest in the U.S? Answer: alaska Question: What US state has the longest coastline? Answer: alaska Question: What US state are the Aleutian Islands part of? Answer: alaska Question: 60 "north to __" by johnny horton? Answer: alaska Question: What US state receives the least sunshine? Answer: alaska Question: Name the U.S. state with the smallest population. Answer: Alaska Question: In which state is Mount McKinley? Answer: Alaska Question: What U.S. state has a sand desert with dunes over 100 feet high. It is located along the flatland of the Kobuk River in the northwestern part of the state? Answer: alaska Question: What European country is alphabetically first? Answer: albania Question: What country's capital is Tirana? Answer: albania Question: in which country was mother teresa born? Answer: albania Question: in this country nodding your head means "no" and shaking your head means "yes"? Answer: albania Question: u.s. capitals: what is the capital of new york? Answer: albany Question: What bird has the biggest wingspan? Answer: Albatross Question: which is the only bird capable of flying all day without flapping its wings? Answer: albatross Question: What is the largest web footed bird? Answer: albatross Question: What is the largest aquatic bird? Answer: albatross Question: three under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) _______? Answer: albatross Question: What was the name of Captain Geoffrey Thorpe's pirate ship in "The Sea Hawk Answer: albatross Question: Animal Trivia: One Laysan ----------, tracked by biologists at Wake Forest University, flew more than 24,843 miles in flights across the North Pacific to find food for its chick in just 90 days - a flight distance equivalent to circling the globe? Answer: albatross Question: What former US vice president was the title star of Meet the Veep Answer: alben w #barkley# Question: name the man called "the boston strangler", who was sentenced to life in prison in 1967? Answer: albert #de salva# Question: Who said "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"? Answer: Albert #Einstein# Question: Who said 'So far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain. And so far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.'? Answer: Albert #Einstein# Question: in the movie "annie", who played daddy warbucks? Answer: albert #finney# Question: Who is cast as poirot in "murder on the orient express"? (1974) Answer: albert #finney# Question: Which "fishy" character, in an opera by Benjamin Britten, is elected May King, spending his prize money on a debauch? Answer: albert herring Question: Who was one of the producers of the film "diamonds are forever" Answer: albert r #broccoli# Question: What Canadian province was named after a daughter of Queen Victoria? Answer: alberta Question: Animalorplantwithoutthenormalpigmentationofitsspecies? Answer: albino Question: What island in San Francisco Bay once was the site of a prison? Answer: alcatraz Question: in which play does dame pliant appear? Answer: alchemist Question: What was the ceaseless medieval search for a method of turning base metals to gold called? Answer: alchemy Question: Potophobia is the fear of... Answer: alcohol Question: What does a dipsomaniac crave? Answer: alcohol Question: what self-help group was founded by bill wilson in akron, ohio in 1934? Answer: alcoholics anonymous Question: what does the following acronym stand for: aa? Answer: alcoholics anonymous Question: -isms: A diseased condition resulting from the use of beverages such as whiskey. Answer: alcoholism Question: Classical Music: A major life-style problem contributed to Mussorgsky's early demise.What was it? Answer: Alcoholism Question: To which Berkshire destination did C.N.D. march from London each Easter beginning in the late 1950s? Answer: aldermaston Question: Where do cars with GBA identity plates come from? Answer: aldernay Question: Name the Italian President of the Christian Democrats and five times Prime Minister, who was kidnapped and murdered by the Red Brigade guerrillas in 1978? Answer: aldo moro Question: Who is the author of "Brave New World"? Answer: Aldous #Huxley# Question: Name the late actor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars? Answer: Alec #Guinness# Question: What knighted actor titled his autobiography blessings in disguise Answer: Alec #Guinness# Question: Who played hitler in "hitler the last ten days" (1973) Answer: Alec #Guinness# Question: Category: Actor In The Role: Prince Feisal in 'Lawrence of Arabia' Answer: Alec #Guinness# Question: WhatBritishactorgot2.25percentoftheprofitsfromSTARWARS? Answer: Alec#Guinness# Question: Sheltered from the wind? a __e Answer: a #lee# Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truthful One? Answer: aletha Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Winged One? Answer: aletta Question: 1976 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Alex and the Gypsy Question: who was the first manager to win the premier league? Answer: alex ferguson Question: Game Shows: He hosted High Rollers, the $128,000 Question, Concentration, Wizard of Odds Answer: Alex #Trebek# Question: in 1970 soviet author ---------- I. solzhenitsyn awarded nobel prize for literature? Answer: alexander Question: name that drink: brandy ____? Answer: alexander Question: Category: Star Trek Next Gen Characters: Worf's son's name Answer: Alexander Question: Who discovered Penicillin? Answer: Alexander #Fleming# Question: Americaninventorandteacherofthedeaf,mostfamousforhisinventionofthetelephone? Answer: AlexanderGraham#Bell# Question: in 1793, _____ reaches the pacific? Answer: alexander #mackenzie# Question: name the poet: the rape of a lock? Answer: alexander #pope# Question: who was king of macedonia from 336 to 323 b.c? Answer: #alexander# the great Question: His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was _____. Answer: #Alexander# the Great Question: where was the first known lighthouse, the pharon, an ancient world wonder, located? Answer: alexandria Question: What egyptian city was founded by Alexander The Great in 331 BC? Answer: alexandria Question: where was the septuagint written? Answer: alexandria Question: where did euclid open a school of mathematics? Answer: alexandria Question: Who invented Tetris? Answer: Alexi #Pazhitnov# Question: who did joan collins play in 'dynasty' Answer: alexis #carrington# Question: who was england's manager in 1966 when england won the world cup? Answer: alf #ramsy# Question: Name that car maker? Answer: alfa romeo Question: 1966 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Alfie Question: Batman: Bruce's loyal and witty, if often sardonic, butler and mentor Answer: Alfred Question: who is the face of mad magazine? Answer: alfred e. #neuman# Question: Directed and produced "North by Northwest." Answer: Alfred #Hitchcock# Question: Who directed "Psycho" and the "The Birds"? Answer: Alfred #Hitchcock# Question: What thrill flick master died at 80 in 1980 Answer: Alfred #Hitchcock# Question: 1985 - Melanie Griffith - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Alfred Hitchcock Presents Question: He wrote "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male" in 1948. Answer: Alfred #Kinsey# Question: Who invented dynamite? Answer: Alfred #Nobel# Question: what does a phycologist study? Answer: algae Question: What was Garth's last name in 'Wayne's World' Answer: algar Question: Branch of mathematics using letters to represent numbers? Answer: algebra Question: What African country is alphabetically first? Answer: algeria Question: Name the second largest country in Africa. Answer: Algeria Question: What is the capital of Algeria? Answer: Algiers Question: Quantum Leap: In "Deliver Us From Evil", this character appears- Sam's opposite counterpart. Answer: Alia Question: What was the first talking picture filmed by MGM (1928) Answer: alias jimmy valentine Question: crime stories: a is for this? Answer: alibi Question: 1990 - Alec Baldwin - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Alice Question: Who devoured a cake with the words 'Eat Me' written on it in currants? Answer: alice Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truth, Noble? Answer: alice Question: Who said 'I've had such a curious dream'? Answer: alice Question: Category: Movies and TV / Movies: Wayne and Garth says "We're not worthy!" to him in 'Wayne's World'. Answer: Alice Cooper Question: Name That Disney Movie: Alice, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat Answer: Alice In Wonderland Question: Movies: "Here kitty kitty! Here kitty! Here Jonesy!" Answer: Alien Question: Actors In Film: Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, John Hurt Answer: Alien Question: Movie Tag Lines: In space, no one can hear you scream. Answer: Alien Question: TV: What does ALF stand for? Answer: Alien Life Form Question: Movie In Which: Cop James Caan is assigned a partner from another planet Answer: alien nation Question: Cop James Caan is assigned a partner from another planet Answer: alien nation Question: 1997 - winona ryder - starred in this movie? Answer: alien resurrection Question: What did NASA launch a $100 million search for in 1992? Answer: aliens Question: What was Dante's last name? (Author of 'Inferno') Answer: Alighieri Question: Who played the part of the Headmistress in the film 'Blue Murder at St.Trinians? Answer: alistair sim Question: Movie That Features: Snowy mountain cannibalism Answer: Alive Question: What film won the best motion picture oscar in 1950 Answer: all about eve Question: What movie has been nominated for 14 oscars Answer: all about eve Question: New Zealand's Rugby team is know as the __________________? Answer: All Blacks Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam? Answer: all cried out Question: copycats: jack wagner and the temptations both sang a song with this title? Answer: all I need Question: In 1988 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Naguib Mahfouz, who through works rich in nuance-now clearsightedly realistic, now evocatively ambigous-has formed an Arabian narrative art that applies to ...? Answer: all mankind Question: Music : On the Edge: 311: "You've got to trust your instincts"? Answer: all mixed up Question: 1981 - Barbra Streisand - Starred In This Movie: Answer: All Night Long Question: 1981 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: All Night Long Question: What's the title: "your good-byes left me with eyes that cry"? Answer: all of me Question: 80's tune: performed by: electric light orchestra? Answer: all over the world Question: Which band comprised Shaznay and Melanie plus sisters Natalie and Nicole? Answer: all saints Question: Music : All that she wants is another baby? Answer: all that she wants Question: Acronym Soup: ATB? Answer: all the best Question: Movie In Which: Tom Cruise plays a high school football player Answer: all the right moves Question: 1983 - tom cruise - starred in this movie? Answer: all the right moves Question: rap trivia: "you on point, 'tip" "___ ___ ____, ____."? Answer: all the time fife Question: 1942 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: All Through the Night Question: Barbie: Ken's buddy? Answer: allan Question: Which comedian produced bill cosby's first album Answer: allan #sherman# Question: Musical terms: A direction to play slower, louder? Answer: allargando Question: Music Term: (It.) - Fast and lively? Answer: allegro Question: Movie Directors: Interiors, Manhattan, Shadows and Fog Answer: Allen Question: Which have a better chance of running you down on land, alligators or crocodiles? Answer: alligators Question: Famous Directors: Directed "Gas, Food, Lodging" Answer: Allison #Anders# Question: repetition of the initial letter (generally a consonant) or first sound of several words, marking the stressed syllables in a line of poetry or prose? Answer: alliteration Question: name the artist: straight from the heart? Answer: allman brothers band Question: In 1854 British and French defeat Russians at---------- , in the Crimea? Answer: alma Question: Back To The Future: Marty & Doc travel to 1955 again to prevent young Biff from receiving the Answer: almanac Question: Bookortablecontainingacalendar,togetherwithastronomicalandnavigationaldataand,often,religiousholidays,historicalnotes,proverbs,andastrologicalandagriculturalforecasts? Answer: almanac Question: What nuts are used in marzipan? Answer: almonds Question: This spikey succulent, native of Africa, is often an additive in creams and lotions. Answer: aloe vera Question: What word is used in Hawaii as both a greeting and a farewell? Answer: aloha Question: I think we're __ now" by tommy james? Answer: alone Question: 66 "__ comes mary" by association? Answer: along Question: Power Rangers: Character who says, "Ay ay ay ay ay!" Answer: Alpha Question: What is the first letter in the Greek alphabet? Answer: Alpha Question: Setofwrittensymbols,eachrepresentingagivensoundorsounds,whichcanbevariouslycombinedtoformallthewordsofalanguage? Answer: alphabet Question: What two mountain ranges does the Tour de France race through? Answer: alps and pyrenees Question: that's _____ mama by elvis? Answer: alright Question: Large dog of a breed of wolfhound? Answer: alsatian Question: What is the name of a small computer introduced in 1975 by Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems of New Mexico? Answer: Altair 8800 Question: Who was the first black Wimbledon singles champion? Answer: althea gibson Question: What is the highest adult male singing voice? Answer: alto Question: Which element makes up 8.13% of the Earth's crust? Answer: Aluminium Question: What metal is the major constituent of Rubies? Answer: Aluminium Question: what was the first zeppelin made of? Answer: aluminum Question: in 1931 thomas ---------- edison inventor, dies in west orange, nj, at 84? Answer: alva Question: 1948 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Always Together Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Love of God? Answer: amadeus Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Trustworthy? Answer: aman Question: In the show "Scarecrow & Mrs King", what is Mrs King's first name Answer: amanda Question: 1980s hits: girl's name in the title of a 1986 #1 from boston? Answer: amanda Question: Category: Hollywood: She played Kitty Russell on Gunsmoke. Answer: Amanda Blake Question: Actors In Film : Pulp Fiction; The Fisher King; So I Married An Axe Murderer Answer: Amanda Plummer Question: what city has been air-rated the cleanest in the US for a city its size? Answer: amarillo Question: pp: what texas city along route 66 got its name from the spanish word for yellow? Answer: amarillo Question: what do you type to run amaroK? Answer: amarok Question: what is the flower that stands for: pride? Answer: amaryllis Question: In 1596 Nicolo---------- , Italy, violin maker (Stradivari and Guarneri), born? Answer: amati Question: Who was the king of Judah (800-783 bc)? Answer: Amaziah Question: Army officer who survies an atomic explosion starts growing; at sixty feet he attacks Las Vegas. Answer: Amazing colossal man Question: What was a big hit for the pipes, drums, and military band of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards in 1972? Answer: amazing grace Question: Which river contains the most fresh water? Answer: Amazon Question: What river has the largest drainage basin? Answer: Amazon Question: What is the longest river in the Americas? Answer: amazon Question: What's the worlds widest river? Answer: Amazon Question: What river did Francisco de Orellano become the first to travel the length of? Answer: amazon Question: What title to the Ambassadors of Britian Get given? Answer: Ambassador to the Court of Saint James Question: What yellow, fossilized resin did the Greeks and Romans use in jewelry? Answer: Amber Question: What does the ancient Greek word "electron" mean? Answer: Amber Question: 1980 - Kurt Russell - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Amber Waves Question: Irony: I'd give my right arm to be? Answer: ambidextrious Question: Devils Dictionary: Able to pick with equal skill a right-hand pocket or a left? Answer: ambidextrous Question: Doctor Who: The rights for a new series of Dr.Who are held by what Spielberg-owned company Answer: amblin Question: What village is featured in The Archers? Answer: ambridge Question: What was the food of the Greek gods called? Answer: ambrosia Question: mythology:what was the food of the greek gods called? Answer: ambrosia Question: mythology:what was the food of the greek gods called? Answer: ambrosia Question: A continuous aisle in a building, especially around the apse in a church. Answer: ambulatory Question: Who was the first woman to fly the Atlantic alone? Answer: Amelia #Earhart# Question: What Hebrew word means 'so be it'? Answer: amen Question: What is the last word in the New Testament? Answer: Amen Question: What is the last word of the Bible? Answer: amen Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Honest Woman? Answer: amena Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: You Can Do Magic? Answer: america Question: What is named after Amerigo Vespucci? Answer: america Question: what country has the oldest constitution that still exists? Answer: U.S.A. Question: what nationality is tennis star vitas gerulaitis? Answer: american Question: What nationality was the artist James Whistler? Answer: american Question: 80's songs: an _____dream by dirt band? Answer: american Question: What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll? Answer: American Bandstand Question: What is the American network A.B.C's full name Answer: american broadcasting corporation Question: 1985 - Kevin Costner - Starred In This Movie: Answer: American Flyers Question: Movie That Features: David Grant, Kevin Costner, and Rae Dawn Chong Answer: American Flyers Question: In what sport is the Heisman trophy awarded? Answer: American Football Question: What sport do the following terms belong to - "Tight End & Wide Receiver"? Answer: #American Football# (Gridiron) Question: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Call Me" Answer: American Gigolo Question: 1980 - Richard Gere - Starred In This Movie: Answer: American Gigolo Question: This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series "Happy Days". Answer: American Graffiti Question: 1993 - Jeff Bridges - Starred In This Movie: Answer: American Heart Question: bleeding heart songs: bad religion: "see him on the interstate..."? Answer: american jesus Question: What song by Don McLean talks about the day Buddy Holly died? Answer: American Pie Question: Musical Food: This was the first #1 song in the year 1972? Answer: american pie Question: In 1993 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Toni Morrison, who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic import, gives life to an essential aspect of Answer: American reality Question: Music : Record Labels:What label was Johny Cash's newest album, American Recordings, released on? Answer: american recordings Question: What does ASCII stand for? Answer: american Standard code for information interchange Question: What are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific? Answer: American #Time Zones# Question: 1993 The Year: This college campus in DC was the first one President Clinton visited? Answer: american university Question: Who was America named after? Answer: Amerigo #Vespucci# Question: where did guinevere retire to die? Answer: amesbury Question: the violet variety of quartz is called ________? Answer: amethyst Question: What is known as The Bishops Stone? Answer: amethyst Question: What is the birthstone for February? Answer: Amethyst Question: Tv / Movies: What film starred james brolin & margot kidder Answer: amityville horror Question: What is the capital of Jordan? Answer: Amman Question: The active ingredient in smelling salts is? Answer: ammonia Question: Urea is essentially made up of carbon dioxide and which other chemical? Answer: ammonia Question: What is the medical term for 'loss of memory'? Answer: amnesia Question: "my cherie __" by stevie wonder? Answer: amor Question: 1993 - Nicolas Cage - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Amos & Andrew Question: What is this sign called "&"? Answer: ampersand Question: What are Salamanders and Frogs? Answer: Amphibian Question: Snakes are reptiles. What are frogs? Answer: amphibians Question: what river divides the dutch capital of amsterdam in two? Answer: amstel Question: Where is Dam Square? Answer: Amsterdam Question: What is the capital of The Netherlands? Answer: Amsterdam Question: What was the title of the novel which won the 1998 Booker prize? Answer: amsterdam Question: What city is known as The Venice of The North? Answer: amsterdam Question: Where were the 1928 Olympics held? Answer: #Amsterdam#, The Netherlands Question: Any object worn as a charm may be called a(n) ······. Answer: amulet Question: indigo girls: band member who has dark hair (first name only)? Answer: amy Question: Category: Actresses: Stephen Spielberg ex who was in The Competition and Yentl Answer: Amy #Irving# Question: Better known by her maiden name, who was the 1930s aviation pioneer Mrs. Mollison? Answer: amy #johnson# Question: what is the former name for pentanol? Answer: #amyl# alcohol Question: Music: Parenthetical Titles: (The Wedding Song)? Answer: an acceptable level of ecstasy Question: Category: The Tick: What job did Arthur have before became the Ticks sidekick Answer: An #accountant# Question: What name is given to a statistician employed by an insurance company to calculate risks? Answer: an #actuary# Question: what was jethro tull? (not the band) Answer: an #agriculturist# Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Nitty Gritty Dirt Band? Answer: an american dream Question: what is tattooed on popeye's arm? Answer: an anchor Question: What is a monotreme? Answer: An #egg laying mammal# Question: Whatdoyoucallasubstancecontainingonlyonekindofatom? Answer: an#element# Question: 1982 - Richard Gere - Starred In This Movie: Answer: An Officer and a Gentleman Question: What do you offer someone as a peace gesture? Answer: An #Olive Branch# Question: pablo picasso was abandoned by the midwife just after his birth because she thought he was stillborn. who saved him? Answer: an #uncle# Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Gracious? Answer: ana Question: 1997 - Jennifer Lopez - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Anaconda Question: iron deficiency causes the most common form of? Answer: anaemia Question: Transposition of the letters of a word or phrase to form a new word or phrase? Answer: anagram Question: In 1959 the Nobel prize in chemistry was given to Jaroslav Heyrovsky for his discovery and development of the polarographic methods of ...? Answer: analysis Question: 1999 - Robert De Niro - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Analyze This Question: in what club are all the members liars? Answer: #ananias# club Question: In 1950, which mountain was the first of over 26,000 feet to be climbed to the summit? Answer: anapurna Question: What movie told of Anna Anderson's claim to be a Russian czar's daughter? Answer: anastasia Question: What is the name of the Russian Czar's daughter who might, or might not, have survived the Russian revolution? Answer: Anastasia Question: what nicaraguan president fled to miami on 17th july 1979, after being overthrown by the sandinista guerrillas? Answer: anastasio #somoza# Question: what branch of science studies the structure of an organism? Answer: anatomy Question: What is the largest city in Alaska? Answer: anchorage Question: What word occurs 46,227 times in the Bible? Answer: and Question: metallica released the song "one" on which album? Answer: and #justice for all# Question: 80's tune: performed by: talking heads? Answer: and she was Question: 1979 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie: Answer: And Your Name Is Jonah Question: what is the musical term for 'at a walking pace'? Answer: andante Question: what was beer maker ohlsson's first name? Answer: anders Question: Who invented the centigrade scale? Answer: Anders #Celsius# Question: In 1805 Hans Christian---------- , danish storyteller, born? Answer: andersen Question: what was the name of the family featured in `father knows best? Answer: anderson Question: What is the world's longest mountain range? Answer: andes Question: In the---------- , time is often measured by how long it takes to smoke a cigarette? Answer: andes Question: What mountain range is the natural habitat of the Llama? Answer: andes Question: What mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad in the world? Answer: andes Question: What is the capital of Andorra? Answer: Andorra la Vella Question: Which tennis player , when asked if he had learned anything from his US Open loss said, "Yeah...I learned I needed to lose 15 pounds"? Answer: Andre #Agassi# Question: what american tennis star wore stone-washed denim shorts during matches? Answer: Andre #Agassi# Question: princess bride: fezzik is played by this big guy? Answer: andre the giant Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Manly, Courageous? Answer: andrew Question: Which English bowler achieved his test career best when he took 7 wickets for 46 runs against South Africa in December 1999? Answer: andrew #caddick# Question: which u.s. president married his wife before she was officially divorced? Answer: Andrew #Jackson# Question: what president's wife saw him elected but died before his inauguration? Answer: Andrew #Jackson# Question: whose impeachment trial kept senators busy from march 5th until may 26th in 1868? Answer: Andrew #Jackson#'s Question: name the man who murdered fashion giant gianni versace outside his miami, florida home on 15th july 1997? Answer: andrew phillip #cunanan# Question: Who proved Fermat's Last Theorem? Answer: Andrew #Wiles# Question: who sang about 'the bugle boy of company b'? Answer: the #andrews sisters# Question: Who pulled the thorn from the Lion's paw? Answer: androcles Question: The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ______ galaxy. Answer: Andromeda Question: Which meteor shower occurs on the 14th November? Answer: Andromedids Question: What is the name of the little boy in toy story (first name only) Answer: andy Question: 70s super hits: name the artist: I just want to be your everything? Answer: andy gibb Question: Who played andy thompson in 'the headmaster' Answer: Andy #Griffith# Question: name that tv show: goober, floyd, opie, barney? Answer: The #Andy Griffith Show# Question: Category: Sitcoms: He played Latka Gravas (and his alter ego, Vic Ferrari) Answer: andy #kaufman# Question: Music : 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: So Good Together? Answer: andy kim Question: Music : 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Battle Hymn of the Republic? Answer: andy williams Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: hopeless? Answer: andy williams Question: This instrument measures the velocity of the wind. Answer: anemometer Question: The 'windflower' is the common name for which flowering bulb? Answer: anemone Question: what mouseketeer's first hit song was "tall paul"? Answer: anette funicello Question: ironically, jimmy angel's plane crashed near this place in 1937? Answer: angel falls Question: Power Rangers: Name the city in which the Rangers live & defend Answer: Angel Grove Question: 1987 - Robert De Niro - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Angel Heart Question: Actress In The Role: Malcolm X ---> Betty Shabazz Answer: angela bassett Question: What are the cherubim and seraphim? Answer: angels Question: 1938 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Angels With Dirty Faces Question: What is Wales's biggest island? Answer: anglesey Question: Music: Alice In Chains: "Sitting in this _____ _____."? Answer: angry chair Question: What is MacGyver's first name? Answer: Angus Question: what is the drummer's name in 'the muppet show'? Answer: animal Question: Marx Movies: One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas Answer: Animal Crackers Question: Mostly Older Movies: Early Nat'l Lampoon film; John Belushi plays Bluto: Answer: animal house Question: Which are barnacles, plants or animals? Answer: animals Question: What do humans catch zoonose diseases from? Answer: animals Question: name the artist: house of the rising sun - the ______? Answer: the #animals# Question: Cartoons: Show in which one rhyme in the theme song changes every episode. Answer: Animaniacs Question: 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Just Because? Answer: anita baker Question: Actress In The Role: The Grifters ---> Lily Dillon Answer: anjelica #huston# Question: who won the oscar for best actress in a supporting role in 1985 58th academy awards for the movie prizzi's honor? Answer: anjelica #huston# Question: What is the capital of Turkey? Answer: Ankara Question: Where would you hurt if you were kicked on the Tarsus? Answer: Ankle Question: 1985 - Christopher Reeve - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Anna Karenina Question: Who became Darth Vader? Answer: Anakin Skywalker Question: where is the us naval academy situated? Answer: #annapolis#, maryland Question: Who was the mother of Elizabeth I? Answer: Anne Boleyn Question: Who was the second wife of Henry VIII? Answer: Anne Boleyn Question: What actress played honey west in the detective series honey west Answer: anne #francis# Question: This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam. Answer: Anne Frank Question: who wrote the 'dragonriders of pern' series? Answer: anne #mcaffrey# Question: who is famous for writing 'interview with the vampire', the first book in the vampire chronicles? Answer: anne #rice# Question: Disney Songs: She had hits with "Tall Paul," "O Dio Mio," and "Pineapple Princess" Answer: Annette Question: singer's birthday: __ funicello 10/22/42? Answer: annette Question: Who is featured on 1984s the best of annette Answer: annette funicello Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: train of love? Answer: annette with the afterbeats Question: 1977 - sigourney weaver - starred in this movie? Answer: annie hall Question: This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978. Answer: Annie Hall Question: Formerly of the Eurythmics, now this woman is a successful solo artist? Answer: annie lennox Question: Music Movie Trivia: She sang the beautifully haunting love theme from 'Bram Stoker's Dracula'. Answer: Annie Lennox Question: what is tina turner's real name? Answer: annie mae bullock Question: Category: TV: Mary Tyler Moore played Annie Block on this show. Answer: Annie Maguire Question: She was the greatest trick shot artist of all time. Answer: Annie #Oakley# Question: Which pop song contains a similar melody to Tchaikovsky's Symphony in E minor? Answer: annie's song Question: aussie slang: pester? Answer: #annoy# (or bother) someone Question: What is the positive electrode of a battery called? Answer: anode Question: A psychological disorder in which the patient refuses to eat. Answer: #anorexia# nervosa Question: Music : 90's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Iesha? Answer: another bad creation Question: 1998 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Another Day in Paradise Question: beatles lyrics: i'd rather see you dead, little girl, than to be with? Answer: another man Question: 1988 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Another Woman Question: robert heinlein: rah never owned a farm, but often used this pen name? Answer: anson #macdonald# Question: What is the capital of Madagascar? Answer: Antananarivo Question: What were Fuchs and Hillary the first to cross? Answer: antarctic Question: What continent contains Queen Maud Land, Wilkes Land and Bird Land? Answer: antarctica Question: Where is the Australian dependency of Kaiser Wilhelm's Land? Answer: antarctica Question: what continent is part of the eastern and western hemispheres? Answer: antarctica Question: What is the smallest continent? Answer: antarctica Question: Where was Sir Ernest Shackleton on his way to when he died? Answer: antarctica Question: Geography: ------------------- is 98 percent ice, 2 percent barren rock. The average thickness of the ice sheet is 7,200 feet; this amounts to 90 percent of all the ice and 70 percent of all the fresh water in the world. If the ice cap were to melt, the sea level would rise by an average of 230 feet? Answer: antarctica Question: The Vinson Massif is the highest mountain of which continent? Answer: Antarctica Question: Which is the Earth's fifth largest continent? Answer: Antarctica Question: What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for? Answer: Ante Meridian Question: What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night? Answer: antelope Question: Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1,000 yd. plus) Answer: antelope Question: What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night? Answer: antelope Question: what pigment is responsible for the red colour in leaves? Answer: anthocyanins Question: A collection of literary pieces? Answer: anthology Question: In 1820 Susan B.---------- , Woman's suffaregette, born? Answer: anthony Question: which hip-hop artist goes by the alias 'ant banks'? Answer: anthony banks Question: who wrote 'a clockwork orange'? Answer: anthony #burgess# Question: Movie Actors: He starred in The Silence of the Lambs and Howard's End Answer: Anthony Hopkins Question: Music : Lead Singers: Red Hot Chili Peppers? Answer: anthony kiedis Question: sports actors: who played jimmy piersall in fear strikes out? Answer: anthony perkins Question: Contagiousdiseaseofwarm-bloodedanimals,includinghumans,causedbythebacteriumBacillusanthracis? Answer: anthrax Question: The study of man and culture is known as ··········. Answer: anthropology Question: attribution of human form or qualities to that which is not human? Answer: anthropomorphism Question: Attributionofhumanformorqualitiestothatwhichisnothuman? Answer: Anthropomorphism Question: Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles.. How? Answer: anti-freeze Question: In 1972 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to Gerald M. Edelman and Rodney R. Porter for their discoveries concerning the chemical structure of ...? Answer: antibodies Question: In 1984 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to Niels K. Jerne, Georges J.F. Köhler, César Milstein for theories concerning the specificity in development and control of the immune system and the discovery of the principle for production of monoclonal ...? Answer: antibodies Question: what is an immunoglobin? Answer: antibody Question: In 1987 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to Susumu Tonegawa for his discovery of the genetic principle for generation of ...? Answer: antibody diversity Question: Which direction are greyhound races run in, clockwise or anticlockwise? Answer: anticlockwise Question: What element has the periodic table name Sb? Answer: Antimony Question: food: italian dish consiting of olives, anchovies, salami, celery, and appetizers? Answer: antipasto Question: In 1959 the Nobel prize in physics was awarded jointly to Emilio Gino Segré and Owen Chamberlain for their discovery of the ...? Answer: antiproton Question: Highlander: What was Duncan's occupation in the first season Answer: Antique dealer Question: Quotations: "Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is the lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you, too."? Answer: Anton #Chekhov# Question: Category: Wings On TV: This character saw a man robbing a jewelry store Answer: antonio Question: Who was the title character in The Merchant of Venice? Answer: antonio Question: Who is melanie griffiths married to Answer: antonio #banderas# Question: Which architect was responsible for many of Barcelona's famous buildings? Answer: antonio #gaudi# Question: what word is the opposite of "synonym"? Answer: antonym Question: what's the echidna's favorite food? Answer: ants Question: What creatures live in a formicary? Answer: ants Question: phobias: myrmecophobia- fear of ______? Answer: ants Question: which hip-hop artist goes by the alias 'big boi' (outkast)? Answer: antwan patton Question: Where were the 1920 Olympics held? Answer: #Antwerp#, Belgium Question: 1998 - Jennifer Lopez - "Starred" In This Movie: Answer: Antz Question: Iron block on which metals are worked? Answer: anvil Question: who was the first head of an arab nation to make peace with israel? Answer: anwar #sadat# Question: 1999 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Any Given Sunday Question: bertha don't you come around here? Answer: anymore Question: Music Movie Trivia: This song is sung in Chinese in the second Indiana Jones movie. Answer: Anything Goes Question: 1999 - Susan Sarandon - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Anywhere But Here Question: What day commemorates the Gallipoli Campaign? Answer: anzac day Question: What is the largest artery in the human body? Answer: aorta Question: What was the first No 1 for The Shadows? Answer: apache Question: Who were the three initial members of roKymotion (the amaroK promotion team)? (IRC nicknames in alphabetic order, separate with spaces.) Answer: apachelogger Firetech sven423 Question: piercing terms: a piercing vertically through the glans penis? Answer: apadrayva Question: in 1948, south africa's national party institutes a new form of racial segregation called? Answer: apartheid Question: What mammal ranks after man on the evolutionary scale? Answer: ape Question: what was the name of george of the jungle's ape friend? Answer: ape Question: What mountains form the spine of Italy? Answer: apennines Question: What, according to tradition, will leave Gibraltar before the British? Answer: apes Question: Who was the Greek goddess of love? Answer: aphrodite Question: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Venus? Answer: Aphrodite Question: What is the capital of Samoa? Answer: Apia Question: what is the capital of western samoa? Answer: apia Question: TV/Movies: Which film had the following line i love the smell of napalm in the morning? Answer: apocalypse now Question: Which film had the following line i love the smell of napalm in the morning Answer: apocalypse now Question: 1979 - Marlon Brando - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Apocalypse Now Question: Who is the Greek god of archery? Answer: apollo Question: To which god was mount Parnasus sacred? Answer: apollo Question: Who was the Greek God of prophecy & archery, music & healing, light & truth, agriculture and cattle? Answer: Apollo Question: 1995 - Kevin Bacon - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Apollo 13 Question: 1995 - Tom Hanks - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Apollo 13 Question: what apollo lunar landing was canceled after a tank explosion? Answer: apollo 13 Question: One of the twelve members of the administrative council of the Mormon church, is called a(n) .......? Answer: Apostle Question: This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine. Answer: appendix Question: Which company, during the 1984 Super Bowl, aired what is considered one of the best commercials in TV history? Answer: Apple Question: Of which fruit is "pearmain" a variety? Answer: apple Question: calvados' is a brandy made from what? Answer: apples Question: what is more effective than caffeine at waking you up in the morning? Answer: apples Question: In 1774 John Chapman, alias Johnny---------- , born? Answer: appleseed Question: How many grains of sand are in a quart size pail? Answer: approximately eight million Question: at mcdonalds in new zealand, what type of pies do they serve instead of cherry? Answer: apricot Question: What fruit's stone does Laetrile come from? Answer: apricot Question: Laetrile is associated with the pit of which fruit? Answer: apricot Question: at mcdonalds in new zealand, what type of pies do they serve instead of cherry? Answer: apricot Question: What were the 'Golden Apples' in Greek myth? Answer: Apricots Question: What kind of fruit were the golden apples of Greek mythology? Answer: apricots Question: Which month has a diamond as a birthstone? Answer: April Question: The republic of Israel was established when? Answer: april 23, 1948 Question: When was the first seeing eye dog presented to a blind person? Answer: april 25, 1938 Question: What is celebrated on April 1st? Answer: #April Fools# Day Question: What are the names of Daisy Duck's nieces Answer: april may june Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Just Between You And Me? Answer: april wine Question: in disney comics, who are daisy duck's three nieces? Answer: april, may and june Question: What is the closely cut grass that surrounds a golf green? Answer: apron Question: A semicircular area at the end of a church; in most churches it contains the altar. Answer: apse Question: Category: The Simpsons: The name of the Quicki-Mart owner. Answer: Apu Question: dc comics: younger version of aquaman? Answer: aqualad Question: DC Secret Identities: Arthur Curry? Answer: aquaman Question: The name for this semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for "sea water" Answer: aquamarine Question: What constellation is known as The Water Bearer? Answer: aquarius Question: If you were born on 14 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: aquarius Question: Which constellation is the water-bearer? Answer: aquarius Question: What sign is the water carrier the zodiacal symbol for? Answer: aquarius Question: If you were born on 28 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: aquarius Question: If you were born on 30 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: aquarius Question: If you were born on 25 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: aquarius Question: The true seals are a diverse & widely distributed group of mostly marine & ___________? Answer: aquatic mammals Question: An etching tecnique in which a solution of asphalt or resin is used on the plate. It produces prints with rich, gray tones. Answer: aquatint Question: the romans built these to convey water? Answer: aqueducts Question: The Romans built these to convey water. Answer: aqueducts Question: An underground layer of water filled rock is called an? Answer: aquifer Question: In 1971 Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Sharjah & Umm ak Qiwain form the United ---------- Emirates? Answer: arab Question: What sea is Bombay on? Answer: arabian Question: In which book is Scheherazade a story teller? Answer: Arabian Nights Question: What is the official language of Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco? Answer: arabic Question: 'Admiral', 'soda', & 'zero' ultimately derive from which language? Answer: arabic Question: What is the official language of Egypt? Answer: Arabic Question: What name is given to farms which specialise in growing crops? Answer: Arable Question: what name is given to farms which specialise in growing crops? Answer: arable Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Heavenly Altar? Answer: aracely Question: Category: Actors In Film: Jeff Daniels, Julian Sands, John Goodman Answer: Arachnaphobia Question: in greek mythology who did athena turn into a spider? Answer: arachne Question: Termforanimalsintheclassincludingthescorpions and spiders? Answer: arachnid Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: High, Exalted? Answer: aram Question: In 2348 B.C. Noah's ark grounded, Mt ---------- (calculated date)? Answer: ararat Question: What fast-food chain was named for brothers Forrest and LeRoy Raffel in 1964? Answer: Arby's Question: what fast-food chain was named for brothers forrest and leroy raffel in 1964? Answer: arby's Question: What did Napoleon have built to commemorate his victories? Answer: Arc de Triomphe Question: A series of arches supported by columns or piers, or a passageway formed by these arches. Answer: arcade Question: A curved structure used to span an opening. Answer: arch Question: Category: Indiana Jones: What kind of scientist is Indiana Jones Answer: archaeologist Question: whose patron is st helen? Answer: archaeologists Question: The study of human pre-history is ···········. Answer: archaeology Question: Definitions : The study of human pre-history is ___________? Answer: archaeology Question: Who was assasinated by Gavrilo Princip to spark the beginning of World War I? Answer: Archduke Ferdinand Question: What is the zodiacal symbol for Sagittarius? Answer: archer Question: 1986 - Nicole Kidman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Archer Question: 1985 - Nicole Kidman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Archer's Adventure Question: whose patron is st sebastian? Answer: archers Question: What sport might you shoot a clout in? Answer: archery Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Very Bold? Answer: archibald Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: hernando's hideaway? Answer: archie bleyer Question: whose neighbors were frank & irene lorenzo Answer: archie bunker's Question: Who said 'Give me a firm place to stand and I will move the Earth'? Answer: Archimedes Question: What was the name of the first RISC based home computer made by Acorn? Answer: Archimedes Question: He is identified with the expression, "Eureka". Answer: Archimedes Question: who is associated with the word 'eureka'? Answer: archimedes Question: The study of building design is ············. Answer: architecture Question: In what field of study are 'flying buttresses'? Answer: architecture Question: In what field of study would you find "flying buttresses"? Answer: architecture Question: The lowest part of an entablature resting on the capital of a column. Answer: architrave Question: What ocean is only a 12th of the size of the Pacific? Answer: arctic Question: Which is the smallest ocean? Answer: arctic Question: What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically? Answer: Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Question: what are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically? Answer: arctic, atlantic, indian and pacific Question: Acronym Soup: AWGTHTGTTA? Answer: are we going to have to go through this/that again Question: Category: Wizard Of Oz: Glinda's first words to Dorothy. (9 words) Answer: are you a good witch or a bad witch Question: What U K comedy series was centred around Grace Bros department store Answer: are you being served Question: Acronym Soup: RUMORF? Answer: are you male or female Question: religion : who is the greek equivalent of the roman god mars? Answer: ares Question: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mars? Answer: Ares Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Virtuous? Answer: aretha Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: (sweet sweet baby) since you've been gone? Answer: aretha franklin Question: who gained the nickname lady soul? Answer: aretha franklin Question: Music : 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: I Can't See Myself Leaving You? Answer: aretha franklin Question: 60's chart toppers: name the artist: the house that jack built? Answer: aretha franklin Question: Music : 70's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: All The King's Horses? Answer: aretha franklin Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Who's Zoomin' Who? Answer: aretha franklin Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: jump to it? Answer: aretha franklin Question: Name the artist/band: I Say A Little prayer? Answer: aretha franklin Question: from which country did israeli agents kidnap adolf eichmann? Answer: argentina Question: What country did the Pope visit after Britain in 1982? Answer: argentina Question: In international car registrations, which country has the letters RA? Answer: argentina Question: Where did Israeli agents grab Adolf Eichmann? Answer: argentina Question: What country contains South America's highest and lowest points? Answer: argentina Question: in what country is the lowest point in south america? Answer: argentina Question: Where are the pampas? Answer: argentina Question: What South American country took its name from the Latin for silvery? Answer: argentina Question: This county has the lowest point in South America? Answer: argentina Question: what south american country is alphabetically first? Answer: argentina Question: What country hosted soccer's 1978 world cup? Answer: argentina Question: This county has the lowest point in South America? Answer: argentina Question: In what country is the lowest point in South America? Answer: Argentina Question: Name the second largest country in South America. Answer: Argentina Question: In what country is the highest point in South America? Answer: Argentina Question: What South American country is alphabetically first? Answer: argentina Question: what was the name of jason's ship? Answer: argo Question: What inert gas is used in fluorescent lights? Answer: argon Question: 1987 - Elizabeth Hurley - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Aria Question: If you were born on 22 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: aries Question: What is the first sign of the zodiac? Answer: aries Question: If you were born on 28 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be? Answer: aries Question: What is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the ram? Answer: aries Question: what is the first sign of the Zodiac? Answer: aries Question: Music Term: (It.) - A little or light aria? Answer: arietta Question: What Greek wrote Meteorologica, popularizing that name for the study of weather? Answer: aristotle Question: As opposed to Plato, this Greek philosopher believed knowledge was a process of observation and classication. Answer: Aristotle Question: Quotes: All paid employments absorb and degrade the mind? Answer: Aristotle Question: He taught Alexander the Great. Answer: Aristotle Question: History : He taught Alexander the Great? Answer: aristotle Question: Who said 'Everything must either be or not be, whether in the present or in the future'? Answer: Aristotle Question: in which us state is hoover dam? Answer: arizona Question: In which state is Hoover Dam? Answer: Arizona Question: What is the U.S.'s Grand Canyon State? Answer: arizona Question: In which state is the Painted Desert? Answer: Arizona Question: 1999 - Jeff Bridges - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Arlington Road Question: What did Horatio Nelson lose at the age of 40? Answer: arm Question: What is the Spanish word for navy? Answer: armada Question: what animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if its frightened? Answer: armadillo Question: This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened. Answer: armadillo Question: On Night Court, Harry had a "statue" of what animal in his office? Answer: Armadillo Question: What animal, other than humans, can get leprosy? Answer: Armadillos Question: 1998, this movie was released on july 1 ----------? Answer: armageddon Question: Dilbert: Which test does the Gruntmaster 6000 fail? Answer: Armageddon Question: What Leon Uris novel deals with the Russian capture of Berlin? Answer: armageddon Question: what soviet republic was devastated by an earthquake in 1988? Answer: armenia Question: In 1921 Turkey makes peace with? Answer: armenia Question: What is missing from the Venus de Milo? Answer: arms Question: what is missing from the "venus de milo"? Answer: arms Question: In 1986 Desi ---------- actor (Ricky Ricardo-I Love Lucy), dies at 69? Answer: arnaz Question: Herschel bernardi starred in this 70's sitcom Answer: arnie Question: what river separates the city of Florence? Answer: Arno Question: In 1929 ---------- Palmer golfer (PGA Golfer of the Year 1960, 1962), born? Answer: arnold Question: what is engelbert humperdinck's real name? Answer: arnold dorsey Question: what is engelbert humperdinck's real name? Answer: arnold dorsey Question: Who was the first person to make a million pounds out of playing golf? Answer: Arnold Palmer Question: which famous actor starred in "the terminator" & "kindergarten cop" Answer: arnold schwarzenegger Question: He starred in "Conan the Barbarian". Answer: Arnold #Schwarzenegger# Question: What actor won a Dubious Achievement Award as the Worst New Kennedy Answer: Arnold Schwarzenegger Question: born july 30, 1947, he Starred In This Movie:raw deal - 1986? Answer: arnold schwarzenegger Question: born july 30, 1947, he Starred In This Movie:kindergarten cop - 1990? Answer: arnold schwarzenegger Question: born july 30, 1947, he Starred In This Movie:the villain - 1979? Answer: arnold schwarzenegger Question: movies: he'll be back. who is he? Answer: arnold schwarzenegger Question: What was the name of the restaurant the TV series "Happy Days"? Answer: Arnolds Question: Tv / Movies: What film won the best motion picture oscar in 1956 Answer: around the world in 80 days Question: acousticophilia is what? Answer: arousal from sounds Question: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Sagitta? Answer: Arrow Question: What did Alan Webster fire 1,231 yards to set a world record in 1982? Answer: arrow Question: What do fletchers make? Answer: arrows Question: What soccer club won three consecutive league titles in the 1930's? Answer: arsenal Question: in 1998 manchester united won the english league title, fa cup and european cup. who were the respective runners-up? Answer: arsenal, newcastle united and bayern munich Question: Movie Lines: Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops. Answer: Arsenic & Old Lace Question: Who played "Semmi" in Coming to America Answer: arsenio hall Question: Category: MTV Features: He holds the record for most Video Music Awards hosted Answer: arsenio hall Question: A person who starts fires maliciously is a(n) ·········. Answer: arsonist Question: a person who starts fires maliciously is a(n) _________? Answer: arsonist Question: singer: __ garfunkel, born 11/5/41? Answer: art Question: Design style prevalent during the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by a sleek use of straight lines and slender forms. Answer: art deco Question: Who sang the 1975 remake of the Flamingos' I Only Have Eyes For You? Answer: Art Garfunkel Question: 50's chart toppers: name the artist: honey-babe? Answer: art mooney & chorus Question: A decorative art movement that emerged in the late nineteenth century. Characterized by dense assymmetrical ornamentation in sinuos forms, it is often symbolic and of an erotic nature. Answer: art noveau Question: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Diana? Answer: Artemis Question: What name is given to a blood vessel which takes blood away from the heart? Answer: artery Question: U.S. President, Chester Alan ········. Answer: Arthur Question: Older Movies: Silly comedy with Dudley Moore & Liza Minelli (freebie): Answer: arthur Question: older movies: silly comedy with dudley moore & liza minelli (freebie)? Answer: arthur Question: Which 1981 film starring dudley moore, liza minnelli & john gielgud had a theme sung by christopher cross Answer: arthur Question: Which Arthur first conceived the idea of geostationary satellites? Answer: arthur c clarke Question: Who's the creator of Sherlock Holmes? Answer: Arthur Conan Doyle Question: In the series 'Happy Days', what was the Fonz's full name Answer: arthur fonzarelli Question: AUTHORS: Who wrote The Moneychangers? Answer: arthur hailey Question: Which US dramatist was once married to Marylin Monroe and penned the plays "Death Of A Salesman" and "The Crucible"? Answer: Arthur Miller Question: people: american dramatist whose plays include death of a salesman and the crucible? Answer: arthur miller Question: Author of "The World as Will" and "Representation", pessimistic forbearer of Nietzsche? Answer: Arthur Schopenhauer Question: Pessimistic author of The World as Will and Representation. Major influence on Nietzsche. Answer: Arthur #Schopenhauer# Question: Name That Celebrity: English character actor & owner of a fish-and-chips fast food chain Answer: Arthur Treacher Question: What was the name of the Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo? Answer: Arthur Wellesley Question: A plant allied to the thistle with a partly edible flower? Answer: artichoke Question: An ... may be defined as an object that has been intentionally made or produced for a certain purpose. Often the word is used in a more restricted sense to refer to simple, hand-made objects (for example, tools) which represent a particular culture. (This might be termed the 'archaeological sense' of the word.) In experimental science, the expression is sometimes used to refer to experimental results which are not manifestations of the natural phenomena under investigation, but are due to the particular experimental arrangement. Answer: artifact Question: Prosthetics deals with the making of ··········. Answer: artificial limbs Question: In 1981 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Elias Canetti for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth of ideas and ...? Answer: artistic power Question: In 1956 the Nobel prize in literature was given to Juan Ramón Jiménez for his lyrical poetry, which in Spanish language constitutes an example of high spirit and ...? Answer: artistical purity Question: Entertainment: First conductor of radio NBC's symphony. Answer: arturo toscanini Question: What 1977 movie featured a dog named Verdell Answer: as good as it gets Question: how should you play it, according to the title of a 1970 joan didion novel? Answer: as it lays Question: how long is a piece of string? Answer: as long as it is Question: Music : Category: Musical Wheel: Rolling Stones: _s t__rs g_ b_? Answer: as tears go by Question: From which of Shakespeare's plays is this line: "All the world's a stage..." Answer: As You Like It Question: in 1829 ---------- hall, astronomer, discovered the moons of mars, phobos and deimos, born? Answer: asaph Question: he discovered phobos? Answer: asaph hall Question: the fibrous form of several minerals and hydrous silicates of magnesium? Answer: asbestos Question: -isms: The belief in living a very austere and self-denying life. Answer: asceticism Question: Definitions : -isms: The belief in living a very austere and self-denying life? Answer: asceticism Question: Group of American artists from 1908 to 1918. Their work featured scenes of urban realism. Answer: Ash Can School Question: 1979 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Ashanti Question: david bowie songs: "we know major tom's a junky"? Answer: ashes to ashes Question: What is the capital of Turkmenistan? Answer: Ashgabat Question: Stones hewn, squared, and smoothed for use in building, as distinguished from rough building stones. Answer: ashlar Question: Puzzles: A butt holder or trash in pig latin? Answer: ashtray Question: On which continent would you find the Yangtze river? Answer: Asia Question: On which continent would you find the Mekong river? Answer: Asia Question: What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of? Answer: Asia Question: Which is the Earth's largest continent? Answer: Asia Question: On which continent would you find the Yenisey river? Answer: Asia Question: On which continent would you find the Ob river? Answer: Asia Question: On which continent would you find the Amur river? Answer: Asia Question: What continent is home to half the world's people? Answer: asia Question: What continent did Christopher Columbus think he was on when he landed in the Americas? Answer: asia Question: where do mangoes, kiwifruit and litchis originally come from? Answer: asia Question: Music: What group did Steve Howe join in 1982? Answer: Asia Question: On which continent would you find the Yellow river? Answer: Asia Question: On which continent would you find the Lena river? Answer: Asia Question: What is the capital of Eritrea? Answer: Asmara Question: What plant is sometimes referred to as a 'sparrow grass'? Answer: asparagus Question: Category: Film 101: The relationship of the frame's width to its height. Answer: aspect ratio Question: Black,cementlikematerialvaryinginconsistencyatroomtemperaturefromsolidtosemisolid? Answer: Asphalt Question: What drug was introduced commercially by Bayer A G of Leverkusen, Germany in 1899? Answer: aspirin Question: What is the common name for acetylsalicylic acid? Answer: aspirin Question: acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as _________? Answer: aspirin Question: Acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as ·········. Answer: aspirin Question: In 1852 H. H. ---------- (Liberal), British prime minister (1908-16), born? Answer: asquith Question: Obstinacy and dogmatism are the surest signs of stupidity. Is there anything more confident, resolute, disdainful, grave and serious than an ...? Answer: ass Question: What modern word comes from the Arab "hashishi"? Answer: Assassin Question: 1995 - Antonio Banderas - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Assassins Question: 1995 - Sylvester Stallone - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Assassins Question: In ballet, a jump from one to both feet, usually landing in fifth position. Answer: assemblé Question: name that drink: flaming ____? Answer: asshole Question: name the artist: cherish - the? Answer: association Question: who is nick and nora charles' dog? Answer: asta Question: What is the capital of Kazakhstan? Answer: Astana Question: what element does the symbol 'at' represent? Answer: astatine Question: what element does the symbol 'at' represent? Answer: astatine Question: What is this sign called "*"? Answer: asterisk Question: what are these: ceres, juno, iris, and flora? Answer: asteroids Question: What are these: Ceres, Juno, Iris, and Flora? Answer: asteroids Question: What is the name used to describe the "minor planets"? Answer: asteroids Question: what are these: ceres, juno, iris, and flora? Answer: asteroids Question: What Italian wine area is famed for its sparkling wine? Answer: asti Question: One who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n) ··········. Answer: astrologer Question: What, in 1975, did 18 Nobel laureates claim has no basis on fact? Answer: astrology Question: Whose profession is considered the greatest insurance risk in the US? Answer: astronaut Question: unscramble: science and technology: "rtoansuat"? Answer: astronaut Question: What is the unit of measurement which is equal to the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun? Answer: astronomical unit Question: What science does Professor Stephen Hawking study and teach? Answer: astrophysics Question: baseball the houston ______? Answer: astros Question: What is the name given to a curve that approaches a line, but never quite touches it? Answer: asymptote Question: Movie That Features: Christopher Walken, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chris Penn, and Sean Penn Answer: At Close Range Question: Category: Movie That Features: Christopher Walken, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chris Penn, and Sean Penn Answer: At Close Range Question: Music: 80's Tune: Performed by: Billy Vera & the Beaters? Answer: at this moment Question: computers: what company created a computer dubbed jackintosh? Answer: atari Question: North American Indian language family including languages of Alaska and north-western Canada, the Pacific coast and the south-western United States. Answer: Athapascan Question: --isms: The belief that there is no God. Answer: atheism Question: Thank god that I am still an ...? Answer: atheist Question: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Minerva? Answer: Athena Question: Where did Elgin get his marbles from? Answer: athena Question: What is the capital of Greece? Answer: Athens Question: Where is the Parthenon located? Answer: Athens Question: Which is farthest south, Athens, Madrid or Rome? Answer: athens Question: What city's old quarter is called the Plaka? Answer: athens Question: Where is the famed Arch of Hadrian? Answer: athens Question: what city's old quarter is called the plaka? Answer: athens Question: Where's the famed Arch of Hadrian? Answer: athens Question: in which city is the areopagus located? Answer: athens Question: What was the site of the first modern day Olympic Games? Answer: athens Question: what is the capital of greece? Answer: athens Question: where were the 1906 olympics held? Answer: athens, greece Question: where were the 1896 olympics held? Answer: athens, greece Question: Where were the 1896 Olympics held? Answer: #Athens#, Greece Question: general sherman burned this city in 1864? Answer: atlanta Question: Which of Atlanta, St Louis and San Franciso is a US state capital? Answer: atlanta Question: where is stone mountain? Answer: atlanta Question: What Georgia city does Delta Airlines fly to from London? Answer: atlanta Question: general sherman burned this city in 1864? Answer: atlanta Question: In what city in Georgia is it illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp? Answer: Atlanta Question: General Sherman burned this city in 1864. Answer: Atlanta Question: What city was the setting for "Gone With the Wind"? Answer: Atlanta Question: Tv / Movies: What georgia town did scarlett o'hara condemn as being full of pushy people Answer: atlanta Question: What ocean does Mauritania border? Answer: atlantic Question: Geography: The Amazon river pushes so much water into the ------------- that, more than a hundred miles at sea, off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean and drink it? Answer: atlantic Question: What ocean is almost exactly half the size of the Pacific? Answer: atlantic Question: What ocean is zero degrees longitude, zero degrees latitude, found in? Answer: atlantic Question: What ocean surrounds the Madeira Islands? Answer: atlantic Question: What ocean surrounds the Sargasso Sea? Answer: atlantic Question: What ocean contains the Cape Verde Basin? Answer: atlantic Question: 1980 - Susan Sarandon - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Atlantic City Question: The second largest of the earths four oceans & the most heavily traveled? Answer: atlantic ocean Question: which artist/group had a hit with "always"? Answer: atlantic starr Question: Which ancient continent is said to be submerged? Answer: Atlantis Question: What is known as the Lost Continent? Answer: Atlantis Question: What ancient Greek had the world on his shoulders? Answer: atlas Question: advertising: in the 1930's he promised to make you a new man using 'dynamic tension.'? Answer: atlas Question: What is the ocean of air around the earth called? Answer: atmosphere Question: Category: Sci Fi Movies: In Total Recall, oppression ended when this was created on Mars. Answer: atmosphere Question: What is the geographical term for a ring shaped coral island? Answer: atoll Question: A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) ········. Answer: atoll Question: A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) ________? Answer: Atoll Question: Which word, associated with Nuclear Physics, is a variation of a Greek word meaning 'final cut'? Answer: atom Question: What were 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man'? Answer: Atom Bombs Question: In science, which term refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom? Answer: atomic number Question: In 1951 the Nobel prize in physics was awarded jointly to Sir John Douglas Cockcroft and Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton for their pioneer work on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated ...? Answer: atomic particles Question: In 1966 the Nobel prize in physics was given to Alfred Kastler for the discovery and development of optical methods for studying hertzian resonances in ...? Answer: atoms Question: sn: what have diameters of about one ten-thousand-millionth of a meter? Answer: atoms Question: classical: what kind of music is schoenberg credited with creating? Answer: atonal Question: In an ancient Roman house, a central room open to the sky, usually having a pool for the collection of rainwater. In churches, a front courtyard. Answer: atrium Question: Which drug is used in medicine to dilate the pupils of the eyes? Answer: atropine Question: 1980 - Mel Gibson - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Attack Force Z Question: What film is generally considered the worst film ever made Answer: attack of the killer tomatoes Question: uxoravalent are only able to do this (applied to men)? Answer: attain sex extramaritally Question: facing your dom/me shows? Answer: attentiveness Question: The story above the cornice of a building. Answer: attic Question: In 1971 9 hostages and 28 prisoners die in take over a ---------- State Prison? Answer: attica Question: Who was king of the Huns from 406 to 453? Answer: attila Question: In ballet, a pose in which one leg is raised in back or in front with knee bent, usually with one arm raised. Answer: attitude Question: what was the profession of ted bundy? Answer: attorney Question: What was the profession of Ted Bundy? Answer: attorney Question: Band: Elvis Costello and the ...........? Answer: Attractions Question: The economist K.Lancaster has argued that it is the characteristics or ... of goods which yield utility to the consumer, rather than the goods themselves. Answer: attributes Question: chemistry:what is the chemical symbol for gold? Answer: au Question: What is the chemical symbol for gold? Answer: au Question: Chemistry : What is the chemical symbol for gold? Answer: au Question: What is the chemical symbol for gold? Answer: Au Question: Category: Tarantino: QT used to refer to this film as `The reservoir film' Answer: au revoir les enfants Question: Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Bright? Answer: auberta Question: What was the other name originally considered for Amarok? kTunes, Audiomonster, Anorak, or Audiocrush? Answer: Audiomonster Question: Category: Entertainment: Played maid marian to Sean Connery's Robin Hood in "Robin and Marian". Answer: audrey hepburn Question: Movie Actresses: The star of Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany's Answer: Audrey Hepburn Question: Played maid marian to Sean Connery's Robin Hood in "Robin and Marian". Answer: audrey hepburn Question: born may 4, 1929, she Starred In This Movie:robin and marian - 1976? Answer: audrey hepburn Question: born may 4, 1929, she Starred In This Movie:bloodline - 1979? Answer: audrey hepburn Question: born may 4, 1929, she Starred In This Movie:the nun's story - 1959? Answer: audrey hepburn Question: born may 4, 1929, she Starred In This Movie:my fair lady - 1964? Answer: audrey hepburn Question: born may 4, 1929, she Starred In This Movie:roman holiday - 1953? Answer: audrey hepburn Question: played maid marian to sean connery's robin hood in "robin and marian"? Answer: audrey hepburn Question: Category: TV Actresses: Alice Cramden in the Honeymooners Answer: Audrey Meadows Question: hendrik wikar was the first to see this natural wonder in the orange river. which wonder are we referring to? Answer: augrabies falls Question: when did the east germans begin to build the berlin wall? Answer: august 1961 Question: Category: Quantum Leap: This is Sam Beckett's birthday. (Month and day) Answer: August 8 Question: What is the capital of Maine? Answer: Augusta Question: What's hurra's favorite beer? Answer: Augustiner Lagerbier Hell Question: name the general who took control of chile after the murder of salvador allende , in 1973? Answer: augusto pinochet Question: First emperor of Rome (27bc-14ad), who restored unity and orderly government to the realm after nearly a century of civil wars? Answer: Augustus Question: who was the first emperor of rome (27 b.c. - 14 a.d.), who restored unity and orderly government to the realm after nearly a century of civil wars? Answer: augustus Question: The Royal Family: The relation Princess Margaret is to Princess Anne? Answer: aunt Question: In the Ian Fleming novel "Goldfinger", what was Goldfinger's first name? Answer: auric Question: Category: James Bond: Goldfinger's first name was _____. Answer: Auric Question: Bond: What is Goldfinger's first name? Answer: Auric Question: bond: what is goldfinger's first name? Answer: auric Question: TV/Movies: What was goldfinger's first name? Answer: auric Question: What was goldfinger's first name Answer: auric Question: what is the capital of texas? Answer: austin Question: What film featured a cat named Mr. Bigglesworth Answer: austin powers Question: Movie Tag Lines: Frozen in the 60's...thawing spring '97, baby! Debonair. Defiant. Defrosted. Answer: Austin Powers Question: Movie That Features: Mike Meyers as an English secret agent and an evil misbehaving world tyrant. Answer: Austin Powers Question: 1997 - Elizabeth Hurley - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Question: 1999 - Elizabeth Hurley - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Question: What country covers an entire continent? Answer: australia Question: what is the largest country in oceania? Answer: australia Question: The America's Cup left home for the first time to go where? Answer: australia Question: In which country would you find the spectacular rock formation known as The Three Sisters? Answer: Australia Question: Which is the Earth's smallest continent? Answer: Australia Question: In which country is the Great Victoria Desert? Answer: Australia Question: What country was originally known as Terra Australis Incognita? Answer: australia Question: Which country administers Christmas Island? Answer: Australia Question: Name the continent that consists of a single country. Answer: Australia Question: what lies east of mauritius? Answer: australia Question: What country has the largest sheep population? Answer: australia Question: Neighbours & home & away come from what country Answer: australia Question: which is the only continent occupied by one nation? Answer: australia Question: What continent is considered the easiest to defend in the game of Risk? Answer: australia Question: What is the largest country that is entirely within the southern hemisphere? Answer: australia Question: What is the largest country in Oceania? Answer: australia Question: What country was called Botany Bay and New Holland until 1820? Answer: australia Question: In which country would you find Ayers Rock? Answer: Australia Question: What countrys flag is made up of the Union Jack and the Southern Cross? Answer: australia Question: TV/Movies: Neighbours & home & away come from what country? Answer: australia Question: what continent purposefully imported the myxomatosis virus from south america to keep it from being overrun by rabbits? Answer: australia Question: What countrys national flower is the wattle? Answer: australia Question: What country would you visit to see Ayers Rock? Answer: australia Question: What country is bounded in part by the Indian Ocean and Coral and Tasman seas? Answer: australia Question: What country is the setting for Colleen McCullough's The Thorn Birds? Answer: australia Question: What continent has the lowest highest mountain? Answer: australia Question: What country provides the setting for the novel Summer of the seventeenth Doll? Answer: australia Question: What commonwealth country's national flower is the wattle? Answer: australia Question: which two rugby teams play for the bledisloe cup? Answer: australia and new zealand Question: What nationality are Savage Garden? Answer: Australian Question: In 1973 1st all ---------- women's US Open final, (Margaret Court beats Yvonne Goolagong)? Answer: australian Question: What is the federal district in southeastern Australia, bordered by the state of New South Wales? Answer: australian capital territory Question: What sport do the following terms belong to - "Behind & Banana Kick"? Answer: Australian Football League Question: other than germany, whose official language is german? Answer: austria Question: the assassination of what country's archduke led to world war I? Answer: austria Question: What is the only European country that uses schillings? Answer: austria Question: in which country was adolf hitler born? Answer: austria Question: Where are Graz and Linz? Answer: austria Question: What was the setting for "The Sound of Music"? Answer: Austria Question: Category: Movie Whos Who: In which country was Arnold Schwarzenegger born Answer: Austria Question: The assassination of what country's Archduke led to World War I? Answer: Austria Question: Which country borders Italy, Switzerland, West Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Liechtenstein? Answer: Austria Question: In which country was Adolf Hitler born? Answer: Austria Question: which country borders italy, switzerland, west germany, czechoslovakia, hungary, yugoslavia, and liechtenstein? Answer: austria Question: What was the setting for the sound of music Answer: austria Question: what was the setting for "the sound of music"? Answer: austria Question: What country celebrates its National Day on 26th October? Answer: Austria Question: In 1709 English, Dutch and ---------- defeat French in Battle of Malplaquet? Answer: austrians Question: -isms: A psychological disorder marked by self absorption, short attention span and an inability to treat others as people. Answer: autism Question: one hit wonders: la based rock band which hit in 1985 with "turn up the radio"? Answer: autograph Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Turn Up The Radio? Answer: autograph Question: illnesses in which the immune system reacts to normal components of the body as if they were foreign substances and produces antibodies against them? Answer: autoimmune diseases Question: Illnessesinwhichtheimmunesystemreactstonormalcomponentsofthebodyasiftheywereforeignsubstancesandproducesantibodiesagainstthem? Answer: AutoimmuneDiseases Question: 80's songs: _____- pointer sisters? Answer: automatic Question: what did the american-english inventor hiram maxim invent? Answer: automatic machine gun Question: What season ends with the winter solstice? Answer: autumn Question: who did frank sinatra marry in november of 1951? Answer: ava gardner Question: who did frank sinatra marry in november of 1951 Answer: ava gardner Question: Frank Sinatra: Sinatra was once married to this actress, star of "The Barefoot Contessa." Answer: Ava Gardner Question: Also known as the 'Isle of Apples', Christ and Joseph of Aramathea travelled here in ancient times. Answer: Avalon Question: In the animal kingdom, if reptiles are in class reptilia, then birds are in class ____ Answer: aves Question: at the start of the 1958 season, what was the specified fuel for f1 use? Answer: aviation spirit Question: Category: Film 101: Film and video makers are very ENTHUSIASTIC about this brand of digital editor. Answer: Avid Question: Movie Directors: Neighbors, The Karate Kid, Joe Answer: Avildsen Question: What fruit is packed with the most calories? Answer: avocado Question: Which fruit has the most calories per gram? Answer: avocado Question: Gilligans Island: What does Mr. Howell use as a golf ball Answer: avocado pit Question: Scuba: if a marine animal cannot be identified, a diver should _____? Answer: avoid it completely Question: Which cosmetics giant began in 1886 as the California Perfume company? Answer: Avon Question: what character became the eventual leader on blake's seven? Answer: avon Question: What character became the eventual leader on Blake's Seven? Answer: avon Question: 1990 - Robert De Niro - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Awakenings Question: 80's songs: steal _____- robbie dupree? Answer: away Question: The original version of this language was written in 1977 at AT&T Bell labs by Aho, Weinberger and Kernighan. It is a text processing language named after its creators. Which? Answer: awk Question: star trek classic: the lirpa is the vulcan equivalent to the terran _____? Answer: axe Question: Category: Star Trek Classic: The lirpa is the Vulcan equivalent to the Terran _____. Answer: axe Question: Category: Kids in the Hall: Dave Foley liked to visit couples in bedrooms because he was one of these Answer: axe murderer Question: kids in the hall: dave foley liked to visit couples in bedrooms because he was one of these? Answer: axe murderer Question: What was eddie murphys character name in beverley hills cop Answer: axel foley Question: what was eddie murphy's character name in 'beverley hills cop'? Answer: axel foley Question: What was Eddie Murphy's character name in 'Beverley Hills Cop' Answer: axel foley Question: guns n' roses, __ rose, really william bailey? Answer: axl Question: What is the name of the large natural landmark in northern Australia also known as Uluru? Answer: Ayers Rock Question: authors: who wrote the fountainhead? Answer: ayn rand Question: Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total? Answer: azerbaijan Question: dire straits: mark knopfler produced the second album by this band headed by roddy frame? Answer: aztec camera Question: 1997, this movie was released on march 28 ----------? Answer: b.a.p.s Question: The lack of what vitamin causes beriberi (numbness in the hands and feet)? Answer: B1 Question: rain contains what vitamin? Answer: b12 Question: lack of what vitamin causes pellagra? Answer: b3 Question: Music : Category: Name That Tune: Song title: "Teenage wasteland, only teenage wasteland..."? Answer: baba oriley Question: Category: Cartoon Sidekicks: Quick Draw McGraw Answer: babalouie Question: Name the little elephant in books by Jean de Brunhoff? Answer: babar Question: Anyofseveralsoftmetalalloysusedtolinebearingsandbushingsinordertoreducefriction? Answer: BabbittMetal Question: Tv / Movies: What 1995 movie was initially banned in malasyia because pigs are offensive to muslims Answer: babe Question: Animal Trivia: Because baby pigs grow so quickly, a succession of 48 little pigs were used in the title role during the filming of the 1995 movie hit ----------? Answer: babe Question: movie tag lines 2: 1995: a little pig goes a long way? Answer: babe Question: Category: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1995: A little pig goes a long way. Answer: Babe Question: what 1995 movie was initially banned in malasyia because pigs are offensive to muslims? Answer: babe Question: what 1995 movie was initially banned in malasyia because pigs are offensive to muslims? Answer: babe Question: 80's tune: performed by: styx? Answer: babe Question: Who was the only starting pitcher in a world series to bat anywhere but ninth? Answer: Babe Ruth Question: Who was known as the "Sultan of Swat"? Answer: Babe Ruth Question: who is the only starting pitcher in a world series not to bat ninth? Answer: babe ruth Question: 1939 - judy garland - starred in this movie? Answer: babes in arms Question: B Movies: 1934 Laurel and Hardy movie also titled The March of the Wooden Soldiers Answer: babes in toyland Question: British slang: ankle biters means? Answer: babies Question: What is a mandrill? Answer: baboon Question: Category: Cartoon Sidekicks: Buster Bunny Answer: Babs Bunny Question: 80's songs: born to be my _____- bon jovi? Answer: baby Question: 1976 - Richard Gere - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Baby Blue Marine Question: zoe is a character from this comic strip: doonesbury, krazy kat, baby blues, or li'l abner? Answer: baby blues Question: sgt peppers beatles tunes: "you should hear what they say about you... cheat cheat"? Answer: baby its you Question: what is the nickname of the lexus is 200? Answer: baby lexus Question: What was Britney Spears first chart-topper in the UK singles chart? Answer: Baby One More time Question: Do you know the name of the flintstones often unseen cat Answer: baby puss Question: What is Kanga's son's name in the Winnie The Pooh stories? Answer: baby roo Question: What candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth? Answer: baby ruth Question: In which city were the Hanging Gardens? Answer: Babylon Question: the bible: the nebuchadnezzar king was of this nation? Answer: babylon Question: who developed the abacus? Answer: babylonians Question: Category: Movie Whos Who: Which Lauren was married to Humphrey Bogart Answer: Bacall Question: Which Roman God was the equivalent of the Greek God Dionysus? Answer: Bacchus Question: mythology - roman god : of wine? Answer: bacchus Question: Composer of the Brandenburg Concerti: J.S. ---- Answer: Bach Question: Category: TV: TV series about Bentley Gregg and his niece Kelly Answer: bachelor father Question: B Movies: Tom Hanks may want to forget he did this 1984 T&A comedy Answer: bachelor party Question: 1984 - Tom Hanks - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Bachelor Party Question: which way do the clocks go in winter? Answer: back Question: Where is the human skin the thickest? Answer: back Question: Which way do the clocks go in winter? Answer: back Question: 80's tune: performed by: steve winwood? Answer: back in the high life again Question: 1981 - Tommy Lee Jones - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Back Roads Question: B Movies: JOhn Wayne leads Filipino guerillas to victory in the South Pacific (1945) Answer: back to bataan Question: "Id like to tame her shrew!!!" Answer: back to school Question: Category: B Movies: "Id like to tame her shrew!!!" Answer: back to school Question: Category: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1985: 17 year old Marty McFly got home early last night. 30 years early. Answer: Back to the Future Question: Category: Movie Lines: The shark still looks fake. Answer: back to the future 2 Question: 1991 - Kurt Russell - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Backdraft Question: 1991 - Robert De Niro - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Backdraft Question: toys games: this is the oldest board game still played (5000 yr old boards were found)? Answer: backgammon Question: Category: James Bond: Bond plays this game with Kamal Khan in Octopussy Answer: Backgammon Question: How did Paul Wilson run 100 yards in 13.1 seconds on September 22nd 1979 to set a world record? Answer: backwards Question: Relating to food what is 'pancetta' a type of? Answer: bacon Question: If someone gets out of a difficult situation, he is said to have saved his what? Answer: bacon Question: bacteriophobia fear of? Answer: bacteria Question: cocci, spirilla, and streptococci are types of ________? Answer: bacteria Question: In 1958 the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine was given to George Wells Beadle and Edward Lawrie Tatum for their discovery that genes act by regulating definite chemical events and the other half to Joshua Lederberg for his discoveries concerning genetic recombination and the organization of the genetic material of ...? Answer: bacteria Question: Cocci, Spirilla, and Streptococci are types of ········. Answer: bacteria Question: ae: what michael jackson album spawned five chart-topping singles? Answer: bad Question: 70s tune: "meaner than a junkyard dog."? Answer: bad bad leroy brown Question: 1972 - Jeff Bridges - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Bad Company Question: 1931 - Humphrey Bogart - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Bad Sister Question: 1985 - James Woods - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Badge of the Assassin Question: What animal does the adjective 'meline' refer to? Answer: badger Question: Music Term: (Fr., 'playfulness') - This term was used as a title movement in quick 2 / 4 time in the 18th century suite (e.g. Bach's Suite in B minor for flute and strings? Answer: badinage Question: A game played with rackets and shuttlecock? Answer: badminton Question: In 1943 Eisenhower and Italian Marshal Pietro ---------- sign an armistice? Answer: badoglio Question: this canadian island is the world's fifth largest? Answer: baffin Question: This Canadian island is the world's fifth largest. Answer: Baffin Question: In the 9th century which city had several thousand bookstores? Answer: Baghdad Question: What is the capital of Iraq? Answer: baghdad Question: What is the capital of Iraq? Answer: Baghdad Question: on which musical instrument are pibrochs played? Answer: bagpipes Question: on which musical instrument are pibrochs played? Answer: bagpipes Question: who performed 'who let the dogs out'? Answer: baha men Question: Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total? Answer: bahamas Question: what country's capital is nassau? Answer: bahamas Question: what country consist of 700 islands? Answer: bahamas Question: What islands got their name from the Spanish baja mar, meaning shallow water? Answer: bahamas Question: Nassau is the capital of which country? Answer: Bahamas Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Thailand? Answer: baht Question: what is the capital of kiribati? Answer: bairiki Question: What is the capital of Kiribati? Answer: Bairiki Question: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Kira's home planet Answer: Bajar Question: Category: The Tick: "Yeast Devil! Back to the oven that _____ you!" Answer: baked Question: The Tick: "Yeast Devil! Back to the oven that _____ you!"? Answer: baked Question: What is the fifth most popular meal ordered in sit down restaurants in the U S? Answer: baked ham Question: Sherlock Holmes lived at 221b ..... street? Answer: Baker Question: Where were sherlock holmes' rooms Answer: baker street Question: where is the comemoration statue of fictional character Sherlock holems? Answer: Baker Street, london Question: Sodium bicarbonate is better known as ·········. Answer: baking soda Question: What is the capital of Azerbaijan? Answer: Baku Question: what is the capital of azerbaijan? Answer: baku Question: in 1954 scott---------- , actor (quantum leap, the invaders), born? Answer: bakula Question: in 1854 the light brigade charges -- battle of ---------- (crimean war)? Answer: balaklava Question: A step that rocks from one foot to the other, usually in Ÿ time. Answer: balancé Question: What was "Rocky's" last name? Answer: Balboa Question: What is the basic unit of currency for Panama? Answer: balboa Question: what was 'rocky's' last name Answer: balboa Question: Category: Dick Van Dyke Show: Laura revealed on national TV that Alan Brady was ---- Answer: bald Question: Peladophobia is the fear of? Answer: bald people Question: An ornamented canopy over an altar, tomb or throne. Answer: baldachin Question: Island,southernIndonesia,oneoftheLesserSundaIslands,intheIndianOcean? Answer: bali Question: What is Sir Robert Helpman's field of fame? Answer: ballet Question: A ballet in which the women wear white tutus, such as the second and fourth acts of Swan Lake. Answer: ballet blanc Question: A ballet with a plot, usually tragic, to bring dramatic coherence to the performance of ballet. Answer: ballet d'action Question: This science deals with the motion of projectiles. Answer: ballistics Question: What science deals with the motion of projectiles? Answer: ballistics Question: Standard Italian dances and their music of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Answer: ballo Question: In ballet, the ability of a dancer to remain suspended in air during a jump; elasticity in jumping. Answer: ballon Question: what toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal? Answer: balloon Question: What was the first parachute jump made from? Answer: balloon Question: Confuscious Say: Virginity like -------, one prick, all gone? Answer: balloon Question: What did the Montgolfier brothers rise to fame in? Answer: balloons Question: Confuscious Say: Woman who dance while wearing jock strap have make believe ---------? Answer: ballroom Question: Social dances usually performed by couples, including the fox-trot, waltz, tango, rumba and cha cha. Answer: ballroom dances Question: jerry lee lewis had great _____ of fire? Answer: balls Question: Jerry Lee Lewis had Great ····· Of Fire. Answer: #balls#! Question: what is the flower that stands for: sympathy? Answer: balm Question: What is the flower that stands for: cure? Answer: balm of gilead Question: What did Queen Victoria call 'a pretty little castle in the old scotch style'? Answer: balmoral Question: Music : Category: Disney Songs: Character who sings "The Bare Necessities"? Answer: baloo Question: Which light wood is commonly used for making aeromodels? Answer: Balsa Question: What kind of wood was the Kon Tiki raft made of? Answer: balsa Question: What sea lies between Riga and Stockholm? Answer: baltic Question: In which sea would you find the island of Bornholm? Answer: baltic sea Question: In September of 1994, 852 people died when the ferry Estonia sank in what sea? Answer: Baltic Sea Question: 1996-1997 Movies: Animated tale of a wolfdog braving a blizzard to transport diphtheria medicine. Answer: Balto Question: 1995 - Kevin Bacon - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Balto Question: On 'the flintstones' who is barney & betty rubble's son Answer: bam bam Question: What was the name of Barney and Betty Rubble's son? Answer: Bam Bam Question: what is the capital of mali? Answer: bamako Question: What is the capital of Mali? Answer: Bamako Question: Of what was charlie chaplains cane made Answer: bamboo Question: of what was charlie chaplain's cane made? Answer: bamboo Question: What is the world's tallest grass? Answer: bamboo Question: what member of the grass family can reach heights of 100 feet? Answer: bamboo Question: What grass has a capability of growing 36 inches in one day? Answer: bamboo Question: What is the fastest growing species of grass? Answer: Bamboo Question: OfwhatwasCharlieChaplain'scanemade? Answer: bamboo Question: __ boat" (day-o) by: harry belafonte? Answer: banana Question: which fruit is the producer of a herb? Answer: banana Question: what fruit produces a herb? Answer: banana Question: Monty Python: The shape of the earth Answer: banana Question: Name the artist/band: Love In The First Degree? Answer: bananarama Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: I heard a rumour? Answer: bananarama Question: 1971 - Sylvester Stallone - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Bananas Question: 80's songs: let it whip - dazz _____? Answer: band Question: What is a group of this animal called: Coyote? Answer: band Question: ___ on the run" by paul mccartney? Answer: band Question: A group of gorillas is known as a ···········. Answer: band Question: The les nessman character on the tv series wkrp in cincinnati wore what in every episode Answer: band aid Question: what is the capital of brunei? Answer: bandar seri Question: what is the capital of brunei? Answer: bandar seri Question: What is the capital of Brunei? Answer: Bandar Seri Begawan Question: A small narrow headband? Answer: bandeau Question: what is the name of johnny quest's dog? Answer: bandit Question: What is the name of Jonny Quest's Dog? Answer: Bandit Question: Music : REM Tune: "If you could see yourself now baby, the tables are turned"? Answer: bang & blame Question: Music : Category: 60s Tune: ``I was five and he was six, we rode on horses made of sticks''? Answer: bang bang Question: What is the capital of Thailand? Answer: Bangkok Question: what is the capital of thailand? Answer: bangkok Question: as what is krung thep is more commonly known? Answer: bangkok Question: What did East Pakistan become? Answer: bangladesh Question: Geography: The nation of --------------- covers approximately the same land area as the state of Wisconsin. Yet it ranks eighth in population among all the world's countries? Answer: bangladesh Question: what country's capital is dhaka? Answer: bangladesh Question: where will children as young as 15 be jailed for cheating on their finals? Answer: bangladesh Question: Wracked by heavy monsoon rains 3 to 4 months of the year, this is the wettest and most flood-prone nation in Asia. Answer: Bangladesh Question: 80's chart toppers: name the artist: if she knew what she wants? Answer: bangles Question: what is the capital of central african republic? Answer: bangui Question: What is the capital of Central African Republic? Answer: Bangui Question: what's the capital of the central african empire? Answer: bangui Question: What is the capital of Gambia? Answer: Banjul Question: on the london underground, which station has a different name on two of its platforms? Answer: bank and monument Question: what does a notaphile collect? Answer: bank notes Question: What was Canada's first chartered bank? Answer: bank of montreal Question: what does a notaphile collect? Answer: banknotes Question: rank of a knight between bachelor and baron? Answer: banneret Question: 1967 - Gene Hackman - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Banning Question: Whose ghost appears at the dinner table in 'Macbeth'? Answer: Banquo's Question: Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight? Answer: bantamweight Question: pinball: this 1988 lawlor game has a vertical playfield instead of a normal backglass? Answer: banzai run Question: InChristianchurches,theuniversalriteofinitiation,performedwithwater? Answer: baptism Question: A part of a church or a separate building, often octagonal or round, in which baptisms take place. Answer: baptistery Question: What is the centre division of a backgammon board called? Answer: bar Question: donovan collaborated with jeff beck in this album released august 11,1969? Answer: barabajagal Question: Category: TV Last Names: A-Team/B.A... Answer: baracus Question: Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Lightning? Answer: barak Question: 1996 - Pamela Anderson - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Barb Wire Question: Bridgetown is the capital of ········. Answer: Barbados Question: What Caribbean island did the Ra II land at after a 3200 mile ocean voyage? Answer: barbados Question: In 1934 ---------- Bain (in Chicago, IL), actor (Mission Impossible, Space: 1999), born? Answer: barbara Question: bestsellers: millie's book was barked to her? Answer: barbara bush Question: who played jeannie in "i dream of jeannie" Answer: barbara eden Question: What is Barbie`s full name? Answer: Barbara Millicent Roberts Question: what is barbie's full name? Answer: barbara millicent roberts Question: What is Barbi's full name? Answer: Barbara Millicent Roberts Question: Category: Actress whose real name was Ruby Stevens (full name) Answer: barbara stanwyck Question: who played victoria barkley on the tv show, "the big valley"? Answer: barbara stanwyck Question: What Jane Fonda film has Duran Duran as the villain? Answer: barbarella Question: Category: B Movies: HBO Original starring James Garner about the RJR/Nabisco buyout scandal Answer: barbarians at the gate Question: aussie slang: barbie or b.b.q? Answer: barbecue cooking Question: What profession was charlie brown's father Answer: barber Question: What was Floyds occupation in "andy of Mayberry" & "Great Gildersleeve" Answer: barber Question: born apr 24, 1942, she Starred In This Movie:funny lady - 1975? Answer: barbra streisand Question: Category: Defining Roles: Funny Girl--> Fanny Brice Answer: Barbra Streisand Question: Category: Hollywood: She is the mother of Jason Gould. Answer: Barbra Streisand Question: born apr 24, 1942, she Starred In This Movie:the prince of tides - 1991? Answer: barbra streisand Question: born apr 24, 1942, she Starred In This Movie:the mirror has two faces - 1996? Answer: barbra streisand Question: Hollywood: She is the mother of Jason Gould. Answer: Barbra Streisand Question: name the artist: evergreen? Answer: barbra streisand Question: Film: who played "claudia draper" in nuts Answer: barbra streisand Question: where were the 1992 olympics held? Answer: barcelona, spain Question: Where were the 1992 Olympics held? Answer: #Barcelona#, Spain Question: who killed six and wounded fourteen people in pretoria, south africa in 1988? Answer: barend strydom Question: Name the sea north of Murmansk, Russia. Answer: Barents Question: name the sea north of murmansk, russia? Answer: barents sea Question: What is the name of the Family Circus's dog? Answer: Barf Question: A flat bottomed boat on canal or river? Answer: barge Question: what type of singing does pavarotti use? Answer: baritone Question: what type of singing does pavarotti use? Answer: baritone Question: What type of singing does Pavarotti use? Answer: Baritone Question: The sulphate of which metal is used to render the alimentary canal opaque to X-rays (symbol Ba)? Answer: barium Question: although it doesn't sound like a dog, ____dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds? Answer: bark Question: Although it doesn't sound like a dog, ····dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds. Answer: bark Question: what are the surnames of the two ronnies? Answer: barker & corbett Question: What are the surnames of the two ronnies Answer: barker & corbett Question: Beer: Term used for the strongest ales (not lagers)? Answer: barleywine Question: 1980 - Tommy Lee Jones - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Barn Burning Question: Nature : These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships? Answer: barnacle Question: These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships. Answer: barnacles Question: which famous south african mining magnate was born barnett isaacs? Answer: barney barnato Question: who was the first south african diamond magnate? Answer: barney barnato Question: who was the first south african diamond magnate? Answer: barney barnato Question: what bumbling andy griffith show character has the middle initial b? Answer: barney fife Question: TV/Movies: Who was Fred Flinstone's best friend? Answer: barney rubble Question: Who was Fred Flinstone's best friend Answer: barney rubble Question: who is fred flintstone's best friend? Answer: barney rubble Question: Simpsons Cartoon : Before Maggie's conception, Homer quit the Power Plant to work here. Answer: Barneys Bowlarama Question: What is know as 'The Greatest Show On Earth'? Answer: Barnum & Bailey Circus Question: This instrument measures atmospheric pressure. Answer: barometer Question: What device is used to measure weather pressure? Answer: Barometer Question: what device is used to measure weather pressure? Answer: barometer Question: What is the lowest rank of British nobility? Answer: baron Question: What is the wife of a baron called? Answer: baroness Question: What do you call an exaggerated fear of gravity? Answer: barophobia Question: A style that flourished in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, characterized by exuberant decoration, curvaceous forms, and a grand scale generating a sense of movement; later developments within the movement show more restraint. Answer: baroque Question: A movement in European painting in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, characterized by violent movement, strong emotion, and dramatic lighting and coloring. Answer: baroque Question: With which period in music do we associate with composers such as Bach, Handel and Vivaldi? Answer: #Baroque# Period Question: What does a cooper make? Answer: barrels Question: Aclip,shapedlikeabartokeepawoman'shairinplaceisa_______? Answer: Barrette Question: A clip, shaped like a bar to keep a woman's hair in place is a ·······. Answer: barrette Question: In 1860 James M. ---------- (in Scotland), Author (Peter Pan)? Answer: barrie Question: Who composed the title music to TV's "Inspector Morse"? Answer: barrington pheloung Question: Term for an emasculated male pig Answer: barrow Question: Category: Rocky Horror: What actor played Brad Majors in the movie Answer: barry bostwick Question: name the artist: even now? Answer: barry manilow Question: name the artist: I write the songs? Answer: barry manilow Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: The Old Songs? Answer: barry manilow Question: WhatpianomanusedtoplayforBetteMiddlerandthenwentontohisowncareerandmadeHitslike"Mandy"and"Copacabana"? Answer: barry manilow Question: Music : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Memory? Answer: barry manilow Question: Category: Movie Whos Who: Which Drew was in _E.T._ and _Batman Forever_ Answer: Barrymore Question: In 1975 Drew---------- , actress, member of the Barrymore clan, born? Answer: barrymore Question: Books: Name of Edith Wharton's heroine in The House of Mirth? Answer: bart Question: which famous portuguese explorer died in 1490 when his ship sank near the cape? Answer: bartholomew diaz Question: in what sport is the cy young trophy awarded? Answer: baseball Question: What sport do the Kansas City monarchs participate in? Answer: baseball Question: what sport's umpire sat in a padded rocking chair before 1859? Answer: baseball Question: What sport do Americans play on a diamond? Answer: baseball Question: commander sisko loves what sport? Answer: baseball Question: Softball is a variation on which game? Answer: baseball Question: This sport is called the "American pastime". Answer: baseball Question: In which sport is the Cy Young Trophy awarded? Answer: baseball Question: With which sport is Babe Ruth associated? Answer: Baseball Question: Star Trek Deep Space 9: What does Ben Sisko toss in his office to relieve his tension Answer: Baseball Question: Commander Sisko loves what sport Answer: baseball Question: What breed of dog has an inability to bark? Answer: Basenji Question: Which of the seven dwarves comes first alphabetically? Answer: bashful Question: in 1694 matsuo ---------- greatest japanese haiku poet, dies? Answer: basho Question: TV/Movies: What movie did Sharon Stone land the lead in after it was nixed by Kim Basinger, Ellen Barkin, Michelle Pfeiffer & Geena Davis? Answer: basic instinct Question: 1992 - Michael Douglas - Starred In This Movie: Answer: Basic Instinct Question: B Movies: Never have sex with anyone that owns an icepick Answer: basic instinct Question: What movie did Sharon Stone land the lead in after it was nixed by Kim Basinger, Ellen Barkin, Michelle Pfeiffer & Geena Davis Answer: basic instinct Question: What Michael Douglas movie was hyped: "a brutal murder. A brilliant killer. A cop who couldn't resist the danger" Answer: basic instinct Question: In ballroom dance, a characteristic figure that remains constant. Answer: basic movement Question: Category: Entertainment Potpourri: Mr. Fawlty's first name on Fawlty Towers Answer: basil Question: Film Roles: Sherlock Holmes Answer: Basil Rathbone Question: Category: Film Roles: Sherlock Holmes Answer: Basil Rathbone Question: Who played sherlock holmes on the pbs series Answer: basil rathbone Question: who portrayed sherlock holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946? Answer: basil rathbone Question: Who portrayed sherlock holmes in 14 films between 1939 & 1946 Answer: basil rathbone Question: Who played pontius pilate in "the last days of pompeii" Answer: basil rathbone Question: where is a nave, apse, atrium and narthex? Answer: basilica Question: In ancient Roman architecture, a large oblong building, generally with double columns and a semicircular apse at one end. In Christian architecture, a church with a nave, apse, and aisles. Answer: basilica Question: What sport did James Naismith invent? Answer: Basketball Question: what sport do the harlem globetrotters play? Answer: basketball Question: What sport do the Harlem Globetrotters play? Answer: basketball Question: common ground: dave holland, jaco pastorius, scott lafaro? Answer: bass Question: Paul Mccartney played these instruments? Answer: bass guitar and piano Question: A solemn court dance usually in duple time, popular in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Answer: basse danse